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How to make noodles More amazing than I thought it would be

How to make 16,000 honey strings in 2 minutes

Pixies - Where Is My Mind (Bassnectar Dubstep Remix)

volumptuous says...

It's because it's Bassnectar. The guy is the most stereotypical boring example of pretty much every genre he tries.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Banal electronic or hip hop re-imaginings of great tunes is a personal pet peeve. By all means, indulge in unimaginative synth noodling all you like, but leave the Pixies out of it.
>> ^NordlichReiter:
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I can imagine an awesome dubstep version of this song, but it doesn't sound like this. This fucking sucks.

Subjective as it is, I'm disinclined to agree with you.

Authentic Pad Thai Preparation - Paddling Optional

MilkmanDan says...

Just watched with my wife (who is Thai). She has some advice for anyone wanting to prepare outside Thailand:

1) The ideal noodles are small, flat, rice noodles. If you have a Thai shop in your area you can impress them and probably get a discount by ordering in Thai -- ask for "sen lek". Sen means 'line' and sounds like the beginning of "CENtury" and lek means 'small' and sounds like the beginning of "LECture". Should be noted that these noodles tend to have a shorter shelf life than we are used to with pasta noodles like spaghetti.
2) Add the egg after the noodles are basically finished, and the result will be more gooey / gummy.
3) If tamarind juice is not readily available, substitute vinegar and/or lemon juice.
4) Many Thai people like to add small bits of pork rinds on top or mixed in after it is finished -- give it a try.

Authentic Pad Thai Preparation - Paddling Optional

budzos says...

Reminds me there's a thai place around the corner I gotta try out and see if their pad thai is any good. This other place like a block from me that makes it. Unfortunately it's as bland as hell there and the noodles are just crap, half the time I could swear it's spaghetti. A proper pad thai should smell sort of like really stinky feet and use gummy noodles.

Pixies - Where Is My Mind (Bassnectar Dubstep Remix)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Banal electronic or hip hop re-imaginings of great tunes is a personal pet peeve. By all means, indulge in unimaginative synth noodling all you like, but leave the Pixies out of it.

>> ^NordlichReiter:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I can imagine an awesome dubstep version of this song, but it doesn't sound like this. This fucking sucks.

Subjective as it is, I'm disinclined to agree with you.

Breaking The Addiction

Phish 1996-12-31 Bohemian Rhapsody, Fleet Center, Boston

Romero says...

Glad to see others honest considered this horrible-Flat as hell in all places there dag-A for awful!

Phish threw in covers to break up the monotony and predictability of their nouveau-hippy jam-band noodling.

Think back to having enjoyed the hell out them in the 90's and you were probably high as fuck and watching naked 20-somethings dancing in some mud and wasting good weed.

How to make noodles More amazing than I thought it would be

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by Sarzy. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

How to make noodles More amazing than I thought it would be

HD & Unedited Video of Flotilla Raid

Ryjkyj says...

Wow, I would've thought people would be as fascinated with this as I was. I think it's really interesting to see something like this from this perspective. It was such a major event. But when you look at it like this you see normal people in a crazy situation.

This video has less votes than my Jamiroquai Cup Noodle ad.

Stewart Nails GOP For Flip Flopping On Escrow Fund

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The scary part happens when Republican presidents get the media to systematically silence dissent...

The only ‘silencing of dissent’ is on the left side of the aisle. And how nice it all sounds… ‘Net Neutrality’, the ‘Fairness Doctrine’, ‘Political Correctness’, ‘Academic Fairness’… The left is the side that engages in the systematic suppression of dissent – not the right. I have a longer memory span than 5 minutes, and there is nothing BUT ‘dissent’ when the GOP is in the White House. Dissent was ‘patriotic’ during Bush, but now is ‘the party of NO’ during Obama, right? But of course good little left-wing zombies have no problem with that.

If I break something of yours, do you have to 100% go through the courts to get compensation? No. Why? Because civil court is totally optional.

If you break my stuff (and refuse to pay for it) then YES I 100% have to go through the courts to get compensation. You’ve proven my point. I don’t go to Obama’s pay czar. Court is where I go, and failing that, I call my congressman and let him know the courts aren't doing their job. I do NOT go to the Executive branch except to write a whiny letter.

I have not been programmed to have a knee-jerk Pavlovian response where I wet myself with fear whenever the word "government" comes into play.

