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Robot Hand Looks Extremely Real

Terrifying, servo driven, mechanical machine juggles 5 balls

gwiz665 says...

I, for one, welcome our juggling overlords and want to remind them, that I have balls as well and should be spared in the coming new world robot order.

Seattle cop kills nonthreatening pedestrian

Seattle cop kills nonthreatening pedestrian

The Best Fictional Drugs from Film, TV & Games

Gordon Brown: "New World Order is Emerging"

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

quantumushroom says...

It's easy to scoff at other human's rights when you're in the majority that decides the value affixed to those rights. But what if you weren't?

Whites are already minorities, both by corruption and deliberately erasing American principles and history. Or didn't you notice that Whites are exempt from equal protection under the law ("hate crimes") when the assailant(s) are Black? Either everyone has the same rights or no one has any rights. And right now, you know as well as I do if you utter anything a minority finds offensive in 'polite' company--including demonstrable facts--our vicious, retarded 'multi-cultural' society-keepers will escort you to the street. And really, what is a "minority" anyway? Women outnumber men and yet the former remains a minority. Whites are already minorities in California. There is no "reverse affirmative action" there.

Let me put it in a way that might pique your sensibilities. It's only a matter of time before white people are no longer the majority in the US. I'm just assuming you're white, by the way. So, let's say Latinos and Hispanics make up the majority vote in ten years or so: let's say it's the year 2022.

And let's say they think you should pay trillions in foreign aid for South America and Mexico, and so they vote that as national policy. And let's say they think the US should protect interests in that region, so they send a lot of the poor, disenfranchised whites (who in this version of the future now make up the majority of the military) to be international defense for places like Mexico and Guatemala and Brasil and so on.

And they start to talk how they're the indigenous people of the Americas, and white people are just trespassers who staked their claim via conquest and war.

This is a retarded argument; I know you didn't create it, but yeah, it's out there, and "they" will believe anything as "they" have never been taught differently. These "clever" lefties who claim Whites were trespassers in primitive centuries the world over is ridiculous. Back then there were no unified nations with solid borders, language and culture in the New World to invade, just warring Indian "nations". They forget that England and France, countries filled with White guys--were at war with each other for centuries. And let's not forget all the Asian nations, each one a cultural gem...that wants all other Asian peoples destroyed. The Chinese and Japanese are mortal enemies, and neither likes Koreans.

Within years, you and your family are deported to Denmark - that is if any of you survived the civil war. And what if you lose the right to protest, or vote, or the right of Habeas Corpus? Who will stand up for you? Those already oppressed who were once in the majority? Or would you want some Libertarian-Latino to recognize your rights because you are a living, breathing human being?

If Mexican and African minorities are the future for America, I don't expect any respect of Whites' rights, or right to exist, just like now. There's a whole poor-me victimization industry out there. They create enemies (and excuses) out of whole cloth.

If you want a glimpse of America's fucked-up future, look at Mexico. Mexicans are fine people and Mexican immigrants who assimilate have enriched America, yet somehow their original cultural model in Mexico is simply fucked, an entire nation with enormous natural resources yet run by kleptocrats and drug lords. Anyone concerned with American 'plutocracy' should view the shit going on down yonder.

You sort-of asked but I'm telling you--all of you--anyway. When the White American population falls below 50%, it's Game Over for American principles. America in 2050 will be an even bigger parody of what it is now. Detroit is the future of America. Brokeass idiot California is the future of America. Americans all over are voting with their feet right now. They're leaving liberal meccas and moving to business-friendly states with low taxes (don't expect to hear anything about it on CNN or MS-DNC). But it can't last. Soon there'll be nowhere to run.

I've already made peace with the idea that there will be a civil war, hopefully States against the federal leviathan. And I fully expect DC to turn a war of principles into a racial thang to save its ugly ass.

This isn't about racial "superiority" in the slightest, but if you'll direct your attention to the screen, which races have invented the most advanced tech, including the best kinds of government (so far)? Don't answer that, you'll just be nailed to the cross of tolerance.

I'm Jewish (by blood, not faith) so I figure I'm screwed anyway. I guess I can scooch to Israel. Observe that many of the new kickass technologies were invented by Israelis, while Silicon Valley is stuck holding its dick with eco-green bullshit. "Next year in Jerusalem!" Nice and peaceful over there.

Really, I don't overly give a shit any more. The wrong people now control schools that shouldn't even exist, so the generations coming up are ignorami. The wrong peeps run most of the media and entertainment that arguably appeal to the worst sides of humanity. Freedom is hard work. Who wants that?

Getting angry at me for telling the truth will just waste your time. I already know how you FEEL. Those loudly announcing that neurosurgeons and witch doctors are cultural equals in the name of multicultural tolerance now run the show. And when the show ends they quietly go see the neurosurgeon.

Libertarian ethos ain't gonna save us. Neither will socialism. Mayhap it would be better if the world ended next year.

