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Dogma - Evil is an Abstract

8926 says...

>> ^pro:
Interesting. I just read Sandman - Season of Mists, which is a great graphic novel. This idea that the pain inflicted in hell is at the beckoning of the sinners and not the Devil appears verbatim in the novel. Eventually Lucifer gets tired of this masochistic drama and kicks everyone out of hell against much resistance. Kevin Smith is a big comic book aficionado. I wonder if he was inspired by novel.

Cool, thanks for the info. I'll have to check that book out.

Dogma - Evil is an Abstract

pro says...

Interesting. I just read Sandman - Season of Mists, which is a great graphic novel. This idea that the pain inflicted in hell is at the beckoning of the sinners and not the Devil appears verbatim in the novel. Eventually Lucifer gets tired of this masochistic drama and kicks everyone out of hell against much resistance. Kevin Smith is a big comic book aficionado. I wonder if he was inspired by novel.

Les Cowboys Fringants "Les étoiles filantes"

calvados says...

Les Cowboys Fringants:Les Étoiles Filantes
From LyricWiki
This song is performed by Les Cowboys Fringants and appears on the album La Grand-Messe (2004).

(English translation below)

***French original
Si je m'arrête un instant
Pour te parler de ma vie
Juste comme ça tranquillement
Dans un bar rue St-Denis

J'te raconterai les souvenirs
Bien gravés dans ma mémoire
De cette époque où vieillir
Était encore bien illusoire

Quand j'agaçais les p'tites filles
Pas loin des balançoires
Et que mon sac de billes
Devenait un vrai trésor

Et ces hivers enneigés
À construire des igloos
Et rentrer les pieds g'lés
Juste à temps pour Passe-Partout

Mais au bout du ch'min dis-moi c'qui va rester
De la p'tite école et d'la cour de récré ?
Quand les avions en papier ne partent plus au vent
On se dit que l'bon temps passe finalement...

... Comme une étoile filante

Si je m'arrête un instant
Pour te parler de la vie
Je constate que bien souvent
On choisit pas mais on subit
Et que les rêves des ti-culs
S'évanouissent ou se refoulent
Dans cette réalité crue
Qui nous embarque dans le moule

La trentaine, la bedaine
Les morveux, l'hypothèque
Les bonheurs et les peines
Les bons coups et les échecs

Travailler, faire d'son mieux
En arracher, s'en sortir
Et espérer être heureux
Un peu avant de mourir

Mais au bout du ch'min dis-moi c'qui va rester
De notre p'tit passage dans ce monde effréné ?
Après avoir existé pour gagner du temps
On s'dira que que l'on était finalement

... Que des étoiles filantes

Si je m'arrête un instant
Pour te parler de ma vie
Juste comme ça tranquillement
Pas loin du Carré St-Louis

C'est qu'avec toi je suis bien
Et que j'ai pu' l'goût de m'en faire
Parce que tsé voir trop loin
C'pas mieux que r'garder en arrière

Malgré les vieilles amertumes
Et les amours qui passent
Les chums qu'on perd dans' brume
Et les idéaux qui se cassent

La vie s'accroche et renaît
Comme les printemps reviennent
Dans une bouffée d'air frais
Qui apaise les coeurs en peine

Ça fait que si à' soir t'as envie de rester
Avec moi, la nuit est douce on peut marcher
Et même si on sait ben que tout dure rien qu'un temps
J'aimerai ça que tu sois pour un moment...

... Mon étoile filante

Mais au bout du ch'min dis-moi c'qui va rester...
Mais au bout du ch'min dis-moi c'qui va rester...

