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Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

A Republican candidate running for a seat in Oklahoma's state House once said it is "totally just" to kill gay people in comments that have resurfaced amid his campaign. Bad Republican, right? Bohbert and Greene agree….most Trumpists do. Also bad Republicans, right? This was based on their extremist religion, but they don’t want to stone people who eat shellfish, wear blended fabrics, or work (or have work done) on the sabbath (whichever sabbath they decide is the right one) which it also prescribes.

Comey Barrett belongs to a cult whose #1 teaching is “women must be subservient to men and defer to them at all times”. A fact she actively hid. Hardly qualifications for a top judge, essentially making her a thoughtless second vote for the male “conservatives” with no ability to judge on her own? That’s bad, right?

Courts determined Barr obstructed justice to shield Trump from 10 legitimate obstruction charges….so both are bad Republicans, right? Shouldn’t hold office, right? No? Then I guess you were lying again when you said “ When you post a bad Republican , I agree”.

I would also point out, every time you try to point to “my side” being wrong, you get your information from propaganda outlets that constantly lie to you or less trustworthy internet trolls, making you a fool when you repeat their lies….but instead of being mad at them you get bent at those telling you facts.
FYI, I ignore most opinion and stick to fact…verifiable fact. You only listen to opinion…the right wing media (it’s not news) feeds you nothing else….and it’s invariably feigned opinion based on misrepresentation of the facts. I can never accept claims you present that “my side is so wrong” because every time I investigate your accusations I find them based in lies and biased opinion and absolutely nothing more….like the election fraud fraud, pure fantasy…like BLM being responsible for Jan 6, pure fantasy. Like the Republicans being the “law and order” party, pure fantasy. (Turned on law enforcement 100% when they started being arrested for the failed coup, now wanting to completely defund all Federal law enforcement and erase espionage laws just to protect Donny from the crimes you know he committed.)

It’s possible this is about to become a non issue, thanks to Dominion. Most right wing propaganda networks slandered and libeled Dominion, and can’t afford $1.6 billion. Even Fox is going to change its tune, becoming much more careful about their baseless claims, while OAN and Newsmax, already relegated to the internet for the most part, will disappear. 😂

Pretty ridiculous for YOU to complain, especially to ME, about what facts are. You wouldn’t know a fact if it indicted you. I work hard to ignore opinion and find the underlying facts. You could set up a poll on who’s more trustworthy if you don’t want to take my word for it….but no voting with your sock puppets.

PS- I’m STILL WAITING to hear exactly what the charges against Clinton coming this week (4 years ago) are going to be. Whenever you make outrageously idiotic claims and are pressed, you ghost. I asked you that question for weeks, over and over and over, you had no response, only attempts to change the subject and ignore your own claim. That’s typical of you, far from an isolated incident it’s your MO.

bobknight33 said:

When you post a bad Republican , I agree
You however can never accept that you side can be so wrong at times. Facts do not matter to you, only MSM opinions do. Those are not facts.

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Still think it backfired?
Republicans are #runawaying from Trump, Fox is turning on him (again). These protests for Trump, at least those I’ve seen footage of, have under 10 people each.
This is NOT helping your party, it’s just riling up the lunatics that get 100% of their news from far right propaganda outlets….propaganda outlets so unpopular they’re disappearing from the airwaves in droves because they’re totally unprofitable.

It did poke the nest of crazy anti American terrorists who have taken it as a sign they should attack the FBI with AR15s, and made hundreds or thousands of credible death threats against FBI and police agents, judges, families, young children, and many many others. America can handle a few thousand nut jobs. We did on Jan 6…and this time the orders won’t be “handle the attackers with kid gloves”.
So far, those going too far are the same people who went too far for Trump on Jan 6….a bunch of loud nutty Karens throwing tantrums that convinced themselves they represent the majority despite their meager numbers.

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Brandon Straka, creator of the #walkaway fraud, now outraged because his testimony to the feds has been released showing that he turned in numerous traitors and gave evidence about them (text messages, emails, locations), helping prosecutors identify, prosecute, and convict numerous Trumpist traitors.

He says he told the feds his friends were innocent, but that’s not what the testimony shows.

He also claims the big story is the leak of his testimony/interviews, but they weren’t leaked, they were released because news outlets won in court requesting them.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Um….it’s not a show, nor is it a trial. Derp.

It is about investigating, then handing over evidence for prosecuting, not persecuting those politically opposed to democracy that took actions to end it because they tried to cover up the certified, verified results of the election they lost in a historic landslide to Sleepy Joe. The prosecution comes afterwards, then the persecution.

It’s absolutely about covering up the truth about the 2020 election….it’s about investigating and eventually prosecuting those who tried to do that.