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^quantumushroom:
You can't hold a trial for a vermin who declares war on an entire society, hell, an entire civilization. It's as moronic as trying to "understand"--in the moment--the socio-cultural-economic motives of someone trying to kill you in an alley.
All we had to do was threaten to level mecca and the 'good' muslims would've turned his raggedy ass in by September 13th, 2001.
War works.

Of course we can hold trial for someone who declares war on entire societies. Yes, very much so. We can hold trial, or at least attempt to hold trial, for anyone. And we should.
It's easy to scoff at other human's rights when you're in the majority that decides the value affixed to those rights. But what if you weren't?
Let me put it in a way that might pique your sensibilities. It's only a matter of time before white people are no longer the majority in the US. I'm just assuming you're white, by the way. So, let's say Latinos and Hispanics make up the majority vote in ten years or so: let's say it's the year 2022.
And let's say they think you should pay trillions in foreign aid for South America and Mexico, and so they vote that as national policy. And let's say they think the US should protect interests in that region, so they send a lot of the poor, disenfranchised whites (who in this version of the future now make up the majority of the military) to be international defense for places like Mexico and Guatemala and Brasil and so on.
And they start to talk how they're the indigenous people of the Americas, and white people are just trespassers who staked their claim via conquest and war. Within years, you and your family are deported to Denmark - that is if any of you survived the civil war. And what if you lose the right to protest, or vote, or the right of Habeas Corpus? Who will stand up for you? Those already oppressed who were once in the majority? Or would you want some Libertarian-Latino to recognize your rights because you are a living, breathing human being?

Big Ten Runner Heather Dorniden Falls And . . .

jubuttib says...

>> ^Yogi:

That's a 10k...that makes sense you have a LOT of time and you can make it up if you put in an incredible performance. 600 meters is not very far, so making up the distance in that short amount of space and time you have is ridiculous. The only excuse is that they're not really at the top of their game...they rabbited themselves out at the beginning or something.
Very true, though he also caught up in under 150 meters (and made a new world record). Of course doing it in a sprint is much more impressive, but this video did bring back memories from those races.

arvana (Member Profile)

9 Year Old Girl Squats 187lbs for New World Record

Yogi says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

and then..
she vomits her guts up, detaches her uterus and is left emotionally stunted because all of her peers fear her roid rage & tiny mustache.

Ya know women used to not be allowed to run marathons like back in the 60s or something because it was believed by doctors their uterus would detach. In fact there's a cool story about some woman breaking into the Boston Marathon and a cool video of it I'll try to find it because it's neat. You see a steward try to tackle her and everything.

EDIT: Ok her name is Bobbi's a cool story and it's told in "Spirit of the Marathon" fond here on Hulu.

Imagine If All Atheists Left America

kceaton1 says...

>> ^SDGundamX:

>> ^westy:
I think what this video inadvertantly highlights is that Education is directly tied with atheism the more intellectual/educated sum-one is the harder it is for them to believe in bullshit and the more likely it is they will do things based on facts of reality to improve reality.

You should check out this study, which basically shows that isn't the case. The high proportion of atheist scientists compared to the general population seems to be a function of upbringing (i.e. they were raised in homes that didn't place much importance on religion). The increased education seems to have little effect on those who enter the field with religious convictions. In other words, those raised in non-religious households seem to self-select disproportionately highly into the sciences. The study states that more investigation is required before coming to any conclusions as to why, but they didn't see any indication of people giving up their religious beliefs as they advanced in their education or career.

One interesting aspect coming out in psychological studies versus genetic backgrounds shows one interesting aspect of people that have Asperger's being unable to relate to religion and are constantly looking for a more rational explanation for any event. Likewise, some people may show an inclination to be religious via their genetics.

Most likely this is due to a preference in the way the brain decides to use information. Such as: the right hemisphere versus the left; or even to the extent of specific areas on one side--like math over chemistry.

This is VERY new information. Their was another study out on Friday I believe (look for it at that showed that people that were religious tended to be more healthy both mentally and physically. However, the study (from what I could find) doesn't really say whether they took the disparity between population numbers into account. Also they never took into account situations like autistic savants, Asperger's, bi-polar, and other conditions that tend to "create" extremely smart people, comparatively(I'm guessing this might happen as they tend to favor the left hemisphere and also have a very different perspectives than your normal healthy average human--giving them "fresh eyes" and a new perception intrinsically).

This video is definitely made to provoke. I don't necessarily like how it does it and I'm atheist. While I disagree with religion in any capacity where it wants to use faith/belief to solve a situation instead of the logical tried and true method, that is where I draw a line in the sand (like Creationism; it's useless to us in every aspect: it explains nothing, is useless in practice, and assumes everything). Religion doesn't necessarily bother me when it's used in a social setting. The only time this isn't true is when it crosses the "religion/state" barrier and rights of others; as is the case for many gay people. I know a lot of religious people that sit on a logical side of the fence and many that sit on the other side and try to (in my estimation) usurp the rights of others for poor reasons and in fact religious ones (state vs. religion again).

