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Zifnab (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Babymech (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on New Rule – Better Ted Than Dead has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Senator Lindsey Graham is on the 'Ted Train'

Senator Lindsey Graham is on the 'Ted Train'

Real Time with Bill Maher: New Rules – November 13, 2015

RedSky (Member Profile)

dag (Member Profile)

Real Time with Bill Maher: Johann Hari on The War on Drugs

13 Misconceptions About Global Warming - Veritasium

SquidCap says...

Why do we have to listen to small minority on this anymore? They had their chance of refuting, they failed. We wont ever agree on everything anyway, that hasn't stopped us for making new rules that affect everyone. AGW supporters are overwhelmingly the majority. And don't start Godwining me, i'm talking about democratic process where majority rules.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Jihad Me At Hello

Real Time with Bill Maher: Jihad Me At Hello

Nicolas Prost sends Nick Heidfeld into a violent crash

ChaosEngine says...

New rule: each Formula E car must carry a regulation set of speakers connected to the engine management system and go "vroom vrooom".

I am only half joking about this

EMPIRE said:

it's not silent. It's actually louder than a regular car. But it's not a combustion engine sound obviously. It's that high pitch noise of an electric engine.

edit: by regular car, I mean a road car. not a formula 1 car.

Chicago Resident: Obama Will Go Down as Worst President Ever

enoch says...

while appreciate the sentiment and ideology behind your commentary,i just do not see it play out in reality.

i was going to post links to convey just how broken our democracy is,and those links are legion.the data is incontrovertible and to be quite honest...depressing.

i tire of people making this about libs/repubs.
that is NOT the argument,though it IS the argument that is presented to all of us.
the REAL argument is about POWER and POWERLESSNESS.

the only true power the people have is they,themselves and the ability to form associations,to group up and put pressure on those who wield create institutions which sheer numbers..those in the ivory tower to hear the voices of the common folk.

but those institutions and associations have been dismantled and the people marginalized.

would you like scumbag A or dirtbag B?
and maybe a possible third party candidate,which leads to the inevitable "lesser of two evils" argument you are alluding to.

all of that does not change the fact we are getting our clock cleaned by the elites who only seek to further their own interests.

we lost.plain and simple.

but i cannot ignore the optimism in your post.
i just wished i shared it.
in my opinion the only path we have left is mass uprising.
to grind the gears of the machine to a halt and force those in the ivory tower to come to the bargaining table.

i do not share you enthusiasm and trust in a totally (in my opinion) broken political system that threw us all overboard 40 years ago.

that is playing THEIR game by THEIR rules.
and that game is rigged and in their favor.

i think the evidence of that has become abundantly clear to anybody who has been paying attention.

its like gambling in vegas.
yes..there are a few who win big but the majority lose their shirts but the illusion that maybe...juuust too might win big keeps people coming back to the table.

they have stacked the odds in their favor and to play the political system is no different.
either way..the house always wins.

so why play a rigged game?
why play by rules that have been instituted to benefit the elites and fuck us all over?

the time has come to change the game and create new rules.

i apologize for the lengthy rant.
i truly wish i could share in your optimism newt.
i do realize there are those who are doing their best to fight this inequity and corruption.
so there is hope....a tiny..slim..sliver of hope.

and on that note i hope right along with them.

littledragon_79 (Member Profile)

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