I think it’s funny that investigating Jan 6 is portrayed by the right as going after Trump, but you guys are so dumb you don’t realize that’s admitting Trump was leading the treasonous coup attempt. If investigating the Jan 6 attack is going after Trump, the two must be connected.

Right, CNN reported it, so it must be untrue. So stupidly ignorant, bob. CNN gets it right 197 times for every time your biased sources tell the truth. Not only that, the 2.5% they get wrong they report and offer retractions….without having to be sued for billions to get them to not lie. Not a single right wing propaganda outlet can say the same. Such sad infantile stupidity you show at every opportunity.

I guess you forgot, Trump actually admitted most of her testimony publicly, all the important parts, saying he wanted to go personally lead the attack but his secret service wouldn’t let him. Does the specifics of this tantrum of the dozens we’ve seen him have publicly make any difference? He’s not being charged with attacking them, he’s being charged (eventually) with leading a violent coup to overthrow the government, something you and everyone else knows quite well that he did. Leadership matters!

The Federalist?! Aaaaahahaha!! Truth..nope. News…nope. Try again traitorous loser. The Federalist is poorly written fantasy fiction compared to CNN, which isn’t the only source for this information by far but I knew a CNN report would trigger your stupidity. Mission accomplished.
You, on the other hand, have what to discredit her story? One anonymous claim from someone saying an unnamed someone else might say it didn’t happen? From the far right, racist, factless, conspiracy theory rag…The Federalist!? LMFAHS!! OMFG, you ijit! Bwaaaahahahahaha. Why not just quote Mike Pillow?

What part does the federalist deny anyway (I’m not going to read it). Do they just deny he grabbed the wheel? I would certainly believe his excuse, that he’s too fat and out of shape to grab the wheel, but also that he TRIED to, lunged for it but failed, yes, I believe that, does that change anything? Does that even contradict her testimony? No.
Do they deny he was outraged that they wouldn’t take him to personally lead the attack (and lynching of Pence)? He admitted that on national tv, so it’s too late to deny. D’oh!

More tears, they’re so yummy! Keep ‘em coming!

Just a reminder, Republicans didn’t want a non political investigation, they utterly refused, then they refused to be involved in the bipartisan investigation. The only investigation they were interested in was of Clinton, even in 2021. Now they whine they aren’t involved in the investigation (Trump now complains they should have been a party to it because he wants people inside who can warn his people of subpoenas and warrants so they can flee and destroy evidence).
No crying about it now, you chose to not be represented well on the panel.

bobknight33 said:

The January 6 show trial is partly about persecuting political opponents. But it’s also about covering up the truth of the 2020 election.

Lawrence: ‘Fox News Has Blood On Its Hands’

bobknight33 says...

Such bullshit from a fake news outlet despite to get viewers

This killer hates all.

More fake racist shit. All to keep people divided

Wikipedia's Bias

newtboy says...

Stossel couldn’t back up that claim, that left and right are equally honest, because far right sites/outlets are intentionally +-95% untruthful while far left sites are 5-10% untruthful (and often print corrections).

Remember, I think it was Newt Gingrich who said “facts are for liberals”. The right wing abandoned facts and truth completely by 2008 at the latest.

A site that is designed to contain honest facts should, and seemingly does have no political affiliation, and should not strive to be politically balanced. It should strive to be correct. I think they do this. That leaves the lying right wing media out, but not based on politics.

visionep said:

To me, it appears the main point of Stossel's concern is that the point of view isn't balanced politically. That's fine and all, but using the accepted list of credible sources as the evidence is false equivalency.

The question of whether the sources are factual or not in their reporting is 100% different than whether the sources slant their reporting to a specific narrative.

If he wanted to make the case that all of the left/far left sites are as untruthful as the right/far right sites then he should have introduced some additional analysis of the truthfulness of the articles on the sites. He didn't do that so his comparison is basically invalid.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

You mean any news outlet that reports news you don’t like.
These weren’t CNN polls, bob…unless you mean Canadian News Networks. They were Canadian polling companies asking Canadians.

bobknight33 said:

Polls like from CNN and other fake news outlets.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

Americans Tell NBC, “Blown Away” By Bidenflation,

newtboy says...

I do….and I can list reasons why I think what I think, unlike yourself who is embarrassed to admit you never actually think yourself and all your arguments come from disgraced and debunked liars who’s jobs are to lie, almost exclusively when it comes to any political topic.

The ship only turns so fast. It needed SO much correction on SO many issues because the last demander in chief refused to steer the nation anywhere but into a reef for the last entire year of his term….the last 3 months totally intentionally while he drilled holes in the keel and cut holes in the sails.

