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Blues Brothers - opening scene

poolcleaner says...

Them just out of the '70s, 1980s sensibilities. Jump the river with your cop motor and FIX that cigarette lighter. I need to watch Stripes now so I can watch the sexy military police have sex with the military fuck ups. Then I'll fast forward the decade and watch Ferris Buehler not go to school.

Film in the 80s taught me about anarchy and it taught me well. Oh wait, film as media is inherently anarchistic. Aw, fuck it. Society must just stink.


Rhys Millen Wins Pikes Peak First Electric Car Victory

Jinx says...

No power loss at altitude helps quite a bit I imagine. Would be interesting to see the splits compared to a combustion engine as it climbs, well, if it hadn't lost a motor half way up.

Renewable Energy from Evaporating Water

newtboy says...

I saw this the other day on the tube, and noticed that the energy produced must be far less than the energy used to pump the water to the top of the 'motor', as much of the pumped water evaporates to the atmosphere, going unused by the machine. That makes this interesting, but more as art than a useful device in most cases, unless it's installed below a natural water source, in which case why not just do micro hydro.

Canadian In A Canoe Vs. Naked Guy

rich_magnet says...

This is elaborate, and very Canadian visual metaphor. The naked man represents the terror of divulging that which is most vulnerable while being intoxicated, while the tackle represents the motor coordination challenges while same. Asking for help to "bring it in" being a rejected cry for help. The canoe represents the territory of self, surrounded by the depth of the dark feelings.

It's a very basic Canadian mode of self-reflection.

Brilliantly Simple Rotary Wood Splitter

Ickster says...

I wonder if this is really an improvement over other methods. I bet that wood has to be really dry for it to work so easily; I can imagine something like a fresh elm log getting stuck on that bit and wrenching the motor right off its mounts.

Brilliantly Simple Rotary Wood Splitter

Sniper007 says...

I'd have to see that bit in person to know for sure, but I'm guessing that scenario would be INCREDIBLY unlikely. The bit would have to hit bone immediately, in JUST the right way... I'd venture to say that would be nearly impossobile.

If it hit's flesh, you're yanking your hand out of there as hard and as fast as possible. Granted, you may leave some flesh behind, but it's not going to take your entire arm/hand.

But to help even further - put in a foot pedal that supplies power to the motor, making sure the moter is set up (however you can do this) to seize immediately when it loses power.

newtboy said:

True, but one moment stupidly looking away and getting it started into your wrist, say goodbye to that entire arm. ;-)

don't frack with denton-small towns fight against big oil

newtboy says...

Sugar/sand in the gas tanks/air intakes people. Drill rigs don't work too well when their motors seize up, and oil and gas companies will only try so many times before realizing the community won't let them be super villains (who else has earthquake machines?).

Watch this catamaran sailboat surf into port

ChaosEngine says...

He would have had enough power to maneuver, but not enough to outrun the waves. If there was a big enough break in the sets, yeah, he could have just motored in.

The skill here was in timing the power to get in front of a wave and then steering it to keep on the wave. It's not actually that difficult to do, but the consequences of getting it wrong are pretty nasty.

Payback said:

Unlike a surfboard, I fail to see where this captain had any input whatsoever over this. You know, other than floating around until the wave happened. If he had the engine power to maneuver, why bother surfing? Unless he's just trying to capsize, sell the boat to the insurance company...

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

The Backwards Brain Bicycle

TheFreak says...

If you want to experience something similar at home, take a game controller and invert the Y axis in a first person game that you've played a lot. Play until you get the hang of it and then switch back. See how long it takes you to readjust.
You're engaging fewer motor functions but you should feel the bewildering and frustrating sense of everything being backwards and the experience of retuning your brain.

Helpful raccoon washes your things

slickhead says...

I said they can feel more when dousing. The racoon is simply examining the items.

"Their paws contain highly developed nerves, and the water actually makes their paws more sensitive.

"Dabbling behavior in water is a fixed motor pattern in raccoons. Since only captive raccoons exhibit food-dousing behavior, scientists believe that washing food is simply a substitute for normal dabbling behavior, which has no other outlet in captivity,"

Feeling things underwater is what they do. Why do you imagine the owners have supplied the racoon with a water bowl full of toys? It is to occupy its attention.

sanderbos said:

But the Wikipedia paragraph you quote speaks only of them washing their food, not every single item they come across.
Maybe those owners have not been feeding it, or maybe it thinks it's an 'Apple' phone (Apple phones aren't waterproof so that makes it easy to identify them even (especially?) if you're a raccoon).

Protecting and serving by automobile

Mordhaus says...

I am not 'calling' it anything. By legal definition some of his crimes are considered violent crimes and he would have been charged/will be charged as such when he appears before a court.

Robbing a store with a finger in your pocket is the same as robbing it with a gun or piece of metal per the eyes of the law.

