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NEW WORLD RECORD 246.5m Schlierenzauer Ski Jump


BoneRemake says...

per wikipedia:
"N.W.O." (New World Order) is a song by the Industrial metal band Ministry, released as the second single off the album Psalm 69. The single was Ministry's biggest hit, topping out on the Billboard Modern Rock chart at #11.

The song is a protest against then President George H. W. Bush. The song features audio samples of his voice, with him repeating "A new world order" over and over again at the end of the song. At this point of the song in the video, Bush is portrayed by an actor with an enormous papier-mâché head, grabbing his crotch and waving his arms. The majority of the video is a mix of police beatings, riots, and gunfights. It also includes a scene in which a woman dressed as the Statue of Liberty is beaten by police in a manner similar to the famous amateur video of Rodney King being beaten by police.

The music video was featured on Beavis and Butt-Head along with Just One Fix off the same album, although the credits for each song call the album "Psalms 69".

"N.W.O." was featured in the soundtrack of the film Cool World (Songs from the Cool World).

"It's alright! It's alright!" in the song is a clip of Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now when he first greets the PBR boat.

Republican's once again boldly defend our freedom (Politics Talk Post)

Naomi Klein: Addicted to risk

quantumushroom says...

Life is risk and fortune favors the bold. Presently not one of the dweebs in DC would have the balls to sail to the New World on the Mayflower. The milksops should stick to what they're good at: whining about the fat in school lunches. Everything else they should leave the hell alone, even for a year.

Rachel Carson? Bad, bad example. By lying about the risks and consequences of using DDT, which caused it to be banned, Carson and the then-head of the EPA are guilty of 30-plus years of eco-genocide.

Mega-bass from car stereo gives girl new hairstyles

deathcow (Member Profile)

The new World Trade Center is halfway up

The new World Trade Center is halfway up

Aniatario (Member Profile)

vaporlock (Member Profile)

The new World Trade Center is halfway up

arvana (Member Profile)

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

Banker Fights Government Conspiracy In Revolutionary Russia

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Religious doctrine? Cults? Market research? Corporate policy? Economic policy by banks, hedge funds, Wall St.? Big Pharma? Big Agro? Big Oil?

These are all excellent points, and in my zeal I have to admit that it was rather hyperbolic to say government is the “only” institution that creates the “I was following orders” mentality. In that I stand corrected. However, I stand by the substance of the idea that government is the primary violator, and that history’s most egregious examples are government created.

If you are down on government save us all the time and just denounce humanity and go live in a cave somewhere.

I’m down on big central governments. Limited, small government at the municipal, county, and state level which are held to a high standard of culpability and performance by voters is fine. Big federal government that implements one-size policies on nations for social engineering are lousy. Federal government is for national defense and some intra/inter state trade regulations. That’s it. The constitution was designed to keep federal powers limited. It is no surprise that one of our man-child president’s great irritations with the country he runs is that the constitution doesn’t allow him to do more “TO” the public.

Build your own running water system, police, and fire dept. while you're at it.

Feds don’t do those things. Those are city, state, and county functions.

Maybe instead of bitching about the TSA you could suggest an alternative?

I have. Profile the likely offenders and stop hassling people who are low statistical risks. It will decrease the workload, reduce costs, and speed up the process a hundred-fold.

I'm not going to sit here and scream… even though I don't like them either. … The kid will be just fine. He'll get over it. … It's a brave new world.

Brave New World. Oh, what fools these mortals be. I’d suggest brushing up on your Huxley and Shakespeare. I doubt Huxley would be applauding your, “bend over and take it” sentiment. You might think it is admirable. History suggests that such a docile attitude towards central government is profoundly unwise. Government is meant to be questioned, held to account, challenged, and regarded with suspicion.

The problem, of course, is that the TSA procedures do not work, and using them to only inconvenience a demographic that does not happen to include you, will not make them any more effective.

Well – very true – this is a good point. What the TSA is doing is security theatre. It is not effective at preventing terrorist acts from succeeding. So why are we doing this? If the object is increased SECURITY then the procedure needs to change radically. But if we aren’t willing to do the things that will actually provide security then we’d be better off just abandoning the whole effort as a fruitless exercise.

Allan stole a loaf of bread. Allan is a thief. Allan is black. All blacks are thieves.

Except that’s not what I said or even anything remotely close to it. I’m saying…

“Over 95% of all air travel terrorism has been committed by foreign-born Muslim males between 17-40. The TSA should focus its efforts on this population to increase efficiency.” That isn’t saying “all Muslims are terrorists”. It is only saying, “This population sector is the highest risk”. Correlation does not equal causation but it does tell you where to weight your cases and analysis. Right now, even a basic statistical model would heavily weight the probability of a terrorist act towards foreign-born Muslim males.

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