The nation certainly needed serious and immediate correction. Glad to hear you admit it, even accidentally.
You’re complaining about more spending!? You must be joking! Compared to spendthrift Trump, he’s a fucking miser. Every major project he’s put forward has been paid for in the bill, not so with the last administration that thought they couldn’t overspend because they can print more money….the biggest deficit and fastest debt rise (both by dollar and percentage) EVER by a mile. And put us in a recession with high inflation, negative GDP, outrageous unemployment, and near a million dead for the privilege. Joe invested in American infrastructure. Complaining about spending will not be tolerated from you after supporting Trump. Not for a second, you unbelievable hypocrite.

He did many things, leading to a healthy economy and amazing jobs numbers and rising wages among other improvements. All work against inflation.

But you like to say he’s done nothing, so how’s 4 examples on the Afghanistan disaster alone work for you?
He negotiated 6 more months to be gone.
He evacuated any and all Americans that wanted out, including those that waited until the last day.
He set up and staffed new systems (granted too little and late) to assist Afghans that worked for us in getting at least refugee status if not visas. This should have been step 1 in February 2020….likely a big surprise to find nothing started or planned when Joe took office.
He pulled out billions worth of functioning, still owned by America weaponry (what you love to whine about is the weapons in Afghani’s hands, and decommissioned often scuttled vehicles we abandoned….yes, a waste) that before he took office were being left in country.
Simply put, he made a plan and implemented it, can’t say the same for his predecessor. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something….which is a massive improvement.

He’s a mile above the low bar set by your idol, who spent nearly a full 1/3 of his presidency off playing golf (after promising not to play at all), and >1/2 of every day on personal executive time eating junk food and watching TV (but only ever taking softball questions from far right outlets, refusing any non right wing reporters a question much less interview). The remaining 1/6 was largely filled with rage tweeting and executive toilet time (pooping or shredding, you choose).

Your position is old, dementia ridden, no leadership, no question taking, slow, incapable of speaking or thinking, doesn’t know who or where he is Joe kicked fat lazy dumb Don’s ass without even holding rallies, did it in his pjs without breaking a sweat or raising his voice. Odd you love to constantly degrade the guy who’s by every measure head and shoulders above your messiah and proved it by a historic landslide. Seems you wouldn’t want to keep putting Trump down as a massive total loser to such a sad, weak, incompetent opponent, but you gotta be you.

bobknight33 said:

If you think this is Trumps fault, think what you want?

This is on Biden, commander in chief. It is his job to steer the ship. To correct the direction of the nation.
What has he done to correct this? NOTHING, except more spending , making this worse.

Biden use by date has long expired. He has no leadership ability, He cant take questions He is kept from media and public for fear on looking tool old and too slow and unable to speak intellectually. His days are in the past.

Vote While It Counts

newtboy says...

Not in the rest of the world. Why can’t America do what almost every other country can? Why do you degrade and hate America so much?
Other countries with voter id laws usually have ID laws that require everyone to have ID voter or not, and they’re usually free. They don’t require anything new or extra to vote.
They don’t have new requirements for an ID that costs money, requires physical documentation many poor people don’t have, can require multiple visits for hours to a dmv hours away only during business hours (sometimes forced into taking 3 full work days off just to get an ID) and they don’t routinely try to close places you can get a photo ID in areas dominated by their political opponents, Trumpsters do.

Close every photo ID outlet in every REPUBLICAN heavy county, reopen any closed in DEMOCRATIC districts, make it free, simple, and require no paper documents (a SS# and fingerprint should suffice), no appointments and no getting it done at AAA, and make drivers licenses not valid for this purpose….then we’ll talk. Until then, it’s obvious voter ID is a voter suppression attempt by the party that openly admits it cannot win any free and fair election ever.


bobknight33 said:

Voter ID is a must.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no! Newsmax is being dumped by multiple major cable companies too! Why can’t right wing fake news outlets make money? I thought you guys claimed to be great at business….but apparently only when someone else pays the bills?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahaha! Stop projecting, Bob.

ROTFLMFAHS!!! 139 IQ Bob. Excelling in college level classes at 6th grade. Over 10 years of higher education….including critical thinking. I know you wouldn’t post your actual IQ score because it’s double digits, and the first digit is not 9.

You know full well you’re the uneducated ignoramus living in a fantasy world here, still spreading the big lie with no evidence, just like 99% of what you’ve said in the last 13 years (yes, you lost your mind over Obama and have only gotten worse under The Biggest Loser, the convicted con man and consummate liar.)

MY head is up MY ass!?! LMFAHS!!! You have the long term verified clinical diagnosis of cranial rectosis….I know it colors your viewpoint, but that shit you see is in your eyes, not on me. Too funny, Ms Iknowyouarebutwhatami.

