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Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

So…you now admit he said these things you denied he said and need an excuse for the inexcusable….you came up with “Flexing” (which I guess you think is a euphemism for lying?)… what if Biden was “flexing” in similar fashion? You would be apoplectic, insisting he’s unfit and you would be right. Anyone who says these anti American things is unfit for any office, lowest to highest.
Trump is telling us he intends to install loyalists in every position so he can do anything he wants, including attempted coups (oh wait, already did that with a complicit party) assassinations, disbanding the judiciary, voiding or suspending the constitution and bill of rights, and becoming a dictator “just for a day” (if you believe that I’ve got a $2 billion private club to sell you).
Any simple minded person knows he almost got away with exactly this on Jan 6 2021 when he tried to illegally seize power. Even a simpleton understands that, had he been successful, he would have dismantled our government to stay in power indefinitely just like his hero and mentor, Putin.

Biden is never feeble minded until you edit him to look that way, unlike dementia diaper don that always looks bat shit insane without editing.

Gullible…yeah. Right, friendo. Trump now thinks Biden beat Obabba. You believe 3 year olds are deciding to change sexes and are getting surgeries to that end.

Still waiting.
Wake up stupid.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump is flexing. and you buy it as gospel. Also he can not void the Constitution. Any simple minded person, except people like you realize this.

Yet when Biden is on stage being feeble minded as shit you just say he has a stuttering issue.

How fucking gullible you are.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Yes you are.
A convicted rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud, and admitted child abuser worshiper. You drank the flavorade years ago and it caused brain death. You are in the child sex cult, buddy, not me.
I guess you need more evidence.

126 KY GOP state legislator Dan Johnson accused of sexual assault of 17-year-old. Killed himself

127 OR GOP state senator, Jeff Kruse, subjected two women senators to unwanted sexual touching

128 Pennsylvania Republican state rep Nick Miccarelli - domestic violence

129 Republican CO state senator Randy Baumgardner - sexual harassment,

130 OH state representative, Republican Wes Goodman — inappropriate behavior

He was also accused of fondling an underage boy

131 MN state rep Tony Cornish - sexual harassment

132 AZ state rep Don Shooter - sexual harassment

133 FL state senator Jack Latvala - sexual harassment, assault

134 KY state rep Jeff Hoover — sexual harassment

135 Idaho GOP state rep Brandon Hixon - child molestation, committed suicide

136 Republican Ohio state senator Cliff Hite — sexual harassment

137 Cumberland County Commissioner Bruce Barclay is not included because he hired male and female prostitutes every week. He’s included because he taped them without their knowledge.

138 GOP Congressional candidate Derek Walker - broke into ex’s house to tape her having sex

139 Franklin Graham, partisan religious leader, uses his family name & father’s credibility to protect child molesters and sexual predators, including Trump, Roy Moore, and Kavanaugh

140 Republican Judge Alex Kozinski, Brett Kavanaugh’s mentor: sexual harassment

141 Trump Deputy Chief of Staff for Communication Bill Shine - an expert at protecting and covering up sexual harassment and abuse.

142 How did I forget GOP Sen. Bob Packwood - serial sexual misconduct

143 Republican Columbus Mayor Dana Rinehart was never indicted for molesting 13-year-old babysitter, but years later it was discovered cop spied on her and family and worked to protect him from an indictment

144 Samuel Barstow Kent Republican Judge - sexual assault. By the way, he thinks prison is unfair

145 MO Gov Eric Greitens - consensual affair, BUT he took nude photos and threatened to publicize them. Yes, charges dropped, but only because the prosecutor was also a witness which is not allowed. Also, stealing from charity Additionally, His ex-wife accuses him of domestic violence toward her and their son

146 Montgomery Co GOP Chair Robert Kerns - rape pled to indecent sexual assault

147 Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican Speaker of the House in Puerto Rico, rape of 17-year-old girl, molesting stepdaughter, plus corruption

148 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - sexual harassment. He lied to the Senate. Senate Judiciary did not allow other accusers to testify.

149 GOP Candidate for ME House, James
indicted for rape in Rhode Island, stayed in the race, won the primary, lost general, pled no contest and got probation.

