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World of Warcraft - Fucking Furry Panda Class Leaked -

RFlagg says...

Even if this is the next expansion, and that is possible since they did register the trademark for it (but with Diablo 3 coming out, not sure they would risk splitting the player base and hold off on an actual expansion for a while later, then again Cataclysm isn't doing as well as they hoped and they said they want faster times between expansions... and I would guess there will be some Titan info coming out at this years BlizzCon which would also take away the expansions thunder), this doesn't mean the Pandarens will be a playable race. I doubt they would let them be a playable race unless they have a mechanic to let it be neutral. He kept calling it class rather than race, but as to their classes, I would guess there would be some sort of martial art type class that would be unique to them, and I would guess they would kick ass if they were playable. If it is a WoW expansion, and I doubt it, then I doubt they are playable and likely just the area that opens up, and neutral to both sides, but plenty of beer available, and perhaps a brewers secondary profession.
My guess is that the Mists of Pandaria is likely a mobile app or Facebook/Google + type app rather than a proper WoW expansion. Either way I am sure BlizzCon will answer that.
My BlizzCon predictions are that it will largely be about Diablo 3, with Titan getting some initial details to expand on the earnings report that said it will be a casual game... I take casual to be like Farmvile, others say WoW itself is casual so who knows what they meant by Titan being casual. Mists of Pandaria will be a third also ran story if it is indeed just a mobile or social gaming app.

Bear Attacks Russian Man

marinara (Member Profile)

Simpsons - Lay off Detroit!

Simpsons - Lay off Detroit!

Sharks in a Supermarket!

Drax says...

It's Jaws meets The Mist, who's related to The Perfect Storm, who introduces them all to Die Hard, who has a second cousin named Leviathan, who once threw up in the back of Avatar's car...

Iron Sky 3rd Trailer: Nazi's from the dark side of the moon

luxury_pie says...

Gooooo Germans! Hooray for Meteorblitzkrieg

@conan, no it's a pun:

Pronunciation:/stāt, /

1 == "Zustände"
the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time:the state of the company's financeswe're worried about her state of mind a physical condition as regards internal or molecular form or structure:water in a liquid state
[in singular] (a state) informal an agitated or anxious condition:don't get into a state
[in singular] informal a dirty or untidy condition:look at the state of you — what a mess!
Physics short for quantum state

2 == "Staaten"
a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government:Germany, Italy, and other European states
an organized political community or area forming part of a federal republic:the German state of Bavaria
(the States) informal term for United States

"Mess" would be "Mist", "Misthaufen", "Murks" or "Unordnung"

Reactor Containment Fails Spectacularly At Second Japan Nuke

marinara says...

remember kids, this isn't a meltdown, like a classic Chernobyl, meltdown, where the core fissions like a overcooked egg and throws radioactive fallout over half the world. This is just a partial meltdown where the fuel cools slowly in the open air, letting the birds and bees inhale a slight radioactive mist. Quite romantic.

Glass Tiger- My Song

Glass Tiger- My Song

"Whatever Happened to Global Warming, Eh?"

Sneaky Player Punches Opponent and lies about it

Zero Punctuation: Fallout: New Vegas

residue says...

Have you ever had a Sierra mist? I need about a gallon water after one of those things. I think it's even caffeine free

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

Actually, while the sodium and caffeine in cola and similar beverages may have a (very, very) slight diurectic effect, you still retain more water from the beverage than the caffeine takes from your system. The same is true even of beer, though it's even more difficult to get people to believe that.

Cheating Death - Near Misses With Trains

radx says...


Driving around a boom barrier ought to be punishable by being hanged, drawn and quartered.

I see those fools over here all the time. Traffic is backing up at the other side of the railroad crossing, yet they insist on an attempt at crossing it, only to find themselves between lowered booms, in the path of a couple of thousand tons of steel. What remains is a fine mist of steel and aluminium ... and surviving relatives being billed for tens if not hundreds of thousands of Euros in damages.

Solar Highways!!!

Porksandwich says...

What do these common road contaminants/applicants do to it?

Oil, salt, rubber, tar (because we're not going to be able to do all roads at once obviously), rocks, dirt, rust flakes, hydraulic, transmission, anti-freeze, various other car fluids, gasoline spills, diesel spills.

If an accident occurs how easily is the glass scratched, how much damage can it take before it needs a full replacement.

When replacing/repairing them, how long does it take? Is it cheaper to repair/replace them than it would be to maintain asphalt. How long do they last? Asphalt can go 10-15 years on parking lots if maintained and not overly abused via spills. Roads vary due to traffic and how smooth they are, plows eat them alive when they begin to hump/buckle or become misshapen in some way.

If one breaks or is damaged....does it affect the power generation? How much so? Will it take out city blocks of power like a power line going down?

What if a water main bursts under it or near it....will it support the weight if the foundation is washed away? Will it heave up in a big panel making the surface uneven? Will it breaks the other panels when it does this? Or cause some other damage due to the feed being broken?

How does it handle snow, ice, dust, fog, mist. Extreme temperatures. Can they be salted and plowed or do they self-clear snow somehow?

Most cracking and uneven-ness in road surfaces comes from the foundation below it, some people call them structural the foundation of your house might get because of settling. It's also a telltale sign of problems below the surface of the road, masking that problem may not be a desirable quality even though it makes it a more convenient road surface in the meantime. It's like pothole versus sinkhole problems....I'd rather blow out a tire than have my car swallowed by the road.

If they keep this primarily to freeways they can avoid most issues with water mains, gas lines, sewer, etc. But they'll still have storm drains and the underground pipes associated with them, not as much of a big deal if they leak...but if they were to be plugged and a big rain came it can cause havoc with roadways above and below the surface...they don't plan for the water to start flowing up from beneath the roadway.

Finish grade asphalt and concrete work is pretty fast moving stuff when everything else is ready. It's all the sub grade work that takes months and even years.

Be great if it worked, but maybe they should start with sidewalks or bike paths...military base applications...they see some heavy equipment rolling through there, if it lasts through those....

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