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God told him it was time for an upgrade

newtboy says...

Just that little issue of his being an antisemite, caught on tape with Nixon discussing stopping the Jews from dragging the country down the drain. Pobody’s nerfect, putting him on a pedestal only sets him up for a fall.

Side note, this story is almost 3 years old.

bobknight33 said:

That just wrong.

Billy Graham word suits for SEARS and flew commercial .
The last of the greats.

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

newtboy says...

Sweet Jesus you dishonest brain dead slug. You are either being as dishonest as possible or have severe brain damage....or both.

I’ve never once denied that Democrats WERE once the party of racism and anti civil rights until the 60’s when they decided it was in their interests to support civil rights and oppose racism. When they did that, they became far more popular and Republicans, to have a chance of winning another election, changed their platform to anti civil rights, pro racism in order to gain the southern white racist vote. That was called the southern strategy that you just deny happened despite all evidence proving it did. This is at least the 10th time I’ve pointed this out with references to prove it, and you still act ignorant. Do you have a severe memory problem, or are you just being a dishonest troll starting the same argument for the 11th time because you might get away with it this time?

Yes, the Democratic south WAS the OG of racism and anti civil rights right up till the 60’s when they, like Iced T, changed their thought process and straightened up. Shortly afterwards, Republicans were losing elections and the party was dying, so Goldwater and Nixon courted those abandoned southern white racist voters. Since then, Republicans have been the party of racism and anti civil rights (for non whites). I expect, like at least 10 times before, you’ll take the first 1/2 of the first sentence of this paragraph, remove the word “was”, and pretend I just said Southern racists ARE Democrats because you are nothing but a dishonest bullshit artist (but a horrendously bad one).

Iced T WAS an OG gangster rapper, now he’s a rich actor. Same for Ice Cube, J Z, etc.

I’ve never denied the truth, or history. If Democrats and Republicans had not switched positions I would be Republican and you would be a Democrat...but they did. When are you going to accept the truth? It’s been over 50 years and you still deny it. We aren’t living in the 50’ seem confused about that.

Again, if Republicans aren’t the party of racism, how do you explain the fact that they get 100% of the racist white supremacist vote and well under 10% of the black vote?
So infantile Bob. You just have to deny reality every time to ever make your point.


bobknight33 said:

You saying

" Republicans switched from supporting civil rights to opposing them in order to win the southern white (mostly racist)" ..
So you are saying Republicans became racist to get more racist Democrat votes.

So you are implicating Democrat south as the OG of Racism. Sweet. About time you admit truth.

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

newtboy says...

Is that why republicans usually get <10% of the black vote?
I think they are no different from non blacks in that they can see who is working for their interests and who is working against them. You clearly don't think they are capable of that.

Republicans switched from supporting civil rights to opposing them in order to win the southern white (mostly racist) vote. You aren't ignorant of this historical fact, you simply choose to deny it like any facts you don't like. That history has been accepted for 50 years +-....are you saying I'm so good I made it up at two years old and got the nation to play along?! Damn, I'm good.

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party. It also helped to push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

I may not be the walking encyclopedias my parents were, but at least I know my own language, and my nations history.

bobknight33 said:

Conservatives aren't holding blacks down. Democrat policies are.

Conservatives stand for equality for all.. Democrats slice and dice people into groups and keep them dependent on the party. Vote for us and we will help you. inner city poverty have been around 50+ years ... No help just sweet nothings.

So when you say..." 70’s when the southern strategy reversed the parties rolls, now it’s Republican’s turn to be overtly racist."

Who actually switched to being racist?

Nothing reversed.

Quit forging history. You are a party hack who know nothing. Your a tool for the left.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

greatgooglymoogly says...

Elections are overseen locally, so if it's run by Democrats then that's who has the power for fraud, and same with Republicans. The 1960 election was widely seen as possibly fraudulent and court cases went into December. Nixon privately believed he was robbed but didn't make his case publicly. One result was overturned(Hawaii, in favor of Kennedy)

cloudballoon said:

Since when it's the opposition/challenger that got the means to rig the system and NOT the incumbent in power?

If there's cheating, you can bet your house it's Trump & the Republican that's cheating in this election.

Trump's been saying the system's rigged since 2015. Yeah, in HIS (and the Republican's favor) due to the decades long gerrymandering of the districts. A true leader, when he/she sees something wrong (Covid-19, voting system, etc.) they'll try to fix it. What did Trump do to "fix" this? He only accuses & blames with no basis of proof and he made it harder for people to vote because voter suppression works in the Republicans' and his favor. Duh.

All the vote rigging and they still lost. Sore, sore incompetent loser cry babies.

Trump Holds Indoor Rally as Wildfires and Pandemic Rage

newtboy says...