150 Alabama RW religious leader - Ralph Lee Aaron - child molesting Consecutive life

bobknight33 said:

Koolaid drinking dreamer

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

J.R. Majewski…..ROTFLMFAHS!!! Stolen valor isn’t the best campaign. Dumped.

JD Vance….AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! Suckers…he’s an elite. D’oh!

For all his “I’m one of you” “I’m anti elite” schtick he’s really a billionaire’s protege with more money spent by one billionaire on his campaign than any single donor ever spent on one candidate, over $16 million. Most if not statistically all his support has come from billionaires….they don’t support people who don’t repay them 10 fold.
His campaign is based on fighting elites and ruling class, but gets all his funding from those people.
Claims to be against big pharma, then hires a pharma employee to head his plan.
He complains about gas prices and takes millions from companies convicted of price gouging gasoline in California.
He complains about big tech stealing your data but owns part of Hallo which is a prayer app that steals your data and sells it for $60 a year.

Peter Thiell, his benefactor and mentor, is a billionaire nut that thinks the military should be in charge, not government. He is blatantly anti democratic, saying he doesn’t believe democracy and freedom are compatible. He’s given $16 million to the guy who SAYS he’s against elites.

MAGA candidates are being exposed as the total pure frauds and morons they are all across America. Your idiot movement is dead. 😂

PS- Trump is having more special master problems because none of the companies that electronically host discovery documents for cases like this (e-discovery vendors) will contract with Trump because they all expect him to not pay them. This means the government will be forced to contract with them and have the judge force Trump to pay or be in criminal contempt.

Kid Gets Caught While Trying to Steal Package

cloudballoon says...

The camera isn't racist. The homeowner might be a racist (we would not know unless he/she uploads every instance of such attempts to give a cold-hard-fact account that's free of manipulation -- even though that's STILL not factoring in the socio-econo-racial problem of the neighborhood -- if you choose to see things with a racial lens). But the comment absolutely is racist.

Years ago, living in my suburb home, my bike was stolen by 2 kids (garage door was open as I was mowing the lawn, but I went inside for the loo for 2 mins), I was lucky and spotted them about 5~6 streets down (took 2 lucky correct turns). They were 2 kids about 8~10 y.o. One White one Asian. Guess which one was the older, pack leader (hold my adult-size bike) and absolutely showing no remorse after getting caught?

Regardless, the kids parents might have a hard life working on weekends at low paying jobs so couldn't spend time with these kids. Who knows? I'm not so quick to judgement without knowing the root causes.

Thing is, I blame society-at-large and not see it as a racial thing. Kids are kids, easy to succumb to such temptation without good parental/peer/mentor guidance. Especially nowadays, they see adults making a CAREER/LIVING as Porch Pirates, what examples are adults giving them to imitate? You have like 40% of the adult population celebrate con mans and elect them Senators, Governors & President!

TangledThorns said:

That camera is racist!

Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

bobknight33 says...


newtboy said:

My great great grandmother rented out houses in a small town in Louisiana in the early 1900's. One day when checking on her properties she found a chest full of KKK robes in a garage of one of her rentals. Instead of confronting her renters, she dragged the chest to the town square, pulled out the robes, and burned them all.
Her renters moved.

Holy shit is this moron deluded.

I'll never understand why they don't just buy a compound, and make it a club, admission by invitation only. Be separatist all you want, on your own property.

Wait, he thinks you can separate races by the language they speak? You've got to be kidding me, you moron.

Homosexuals are to be killed, just like people who eat shellfish or wear blended fabrics, or mow their lawn on Sunday even once. There are dozens to hundreds of rules that call for stoning, if you're Jewish. Not if you follow Christ. Those instructions come from the old testament, not the new.
If he thinks that doesn't matter, he needs to lynch himself immediately.

Ok, @bobknight33, grand wizard of N Carolina supports Trump, his chapter supports Trump, the grand Dragon supports Trump, the organization supports Trump. Not Biden. Of course, despite hearing it directly from the Klan you'll deny it and say they support Biden, that's called being delusional.

Ants Invade Park

BSR says...

Ants Invade Park?

Aren't you treading in someone else's jurisdiction, Mo? huummMMM?

