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Elizabeth Warren: what would it take to shut down a big bank

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

She's asking for expert opinions about criminal charges - these guys are bean counters - not the experts on criminal code. They could give personal opinions, which seems like what she wants, but you could see why they wouldn't do that, unless they want the Attorney General opining on monetary policy..

Grimm said:

Listen again...she is crystal clear over and over again that she is asking for an "expert opinion" from these guys who are supposed to be the experts in our government on money laundering.

They don't need to have the "authority" to shut down a bank to provide an "expert opinion" do they? Why won't they answer? It's not a trick question...they fully investigated this bank and apparently gave them the maximum fines that they were allowed why dance around the question? How could they not have an opinion?

Justin Bieber Flips Out On Paparazzi In London

MrFisk says...

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Louis CK - If God Came Back

VoodooV says...

Really? Really? Nothing is possible without monetary profit. You really going to stand by that statement?

lantern53 said:

Profits are important because w/o profit, nothing else is possible. If you want to affect change in the world, it takes money to do so.

Wealth Inequality in America

renatojj says...

@aaronfr and what if I said, "the State and the Church should be separate", would that imply I want priests getting away with murder?

My problem is not my original comment, it's you interpreting "get government out of the economy" in the worst possible light to make a quip about libertarianism and get cheap upvotes.

Government is in bed with the economy, with the monetary system, crooked financial institutions, bailing out banks that are too big to fail... is it OK for me, Mr. @aaronfr, to want the State to separate itself from all that shit, much like society agreed centuries ago that the State + Church = trouble? Or is that too much libertarian nonsense?

It makes me sad that you think socialism has anything to do with cooperation, because there's no room for cooperation when there's no private ownership or capital. Socialism's relationship with the economy is that of central planning, logically, and historically.

MrAndrewMaxwell (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...

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Coolest Cop Ever - Helping Not Hurting

A10anis says...

Couple of points; If you ride a bike you should be aware of laws relating to them (ignorance of the law is no defence in the eyes of the law). People will certainly complain if, because of the minority of "people who don't care," everyone has to pay for bike training. How about common sense; would these same people allow their children out at night without lights on their bike? Taxes are not paid for the police to "create a safe environment." The function of the police is to enforce the law, not to arbitrarily interpret it. I'm not sure how you managed to "hire the police to issue citations," that is a direct infringement on due process. Issuing tickets to motorists, in the example you gave, is their job, and not subject to unilateral monetary influences. If they are allowing deaths on crosswalks, then it should be rectified using due process, not monetary gain on the polices part. Your example paints the police as a form of private agency available for hire; "Excuse me officer, I will give you $20 if you issue a ticket to that guy who just dropped litter."

shatterdrose said:

Actually, most people don't know much about bike laws. You don't have to go through a course to get a license, and hence, most people honestly don't care or simply never think of it.

Taxes are paid for the police to create a safe environment for everyone. If this is a the quickest, easiest, and most cost effective way, then your taxes are doing their job. Furthermore, in most cases like this, when outside programs are involved, the outside program is the one raising the funds to do these programs. Here in Orlando we had to raise $30,000 to hire the police to issue citations/warnings to motorists who don't yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. We have the highest pedestrian fatality rate in the country. We paid for it, privately, not through taxpayer money, to enforce the law because it's not considered a money maker. Otherwise, someone will bitch and complain their tax money isn't being used the way *they* think it should be.

The ironic part though, is they're giving out front lights, not rear lights. The rear is most important, in most cases. Additionally, he actually let a girl go with her light flashing. In some states that's actually illegal, although much safer. (For instance, here in Florida having a flashing light on a bicycle is illegal because it resembles an emergency response vehicle, which is the same law for motor vehicles.)

United States is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

syncron says...

Some meaning was lost in translation. He's talking about 贪污 which has more to do with monetary corruption than anything else. To say that the US ranks #1 in misappropriation of money is not inaccurate.

leadership8tr (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...

What exactly consitutes a self link?

If your post is not a Sponsored Video (the only allowed way to promote your own content) and any of the following is true about a particular video you are considering submitting, it is a self link, with NO exceptions for any member:

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Why the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam

volumptuous says...

Nice of you to tell us you're ignorant of monetary policy right up front.

lantern53 said:

The feds will just continue to print money, act like nothing happened, meanwhile the people who really understand money will stop their involvement in it and we will enjoy quite high rates of inflation until the whole system collapses, then Obama can distribute pitchforks and you folks can go literally eat the rich. but when the rich are dead and buried, what will you do?

Ask a Mortician - Scientific Body Donation

A10anis says...

Donated my body to medical school. It's just my opinion, but i feel burial/cremation is a waste - not to mention a monetary waste. Anyway, they keep your "bits" for 3 years, cremate them, and hand them back to your family - if they want them. All in all, seems a good option.

death of america and rise of the new world order

Edgeman2112 says...

Arm yourself with knowledge, people, or succomb to ignorance found in conspiracies..

Facts: Yes, the Federal Reserve banks are privately owned, but they are controlled by the publically-appointed Board of Governors. The Federal Reserve banks merely execute the monetary policy choices made by the Board. In addition, nearly all the interest the Federal Reserve collects on government bonds is rebated to the Treasury each year, so the government does not pay any net interest to the Fed.

Facts: No foreigners own any part of the Fed. Each Federal Reserve bank is owned exclusively by the participating commercial banks and S&Ls operating within the Federal Reserve bank's district. Individuals and non-bank firms, be they foreign or domestic, are not permitted by law to own any shares of a Federal Reserve bank. Moreover, monetary policy is controlled by the publically-appointed Board of Governors, not by the Federal Reserve banks.