Trump has blamed State governors for fires on federal land for 3 1/2 years+ but has done nothing to solve the problems on land he controls.

The failure has been in the making longer than that, try since the industrial revolution. I live in a rain forest starting it's third decade of drought. It's a major climate shift. The science is settled, not in question for decades.

No, he needs to listen to the professional forest managers already there instead of ignoring them because he knows more about everything than anyone. See his recent meeting with California's forest managers for examples of his stupidity, his plan is just like for Covid, do nothing, blame others, deny there's a problem, claim it will just go away, blame others again, pat himself on the back for a job perfectly done.

His idea, rake the forests, is just dumb and impossible. Only a complete moron believes you can rake up 33 million acres of mountainous forests, including removing all forest litter which is necessary habitat for many forest creatures and downed trees like redwoods that are useless as lumber. Only a stupid ignoramus believes that's a solution.

Let's say it costs about $1000 per acre, a vast underestimation, that's an extra $330 billion per year for raking California's forests alone. Is Trump offering to fund that, or is he cutting funding instead? (Hint, he cut funding)

Much of the mismanagement is from fighting fires. For decades the plan was don't let any fire burn, that's left forests with 2-5 times the fuel it would naturally have. The last decade that's been realised and when possible fires are allowed to burn. It's too little too late.

Trump's idea of draining the swamp has been plugging the outlets and pumping millions of gallons of sewage into it. That means removing career civil servants and selling positions to friends and contributors with no experience and massive conflicts of interests. Trump's is the most criminal administration ever, with more convictions than any other including Nixon. Politics are incredibly more swampy than before Trump, and the state of the union is crumbling and poised to dissolve into another civil war.


bobknight33 said:

Trump been in office 3+ years
This failure has been long in the making 30+ years.

Sound like he need to fire land management team and put in place some people who know what to do. More swamp draining?

Jim Crow and America's Racism Explained

newtboy says...

That's pre 1968 Democrats, before Republicans in desperation went hard racist with Goldwater and Nixon and Democrats went anti-racist/progressive...I know you want to ignore history, but you know it anyway.
Funny enough, you always want to bring up back in the good ole days when Republicans were anti-racist progressives as proof that they're good, but you HATE progressives and think racists are "good people". Lol, you are so unbelievably hilarious in your silly thought free hypocrisy.

bobknight33 said:

DEMOCRATS are at the root of all the terrible shit heaped on the black. Democrats still bullshitting blacks today and just continue to keep them down.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

Lol. Oh Bob. I see you didn't get that help you are crying out for.

Schiff isn't the one saying it.
It's the over a dozen Trump administration officials, you know, like the people who gave him a million dollars towards his election campaign to then be installed in his cabinet with zero experience, people that he now calls never trumpers...them, and idiot Trump himself who released a heavily redacted call summary, called it a transcript, and inexplicably left in the parts where he insisted on investigations into political rivals (and no one else) in exchange for releasing congressionally approved aid.

If Trump drained the swamp, it was only to turn it into the world's largest and most ecologically disastrous sewage holding pond.

Great job? On what? Destroying our international standing and standards? There he IS simply the best. Sucking up and capitulating to our enemies while abandoning and distancing our allies? Yep, better than all the rest. Lying to the American people? Better than anyone else. Running a criminal administration for his personal enrichment? No one else could pass the test.

If you call his disastrous work a "great job", what will you call his removal? The best job ever? You are so delusional that just last week you claimed Republicans run the house and Democrats run the Senate so you could blame our badly flawed paperless voting system on those evil Senate Democrats. *facepalm

Wasted billions on 70 miles of new wall.....that's really replacement fence that can be cut through in under a minute with a reciprocating saw, and only where barriers existed. Great. Increased illegal immigration exponentially. Great. Tax cuts/government welfare for the rich but not the needy that exploded the deficit and debt. Great. Failed trade agreements that have cost tens-hundreds of billions only to put us in a far worse position than before he started. Great. Zero investment in infrastructure. Great. Total decimation of environmental laws.
Great. Abandoning our best allies against terrorism to cozy up to dictators. Great. Best of all, he's widened the divide in America more than all administrations in the last 150 years combined, and recently began calling for preparation for civil war if he's not re-elected. Great.

Um...if he's removing deep state operatives, why are they all his people being jailed? More than even any two term administration ever, beating Nixon's indictment and conviction rates in under two years, before the Mueller fallout. Indeed, in that time he has had more than twice the convictions of all Democratic administration officials since 1970....again, before most Mueller convictions. (It bears noting that Republican officials are convicted at a rate >91 times that of Democrats).