... Que des étoiles filantes

***English translation
If I stop a moment
To tell you about my life
Just like that, quietly
In a bar on St-Denis

I'd tell you the memories
Well-etched into my memory
From that time when aging
Was still but illusory

When I annoyed the little girls
Not far from the swings
And my bag of marbles
Became a real treasure

And these snowy winters
Of constructing igloos
And going back inside with frozen feet
Just in time for Passe-Partout

But at the end of the road tell me what will remain
Of the little school and the playground?
When the paper planes no longer fly on the wind
We tell ourselves that the good times are finally ending... a shooting star

If I stop a moment
To tell you about life
I note that quite often
We do not choose but we endure
And that the dreams of little lads
Dissipate or collapse
In this hard reality
Which casts us in the mold

The thirties, the belly
The kids, the mortgage
The pleasures and the sorrows
The strokes of luck and the failures

Working, doing one's best
And struggling, and getting out
And hoping to be happy
A little before dying

But at the end of the road tell me what will remain
Of our little passage through this mad world?
After having existed to buy some time
We'll tell ourselves that we were in the end

...but shooting stars

If I stop a moment
To tell you about my life
Just like that, quietly
Not far from St-Louis Square

It's only with you that I'm okay
And that I lost the taste to care
Because you know seeing too far ahead
Isn't better than looking backwards

Despite the old bitternesses
And the loves that pass
The friends we lose in the mists
And the ideals which fall apart

Life holds on and renews
Like the springtimes return
In a puff of fresh air
Which appeases pained hearts

So if tonight you want to stay
With me, the night is soft we can walk
And even if we know that all lasts but a time
I'd like you to be for a moment...

...My shooting star

But tell me at the end of the road what will remain...
But tell me at the end of the road what will remain...

...Just shooting stars

A-10 Warthog Attacks Taliban Position With 30mm

MarineGunrock says...

Why is this not snuff? Because it doesn't show human fatality.

I wonder who you mean by "they" as in "they would ban this weapon."
It's not like the military doesn't already know that 30mm guns turn people into pink mist.

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Wow has it been 2 years?? (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

swampgirl says...

COOL, I'd never think to dig up that. I forgot that first comment. Ironically enough, I went on to repost that very video once it died, and its now my highest voted sift.

The beef jerky dog went dead and I discarded it. I've since replaced it.

SO cool, thanks for the nostalgia, Lucky. Oh, and no more Arbor Mist here, just real wine ....and whiskey!

Now explain this "hotness/newness" thing again? (Sift Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

I supposed that Arbor Mist was girly girly wine, so I drank half a bottle. (I'm almost embarrassed to say I drank some) You know that paltry 8% alcohol does add up eventually.

I think I like the new filtering abilities you have on the front page. Cheers Lucky

Wow has it been 2 years?? (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

lucky760 says...

Wow! Happy Anniversary, SG!!!

In commemoration of this big (belated) day, it's time for some nostalgia. Here is the first comment you ever posted, 14 minutes after signing your soul over to SiftBot joining the Sift:

And here's your first post (now discarded as a dupe I believe) from three weeks later:

And your first sifted video from that very same day (it seems you got busy working toward your 555+ stars all at once):

Love that one. Let's toast a glass of Arbor Mist to many more. Cheers!

Now explain this "hotness/newness" thing again? (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

To avoid having almost empty front pages in channels, now the default view for any channel front page is newness. The main site front page still defaults to hotness.

Sorry for the confusion, but I hope you plan on sharing your Arbor Mist with the rest of the class.

Now explain this "hotness/newness" thing again? (Sift Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

critttter (Member Profile)

Chomsky was smart before he became a looney (vs Buckley)

gwiz665 says...

I'm only halfway through and I have some points so far:

My God the guy on the left sounds like a pretentious prick! I won't hold it against his argument, but daaauumm.

I like that Chomsky cuts through the mist of rhetoric with exploratory questions on history and "they" and stuff like that. This is stuff that someone like O'reilly would get away with because no one says anything against him.

Otherwise good debate by very competent debaters.

Hey - What's Your Favorite Sifting Snack? (Food Talk Post)

Hey - What's Your Favorite Sifting Snack? (Food Talk Post)

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