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Dog Gets Shocked After Waking Up to Bear looking at it

moonsammy says...

"Ok... stay calm. We've trained for this. Shit, did I train for this? Irrelevant. Some sort of monster on the other side of the hard airr. In my yard. Monster in my yard. Get up? Yes, getting up now. Oh good, that's making him go away a bit. What was I supposed to say in situations like this...? I say it a lot normally... Oh yeah!"


"Got 'em."

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

"That goes for Biden and America too, right?" Yes, that's how democracies work...

"It was not a referendum. The people didn't ask for and don't want this" Last time I checked the vast majority of Texas are Christian so yeah they did.

"millions of women will have their autonomy, their authority over their own bodies, stripped from them" Are you saying they are incapable of using contraceptives, you know, the normal way to prevent having a child and not taking a life as a means to "fix" the problem like they were doing.

"If they don't want a baby right now, women would be insane to have even protected intercourse." NO SHIT SHERLOCK. If you don't want a baby use protection. They teach that to school children... That's how it works across the world.

newtboy said:

That goes for Biden and America too, right? Don't like Biden, get out, easy as that, right? The difference being a majority DID vote for Biden.

That's the first way you're incorrect. A majority voted for representatives who voted for it, but the majority of voters, 54%-42%, don't want to go this far. It was not a referendum. The people didn't ask for and don't want this.

It's an obvious legal overreach, and will be overturned in time, but in the meantime, millions of women will have their autonomy, their authority over their own bodies, stripped from them, many will pay with their lives, and many huge companies are reconsidering moving or even existing in Texas because of this Baptist sharia law attack on women's rights over even their own bodies.

I suggest a sex strike in Texas until it's repealed. If they don't want a baby right now, women would be insane to have even protected intercourse.

I suggested my brother in Austin turn in the highway department for maintaining roads that facilitate transporting women to have abortions and claim his $10k bounty before the state goes bankrupt.

How Black Widow Should Have Ended

Mordhaus says...

:53 is it. I'm a tiny bit miffed at how normal humans are just absorbing things that would seriously hurt them. It's been happening more and more in the latest Marvel movies/series.

First Revolving Toilet for Port of Amsterdam

noims jokingly says...

Absolutely. A quick bowl rinse and an hourly outer bowl cleanse is probably grand.

I like the idea of a floor rinse, but particularly where sandals are detected. As any guy knows, if you pee wearing sandals you get a lot more splash on the floor than normal. Weird, but true!

newtboy said:

Not exactly a water saver, but I like it.

KO'ed Fighter gets choked out by ref when he keeps attacking

jimnms says...

Do you think this is normal in this sport? You're absurd analogies have nothing in common here. They don't pose a threat to anyone, but a trained fighter can still be a threat even when they are knocked silly. Do you think the ref should just sit there and get beat up?

I have seen a few times where a KO'd fighter gets up and tries to keep fighting thinking the ref is the opponent, but I've never seen a ref choke out the fighter before though. Refs are trained to handle these situations, and usually defend themselves from the fighter until they come to their senses or the corner team get there. Choking the fighter out may have been a bit extreme, but he stopped the fighter without causing harm the fighter.

vil said:

How much more stupid and absurd can this "sport" be?

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

luxintenebris jokingly says...

first: a small request; Bob, use a spelling/grammar program.

second: a sincere observation; when has TT ever mentioned Afghanistan before? checked only the last 10 years of his posted comments.* Nix. Nil. Notta. More dead air than normal.

* [the Beck prediction is in the same league as bob's 'landslide' prognostication. the swing & miss league.]

then a few questions about his contentions...

- now he is concern about the Afghani women? too weird coming from our own Tali-ban-abortion tribesmen.
- would he know the mechanisms of the 25th? what the requirements are? obviously, stupidity isn't one. (orange you glad?!)

none of the events should have surprised anyone. personally, it was a bit like déjà vu. although not lived through, but seen easily with the mind's eye. highly predictable by many, long ago, and not so much psychic ability as an inevitability.

believe that the US presence did make an impression on the Afghanis. just hearing today's Taliban leadership words are so unlike those 20 years ago it's heartening. remember these were the folks that blew up historical items in the name of Mohammed/Allah. total trocklidites. at least they've learned PR and some knowledge of how the rest of the world views them.

will know how successful, if the country moves to the 17, 18, or 19th century? how will they keep the boy/girl on the opium farm after they've seen the big city?

what should happen, not in another country, but this one, is that the USA returns to a draft. or some required national service. the 'privatization' of the military and the all-volunteer service is a corrupt failure.

too many times, too many people talked about iraq/afghanstan and knew of NO service person serving there.

return it back to a collection of representation of ALL sections of the American people. when we don't know a single person in the conflict, the majority loses connection.

then, what should have been 3 years becomes 20 years.

can't find the speech but Geo Mason once talked about this very situation. essentially, he said; right now all levels of society are present in our fight for freedom, but what about the future?

he questioned whether the defense of the country would continue to be all citizens or descend into 'higher-ups' calling the shots and the lower in society actually doing the fighting and dying.

the last two wars have answered this.

