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How To Deal With A Videobomber.

Russell Brand blowing your tiny mind on Australia Today

chingalera says...

Once you spend 10 or so more years into your take on Jesus and his trip downstairs, you may relax into the seasoned believer's shoes, who take to heart Jesus' words in Mathew Chapter 6, verse 6, where the master of life and death implores, "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

Or here, when he encourages his disciples on their proselytizing quest for more guests at the never-ending worship fest and ice cream social in the sky..."Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." -Matthew 7:6

Perhaps this isn't the best place to let your light so shine before men, eh??...Unless of course you have a knack for racking-up crowns online on other rabid-liberal-pseudo-intellectual circle-jerk web forums??

shinyblurry said:

I'm offering my point of view just like you are. If you don't agree with it, that's another thing entirely. I just hope that if any of you ever gets into that situation, you will remember my words and not became ensnared.

La Monte Young The Black Record 31 VII 69 1026 - 1049 PM

chingalera says...

So this work of Young's when I first heard it back in the 80s, was a work in progress, as in, it never ends-Young had worked on this piece as an open-ended composition and performed it live once a year to dedicated patrons of the drone.

On a prepared piano, he would begin the piece and play it to it's end to date....The entire concert's duration was some insane 18-30 hours in execution.

Syrian rebels take a cue from the A-Team

Are Star Trek and Star Wars Mutually Exclusive? (Geek Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Watch all the classic geek movies and TV.

Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Never Ending Story(s), Princes Bride, LOTR, Planet of the Apes, So much more - too much to list, but you get the idea

But don't ignore the new stuff!!!
Eventualy they will be telling you what is cool so be ready to get interested in the stuff they bring to you.

QualiaSoup - Substance Dualism (Part 1 of 2)

enoch says...

hehe..i just left a private message for you @messenger then came here to @HadouKen24 has packaged things very nicely.

he is far more versed in these matters than i and has a spartan,yet succinct way in conveying his ideas.

I..on the other hand,am a ramblomatic confuse-a-thon.
now back to the never ending hecticness i have been experiencing of late.

cheers you two!

Republicans are Pro-Choice!

joedirt says...

We don't prosecute most nutjobs that let their kids die because they are using prayer for medicine, and that is a wanted cared for child, but the gov't can't get involved in those parental choices.

But here are morons wanting to force medical decisions on people. And no, all fetus aren't created equal, some aren't viable, think how many wanted pregnancies never end up in a live birth.

The same assholes want to ban abortion, because it is easy. There is a clinic, it is a building or a few people or a woman they can take their beliefs out on. These same people aren't trying to prevent women that are drinking or taking meth or crack during pregnancy. They aren't there giving food to malnourished live human lives that need protecting. They just care about stopping a building, a simple procedure, something tangible. They aren't setting up adoption networks, or child care or donating food or baby sitting to women that can't afford children.

They are privileged people who can't imagine being in a situation, so they assume everyone should live like them. It's the same way they want to enforce state issued photo ID, or ban night or weekend voting. It's because they can get a driver's license and just can't imagine someone who cannot get out of work and go at 3pm to vote. They can't imaging a 95 year old woman that can't get on three bus lines to a DMV and pay $30 for an ID, but first they have to stop off at the SSA to try and get a social security card they never had in their lifetime.

They are the scum of the Earth that want to be able to tell everyone how to live, but recoil at the idea that gov't might have some say in how they live. But are more than willing to force gov't choices on other people.

Vote Rmoney. (Actually Obama is the same choice)

And those nutjobs out there promoting this, sorry, but a pregnant 13 year old raped by their father/uncle/brother, shouldn't have to be forced to have a baby. And the sad part is these idiots can't even back away from this ledge, even Rmoney isn't that stupid, unlike some sifters.

Irish President calls Teabagger Michael Graham a wanker.

CreamK says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Irish O'bama is ignorant of Tea Party ideals. One cannot expect a Eurosocialist to understand a healthy fear of government power, the sole reason our American government is divided in TREES.

