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jwray (Member Profile)

shuac (Member Profile)

shuac (Member Profile)

Father Arrested for Picking Up His Children on Foot

arekin says...

Pretty much on point. Its one thing to protest with no idea what position the police or school have on the subject, it is entirely different point to see both sides of the situation and presented with evidence see how fault could be found either way. Howe had been told what the new rule was and after the fact has stated that like it or not he has to follow the rule. The officer is a dumb ass who started with the high ground (in that by school policy he was correct) and took a shit all over it by using it to sour the situation. The lady at the desk was at least trying to help get Howe his kids and defuse the situation despite having her hands tied by the policy. All of this is a shitty situation caused by a poorly thought out policy, but despite this the correct way to deal with it would be to argue the policy in the correct forum and not get into an argument in a place where the school and the officer have a catch 22 of breaking policy and facing repercussion or upholding policy and looking like the assholes the video made them out to be.

ChaosEngine said:

In defence of @arekin, he's not saying he agrees with the law, but that the cop was carrying out his duty in regards to an existing law. We really don't want a situation where the cops get to pick and choose what laws are enforced.

That said, I don't feel his actions merited an arrest.

The school may legally have been within their rights (don't really have all the facts), but I'm pretty sure arguing with a school official isn't actually a crime.

It's basically a problem with the law itself. The law makers only thought of two possible scenarios:
1: Parents pick up their kids in a car.
2: The kids walk home alone.

The possibility that a parent might walk obviously never occurred to them.

Which is kinda sad, really.

Bill Maher New Rules on "Hate Filled" Social Media

Xaielao says...

Thing is many people think they are annonymous when acting like a spoiled teenager. They aren't.

I do agree with Bill Maher however, there are more poor in this nation than at any other time besides the great depression, and while most poor used to think themselves middle class, now it is the opposite. It has created a lot of rage in a lot of people.

Best 'New Rules' in some time.

Edward Snowden's Father: Obama "Intentionally Misleading"?

No More Samesies (sleeping with the same sex)

9547bis (Member Profile)

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

bareboards2 says...

@eric3579, here is a transcript. So you can get the info without the annoying delivery:

And finally, New Rule: there are scandals, and then there are scandals. And perspective is important. Yes, to explain Benghazi, Susan Rice used talking points. But at least she didn't have to read them off her hand! [graphic of Palin looking into her palm]

Now this week, someone was taken off a cross-country flight in handcuffs for singing "I Will Always Love You" for three straight hours. And that's still fewer times has said "Benghazi". I've seen this woman [Megyn Kelly] say Benghazi on my TV so many times, I don't know if it's a problem with the set, or I'm in an Asian horror movie, and there's a monster named Benghazi.

Congressman and friend of Real Time Darrell Issa is the Chairman of the Oversight Committee, and as most Californians know, he made his fortune in car alarms. And now, ironically, has become a loud, repetitive, but ultimately pointless device that you wish to God someone would shut off so you could get some sleep. (audience applause)

But here's the difference between Darrell Issa and a car alarm. Sometimes when a car alarm goes off, there's an actual crime. I keep looking for the crime here, I feel like Reese Witherspoon arguing with the cop. Why are you arresting me? Susan Rice said "mob" instead of "al-Qaeda"? Obama said "act of terror" instead of "terrorist act"?

Republicans are constantly coming up with these never before stated secret rules, that they only tell you about once you've broken them.

"You don't make important speeches from a teleprompter!"


"No golfing until we have a budget!"

All right.

"Thou shalt not criticize the President when he's on foreign soil, unless he's a Democrat, of course, then it's OK."

Congressman Peter King thundered that the President was almost four minutes into his first Benghazi statement before he mentioned an act of terror! Ah yes, the four-minute rule. Fuck, how could I forget?!

'Scuse me, Nixon ran a burglary ring out of the Oval Office. Reagan traded arms with terrorists. Bush ginned up a war where thousands died by sending Colin Powell to lie to the UN with props, remember that? He turned an American hero into General Carrot Top! But I let it go. I said this is the business we've chosen.

But please, don't tell me that freedom died because Susan Rice broke the scared bond between citizens and talk shows. In a poll this week, 4 in 10 Republicans said Benghazi is the worst scandal in American history. Second worst? Kanye West snatching the mic from Taylor Swift.

If you think Benghazi is worse than slavery, the Trail of Tears, Japanese internment, Tuskegee, purposefully injecting Guatemalan mental patients with syphilis, lying about WMDs, and the fact that banks today are still foreclosing on mortgages they don't own, then your hard-on for Obama has lasted more than four hours, and you need to call a doctor. (wild audience cheering and applause)

And while the press has been occupied with scandal, the biggest scandal, and the most important story of the century so far, happened last week. Scientists reported that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has passed the long-feared milestone of 400 parts per million. And unless you're a chimney sweep, that's bad news. Because humans have never lived through it.

You think Susan Rice gave bogus talking points about Benghazi? What about the bullshit talking points the entire Republican Party has been spewing on climate change since the 90s? (audience applause)

I wanna see the e-mails to find out who came up with the talking points that global warming is just a theory, and that it needs more study, and climate change is a hoax. The Obama administration isn't dirty, the air is.

WTF Japanese Bikini Waxing Commercial - (Wait for it)

chingalera says...

"Hey ladies, remember how good it felt down there when you were eleven?"

Thanks to internet porn, even your fucking grandmother trims the beaver hutch nowadays....Quite frankly, we miss the thigh furbies......can't stand stubble and ingrown hars down thars, OH, and tell me this ladies..

Does rendering your snatch hairless make that particular area of your anatomy more desirable or aid in her proper function? NO. Hairless beavers are tantamount to corsets and high heels-It's a discomfort endured, touted by horny douchebag males as a hip, new style. Not so thinly-veiled pedo-bear new rules....

Notwithstanding my personal tastes, some nappy dugouts are quite hard to regard with relish.....Maybe YOU should consider the laser, hon....

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (april 5, 2013)

Maher: Atheism is NOT a religion

New Rules - January 25, 2013

littledragon_79 (Member Profile)

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

Here's a bug: My latest video(s) have made it to the top 15. I have a ton of power points, beyond maxed out (that's not the bug, leave it alone)...when my video made it to the top 15 siftbot said he gave me a power point (which under the new rules, I am not capable of receiving more power points). That's fine and all, but I think it'd be better if you weren't capable of receiving power points, siftbot shouldn't say you got one. Just a minor programming thing, probably.

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