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You'll Never Open a Bag of Chips the Same Way Again

19-year-old hopes to revolutionize nuclear power

A10anis says...

What has the sexuality of this brilliant young man got to do with anything, you insulting troll?
And, whilst he will be remembered as someone who strove with his intellect, foresight, and imagination to better the lot of humanity, your contribution will be what? Oh yes; "chingalera, we remember him for his gift of being able to send out to humanity his ignorant comments which, at least, helped us appreciate our own intelligence."
I will not respond further so, please, just be quiet DUUUDE.

chingalera said:

Quite the androgynous Andy this cat, he'd make a better looking woman-
Uhhh, small-scale modular fusion reactors....DUUUDE. Frikkin' nuclear power.

It's guys like this so excited about the work and the science that scare the holy shit outta me. Nuclear power is going to end up being one of the biggest fuck-ups we ever decided to embrace....already is.

Love that diagram of the reactor under the house-Does anyone else immediately imagine ground water toxicity and the end of all mammalian life on earth?

'out of tolerances', 'dump tank' , drain the core....duuuuude!!

Put your nuclear dream into orbit or meta-galaxial and get excited about something else, please. (and his TEdtalk ends with the economic efficiency of it all....please.)

In Rare Interview, Assad Hints of Retaliation Against U.S.

chingalera says...

My god the man's skull....
Ok so, before anyone starts riding Bashar Assad's cock, please do a bit of research on this mealy-mouthed worm, he's a real piece-a-work. Groomed to retain power, fast-tracked military appointments and commendations yadda-yadda, a crew of spin-doctors around him for several years leading-up to his "popular" support he continually blathers-on about in the full interview.

Mankind oh-ye, piity all Syrians.

He didn't gain this so-called, popular support through any means other than intimidation, fear, and mind-control and the pressure to rise to the situation his ailing father no-doubt drilled-into him day and night.

Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?

Bruti79 says...

This is a false or misleading statement. The reasons for some Canadians having to wait or not being able to have a doctor are different. Canada has had a terrible drain on it's medical system with doctors and nurses going down to the US, because they make more money there. This has lead to new programs to entice them to stay in Canada. It looks like they have been working, but it's a 10 year study and we need to see the numbers.

As a Canadian who has been though the healthcare system in Ontario, and had family members who've had been through health care in Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, Halifax and Newfoundland.Labradour, I can tell you the parts that work and the parts that don't.

I'm a type I diabetic and I've had cancer twice. I've had a sarcoma in my saliva gland and as a result of radiation therapy, I've had melanoma skin cancer crop up on my body as well. I've had four major surgeries on my body. Two of them were serious complicated nervous system surgeries or lymphatic resecctions. I've been through my fair share of Canadian health care.

First things first. It's not a national healthcare. Anyone saying national healthcare doesn't know what they're talking about. The provinces and territories have their own health care. Granted, the territories get a lot more help from the Federal Gov't, but the health needs of people in Ontario are different from those in Manitoba.

Let's get into the brass taxes. I've had the nerve surgery and radiation therapy that was done on my face evaluated at a hospital in West Virgina as part of a study to compare American HC vs. Canadian HC. For my first surgery, I got to choose my doctor, I was given a list. They recommended one doctor, who was an expert in North America for nerve surgery, but he was recovering from a surgery of his own. They suggested I wait for him to be ready, but if I wanted to proceed, I could wait if I wanted.

I waited and surprise, no facial paralysis. I then had to do 30 days of intense radiation therapy in my parotid bed, to make sure they got it all.

I paid a total of $300 dollars in parking. I also have private health insurance for diabetic supplies, which means any medication I had to get to deal with the after effects of radiation had an 85% payback.

Years later when the effects of radiation had settled and I had a tumour form from the radiation, I had gone to my family doctor, saw a specialist the next day and then within the week I had an excision done. It came back positive and within a week of that, I was given a sentinel node biopsy to see if it had spread.

It had.