Setting fire to an OCCUPIED structure is a violent crime. Committing Arson even on an empty structure can be considered a violent crime depending on who could be hurt if the fire spreads or explosions occur from the contents of the building.

Burglary (also called breaking and entering and sometimes housebreaking) is a crime, the essence of which is illegal entry into a building for the purposes of committing an offence. Usually that offence will be theft, but most jurisdictions specify others which fall within the ambit of burglary. Trespassing is typically entering a section of land that has been marked.

Motor vehicle theft (sometimes referred to as grand theft auto by the media and police departments in the US) is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a car. This can happen in many ways, but they all fall under this description.

As far as the gun theft, still falls under the definition of burglary. He stole a weapon and tussled with the store employees to escape. I personally would call it a violent crime, but I don't know for sure if it legally is considered one or if it would be relegated more to shoplifting.

Yeah, I am taking the word of the police that he pointed the gun at them. Maybe I shouldn't because out of the thousands of arrests and incidents that happen daily across the country, we have a few videos that show spurious methods used by a few officers. I mean, I get that right now the public trust in officers is at an all time low for good reason, but given the sheer number of things that this guy already did that day, I have to assume that they might not be lying in this case.

As far as the officer, like I said, maybe he overreacted. But I would rather we risk the death of a clearly severely mentally ill person than read about the 11 year old he shot because he was crazy and had a gun.

In the end, you have the right to see and feel about the incident any way you see fit. You don't have to agree with a single thing I say. But I posted what I posted because I felt that just the video alone is not a clear picture of what was going on in this situation. I merely shared some of the facts that were printed by a major media outlet so that people could have the additional information to make up their minds about the video.

newtboy said:

Ahh, I see, the police CLAIMED he pointed it at them during the moment the camera wasn't pointed at him, eh? I'm not sure I can take the word of an officer as fact these days....sadly.
You call it robbery, he was only charged with theft. He had a metal object in his hand, but didn't try to use it on anyone. You call it breaking and entering, but there's no indication the home was closed or that he broke anything, he did enter (trespassing), and did steal a car (not carjacked, so still GTA?), and later a gun (again, only petty theft). My point was it was not reported he threatened or injured anyone (beyond himself) during any of these crimes, so they may not have been violent at all. He was certainly having mental issues. You seem to be saying ANY crime is violent, which you're free to believe, but I'm free to disagree.
No one was seen in danger at the time they ran him over, certainly not in the camera range. In America we aren't supposed to try to kill people for what they MIGHT do sometime in the future, right?
True, they could have handled it worse in many ways, that doesn't mean I can't still see, and exclaim, that they handled it terribly.

I think you said it all in your last paragraph. Deadly force was authorized IF NEEDED, the officer saw an OPPORTUNITY (not a necessity) and took it.

If he truly pointed the gun at someone, it changes my opinion, but unfortunately I can't take a cop's word on that...."he grabbed my taser" (and the hundreds of other lies caught on camera) blows it for every claim they make. Now, if it's not on camera, it didn't happen. Their word is worth less than nothing at this point. They better buy those body cameras quick, because I don't think I'm alone thinking that way.

BB-8 droid from The Force Awakens Rolls out on stage

Dumdeedum says...

It occurs to me you could probably manage it without too much in the way of Segway-esque magic. Have the outer shell as you'd expect, basically a big hamster ball, then a second ball inside it with all the clever stuff.

For the inside inside have most of the lower half be ballast of some sort - battery packs would be ideal for that - then 8 or so wheels pushing against the outer shell so you can move in a decent number of directions (might have to retract the wheels perpendicular to the direction of movement unless there's a more elegant solution I'm missing).

Then finally for the upper half make a very smooth dome, put a little cart on it whose position you can adjust with a couple of cables, stick a couple of strong magnets on the cart (need a motor on the cart too so you can rotate the head).

This is all based on my years of not having done anything remotely connected to model building!

Bosch self-drive car demo

poolcleaner says...

Fuck you, Philip. In the future you are DONE. I'm going rogue and joining the raiders. While you're checking your email to see if there's an ineffective faggot that'll blow you while your wife is auto-driving in her black cock mobile, I'll be riding alongside of you on a jet propelled tricycle with a carboard cut out of a society car, just like yours.

Except it's not, Philip. It's NOT just like yours, Philip. It's really a cyberpunk barbarian motorized tricycle with a series of harpoons and tazers that I send flying at your smart car, connected to barbed wire and chains, that I use to ensnare my prize. And you, Philip. You're my bitch. My little Tatum.

Show the people what happens to future idiots who forget how to drive. That's right, their wife doesn't care because she's already taken care of and your ass is probably used on a constant basis by dirty disease ridden scavs. After the raiders have had the ol ultra violence on ya, real savage like.

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