What you really meant to say.....No matter what Trump says it is guaranteed to be a lie.

bobknight33 said:

what You really meant to say.... No matter what Adam Shift says doesn't make it true.

Trump is doing a great job. The swamp ( deep state) is being drained.

Trump Declares Himself Above the Constitution: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Saw a nice clip of Grahm, talking about Clinton, saying that Nixon's impeachable offence was ignoring congressional subpoenas.
That is impeachable, and he should be removed with any Republicans who support his stonewalling.

Just a few Senate seats is all it will take to route out these traitors. Nice the Democrats regain control, they need to strengthen congressional rules making it a felony to ignore subpoenas, and instant impeachment to request political favors from foreign powers....even if you say you were joking when you get caught.

Today two major Trump donors and Giuliani cohorts from Florida were arrested for taking over a million dollars in cash from Ukrainian and Russian officials in secret and funneling it to Trump and other Republicans in a scheme going back to at least 2016 when they gave Trump nearly $400000 for his campaign. The Ukrainian donors wanted the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine removed, something Trump actually did for them....quid quo pro.
It won't be a surprise at all to find out the Russians wanted us out of Syria for their recent donations....something Trump just gave them by abandoning our allies and bringing Daesh (ISIS) back from the dead.

When white supremacists overthrew a government

newtboy says...

Your brain has turned to mush.
Seek medical attention.

The Southern Strategy was in response to Kennedy's civil rights act, which passed after his assassination....a strategy implemented largely after it's passing.

Although the phrase "Southern Strategy" is often attributed to Nixon's political strategist Kevin Phillips, he did not originate it[15] but popularized it.[16] In an interview included in a 1970 New York Times article, Phillips stated his analysis based on studies of ethnic voting:

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats".[1]

So, if by "sensible Democrats" you mean the racist ones angry that non whites now have rights, you're partially correct, except that it did work, he did peel them off and won the presidency because of their support.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fool drinks Kool Aid.

Bogus Dog whistle you listen to. They don't exits.

Nixon tried to peel off the sensible democrats and it did not work. That Racist Democrat south held tight.

Racist Democrats kept the south. Republicans pushed for Civil rights bill of 64. 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill. Less than 70% of Democrats.

Democrat party are the party of racism not Republicans.

Even more so today Democrats are spouting that racism is worst that ever. Such BS.

When white supremacists overthrew a government

bobknight33 says...

Yet another fool drinks Kool Aid.

Bogus Dog whistle you listen to. They don't exits.

Nixon tried to peel off the sensible democrats and it did not work. That Racist Democrat south held tight.

Racist Democrats kept the south. Republicans pushed for Civil rights bill of 64. 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill. Less than 70% of Democrats.

Democrat party are the party of racism not Republicans.

Even more so today Democrats are spouting that racism is worst that ever. Such BS.

newtboy said:

Hilarious coming from you, who time and time and time again has tried to pretend the Southern Strategy never happened, no matter how many times it's shoved in your face, and from your account, consistently voted most likely to be a Russian troll.

No one comes here to find socialism,they come here to escape

Counting Trump's False Claims Using Gumballs

newtboy says...

No Bob. That is simply not factual....except the anti Trump leaning part, but facts are anti Trump, just as Trump is anti fact.

The Obama line is also not a bit factual. Not by a factor of 1000. Obama didn't get everything right, for certain, but I'm not sure he ever outright knowingly lied to the public, which Trump does 4 times before getting out of bed daily. Need I remind you Trump founded the birther bullshit that was a total racist lie and strung you rubes along with promised mind blowing announcements that never came...need I remind you of fraudulent now defunct Trump University, or the fraudulent now defunct Trump charity? How many Obama organizations have been shuttered for fraud, or gone bankrupt from outrageous, even criminal mismanagement?

Yes, Tim Apple was nothing, until baby Trump couldn't let a nothing mistake go and fell over himself making up dumb lie after dumb lie to try to deny it...HE made it something, not CNN, not MSN....lil ole DJT all by his lonesome.

My what is no better?'s no better that all the rest do what? WHAT?!

Bob, he admitted collusion with the secret Trump tower negotiations. It doesn't have to be illegal, only secret, which that was...he's not being charged with collusion, ok? Happy? We've been over that, you need to do your homework, you're failing class and you're going to have to take summer school again.

And to be clear, like Nixon, it's the cover-up, not the crimes committed on his behalf that's coming to bite him....but also to be clear, this is a much bigger malfeasance than not clarifying "what "is" is" to a hostile lawyer. Trump sent his lawyer to lie to congress about Trump's business, which he did, and knowing that he had lied, Trump did not correct the record, indeed he worked hard to further the lies and hide them.

