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Firefly 10th Anniversary Panel

Air Stewardess Pep Talk from Hell (Audio Talk Post)

What Is Drugs?

(((((COME BACK REBECCA BLACK)))))......ALL'S Forgiven!!

Shell Oil Private Arctic Launch Party(Oil Spill) FAIL!


Drag Race Crash Nearly Kills Photographer

Drag Race Crash Nearly Kills Photographer

A Newscaster Embarrassing Moment

Judge Sends Shirtless Pic

kagenin says...

OMFG you can see his nipples. Call da POLICE!

I love that line - "I'm in no more clothes than I'll be at the Y[MCA] this afternoon when I swim my mile."

Shit, I should be so lucky to have that kind of body in 15 or so years.

And the faux-incredulity of the Fox "reporter" is just priceless.

Bill Maher On George Zimmerman: He's a BIG FUCKING LIAR!

GenjiKilpatrick says...

OMFG, why is it so hard for you to see the FLAGRANT corruption that's going on here.

It's not like the police arrived, saw the "fight" ending, observed that Zimmerman was reasonably threatened and was justified in shooting, then interviewed and released him.

The cops lied. They failed to collect crucial evidence. The Sanford City Police INTIMIDATED WITNESSES FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

This case is far from "usual" in the just sense.

[Altho, "privileged man gets of scot-free" is pretty usual in Scam-erica i.e. Goldman Sachs, etc. ..whoa channeling QM there a bit]

Stop being blinded by your fantasies. The United States isn't a Just or Fair or Equal place.

It never has been, and as long as fools like you keep eating the crocks of shit the Oligarchs hand to you.. it never will be.

>> ^Darkhand:

If someone could tell me how long it usually takes a murder suspect to be put on trial I would be interested in learning. To me it seems like people get arrested and then it's months before the case comes to the courts. Having said that this case feels like a natural progression so far.
If they didn't find a reason to arrest him they aren't going to do an about face all of the sudden. They're going to wait till they have their case together then arrest him which I figure will be about the end of April?

Friendly Giant Opening 1984

Farcry 3 Stranded Trailer - OMFG!!!! Must See. Must Get!!!

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

I really don't get the "Far Cry" naming thing.
Ok, the first one kinda made sense, Far Cry, Crytek, Cry engine 1.

Well, to be fair, the Crytek/Cryengine names were probably derived from the Far Cry name. the phrase "a far cry" is, after all, a common expression, meaning far from or distant, as in "This sequel is a far cry from the original". In that sense, I suppose it could be applied to any story about somebody being lost on an island, or in some african village thing.

Farcry 3 Stranded Trailer - OMFG!!!! Must See. Must Get!!!

dannym3141 says...

>> ^heathen:

>> ^TheSluiceGate:
Actual gameplay:

Yeah, it's hard to get much from a pre-rendered cutscene trailer. Fortunately we already have gameplay footage for Farcry 3.

And the difference was incredible. I hate to be a miserable arse, but trailers like this are becoming almost standard. They display absolutely nothing of substance in their advertisement of the game. Trailers like this i only watch for the story, and take nothing away about the game. They may as well film 2 lesbians going at it for 2 minutes with ea's latest title printed across the bottom.

The only thing saving this video from disdain is that it's a nice little machinima. Should be criminal when it's on a tv advert.

albrite30 (Member Profile)

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