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enoch (Member Profile)

Colbert Hammers Fox News For Lack Of African-American Viewer

bobknight33 says...

Is it Possible the real question is what percentage of the black population are conservative? If you are a conservative you would be more likely to watch FOX. From it shows that 4% voted for Mcain. That's in the ball park of the Huffington post poll and not totally out of line from the 9% viewership that I listed above.

I think Shepard Smith of FOX News is Fair and Balanced. Beck is preaching history. O'reilly well he is off the wall like Ollbermann.

Birther Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSN "Brownshirts"

westy says...

As for the economic argument Its hard to say , I am on both sides I can see how it posable that all this spending now could actually just prolong things and cause a bigger depression in the long run , but I can also see how it could end up working out , There is no way to know for sure ether way , it would be like trying to predict the stock market.

It would however seem pretty clear to me that anny thing more conservative than obama ( who as I say is pretty conservative ) would would make worse desissoins than the obama administratoin. emgin bush and mcain making desisoins over this ? Its largely the deregulation of banks and the lack of monitoring capitalism that enabled the crash to happen as it did. a truly libral / social goverment would not alow runaway capatalisum to the exstent a conservative goverment would.

Birther Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSN "Brownshirts"

westy says...

ForgedReality , you put

"However, I have to disagree with you on your last point. <He has not consistently made good decisions>."

I sead " so long as his policies are good " I did not say all his policies were good , i didnt evan comment on what he has or hasnot done.

What's funny is obama is really conservative but America is so conservative that they class him as a liberal

and Im sorry but obama has done far better on foghen policy than bush , and if you hadent noticed it looks like usa might get some sort of helth service that is actualy fair and dosnot discimonate against the pore.
I would rather vote for another person if i could but out of Mcain and obama obama is infinatly better and well the obama administration is infinatly better than bush administratoin. if alone for these pionts

1) investing more in science
2) being less retarded on foghen policy
3) taxing the ritch more than the pore.
4) talking more concisely

Loads of shit things about obama but compared to mcain and bush its far far better.

Iraqi Journalist Throws Shoes at Bush

10874 says...

"When Obama has started a war on false pretenses, overruled constitutional rights, jailed people without a fair trial, driven the economy into the ground, and generally behaved like a fucking moron in the most important job in the world for 8 years straight, and then has a shoe or two hurled after him, I will gladly salute that shoe-thrower too. I promise. Get back to me if I forget.

Give him a year or two. He won't close Gitmo. He won't leave Iraq. He will overrule the Constitution to accomplish his ends. He will drive an already wobbling economy right into the ground. So in 2010 when your electricity bill has tripled because Obama wants to get off coal, and gas is $6 a gallon because he wants you to want electric cars... When you lose your job and are working on one of Obama's 'community organizer' road projects - will you man up and throw your shoes at him? I doubt it. 100 years from now, brainless morons will still be blaming Bush for any/all problems they have. Pathetic."

Nice try, buddy! You sound like a pathological liar whose expectation out of people is that they're just as bad as him!

It's the Republicans that want to change the rules, not the Democrats. Even if he wants to, the direction the wind is blowing in will hopefully be adequate to keep him in line.

The Bush administration has ALREADY DONE THIS KIND OF SHIT! According to someone in my family who travels internationally frequently, people all over the world *really were* watching our election due to the fact that ignorant, selfish, self-serving neo-conservatives that manage to piss off even their own brethren like the Bush administration have actually managed to fuck up the entire planet.

Your perspective on "blaming Bush" shows that you clearly haven't addressed the reality that this administration has FUCKED UP. Even to their own.

And by the way, not to piss off anyone who is an Obama supporter (and yeah, I did vote for him and even if he ends up like California's Grey Davis I won't regret not having Mcain/Palin in office) but... haven't you noticed the Clean Coal advertising campaign's spot involving a pro-clean coal Obama?

I don't think you Republicans need to be too worried about Obama stifling big business too much. There's a damned good reason MSNBC selected him over Clinton (keep in mind that ex-cut-throat businessman Gates is a DEMOCRAT).