I know you believe that, but you believe Trump who (ghost) wrote a book about lying to rubes get what you want, so your reasoning skills are in serious question. I'll just say I hope you are wrong, but if you are right and most Americans vote for him, he's the president we deserve.

#fakemelania ;-)

bobknight33 said:


CNN mainly pushes 1/2 truths and anti Trump leaning reporting day in day out.

Biggest liar and fraud of our time was Obama not Trump. and MSM is riding along on their side.

Tim Cook Apple Big dial who cares its like call you newtbabe by accident. Who cares but liberals suck it up and think the worst. Your no better that all the rest.

Muller report will clearly take that smug ass smile of Adam Schiff and the rest of the left. Sad thing is that Adam Schiff knows and have always known there is ZERO collusion but still pushes BS lies.

I believe there will be a big turn of events and Trump will win 2020 by a historic landslide.

AOC Sets Groundwork To Subpoena Trump's Taxes And Council

newtboy says...

Actually, there has been a lot.
There have been over 25 convictions over inappropriate, illegal, or at best unreported ties to foreign powers in his you even understand what Flynn or Manafort did? If there was a crime of collusion, they would be convicted of it, instead they were convicted of the actual charges of criminal fraud and lying to the FBI about colluding with Russia and a little thing called subversion.

Likely what will take Trump down in the end is not the crimes he had others commit for him, but lying about them and committing crimes to hide his culpability, because he will never admit his part but will be forced to testify under oath. He's already committed witness intimidation a dozen times over in public. Remember, Nixon wasn't in trouble over the break in by others, he was in trouble over the cover-up he directed...sounds familiar. What's different is Trump faces untold state charges as well, so Pence can't pardon him like Ford did Nixon.

Today, 80 individuals and organizations received official requests for documents to corroborate the serious accusations of continuing malfeasance on multiple fronts, in 2 weeks those requests become subpoenas, but they already make destroying any documents requested a serious crime. If the democrats are having a circle jerk, I'll give you one guess who's kneeling in the middle of that circle mouth agape.

bobknight33 said:

There has been no evidence provided or leaked with millions of $ of looking into this matter.

Cohen words do not carry much weight.
Cohen was a Democrat wet dream this week, and boy did did they ever circle jerk.

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

newtboy says...

$3 billion? Aaaaaahahahaha! Says him?! Oh Bob, hang your head in shame.

Edit: How much has he and his family milked the presidency for so far? Hundreds of millions certainly when you include Ivanka's special trade deals, the apartments sold to foreign agents at 10-100 times market value, and the rental of his properties by the same and other foreign agents at above market value, the milking our treasury, requiring the secret service pay him to be allowed to guard him at his properties.....sweet zombie Jebus, no one has ever abused the office or any other like he has, with your full blessing. Don't feign indignation now at others.

Earned?! Aaaaaaahahahaha! He inherited it Bob....and stole it from rubes like you pretend to be.

Are you claiming McCain got his money in some untoward way, or just implying it because you have zero evidence of any such thing but want people to think you do? You, as a Trumpeteer, have some gall accusing others of making their money in some underhanded way, no matter what they might have done it pales in comparison to the known, admitted frauds and swindles your leader brags about with pride.

Bob, Trump's administration's leaders have been found guilty on 24 counts so far in under 2 years with 89 charges SO FAR.....and many more removed in disgrace for abusing their offices for personal enrichment..... that's far more corrupt than Nixon after the break in and cover-up. There has never been another administration 1/4 as swampy as Trump's. NEVER.

Trump himself is an admitted and convicted fraud who stole money from the ignorant poor with his fake schools....and charities....and businesses....and every contract he's ever been involved with.
He's called the swamp thing for a reason.

bobknight33 said:

Trumps net worth 3 Billion . At least he earned his $.

U.S. congressional salary is 174k today

McCain, In 2016, the senator was worth $14.8 million.
Pelosi , Net Worth: -$58.7 million to $72.1 million
Ried net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars.
This does not take into account the back door funding that enrich family members.

Most political figures have all lined their pockets over the years. It is call a swamp for a reason.

Roger Stone Yakety Sax

Drachen_Jager says...

He has a large tattoo of Nixon's face on his back.

He's like one of those Russians who idolizes Stalin. It shouldn't surprise anyone that he helped get Trump into power.

newtboy said:

Lock them up, lock them up, lock them up, lock them up.

Love the "I am not a crook" Nixon pose, like he doesn't know Nixon was crooked and guilty of the crimes he denied too, odd since they worked together. Perhaps that's a signal that he's expecting a presidential pardon too. (Side note: only guilty people can be pardoned)

Good thing Trump has all the best people, imagine if he filled his cabinet with feckless and feculent criminal ignoramuses too dumb to hide their crimes.

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