I realize you're roughly 70,000 votes behind the antster on the Big Boy Board but this makes you look, hungry.

You know I respect you and hold you as a mentor and powerhouse sifter. I could never hope to get close enough to even smell your farts; but stepping on ants to get to the top of the hill...?

Yes, I know you told me you were a rule breaker but..., still.

So now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go make some sweetened milk for my little buddy.

GOP Stands by Kavanaugh Despite Sexual Assault Allegations

newtboy says...

I agree, there's no proof the accusations happened.
There could easily be proof that contradicts her story, though, and if there is, it makes an FBI investigation dangerous for her.
If she/they can prove he lied under oath about details that can be proven, even if the underlying charge can't be, he should be disqualified to be a judge imo.

Far more worrying to me is the accusations he helped his mentor, Kozenski, hide his decades of sexual misconduct, abuses he was removed from the bench/forced into early retirement for but that Kavanaugh, his close friend and confidant, claimed to know nothing about, even though Kozenski had public websites dedicated to racially and sexually inappropriate materials and many accusations of inappropriate behavior at work, including forced pornography viewings in his chambers by female clerks.
Edit: if he's willing to hide one bosses crimes, what's he prepared to do for Trump?

Yes, I hope we've made some progress since the way Anita Hill was attacked for coming forward at great personal cost, but I doubt it. It's clear those in control are unphased by the accusations, true or not, because he's their only chance to drive the court far right. Nothing else matters to them. That is a sad state we find ourselves in.

Mordhaus said:

Even if they did, it wouldn't show evidence that he assaulted her. She has no worries about an FBI investigation because there is no evidence to find. Literally none, other than the marriage counselling thing you mentioned.

I'm sorry, but simply accusing someone of assault doesn't mean it happened. I don't know what her reasons are and I don't know if he did assault her, I just know that as long as we have no evidence he couldn't be convicted by a court in the nation. If he couldn't be convicted, he shouldn't be held accountable as far as his future career goes. I recall that it used to be innocent until proven guilty, not the way it is now.

I am worried he will end up fucking up Roe v Wade and I support legal abortions, but at the same time, I can't say he should be barred from the opportunity of his lifetime based on a simple accusation from someone who went 36 years without mentioning it to anyone other than her husband and marriage counselor.

Anita Hill had a much better case versus Clarence Thomas and the Democrats still voted him into SCOTUS.

No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

bcglorf says...


I've said in a couple other threads if I was American I'd have(very sadly mind you) voted for Hillary. Not sure, but that should really lay the neo-con thing to bed right there. Doesn't mean I won't agree with them if they notice the sky looks rather blue...

the MCA of 2006 and the NDAA of 2012
I don't base or form my morality around American law, so when and how it's deemed lawful or not for an American president to order something doesn't change my opinion one inch on whether the act is good or bad. Sure, it deducts a lot of points when a President breaks laws so that factors in, but if it's legal for a president to shoot babies we're all still gonna call it immoral anyways, right?

you find that it is the region,the actual soil that a person is on that makes the difference between legal prosecution..and assassination.
Between act of war, or peace time legal prosecution with proper due process.

this is EXACTLY what happened with afghanistan in regards to osama bin laden.
and BOTH times,the US state department could not provide conclusive evidence that either bin laden,or awlaki had actually perpetrated a terrorist act.

Sorry, but regarding Bin Laden that's a lie. The US state department held a trial and convicted Bin Laden already back in the 90s. The Taliban refused to extradite him then, and demanded they be shown evidence. They were shown the evidence and declared that they saw nothing unIslamic in his actions. Clinton spent his entire presidency back and forth with them, even getting a unanimous order from the UN security council demanding Bin Laden's extradition.

Smugly claiming that the US refused to provide any evidence to the Taliban because they were being bullies is ignoring reality. after spending several years getting jerked around by the Taliban claiming each new act of war launched from their territory wasn't their fault nor bin Laden's fault left a less patient president after 9/11...

now,is hannity guilty of incitement?
should he be held accountable for those shot dead?
by YOUR logic,yes..yes he should.