The View: Barack Obama Is Our President!

westy says...

how dose my voting right afect a global comunity ? the fact is if we have a global econimy i am directly afecting people in other countries . this is why people in uk payed so mutch atentoin to us polatics because we know how mutch it will efect us , just because i dont vote on it dosenot reduce its afect ore comunity sagnificance. for example in russa thay dont decide who is in goverment it still afects there comunity and socity who it is that gets into power.

eveyone should pay atentoin and have a vestead intrest in the countries around thw world , at a minimum the power players. i have friends in canida usa france and exspect to have meaningfull relatoinships with people in manny countries.

people teering up over this is just obsurd especaily as thay probably wernt evan alive when alot of the shit stuff happend and these people on tv are just picking up fealings from there what thay percive there parents realities to be.
i wouldent mind if it was say a black rights actavist ore sumone who had realy investead themselfs into the issues and had been through the shit times that was geting worked up. (evan then i think thay would be nieve as america is still very racist ) and obama only got in because of his conectoins + mcain and palin been so uterly retarded and then the ecanomic events + bush.

i just have a problem with people misporpotoinaly reacting to things . liek totaly seperatly in the uk we had this "scandle" where 2 comideans took the piss out of some guy over the phone and some how that was percived to be more important on the bbc news than the potentail of thousends of people duying from starvatoin with the shit hapaning in africa.

Shepard Smith (of Fox News) defends Obama

westy says...

u what lol the usa midea is conservative. lol like no where near libral. what is this guy on. i think the only resoins obama won are

1) mcain is realy shit interms of talking and comunicating snd detailing policy
2) mcain got palin on board and she was so tardish its ubelivable
3) the econimy went poo poo and it made it blatently obvouse that deregulatoin of mony was the root of the problem and yet mcain still wanted to deregulate

4) obama is pritty good publick speeker
5) obma is still quite concervative
6) obama is christain and amercans seem to want that evan though its retarded
7) i also think the obama and clinton fight got obama alot of free publicity and air time.

everyone gets fed up of war especaily when there is no decent war footage coming out of it. abama convayed a message of change from the curent climate. fact is obama probably wont change that mutch but people belive he will non the less.

Video Diary Election Night Grant Park Chicago Barack Obama

westy says...

whoever posted this you reolise that although obama is most difnatly better than mcain and bush he is still pritty mutch more of the same, yah he can talk alot better and will not say as manny retarded redundent things and hopfally be more diplamatic and yes he will probably remove some of the utterly retarded right wing christain legistatoin stoping important research and the religouse crap in schools. however as a whole he will not do that mutch interms of chaning the country he is still very right wing.

maby if he stays in for 8 years a very slow tricle of changes will improve things but the reality is usa would need a compleat reform and demilitrisatoin inorder to be come a country that you could honistly be proud of,

on a seperate note i dont think annyone should be patritic ore proud of there country in a blanket way , its a fact that evan the best countries in the world are still going to and have done huge amounts of shit to people.

i just wish more people could see obama as the better of 2 negatives, infact if amrca was realyon the ball and intrestead in ethics and creating a realy grate socity to live in one of the other less publicised canditates would probably be voted in , you always have to bare in mind that whoever gets voted in in usa thay are still very limited as for the most part large companies controle alot of the policy making evan if its indirectly. for example in the uk the goverment cannot rise tax for super profitable busniss because if thay did the busniss would move to cheeper countries and then that would cuse a net loss.

anny way rant over dont be patreotic and dont belive that mutch positive will happen from abama just a reductoin in possable negatives that would have come from mcain ,

Obama Plays the Palin Card

Voting Machines Switching Votes In West Virginia

westy says...

I also work in IT and i belive you can design IT systems that are better than paper systems , yes you will probably always have human error however due to the nature of IT you can reduce this more so than PAper bassed systems.

your bound to presume malice with annyhting that favors mcain due to the amount of liying his party partakes in.

Local Philly CBS News Station Gets a Biden Beatdown

westy says...

You see to me biden comes across as a proper yank but he is quite likeable.

how people r strugaling to chose between mcain and obama i dont know. can we nuke all the people who vote mcain? maby put them all in alasca

So many smart, sane people at a Sarah Palin Rally - NOT

westy says...

blody hell its like religouse people if onyl thay did a bit of research and actualy understood what truth is. all the stuff thay spout are easily provable lies and retardatoin.

i cannot belive how stupid people r like if i was goign to suport mcain i would at least spout negative stuff that was true about obama.

Obama's Flock

quantumushroom says...

well..i would counter that many of america's citizens are "alarmingly ignorant",and while i agree that many in the video dont relay a comprehensive understanding of the "change" obama is platforming on.the same can be said of the many mcain/palin voters.the difference is,obama is actually offering a change,while mcain/palin are not.