This is patently untrue. You do have a knee-jerk Pavlovian response to wet yourself with fear whenever the word ‘government’ comes into play and ‘conservative’ is involved. The blind, unthinking, slavish trust only applies when a left wing radical is in charge. I believe it was Lenin (another leftist) who called these kinds of fanbois “useful idiots”. People who aren’t critical of government at all times and in all things are fools. The price of freedom is vigilance, and the only good government is LIMITED government.

I'm sure there will be Congressional oversight of this

Oh – well – that ignores history, facts, and precedent - but as long as you're SURE... You aren’t picking up what I’m putting down. I don’t care if Obama is distilled perfection made of unicorn hairs and angel feathers… It doesn’t matter if BP ‘volunteers’ (yeah right – then why the closed door meeting?). This is not something the Executive branch is allowed to do for ANY reason. Ever. Period. It has no authority to do this, and government isn’t allowed to just ‘assume’ authority over whatever they want no matter how munificent they may think they are.

Ahh, so now you're defining down what constitutes a legitimate claim from what even BP says is legitimate? Good to know you don't want to "let them off the hook"...

No – I’m defining ‘responsible’. BP isn’t responsible for lost business. Tourism down? Is that BP’s fault? Maybe partly. But you can also blame the media, the government, the economy, and a whole host of other parties for that. BP is responsible for damage and cleanup. That's it. I see no need for them to pay for ancillary issues that may or may not be related.

Everyone is answerable.

To who? When? You say ‘answerable’ but one of the main problems with federal government is that NO ONE is ever held responsible for anything. They never go to jail for breaking the law. They never pay damages for the consequences of their bad politics. So they ‘lose an election’? Awwwwwww – how terrible for them. They still keep getting money & payola. They still get political back-patting. They still get put on unaccountable ‘blue ribbon’ panels for exorbitant payoffs. They keep getting on TV shows and money for speeches, commentary and books. They still are put on cabinet positions, or other unelected unaccountable political jobs where they still effect policy and get away with murder.

See, when you really get down to the brass tacks the political class is in NO WAY ever ‘answerable’ for their bad behavior and terrible decisions. They just get a brief – all too toothless – wet noodling and then skate off clean while everyone else has to pay for them to keep on partying. Clinton. Impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice. Did he lose his office? No. Did he go to jail? No. Did he have to pay millions in damages? No. He got a tiny slap on the wrist and then the left circled the wagons around him and set him up for life so he’d specifically NEVER have to be truly culpable for his high crime. He should be in jail, or living in a cardboard shack, penniless and shunned to the end of his days. Instead he’s living high on the hog courtesy of constant political payola. And you call that ‘answerable’?

So what happens WHEN (not IF) Obama’s pay czar starts mis-handling the BP funds? Exactly HOW is he going to be ‘answerable’? To whom will he pay millions in damages? What jail will he go to? How will he be banned from politics for life afterwards? And how is Obama ‘answerable’ for unconstitutionally claiming money in the first place? But I don’t hear anyone making him ‘answerable’ for his unconstitutional, illegal act. All I see are left-wing zombies defending the illegal, and GOP cowards who don't have to guts to stand up for the constitution anymore.

Jamiroquai, Well... This is Just Bizarre

Unbelievable.....That Kids BACK ON THE ESCALATOR!!!!

zeoverlord says...

Something similar happed to me when i was a kid, but in contrast to this kid i used the raw power of my legs and stood up so i could climb over.
O, did i say raw power of my legs, i meant movement of the jelly like noodle substance my legs where then.

This kid reminds me of those people that can fall face first from a two story building into a pile of discarded metal scrap, survive, spend four months in hospital and not learn the lesson that taking a stage dive from the second floor into a pile of pointy hard things is bad.

How to make Yaki Gyoza (Fried Dumplings)

Sketch says...

So with you on the sauce. When I was with my Korean girlfriend, I found mondu to be quite different flavor-wise. I think mondu tends to have different stuff in it, like cellophane noodles and some sort of herb or vegetation that made it different. Not my favorite, but still good. I'm pretty much obsessed with stuffed dumplings in all of it's forms from the pasties of northern Michigan, to Empenadas, to my beloved potstickers and gyoza.

Crap... Now I'm starving for some good dim sum.

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