Bob, you know how often the partisan nonsense you spout is wrong, verifiably and definitely wrong, based on blatant lies? More than 9/10. You still think Trump won, or at least that there was massive democratic fraud last election, despite no evidence, despite a dozen times you were told the evidence would be released tomorrow, but when tomorrow came there was nothing, despite multiple audits, including the hyper partisan unofficial biased vote review that found hundreds of votes for Biden but zero evidence of vote fraud, despite 62 failed attempts to prove any fraud in court, despite dozens upon dozens of accusations that all turned out to be misrepresentation, misunderstandings, and outright lies, but not evidence, despite Mike Pillow, crazy moronic crackhead that can’t produce a cogent thought much less evidence of fraud being the failed clearly insane spokesman for the movement. (He now claims he has proof every American over 7 committed vote fraud that can put us all in prison for life)

You like to spout insanity, see it debunked with facts figures and citations, and slink away so you don’t have to try to defend the indefensible or admit you were w-w-w-wrong. When I make a claim, you rebut it with a “nuh-uh…your dum!” and think you won an argument when you haven’t offered one….and I still bother to verify them with facts, figures, and often multiple citations to prove my point anyway.

Tesla stock was a good deal 3 years ago, not today. It’s a bubble, one day it will pop. Better get out before then. My increases came largely from a ton of S&P, various energy stocks and medical stocks, and some tech. I sold my J&J before their vaccine flopped, knowing they have billions in lawsuits to lose soon. My one account went up >30% this year. I made more than if it was all in Tesla (> 30% vs Tesla at 24% for the year)….and I don’t have a PE ratio of 360 indicating a major correction in the future, and I get dividends. If China comes up with a better battery, you better sell immediately. They’ve done well, but are unstable, randomly fluctuating, not secure, and run by a nut that doesn’t care about hurting his own stock prices (or manipulates them for his own gain, I can’t be sure).

Please name these failures, I don’t think you can. You’ve listed the economy, insanely better under Biden, unemployment, insanely better under Biden, immigration, still using the Trump era rules and methods (so there’s one), Inflation, Trump devalued the dollar by 30% and only paused inflation for a year by halting the economy, actually making it a negative growth. Covid, lol. The people responsible for the lack of Covid response are your people, the people who are still unvaccinated and still having problems are idiot Republicans. Covid was, and is a right wing caused issue, fortunately it now effects mostly right wing morons, they should be banned from hospitals, they chose to be vulnerable.

He has failed to remove disastrous Trump appointees, projects, policies, and programs. He’s failed to pass more thorough infrastructure (build back better) but has gotten infrastructure funding. He’s going to fail to secure voting rights thanks to 100% Republican obstructionism, true, unless there’s a miracle in November.

CNN leader in fake news? WHAT?! I suppose maybe, because OAN, Newsmax, and Fox along with all the other right wing media aren’t news at all, they’re dishonest propaganda channels that lie to you daily….and you just fucking love it, you love the lies, and because you love them you believe them, and for no other reason because there’s never evidence for your lies….that’s why you disappear so often, caught in too many lies and called out on them, proven wrong, and you don’t have the spine to admit it. Coward. Use the same criteria and CNN beats every right wing outlet for honesty, correctness, willingness to correct mistakes, and their lack of involvement in a violent attack against the country and democracy, you fool.

bobknight33 said:

You such a tool.

Stupid as shit . Guess thats because you head is up your ass.

Reality and you are never in the same room.

Have you bought any Tesla stock?
Biden is a absolute disaster. Even CNN leader in fake news cant lover for his failures anymore. WOW


bobknight33 says...

So My audience is larger than CNN, MSNBC etc. I know they have shit ratings but still bigger than me.

So you watched this trial ?
You saw what happened?
You know this kid is radicalized?
You know he is a trump nut case?

"fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!? " Your talking about those no fact media outlets, not me

And you facts came from where? Your ass?

newtboy said:

YOU are the #1 problem in America…you and gullible fact free morons like you.

You post this fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!?! Holy fucking sheep shit, buddy. You need professional mental help immediately. You have lost your bat shit crazy mind. He’s as hyper biased and untrustworthy as possible. The fact that internet trolls like him are the best you’ve got against fact and reality is both hilarious and sad.

Just fucking wow, bob. Moronic even for you….and that’s saying a lot.

Hidden Tool in an Outlet Few Know

BSR says...

I'm thinking that if you're an electrician installing these outlets in a new house it would be quicker not having to put down and pick up your wire strippers all the time unless of course you get paid by the hour.

noseeem said:

perhaps it's just there to be there.

Hidden Tool in an Outlet Few Know

mxxcon says...

Seems like both of these "tools" might be specific to that/some brands of outlets. Doesn't seem like these features are critical to a certified outlet design.
Also what's the usefulness of builtin wirestripper? What are the chances that you get to installing outlets but don't have any tools at hand? Seems like a solution to a non-problem.

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