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Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

Mystic95Z says...

Says THE biggest TOOL on this site, grow up Trumpanzee and get off Dump's orange nut sac... Edit: You and Trumps IQ combined are not even in the same league as this little girl...

bobknight33 said:

Grreta Thunberg is a TOOL - a useful tool to be an icon for children to push a false ideal that is not or will no happen any time soon.

Eminem as a Talking Heads Song

Trump Commits A Crime To Lie About Dorian Hitting Alabama

How the boys roll

Sagemind says...

Although the code is real, I'm not so sure that's what is going on here. You do realize that lots of people use bandanas, even straight people. I currently have coloured bandanas in orange, lime green, red and blue..., I use them all, but none of them are code for anything.

newtboy said:

The hankies in their back pockets tell us how two of those boys roll.
Google "gay handkerchief code" if you don't understand.

Shepard Smith: Yet again in America

cloudballoon says...

Why is the Republican party so afraid of the NRA? How much money can they donate and lobby? Why can't the anti-gun side mobilize and match the donation like 2~3 folds and dangle the money to the GOP to silence the NRA? Of course it's a gross oversimplification of the issues (NRA can go "mental" and threaten any Republican's families, etc. if I go all cynical), but money is a good start...

Ban assault rifle, raise the price of guns. the manufacturers still make as much money.

Amendment right? Well what about my right to own a nuclear baseball? Anthrax and Agent Orange? It isn't it my right to have them? Stop with the BS amendment right argument.

Trump Racist Attacks on Elijah Cummings Amid Investigations

newtboy jokingly says...

Not racist. Just left and MSM calling out Trump because Trump said what only other racists have said.


Orange man God.


bobknight33 said:

Not racist. Just left and MSM loosing their shit because Trump said what others have said.


Orange man Good.

Trump Racist Attacks on Elijah Cummings Amid Investigations

Huge Nuclear Fireball in slow motion

Donald Trump is a Distraction

B-2 Spirit Bomber Drops Massive Ordnance Penetrator Bomb

Evangelicals Breaking Up with Jesus

Orangutan trying to fight off a bulldozer

Biker gives cop fist bump with foot while doing stunts

BSR says...

I know the cop. I know all the cops. I got biker friends. Even my military friends know it's my cop friend's kid. I just wonder about the oranges of the video.

I got the best friends. I got the best words.

newtboy said:

Are you guessing, or do you know something?

Trump Demands To Know The 'Oranges' Of Mueller Investigation

How the Pink Tax Is Ripping Off Women

newtboy says...

I was pretty sure this was totally full of shit when I saw it on tv, thanks for verifying that.

Now we can smuggly ignore the real injustices women face thanks to Lydic's lies and obfuscation. Good job Desi, we're cutting your paycheck 20% to match your reporting. ;-)

*femme *lies

Btw, the women's diapers are lavender scented, men's aren't, still apples-oranges.

eric3579 said:

I'm pretty sure that the women paid twenty cents on the dollar comment is highly debatable. ....

Well that was a fun little project

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