Within a month of the first examination, I had a full lymphatic ressection of my left leg and groin done. This wasn't as complicated as the facial nerve surgery, so I got a list and a suggestion of who to do the surgery.

That came back clean, but I now deal with a lot of complications from that.

That surgery cost me nothing.

In West Virgina at a hospital (they didn't tell me which one they used.) The total for all the exams (CT, MRI, etc.) the surgery and the radiation therapy came out to $275,000. Give or take.

This is why it drives me nuts when I see people get things wrong about Canada. We have problems, oh yes we do. For example, don't be over the age of 65 in BC or Quebec. The diagnostics training in Nova Scotia or Newfoundland if pretty terrible. But, I got to choose my doctor, and I saw everyone really quick. Why? Because you don't fuck with melanoma.

So, I'm sorry Trancecoach, I saw that video you linked. The guy lost a lot of credibility at "Communist State of Canada." You're already skewing your message to say something. You are just plain wrong about health care in Canada, the way you talk about. I am living proof of how well it works.

I'm a self employed photographer and the most I've ever had to pay was for parking at the hospital. That was the $300 dollars. I paid my taxes and that paid for my health care. If I didn't, and if other Canadians didn't, I would not be here, as with many other Canadians.

Critique us for the things we do shitty, but I have yet to see anyone do that. I see talking points and misinformation from people just spreading false info.

Get your facts straight. I know how it works in Ontario the best. But, I also know for a vast majority of the other country. I can tell you Saskatchewan has had an exodus of nurses, but that's not bad health care system. That's a gov't system that can't keep nurses in the province. If we can keep doctors and nurses, the system works great.

The guy you linked to, most of his sources for data are absolute crap and he misleads a lot of his talking points. This stupid lottery doctor that happened was because it was an isolated town in the wilderness and there was only one doctor left after the other passed away. So yes, he had to do a lottery for people so he wouldn't get swamped, unless it was an emergency. It was a town, I believe about 10,000 people, but I'm not sure on that.

Trancecoach said:

The US government pays a lot for healthcare. When you work for a major university (as I have you), you became acquainted with how much funding their university hospital gets for research from the government. And in countries like Canada, where you can't even find a doctor and have to wait months to see one, of course the spending will be less as they have fewer medical providers and fewer variety of services. But your point is well taken. The US government does spend more "tax" dollars per capita than many of these other socialist healthcare utopias.

Antboy Trailer

Procrastinatron says...

Oh yes it most definitely IS.


Seriously. Scorpions from outer space using your colon as an incubator for their young? BETTER THAN DANISH.

Evil Nazis climbing up from hell, taking over the world, and making everybody learn German and wear stupid little brown shorts? BETTER THAN DANISH.


gwiz665 said:

Swedish is certainly not any better.

How to Coil Cables

How to avoid jump cuts

thegrimsleeper says...

Oh, yes please stop it. These annoying jump cuts between every other sentence or more are among the most annoying things people do in their videos. I usually try and avoid watching those videos but sometimes their content is very good even though the creators are crap at editing them.

ant (Member Profile)

Conan Visits E3 To Check Out Playstation 4 & XBox One

poolcleaner says...

Oh yes, look how they try, those video game makers. How can pimps and prostitutes possibly eliminate the stain of sexism and immaturity when the very basis is sexism and immaturity.

Do you not include senseless violence under immaturity? Ridiculously easy, self gratifying, stupid, you-thought-you-killed-things-in-every-way-possible-but-not-like-this violence with an array of weapon combinations and #gamer girls in their under garments.

Y4Y 4 xXxM47U21713xXx

artician said:

Fucking shit, Conan. In one comedy bit you've just managed to trounce two decades of an industry trying to eliminate the stain of sexism and immaturity that is E3. Jackass!

Kiev Has Some Snow Issues!

Extreme musclepower in a weird place

NASA | Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun

hpqp (Member Profile)

Sad Death Of A BMW

Piers Morgan vs Ben Shapiro

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