'draft dodger' use to be derision, now it's a class of people.

(clinton, bush jr, trump...just to name a few)

in short, we ALL should have had a literally 'dog in the fight' that affects ALL of us. then, maybe, it ends when it is supposed to...or we try to lead by example instead of pounding bombs on people that don't want 'our way of life'...or we aren't so easily mislead as citizens.

it could be the one very powerful connection for ALL of the American people to keep ALL of US united.

* * * *
this is where I'd put a (but can't find an example of it) David Letterman monologue link where he said (believe it was Iraq, but still good as a comment on Afghanistan) to the effect of..."And the administration says we're going to bring democracy to them, upgrade their infrastructure, and improve their schools! And they say if it works there we're gonna try it here!"

so instead, something for the kids...

2011. not a new thing kiddies. roll that reality over your blistered tongues.

Emails Reveal Trump Planned Coup with Loyalist Jeffrey Clark

newtboy says...

You above all would know about half truths and spin, so elaborate. What is a half truth? What did he spin? Or is it just one of your normal “nope, you’re wrong, I don’t need any evidence to prove it” (and I don’t have any) arguments?

This guy is a comedian, bob. It’s just insane that the right can’t tell the difference between reporters and comedians, because all the reporters you listen to are jokes I expect.

bobknight33 said:

Just more lame leftest BS 1/2 truths and spin.

This guy makes CNN look legit.

Roasting all the billionaires going to space

Republicans Refuse to Move On from Donald Trump

newtboy says...

Oh you poor poor imbecile. You swallowed another Trump lie hook line and sinker.

Even the “audit” team said this was likely a clerical error….and it is, theirs. The problem is, the list they used to compare to the mail in ballots mailed out includes early in person voting. So, if just 74000 people voted early in person, the tally is 100% correct.

But…the accusation was spread online, and a game of Republican telephone had Trump claiming they found 74000 fraudulent mail in votes with no records. That’s absolutely not correct, even according to the propaganda team from Cyberninja.

So far, of over 3 million, 182 ballots in AZ required further investigation, 4 were considered fraudulent. None have led to conviction.

The proper paper stock” and “not proper alignment l claims are all about in person ballots that are printed at the polls, so misalignment is normal and expected. There was no “improper paper stock” found according to cyber ninjas, Mari ops county used 80lb stock approved by Dominion, and the “not proper alignment” claim stems from the already debunked “sharpie gate” where they claimed bleed through might effect the count but never produced a single example after two audits and one cyber ninja review (it’s not an audit). The bubbles don’t align front to back, even when out of alignment, so it’s not possible for bleed through to cause a vote, and ballots with bleed through are routinely copied by bipartisan teams because they won’t scan at all, this has been true for decades.

They did not find a single mail in vote with no record of it being sent out, they compared the ballots sent number with the ballots received number and never looked to see that the votes received list included in person early voting numbers not on the ballots sent list. It took them how long to make this mistake? 4 months?

Derp! Another loss for the fraud fraud. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

On Thursday &7/15/21) the Arizona Senate held a hearing on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit.

The audit team announced there were 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan reported this along with other issues already identified from their investigation

They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent!

The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment.

Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.

According to elections expert Jovan Pulitzer what was presented today was just the appetizer before the main course to come!

electric bill has soared after the winter storm in texas

newtboy jokingly says...

And now again...Texas can't deliver power in extreme weather....the kind they always have. I wonder how many will die this time. It's impossible to live in Texas without AC for most people under normal temperatures, and outright deadly during heat waves.

The stars at night, are big and bright,
Deep in the heart of Texas,
It could be 'cause, they don't have lights,
Deep in the heart of Texas

As a side note, estimates are as high as 700 who died in Texas from lack of power, in California that number is 1, and that man died 12 minutes after losing power, he didn't slowly freeze to death.

lucky760 said:

"Yeah boy!

We don't want no socialist democrat bullpucky like over yonder in California!"

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

jimnms says...

What does her actions have to do with school shootings? She wasn't attempting to show how easy she could bring a gun into the school. Unless this mother never lets her daughter leave the house, she goes to more dangerous places than school.

If she's concerned about the security at the school, she should have brought her concerns to the school board or bring it up at a PTA meeting and asked that they conduct a security audit, instead of taking it upon herself to do it.

We're living in the safest time in history, but thanks to the 24/7 media fearmongering, people are overly paranoid. Schools are more like prison these days than schools, and schools are trying to extend their control over students beyond the classroom, and it's conditioning them to believe that it's normal to be controlled/watched everywhere and have no freedom.

Statistically, her daughter is more likely to be raped, murdered or abused by a family member or friend, not some stranger sneaking into school to go to math class and eat a free lunch.

And no, I wasn't implying the mother is an attention whore. I merely pointed out that school is the least dangerous place her daughter goes. But, she did record her actions... for attention.