Fact: Independent accounting firms conduct full financial audits of the Federal Reserve banks and the Board of Governors every year. The Fed is also subject to certain types of audits from the Government Accounting Office.

Facts: The Federal Reserve rebates its net earnings to the Treasury every year. Consequently, the interest the Treasury pays to the Fed is returned, so the money borrowed from the Fed has no net interest obligation for the Treasury. The government could print its own currency independent of the Fed, but there would be no effective safeguards against abuse of this power for political gain.

Facts: The Federal Reserve banks have only a small share of the total national debt (about 7%). Therefore, only a small share of the interest on the debt goes to the Fed. Regardless, the Fed rebates that interest to the Treasury every year, so the debt held by the Fed carries no net interest obligation for the government. In addition, it is Congress, not the Federal Reserve, who is responsible for the federal budget and the national debt.

Facts: Kennedy wrote E.O. 11,110 to phase out silver certificate currency, not to issue more of it. Records show Kennedy and the Federal Reserve were almost always in agreement on policy matters. He even signed legislation to give the Fed more authority to issue currency.

Facts: McFadden was incorrect regarding the Fed costing the government money. However, later economic analysis agrees with him that Federal Reserve policy blunders had a substantial role in causing the Depression. However, his implication that this was done deliberately has no basis in fact. Moreover, for a dozen years prior to his rant, McFadden had been the chairman of the House subcommittee that oversaw the Federal Reserve. Why didn't he do anything to reform or abolish the Fed while he had the chance?

Facts: The banking system is indeed able to create money with a mere computer keystroke. However, a bank's ability to create money is tied directly to the amount of reserves customers have deposited there. A bank must pay a competitive interest rate on those deposits to keep them from leaving to other banks. This interest expense alone is a substantial portion of a bank's operating costs and is de facto proof a bank cannot costlessly create money.

Fact: The term 'lawful money' does not refer to gold or silver coin, but to types of money which the government would permit banks to use when tabulating their reserves. These types of money included, but were not limited to, gold and silver coin.

Scientists Convicted of Manslaughter Sentenced to 6 years

littledragon_79 says...

I read this morning that the prosecution sought 4 year terms, but the judge upped it. Dunno if monetary awards were the prosecution's idea or the judge's.

This just seems like butthurt people looking to feel better by condemning others. I'm not saying what happened wasn't a terrible tragedy, but was it their fault? If they had said everyone head for the hills would people have been killed in a mad rush to escape? And some reports make it sound like 65k people being homeless was the scientists' fault too.

Lots of people saying they hope this makes things better in the exactly? Shouldn't they be working WITH these scientists instead of banishing them? Maybe move away from earthquaketonshireville? Or...use SCIENCE to make buildings more resistant to earthquakes.

Why Pixar Movies are Secretly about the Apocalypse

brycewi19 says...

>> ^chingalera:

Hey folks, I don't feel entitled and I fucking hate adverts over videos and guess why??
Because the techniques that advertisers use to hawk their wares insults and disgusts me considering the quality of all but the simplest of the crap available to human beings. Advertising is an insidious and continual affront to your consciousness and a waste of resources both human and monetary. i COULD GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON like this for hours as to the "cons" of the vile trade-As to of you those who defend the institution and practice of bombarding the collective psyche with the shit???...Well, the tone your only defense seeeems to include some piety regarding some "necessity" for such a continual assault, simply because of the old adage, "You don't get something, for nothing." In this case, we get pretty much nothing in the form of entertainment(four dweebs sitting around talking geekster shit about nothing very interesting), and for the guy here who got the ad???....Some fucking commercial for mouthwash or a car.
When the internet is off, I'll find something else to do.

Or you could get adblock and/or not watch the video in the first place. There's ways to avoid the evil advertising.

Why Pixar Movies are Secretly about the Apocalypse

chingalera says...

Hey folks, I don't feel entitled and I fucking hate adverts over videos and guess why??

Because the techniques that advertisers use to hawk their wares insults and disgusts me considering the quality of all but the simplest of the crap available to human beings. Advertising is an insidious and continual affront to your consciousness and a waste of resources both human and monetary. i COULD GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON like this for hours as to the "cons" of the vile trade-As to of you those who defend the institution and practice of bombarding the collective psyche with the shit???...Well, the tone your only defense seeeems to include some piety regarding some "necessity" for such a continual assault, simply because of the old adage, "You don't get something, for nothing." In this case, we get pretty much nothing in the form of entertainment(four dweebs sitting around talking geekster shit about nothing very interesting), and for the guy here who got the ad???....Some fucking commercial for mouthwash or a car.

When the internet is off, I'll find something else to do.

The Worst Craft Idea Ever

Lann says...

I think a lot of it is books with monetary value or ones that could increase in value. Completly silly to use them on something that like @spoco2 said, is going to be thrown away in a very short amount of time.

You don't see as many people getting outraged about book art because those artist are elevating the book far past something that looks like it came from Pier 1 Imports.

As far as saying nasty things, that happens whenever anyone does something stupid on the internet.

>> ^Sagemind:

Although I think cutting up books is an incredibly bad idea for so many reasons, I am finding this notion incredibly entertaining.
This whole thing has stirred up quite a bit of hate and made her a laughingstock of the moment.
Do a google search on her name and there are reviews coming out completely debasing her, ans saying all kinds of nasty things - as is happening here.
But why? They are just books, they aren't even Holy books. This begs the question, "How sacred are our books?" What are your thoughts?

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