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Obama's Flock

10317 says...

THIS is your answer to the mcain/palin mob video?
ok,ill bite.
the mcain/palin mob video showcased rabid,potentially violent,ignorant and bigoted supporters leaving a mcain/palin rally.
this video showcases mainly black people answering questions and expressing their concerns after an obama/biden rally.
did you even WATCH the video before you posted?
seems to me the point is:
mcain/palin=angry/bigoted ignorant and potentially violent.
obama/biden=concerned citizens for our countries future(though a few could brush up on current events).
wow...yeah....errrrrr..../taps fingers...uh..yeah..well..
i would call this an epic fail to conflate the two camps.
but hey..better luck next time,
and thank you for playing "the conflation game".

McCain finally doing the right thing.

10317 says...

i agree with many here that mcain is not a bad guy,but one thing mcain most assuredly is,is an opportunist.that has been his most glaring trait,yet i dont see many pundits,liberal or conservative,pointing that obvious fact out.
the only reason why mcain got the "maverick" nickname was due to the fact during the "saving and loan" hearings(the keating 5),mcain was upfront about his involvement,and actually apologized and asked to be forgiven/
that was "im sorry" and BOOM,he's a maverick,which he then parlayed in the coming years into almost a political brand-name.but if you peruse his voting record,well...not so "maverick-y".what you will also find,among his bad-tempered tirades,is that he is a genuinely likable fellow.
not a bad sort at all.
the reason why this showing of decency and respect is so confusing to many,is that mcain has been a literal puppet for the republican political machine.he is being told what to say,and how to say it.all based on polls,focus groups and a veritable treasure trove of political machinations.
thats why the john mcain we saw in 2000 is unrecognizable to the mcain we see today.
but we all recognize the tactics,now known as "rovian tactics",and why?
because they WORK,or they did,for many, many years, the FEAR quotient worked on the american populace like a hyper-fight-or-flee drug.make people SCARED of a nominee,and your victory is in the bag.
to my utter joy,elation and amazement,those tactics this year seem to be small part due to the internet and its growing independent media.
but i dont think its just "rovian tactics", that strip a politician of his humanity.i think polling and focus groups can be overdone,and cause an almost draining of personality from a politician,remember al gore in 2000?
remember years later when we saw him speak and we were all like "where was this guy in 2000"?
macain is not a bad sort,its his campaign managers,and his advisors,who strip him of his humanity and leave us all watching a puppet dangling from strings.twitching like vacuous doll experiencing a grand mal seizure.
i apologize for the length of my comment,but i felt it necessary to point out the myopic nature of our current political "popularity contest",and who really deserves the blame for the dehumanizing of our politicians.
i dont agree with mcains policies,but the choice of his campaign to delve into "rovian tactics" was his campaign,it's leaders and advisors.
my hope is that these tactics in 2008 will result in an epic which case will mean that campaign advisors will steer clear of future "rovian tactics" and maybe become more creative,and MAYBE..hope hope hope..create a civil,informative and honest campaign.
we can all hope,cant we?
but my over-riding misanthropic cynicism says that palin will continue to appeal to most base,ignorant and bigoted of us.
i hope in wrong.
till next time..peace.

The McCain-Palin Mob

Januari says...

>> ^enoch:
so many MANY of your fellow mcain supporters have not.
so please do not defend those who have not taken the same amount of time to research,compare and think as YOU should be just as outraged by their ignorance as i.

I really couldn't agree more... I find it incredible how accepting of ignorance people are as long as it is in support of their own beliefs... Absolutly incredible... I agree it's true of both parties... but it seems absolutly epidemic of Palin/McCain supporters.