The premise of the Constitution is that the people, despite the ignorami, are collectively smarter than monarchs, dictators and central committees.

this political cycle has gone on for decades,with one political ideology gaining prominence and control,only to become bloated on its own arrogance and hubris,eventually decaying in its own corruption.then it swings the other way.the republicans are the ideology at this point in history where their hubris and mismanagement have left them vulnerable.the pendulum is swinging away from them is inevitable,historically speaking.

Inept or ineffectual Republicans moonwalking towards socialism are still not Democrats marching towards the same. The present Democratic congress is a perfect example of this, and even should Obama squeak into the W.H., my guess is there'll be a Republican Congressional majority to greet him.

Change for the sake of change--the Obama mantra--is little better than anarchy. Apparently there aren't enough people who remember the disastrous, failed Carter Presidency to understand this, and considering how history is no longer taught in government schools, it's to be expected.

Liberals' racism double standards and free passes when they say racist things exists. You may not be aware of it on a conscious level any more than a fish notices the water it swims in.

My comments are my own; because they are repeated by more than one voice doesn't invalidate any of them. When I write, 'No nation has every taxed itself into prosperity' it is the truth, even if Rush Limbaugh wrote it first.

Obama's Flock

10317 says...

QM-you posted a description of "One answer to liberalsift's "The McCain-Palin Mob".
therefore setting the premise,and hence,my response.
i also dont think it a stretch by calling the attendees of the recent mcain/palin rallies "ignorant,bigoted and potentially violent" considering the noxious quotes they have been dropping of late.
you also point out the "alarming ignorance of the obamites".
well..i would counter that many of america's citizens are "alarmingly ignorant",and while i agree that many in the video dont relay a comprehensive understanding of the "change" obama is platforming on.the same can be said of the many mcain/palin voters.the difference is,obama is actually offering a change,while mcain/palin are not.
this political cycle has gone on for decades,with one political ideology gaining prominence and control,only to become bloated on its own arrogance and hubris,eventually decaying in its own corruption.then it swings the other way.the republicans are the ideology at this point in history where their hubris and mismanagement have left them vulnerable.the pendulum is swinging away from them is inevitable,historically speaking.
the one thing that disturbs me is that most americans are unaware of the fact that neither the republicans,nor the democrats,have legislated policy based on their respective political ideologies.not for almost 35-40 years.
bush ran on a conservative republican ticket,and he has been anything BUT conservative.neither clinton,nor reagan ,expressed policies based on their political affiliations.
what we,as americans have to choose from,are two entrenched parties who only pander to their ideological base during election cycles,then totally abandon those ideologies when elected.both parties are pandering whores who work for corporate america,and not you or i.hell,they even let the corporate lobbyists WRITE legislation!
so this election is not so much about ideologies,but rather americans wanting,NEEDING a change from the current entrenched power structure.which just happens to be the republicans,next time it will be the democrats,and the cycle will continue.
that being said,i did find your statement of "^ The above really has nothing to do with this post, I just thought you'd like to know, that I know how the liberal mind 'works',quite interesting.
i dont believe it be accurate,reading many of your comments here,and considering many of your comments are regurgitated talking points thrown out there by many pundits.
if you ARE interested in the different philosophies of either "conservative" or "liberal",and how both ideologies are very important to a democracy.
i recommend you watch this,from TED talks:
oh wait! you already watched this!
till next time..peace

Obama's Flock

quantumushroom says...

Remember the liberal double standard:

Black person preferring or favoring another Black person because of race: supportive

White person preferring or favoring another White person because of race: racist

^ The above really has nothing to do with this post, I just thought you'd like to know, that I know how the liberal mind 'works'.

the mcain/palin mob video showcased rabid,potentially violent,ignorant and bigoted supporters leaving a mcain/palin rally.

You sure are reading a lot into those people; I'd say it was a case of projection. Also, the cameraman in my submission wasn't a provocative jackass like the one in the "Mob" sift.

Do you really believe that the alarming ignorance of these Obamites is less harmful or dangerous than spirited remarks from McCainites? Don't make the mistake of confusing Democrats with Republicans. Republicans range from Pat Buchanan to Ron Paul to liberals like Bush 43. Democrats all pretty much march in lockstep with Ted Kennedy.

The people "my" guy interviewed HAVE NO IDEA why they like Obama. Change? Well, a tire going from full to flat has "changed". Does that make it better?

It was a racist Black woman who said that bit about 1/2 Black = still Black, so why shoot the messenger?

Don't waste the Power Point or however it works, Joe Dirt, this never had a chance anyway on liberalsift.

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