Lot's of the religious people (I'm in Utah so I know my situation is semi-unique) I know that refute many logical tenets, like evolution, tend to do so in a way that shows they are INCREDIBLY insecure when it comes to "smarts". I've had some people tell me they belong to MENSA and in the same sentence tell me evolution is fraud and it should be obvious as to why this is true (they usually have no "logical" reason to explain why this is true other than faith; I have yet to hear a good reason...). This may also be an indication that even in religion there is a disparity between other religious people and that it may even be a psychological/physical condition that causes it via genetics.

It would be a new world if you could wager whether someone is religious or not, before they are even born. To me that is a game changer, but to others I know they will not see why that is true.


Minecraft Love The Way You Lie Parody

heathen says...

Full Lyrics:

Just gonna stand here
while you go dig
Im so angry
as you ride off on your pig
Just gonna build here
I'm doin' fine
It's allright because
I love the way you mine
Love the way you mine

I can't tell you where the diamonds are
I can only tell you where they might be
But normally I have the best of luck around 16
I can't see, but I got my torchlight tonight
As long as I'm down here I know creepers could be in sight
know we should build, but it can wait, it's like I'm gonna faint
and I hate it, the more im down here, she suffocates
and right before I'm about to score a creeper locates me
he freakin hates me, but I saw em, wait
"Where you goin"
"im going back"
"No you ain't! Get back!"
I'm walking straight back, but here she's goes again
It's so mundane, but when the minin's good the minin's great
I'm on top of the world with the gems at my feet, she's praising me
But when it's bad its awful Man I'm so ashamed
She snaps, "I thought you found some, I don't see a grain"
I just looked at her, I told her I could mine some gems
I just gotta find em first and then...

Just gonna stand here
while you go dig
Im so angry
as you ride off on your pig
Just gonna build here
I'm doin' fine
It's allright because
I love the way you mine
Love the way you mine

You ever want some diamonds so bad
You can hardly think till you find em?
They're rare, and neither one of you ever even mined em
got that dark sinking feelin, that you always will be leaving
and she's getting really sick of building for ya
You swore you never leave her, never do nothing without her
Now you're fighting every day
Spewing items in their face that'll teach em
You yell, scream until you're red, jump spin
Kick em, but he's leaving to find diamonds in the morning just remember
It's the hunt that's the reason, it controls his mind
Friends say he's obsessed
They think you shouldn't stay
You say they don't know im
Cause today
Isn't yesterday
Today's almost over
and he's still away
sounds like the green record
playing over
But he promised you
This time he wont make you wait
You gave him another chance
I guess he respawned in the game
But he lied again
Now he gets to watch you leave out the server
Might never return again

Just gonna stand here
while you go dig
Im so angry
as you ride off on your pig
Just gonna build here
I'm doin' fine
It's allright because
I love the way you mine
Love the way you mine

If only he could spawn things
Big things
Then he wouldn't leave
But still he goes back
Into the same mine and
mines it clean
But you're doing just as good
Without him
But it's you he needs
And when he comes back home
You are reminded
Man he wants you back
He just messaged you
"Honey it was me"
Maybe our new world
Has a lot more dangers than it seems
So I think I'll cool off
And I'll help you build something
All know is
our house is way too small
To be out spelunking
Get inside
Pick up your chest off the ground now
Don't you see me chasing down
this stupid little brown cow?
Here's some leather pants now
Defend me while I build now
Next time you leave
I'll set the spawn in the air now
Next time?
There won't be a next time
Giving up my mines
For ya But you know it's lies
You're tired of his lame
Excuses you're glad he's back
You know his dishonest
If he ever tries to leave to mine again
You're gon' throw him in the bed
And set this house on fire

Just gonna stand here
while you go dig
Im so angry
as you ride off on your pig
Just gonna build here
I'm doin' fine
It's allright because
I love the way you mine
Love the way you mine

Pi Is (still) Wrong.

carrot says...

Also, personally, I prefer Dvorak. Especially the Symphony from the New World.

>> ^Psychologic:

Pi vs Tau reminds me of Qwerty vs Dvorak... the small gain in simplicity (or typing speed) is more than offset by the burden of the change, and learning to use both would be more confusing than using the current standard.
I'd be fine with the change, but I think π is cuter. =)

NEW WORLD RECORD 246.5m Schlierenzauer Ski Jump

messenger says...

Archery. So boring, you probably didn't even know it was an olympic sport. It's also one of my all-time favourite sports to do, but I never invited anyone to my tournaments.>> ^conan:

is there any sport less interesting to watch than ski jump? biathlon maybe? even seeing a new world record being set is boring.

NEW WORLD RECORD 246.5m Schlierenzauer Ski Jump

bmacs27 says...

>> ^conan:

is there any sport less interesting to watch than ski jump? biathlon maybe? even seeing a new world record being set is boring.

Ever watch yacht racing? You don't even have any background context to get a sense of the speed. It's just waves, a horizon, and a boat. Also, it takes substantially longer to finish a race.

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