The McCain-Palin Mob

10317 says...

while you are enititled,and i would suggest further your duty,to vote your principals.thats one thing,its an entirely different thing to claim ignorance,then chastise others for ignorance.
if you garner all your information from corporate television,then i would agree in your assertion that we are all ignorant.the corporate news media has failed us all in keeping us informed and providing us all with the much needed context to make sound decisions.
but the fact that you are using the greatest tool to combat ignorance,the internet,weakens your statement considerably.
ignorance is curable,stupid is not,and the people being filmed here are ignorant,and while not representative of conservatives as a whole,i still find it saddening that so many of my fellow citizens are so ignorant.
a point of view can only be validated if it can be backed up by showing the linear reasoning process on how that conclusion was formulated.
"because i found his name to be scary,and muslim-like" shows such a depth of ignorance,and a total absence of critical thinking,that it breaks my heart.
so rgroom1,while YOU may have researched obama and found him lacking,so many MANY of your fellow mcain supporters have not.
so please do not defend those who have not taken the same amount of time to research,compare and think as YOU should be just as outraged by their ignorance as i.

Complete Katie Curic Segment About Sarah Palin

Highlights of the 1st Presidential Debate

imstellar28 says...

The moderator really gets it--he calls them out on being exactly the same on the issues in this debate (3:38), and also calls them out on failing to debate each other and just running off prepared remarks (1:42).

1. bailout: mcain-yes, obama-yes
2. corporate taxes: mccain-35% rate,obama-39% rate
3. pakistan: mccain-invade,obama-invade
4. bracelets: mccain-yes,obama-yes
so, basically this debate was about 4%.

these highlights make me cringe...i'd hate to see what the rest of the debate was like. the only redeeming part was where mccain said he wants a spending freeze of all non-vital governmental functions.

New McCain Ad Misleading! Chuck Todd & Andrea Mitchell

westy says...

How the hell is it 50,50 ?? i mean WTF how could so manny yanks actualy want to vote for mcain serously HOW FKING STUPID are americans dose factual informatoin not meen annything ? i can understand not liking obama but serously vote mcain ? .

Cop Attacked at the RNC! Civil Disobedience Prevails!

MarineGunrock says...


To all those crying "Police state!":
You all really don't know how much freedom you truly have.
I'm pretty sure it was Lovell who said "You don't realize what you have until it's gone."

Has Bush pissed on the constitution? Yes. Does that mean we no longer have freedoms? Fuck no.

And just because the FBI works with local P.D. does not mean every P.D. around the country is in the pocket of the federal government of John fucking Mcain.

For the love of God, get real.
It's one thing to say the PD is under control by the federal gov't.

It's completely asinine to say that republicans control it as well.

Ron Paul Doesn't Believe In Evolution.

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Wonder if that extends to gay marrage as well. I know he has always been for a flat or a federal sales tax. In that case the government would not need to care who is and isn't married. As it is not something that is even covered in the constitution at all, I would imagine he would say that it is something the government has no business in either. Anyone know his actual stance on gay marrage?

His Presidential campaign site is gone it appears, but Wikipedia had a series of quotes from him, and while they were varied, essentially his position is exactly the same as Obama's: opposed to same-sex marriage, but in favor of civil unions with the same legal effects as marriage.
One quote made me chuckle: "I am supportive of all voluntary associations and people can call it whatever they want."
Clearly personally uncomfortable with the notion, but supportive of it's legality. Gotta respect that.

Yup, besides him wanted to close down every oversea's millitary base, he was my main man. I hope his little party up in St. Pual starts a greater political revolution. Hope people don't get hampered down with this Mcain and Obama stuff...they are just more of the same

Bill Maher - New Rules: America Isn't #1

GeeSussFreeK says...

I guess it's ok to "right off" the first 150 years of american history that were deply inveloped in religiousity when making an argument about riding on the coats of our formers.

Anyway, I will forgive his inconsistancies on religion as just personal bias, the points he makes are still valid. Though, I thought his choice on drugs as the main point of freedom a little pushy. And how does one rate "freedom of the press" on a scale of 1 to anything? It seems at lot of his numbers are dodgy at best. Not to say we can't see the erosion of america around us. Personally, I think it has to do with over federalisation.

Constitutinal republics do great when they aren't poking their heads into everyones business. The problem is we are trying to turn America into a democracy which just ends up in mob rule and oppresion. When the people on one side get in power, they push their legislation that is moraly based, and the other side does the same. We have a battle of moral progressivism and religious conservatives in the US, both trying to domonate eachother with their own oppresive moral code of ethics.