Can't say I'm very familiar with Hannity because I avoid Fox news at all costs.
Did he praise the killings afterwards and declare the shooter a hero like Anwar?
Did he council before hand in his books that killing those people was moral or just or religiously blessed like Anwar did?
Did he personally meet with and council/mentor the shooter before hand at some point as well, like Anwar did?

I have to ask just so we really are comparing apples to apples and all. If the answers are yes(and from Fox I suppose I can't completely rule that out just out of hand), then yeah, he's as guilty as Anwar.

now what if hannity had taken off to find refuge in yemen?
do we send a drone?

If he goes to Yemen we just laugh at our good fortune that he decided to kill himself for us.

To your point, if he finds a similar independent state to continue promoting and coordinating attacks as part of an effective terrorist unit killing new civilians every week then yes, bombs away.

Now if either he or Anwar remained in the US you arrest them and follow all due process. Oh, and to again shake the neo-con cloud you don't get to torture them by calling it enhanced interrogation, it's still a war crime and you should lock yourself up in a cell next door.

My whole thing is that setting up a state within a state and waging war shouldn't just be a get out of jail free card under international law. Either the 'host' state is responsible for the actions or it is not. If responsible, then like in Afghanistan it initiated the war by launching the first attacks. If not responsible, then it's declared the state within a state to be sovereign, and other states should be able to launch a war against the parasitic state, as has been happening with Obama's drones in tribal Pakistan.

SpaceX Iridium-1: First stage separation to landing

bareboards2 says...

Okay, folks. History is converging here through six degrees of separation.

Long story. I think it is worth your time.

I grew up with a father who said terribly racist things, the n- word, disparaging remarks about all races. There was much screaming and bitter words from me for a lot of my childhood and well into my 20s.

After he died, I got into a short email exchange with someone I didn't know at all. A former co-worker of my father.

My dad's job, as I have said here before, was Range Safety Officer. His job was to blow up missiles that went off course. (No person has blown up more missiles, and no one will ever catch up to him, since they know how to do it now.)

In my email exchanges with "Teddy", I find out slowly that Teddy is a woman. The first woman in the Range Safety Flight arena. She tells me that she was treated horribly in those early days. Except for three of her co-workers, who mentored and helped her.

One of those men was my father.


And then she reveals that she is Hispanic.


So my dad talked nasty at home, and acted MORE THAN honorably at work. I wish I had known that when he was alive.

Then she tells me that her daughter became an engineer also, and is currently working in Range Safety.


Fast forward to last week. I watch Hidden Figures, the movie about black women helping in the first manned space launches. They were in Langley VA, while my dad was stationed in Cape Canaveral, not NASA but the Air Force, working on unmanned missions. But still. It all came flooding back to me -- how my dad was one of the good guys. (It was also cool to see all the actual news footage of people on the beach and parades and what-all -- I was there with my family, doing those things.)

This reminded me of Teddy. I sent her an email, telling her that I was reminded of her story and how touched anew I was.

Then the Falcon 9 launch happened. This launch on this video.

The next day, I got a response from her. Here is her email to me, lightly edited:

Thank you so much for thinking of me. The 60's were a time quite different than today. This morning It came to me just how far we women have come since then.

I stood on the balcony of my house and watched the launch of a Falcon Rocket take off in all its glory from Vandenberg knowing my daughter was the Lead Flight Safety Analyst on that mission. For the last couple of months I have listened to her tell me about all the problems she has had to deal with in preparing all the destruct lines, impact limit lines and all the other things that go into getting the mission package ready for launch and knowing what she was talking about. Boy, was I jealous. I really miss being in the middle of all that. I was/am very PROUD of my little girl being part of the missions leaving out of Vandenberg and knowing I played a small part in making all that happen just like those ladies in Hidden Figures. I have not seen the movie yet but my friends and I are looking forward to it coming to Lompoc so I can see it

Your Dad would be surprised to learn that most of the new Flight Safety Analysts are now all women.

Enough already, Eric3579 -- let us celebrate you! (Happy Talk Post)

newtboy says...

No one and nothing else has done more than @eric3579 to make the shift a place I enjoy spending my abundant free time. Congrats my friend and sift mentor.

Man exposes pedophile and is being sued

newtboy says...