BSR said:

First, she wouldn't need to break into the mall for obvious reasons unless the mall was locked up in which case her daughter or anyone else wouldn't be in there to begin with. The mall is a public venue so a disguise wouldn't be necessary. Usually visiting friends homes and/or sleepovers would not require a disguise either.

It's just speculation on your part where mom lets her child hang out and what safety precautions the child might take before and while visiting those places.

However, schools are becoming more secure in light of school shootings but more needs to be done and this was the point she was making. She was able to bypass the lax security at the school and was willing to pay the price for putting it to the test.

She wasn't there to kill anyone, just the poor security measures. If anything the school board or whoever should be fined.

This was not about her having "the right" to do what she did. She knew she didn't have "the right" but she did have the guts and a plan to expose the hole in the dam. Do you think a school shooter gives a shit about their rights to be in a school?

With my job I've picked up a few children on crime scenes that have been shot or stabbed to death and it's the hardest thing to witness and live with.

I hope you are able to refocus your priorities.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sorry, I forgot facts are just for liberals.
Snopes isn't perfect but they're head and shoulders and chest and waist and knees and ankles and feet above ANY source you've provided over the years, you are often directly quoting Russian propaganda. They are also far from the only fact checker that says the same thing, along with dozens of articles throughout his career with the exact same story, and books written about it for decades, and even recent awards from the stuttering community/organizations...but you know better because why? Did Alex Jones say so? Glen Beck? Diaper Don?
Here's a few dozen reports, some from right wing media, about Biden's stutter....I'm sure you won't or can't read them. Easy to find, just Google Biden's speech impediment....but I saved you the trouble of spelling it....

Being able to overcome it at times doesn't mean it doesn't exist....if it does then his exemplary performance and coherent speeches since taking office proves you wrong 100+ times over....but your guy thinks you should inject bleach to fight a virus he says is a hoax, you believe in Jewish space lasers, Italian vote changing satellites, and age defying magic from cannibalism. Who's too old and feeble minded? I think we know the answer, Jethro. Where did you get your degree in diagnosing cognitive decline? You need to sue them, you learned nothing.
He's said clearly for decades that, like many, his stutter gets much worse when he's tired and under stress. That's totally normal with stuttering.

Trump, on the other hand, has no such excuse for his inability to speak or write in complete thoughts or sentences or even English words...covfefe! Oranges of the investigation. Oranges. Oranges. Mumerca!

Biden is clearly not too old to kick diaper Donny's ass without breaking a sweat, and is in excellent shape for his age, you can't say that about obese Trump. He is older than I would prefer, that's different from being too old to hold office....isn't he younger than Trump would be in 4 years? So if Biden is too old now, Trump was too old to elect. Do you know that's what you're saying?

bobknight33 said:

You using Snopes as a fact checker is rich.

U.S. President Joe Biden has a speech impediment.

False. No speech impediment just too old.

No speech impediment in 1993. 12 minutes of pure coherent speech .
Maybe as a kid but not by 1993.
2021 Must be to old feeble to speak with out bumbling/ stumbling.

Just admit Biden is too old to be POTUS. Grandpa Joe will be gone soon and the unpopular VP will take over. Yet a bigger joke.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You love to go after Biden for having a speech impediment, so of course you aren't going to be a hypocrite and you'll go after Trump's demented, rambling, total nonsensical speech in N Carolina where, among other nonsense, he declared....

"We have to get it done. We have no choice. Actually, we have to get it done together. We're going to defund our freedoms. You just take a look at what's happening. Biden is halted wall construction, suspended, removals, and even removables or removals of just horrible, horr...." all with his huge extra absorbent diaper showing clearly through his pants that were apparently on backwards.

No? That's normal to you?

The surprising history of hand-washing - BBC REEL

BSR says...

Being in the death business I wash my hands a lot to the point where it's hard to separate two sheets of paper or handle cardboard boxes due to having no oils to grip with. It's not like I can just swipe some saliva off my tongue. I do wear rubber gloves when handling the deceased but not everything is sanitized such as door knobs and surfaces where you would not normally use gloves. I always use rubber gloves to pick my nose though.

Perhaps the weakest link in the US electrical system

luxintenebris says...

wonder what the 'industry' thinks in this regard. also leery about how the 'Nannie state' believers would consider this: Nannie over nuthin' or nothing Nannie about unnecessary risks?

it is disturbing. just the tangle of extension cord thing shows how institutionalized this fear, or known risk, has been installed into the public. would reasonably assume this is traceable to having been taught in schools. echoed also in many ads, manuals, etc. although have difficulty understanding why putting inexpensive safeguards would be a bad thing?

but have always believed it's easier to change systems than people. am joining the Nanny crowd.

[also think BSR's advice is worth noting. maybe when the speaker starts in w/the technical jargon, a smaller window opens with a 'normal' person translating the message. i.e. "wire gets damn hot" or "could shock the crap outta yah". maybe not so perfectly clear, but succinct and truthful.]

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