The chrisitans (of which I count myself) are trying to opress everyone with the notion that this is a christian nation and should have christian rules (this I oppose to be clear). And thus installing religious oppresion that which the first ammendment was supposed to protect. And the progressivist are trying to pass their own moral basesless claims like the government should help people with entitlement programs like social security and medical covereage.

The thing people forget is that at heart, this was a country founded on the rights of the one person. A person has all the negative rights he can, and not positve rights. ( a negative right is the right to not have something done to you, a positive right is the right to have something). The christians are trying to have their cake of moral oppresive positive right legislation, and so are the progressivists. It is going to take a huge change in thinking to undo this run away democracy to turn us back into a constitutinal republic.

I for one, was a ron paul fanatic, and was sad to see him lose so badly, but I hope he starts a revolution. For all those who were with him, don't buy into all this mcain and obama hype, they are just more of the same kind.

Anyway, I wasn't with alot of what Maher had to say about this, but he is right, freedom is under attack, and some of the things he supports are attacking it. Get on the ball people,end the rign of oppressive moral legislation and get the government back to what it should be doing, enforcing laws that protect liberty and freedom and life. (live liberty ect ect.)

{ps. anyone know of a good online spell checker? My firefox is buggerd and it spelled checked for me}

Rusty Ward Interviews at Comic-Con '08

westy says...

Lol how fucking dum are people. how could you honistly think mcain would do good for usa ? like i can see how you might not like obama and think he might not deliver on what he says ore just not like his policies whitch is fair enoughf. obama at a minimum is 100x the diplomat that mcain is and thats what usa needs if you want to reduce the supoosed terror thret then you need sumone who will perfom a semi decent forghen policy (ore at worse apear to be doing so ) .

lol and the economy is totaly fucked purly because of the bush goverment how could annyone vote bush typs in again after sutch a fuck up.

usa is so broken its like the country has 15% cool down to earth resnable people then the rest are totaly fucked.

How to spot a Liar: Mcain, Dwight Schrute

Barack Obama Interview w/ Gwen Ifill

NordlichReiter says...

I learn and teach proper gun safety. Just as any one else needs to learn how to drive a car safely. Yes I agree with common sense gun laws, but like copyright laws, FISA, and Patriot Act (Espionage Act)I do not agree with the amendments of very well written laws that already do their jobs.

He struck down Illinois gun rights, Chicago anti gun laws(supports them), and the right to own a Semi Auto in certain states. When there are bans on Semi Auto, Full Auto pistols, then there is a ban on the majority of handguns by proxy. Pump guns and Revolvers are unwieldy, I'm not talking about the right to defense I'm talking about the right to own and bear weapons that are formidable to the weapons that the good guys have.

They dont want the people to have these weapons because as is said: it impedes the right of them to enforce laws. No, it scares the shit out of authority, which is exactly what is needed. Criminals could care less what gun laws you put out there. Again I agree with common sense laws, but I do not agree with radical expansion of said laws.

On another note: Mcain is bush, Obama is a Fake Idol, Nader is a conspiracy theorist, and Lobbyist are money grubbing ass hats. The choice is? Gotdamn that's a tough choice.

Eisenhower said "Beware the Military Industrial Complex."

Washington said "Beware of foreign entanglements."

To choggie, many presidents have warned us and yet we still continue to follow the lead lemming.

McCain: "I Would Imagine That We Are" In A Recession

10148 says...

>> ^T-man:
I'm no fan of McCain, but "Are we in a recession?" is, as he pointed out, a technical question that is almost impossible to answer. He did about as good as he could with his answer.

A recession is defined to be a period of two quarters of negative GDP growth. What the fuck are you talking about? impossible to answer my ass, its a simple question where a yes or no answer would suffice. Mcain the bullshit express avoided the question and its implications directly and instead talked about hurting American families, and CONGRESS approval rating, not bush... What a douche bag.

Librarian with "McCain=Bush" Sign Charged with Tresspassing

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