I think his lawyer should countersue for slander and libel. The child sex mentor has now said publicly, and also claimed publicly in writing that the videographer falsified evidence to make money. If, as he claims, that's provably false, he should counter sue for the price of a high cost attorney to defend himself, a few million for loss of future earnings as a reporter, and 3X that in punitive damages.
I hope the 'child mentor' gets put in gen pop while awaiting trial...maybe they'll save us the time and money and won't ever make it to court.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

lantern53 says...

A troll is someone who just says something to inflame.

If you can give a reason why you do not agree with someone, then you can't be labeled a troll.

I'd had to agree with Bob, however, that the DOJ is there to push the radical agenda of Obama.

Of course, a lot of the employees of the DOJ, such as FBI agents, are law enforcement types who didn't have the advantage of communist mentors like Obama had (Frank Marshall Davis)..they didn't grow up in Indonesia, worshipping monkey gods and such, so there is a disconnect.
They probably didn't have commie parents like Obama, but now Obama is the boss so they have to give him their due.
So in the case of Ferguson, Obama and holder send FBI agents to investigate, and since they have personal integrity, they do a good job and holder gets nothing.
But my point is this...Obama must have a serious case of cognitive dissonance. here he is raised to know all the faults, all the shortcomings, all the missteps that the US has taken over the years. He has had none of the patriotic, love for the US traditions, etc.
He gets elected, now he's the boss, so he's going to straighten out all the bad things the US has done in the past, he's going to strengthen her historical enemies, and weaken her historical friends, because...the past is just not fair.
Which is why Obama is closer to the muslim brotherhood than to the Lions Club. Also, I don't think he feels much closeness to his black brothers because he's only half-black, he was raised in a privileged white neighborhood, went to Yale, etc. His black criticizers are right...he's not down for the struggle. It never was a struggle for him.

Barack Obama interviews creator David Simon of The Wire

lantern53 says...

You're racist. You are prejudiced against white cops.

Also, Obama can't be trusted. Not because he has brown skin, but because he grew up, largely, in Indonesia, was mentored by a racist, and attended a black nationalist church for 20 years. He cannot be trusted.

There are plenty of black men who can be trusted, but you don't consider them 'black enough' because they don't follow your perverse line of reasoning.

Things i wish adults would've told me when i was growing up

Sagemind says...

I'm assuming this guy is the Prime Example of someone who should never have children. Not only is he off base with much of this, just the plain fact that these are the thoughts he has, labels him as someone not fit to mentor children.

And yes, I understand that much of this is shock, trolling and tongue-in-cheek humor but he is weaving some personal insights and bias in there as well.

Common Core U.S.A. ~ Re-Education & Indoctrination Learning

JiggaJonson says...

I'm not all for the Common Core because I've decided that teaching is an imperfect duty ( ).

What I mean is, the flexibility required of the duty of teaching makes it so hard nosed data collection is never going to accurately reflect the quality of the teaching being done. Therefore, the standardized testing that goes hand in hand with the common core should be abolished.

I have a student right now who can't stop his limbs from going numb and needs to constantly leave class because of some scary combination of ADHD meds and energy drinks he took. I've spoken with mom and the nurse, given him assignments, but beyond that there's not much I can do to reach out to this student. It is not fair or right that my pay be tied to a student(s) in a bizarre situation beyond my control.

And yes, I could be a teacher from pop culture films that follows him home and just mentors this kid, but this student is not alone. I've got literally 150 students all with unique problems and baggage. I get them for 5 hours a week (when they are actually there) and they spend the other 163 hours of the week doing who knows what.


This video, however, has obvious motives besides just abolishing the common core. Sex education SHOULD be a part of the curriculum and states that adopt sex education tend to have the lowest incidents of teen pregnancies. Mississippi teaches their sex ed classes by passing around peppermint patties (yes, really: ) and, not surprisingly, has the highest incidents of teen pregnancy.

Get it through your fucking skull, religious nuts. Teaching sex ed PREVENTS kids from having sex, not the other way around.

Common core is certainly not something positive that's happened in the education system in the past year, but I'd still take it over what some jesus cheerleaders want to replace it with.

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