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Bill Maher - New Rules (May 25 2012)

Bill Maher - New Rules (May 25 2012)

Bill Maher - New Rules (May 25 2012)

Bill Maher - New Rules (May 25 2012)

Bill Maher - New Rules (may 25th 2012)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bill Maher, real time, new rules' to 'new rules, fifty shades of grey, christoga, columbus, toilet paper, ted nugent' - edited by xxovercastxx

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

Lolthien says...

>> ^lantern53:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?


Also, I'm a huge fan of Biden.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

lantern53 says...

>> ^malldaffer:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?
Unfortunately Romney is absolutely electable...because we have an the ignorant masses who think that the bible is more important that the middle class, than small businesses, and secular education.
Name is isignificant to election, socialism is superior to a total free market system, all churches should be politically ignored, who hasn't smoked pot?, the comment on hanging out with a terrorist is a GROPer, I mean GOPer lie. Lets dwelll in the world of truths here.

This argument is about electability, not song-writing 'prowess'.

Also, the argument is not about whether socialism is superior to free market capitalism (which it has never been shown to be).

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

Stormsinger says...

>> ^malldaffer:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?
Unfortunately Romney is absolutely electable...because we have an the ignorant masses who think that the bible is more important that the middle class, than small businesses, and secular education.
Name is isignificant to election, socialism is superior to a total free market system, all churches should be politically ignored, who hasn't smoked pot?, the comment on hanging out with a terrorist is a GROPer, I mean GOPer lie. Lets dwelll in the world of truths here.

The very reason we find ourselves in such a state is that too many people have no interest in facts. They have swallowed the "thinking is hard" brainwashing hook, line, and sinker, and can't be bothered to do anything but parrot the lines of the party their parents worshiped.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by ChaosEngine:
>> ^lantern53:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?

You know, it's times like this when mere words won't do. What's needed here.... is a southern gospel choir.

Wait a minute! What's this? Can I get an "oh yeah"!?


Thank you. Let us begin.

<southern gospel voice>
Ladies and gentlemen! We have before us such a man, nay, a child calling himself a man, that gives the word "retard" new meaning.

congregation: Tell it, preacher!

This so-called man has the audacity, the temerity, the something-else-ending-in-ity to speak such utter bullshit, that Glen Beck himself looks upon him and weeps for his idiocy.

congregation: Hallelujah!

Brothers and sisters! There is but one response that his inanity is worthy of.
There is but one riposte that is befitting such a childish, uneducated, dumb-ass train of what simple folk might mistake for thought.

I leave it now for the choir to preach the good words.

Let me hear it now...

Go fuck yourself! (yeah!)
Go fuck yourself! (Sing it loud!)
Go fuck yourself! (you moron!)
Yeaahhhh ,go fuck yourself!!! (one more time)


i love you

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 18th 2012)

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^lantern53:

How is R-money unelectable?
We elected a man with a muslim name, a socialist background, from an anti-semitic racist church who spent his last two years of highschool in a drug-induced haze, then hung out with unrepentant terrorists and visited 57 states, then selected a brainiac Joe Biden to be his running mate?

You know, it's times like this when mere words won't do. What's needed here.... is a southern gospel choir.

Wait a minute! What's this? Can I get an "oh yeah"!?


Thank you. Let us begin.

<southern gospel voice>
Ladies and gentlemen! We have before us such a man, nay, a child calling himself a man, that gives the word "retard" new meaning.

congregation: Tell it, preacher!

This so-called man has the audacity, the temerity, the something-else-ending-in-ity to speak such utter bullshit, that Glen Beck himself looks upon him and weeps for his idiocy.

congregation: Hallelujah!

Brothers and sisters! There is but one response that his inanity is worthy of.
There is but one riposte that is befitting such a childish, uneducated, dumb-ass train of what simple folk might mistake for thought.

I leave it now for the choir to preach the good words.

Let me hear it now...

Go fuck yourself! (yeah!)
Go fuck yourself! (Sing it loud!)
Go fuck yourself! (you moron!)
Yeaahhhh ,go fuck yourself!!! (one more time)


Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 11th 2012)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bill Maher, Real Time, New Rules, Gay Marriage, Terrorism' to 'Bill Maher, Real Time, New Rules, Gay Marriage, Terrorism, reverse pulitzer' - edited by MrFisk

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 4th 2012)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^messenger:

But it's only their people who can worship there. How can tax deductions for religious be justified in the first place? Who even came up with that idea? Stupid.

The justification for it was that churches, synagogues and the like provide benefits for the community at large and not just their members.

How true this is today probably depends on where you live. A few weeks ago this happened about 10 minutes from where I live. Dozens of families have been left homeless and without all their belongings. Many of the local houses of worship have stepped up to donate clothing and food and to find temporary shelter for those that need it with no reservations about the faith of the victims.

Likewise, if I ever found myself way down on my luck with nobody to turn to for help, I could walk into most of the houses of worship here and the father or rabbi would be willing to talk with me and help, probably even without invoking God and faith if I told them I was not a believer.

This is the sort of thing you find in small, somewhat old-fashioned towns like this, though I wouldn't be surprised to find it in NYC either. Not every redneck is an aggressive authoritarian.

That being said, I'd like to see some restrictions enacted on religious tax exemptions. The Hasidim, in particular, have greatly abused this. Large portions of the land here are Hasidic camps (summer homes) which are listed as religious retreats and pay no taxes. It's costing us a fortune and we've been struggling for decades, never mind the recession. They do not participate in the community, they do not give back to the community and if I walked into one of them looking for help as described in my example above, I would be thrown out and charged with trespassing. They do not meet any of the requirements for tax exempt status under NYS law but they are very good at bloc voting, so they have been able to keep it going.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 4th 2012)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bill Maher, Real Time, New Rules, Cults, Mormanism, Religions' to 'Bill Maher, Real Time, New Rules, Cults, Mormonism, Religions' - edited by Issykitty

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 4th 2012)

SDGundamX says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Wondering when the last time anyone here's been to the symphony or ballet. Other than an occassional one-off cheap/free show for poor kids, tickets are still in the 100's of dollars, especially at Disney Hall. So, tax breaks for organizations who still charge outrageous prices to hear music written by dead people, is very odd.

The only symphonies I've ever attended have been the free ones provided by the San Francisco Symphony. To see why people deserve a tax break for contributing to them, check out the fact sheet about them here that demonstrates some of the great things they do with the money. Note that their concert hall, Davies Symphony Hall was constructed entirely through donations and is owned by the city of San Francisco (which contributed $10 million to the construction).

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