"It is said by the proponents of government-run health care that 47 million people go without health care in the United States. For example, during the so-called Cover the Uninsured Week event in 2008, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi issued a statement declaring that this is the “time to reaffirm our commitment to access to quality, affordable health care for every American, including the 47 million who live in fear of even a minor illness because they lack health insurance…In the wealthiest nation on earth, it is scandalous that a single working American or a young child must face life without the economic security of health coverage.” This is more deceit.
"In 2006, the Census Bureau reported that there were 46.6 million people without health insurance.
About 9.5 million were not United States citizens.
Another 17 million lived in households with incomes exceeding $50,000 a year and could, presumably, purchase their own health care coverage.
Eighteen million of the 46.6 million uninsured were between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four, most of whom were in good health and not necessarily in need of health-care coverage or chose not to purchase it.
Moreover, only 30 percent of the nonelderly population who became uninsured in a given year remained uninsured for more than twelve months. Almost 50 percent regained their health coverage within four months.
The 47 million “uninsured” figure used by Pelosi and others is widely inaccurate."
--Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny

Even one humanbeing left without a basic health care is a travesty in a civilized country. This really baffles me, how can US even consider of not providing a basic human rights to all it's citizens. In my opinion the basic human needs are food, shelter and heatlhcare. The obejctive is that everyone can provide themselves with the first two while the healthcare is in the hands of professionals. You can claim that then goverment should provide free housing for all by employing professional constructor workers following the same logic that healthcare is done by professionals for free. Not all things are comparable, you can spend your night on a floor and be safe from the enviroment but you can't patch a guy up with staples and tape when he had a nasty fall and broke his leg.. Shelter can be variable as long as it fills the purpose but denying healthcare will kill humanbeings, you're fellow men and women.

We can take care of healthcare for all in every G20 country. And since we can do it, it's then mandatory. Like if we would get free unlimited energy logic will dictate that it will be ditributed to all, it never ends, it's free and there is no real reason to not give it out. Unless one man denys the service because of his own petty jealousy, anger, racism, or religious reasons. Those four things is what stops the regular US citizen from accepting a true humanitray cause, YOU DON*T WANT YOUR FELLOW HUMANBEING GETTING THE SAME RIGHTS AND PRVILEGES THAN YOU!!! It doesn't matter what your reasonings are, the trhuth is that you are an evil humanbeing that deliberately hurts all less fortunate than you. You get kick out of it, you enjoy looking at homeless, you spit on them and would no doubt just kill them in a whim, they are not humanbeings to you. Only your family and you are considered the right to get everything you want. No one else can, it's deminish your own ego.

This is my take on healthcare, anyone denying it is a monster. if you really want, we will leave you opt-out plan too, take care of your self if you like, hell we can even give you the money back you would normally spend for others (those cockraoches you know, people who don't deserve to live..)

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

In reply to this comment by ulysses1904:
Here's one of my favorite Jonathan Richman, he writes simple likeable songs:

If you saw "There's Something About Mary" (which I never did) I read that Jonathan Richman played his guitar and sang, as a segue/commentary between the movie scenes.>> ^PlayhousePals:

>> ^ulysses1904:
¡Me gusta la canción! Reminds me of something Jonathan Richman would do.

I too liked the song [catchy] ... not familiar with Jonathan Richman ... will have to check him out, thanks =oD

Ice Cream Man ... delightful! The ditty that never ends [almost] I love how engaged the audience was. Don't know how he's slipped under my radar all of these years. Thanks for that link

Something About Mary is hilarious! [I love Ben Stiller] ... been quite sometime since I've seen it though. It deserves a revisit. =o)

1972 Olympics 800m - Watch the Guy in the Hat!

1972 Olympics 800m - Watch the Guy in the Hat!

BEER To The Rescue

Never-Ending Water Slide Simulator

Chick-Fil-Gay Sandwich

FrostBoss: Spin your drink like a boss

Porksandwich says...

>> ^legacy0100:

I'm just wondering, wouldn't the can be shaken up after all that spinning movement and cause it to overflow? You may end up having to wait for the can to settle down before opening it anyway, which may negate the time saved from fast cooling lol
If the spinning doesn't agitate the can and there is no overflowing, then there may be a use for this device. It's a fun little gimmick

I a lot of what makes cans get fizzy is shifting that pocket of air at the top of it through the liquid enough that it causes the carbonation to get agitated. Like if you took a can and just ran it between your hands smoothly it's not going to bubble over. And when they slide down convenience store shelving they aren't agitated either because the pocket of air is at the top and not running through the liquid like it is with a shake.

That's just my guess at it, because I often run cans between my hands if they are dirty to try to get some of the condensation so I can clean them a little and never end up with a fizzing over can. Plus if you've got a really good cooler and plenty of ice a can of pop can be far too cold to drink if it's really hot an ice cream headache at times.

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