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Guns with History

Mordhaus says...

You have heard of constitutional amendments, haven't you? In fact, one of the quotes I produced from former Mayor, Ed Koch, even discussed that fact.

Please explain which FACTS that I have repeated are incorrect. So far all you have been able to do is curse me, accuse me of being retarded, and literally ignored anything I have said so that you can continue with your vitriol. I don't even know you and you seem to have a major issue with me.

The reason why I put up the list of deaths is because you don't see knee jerk actions in the news over those methods of dying, typically. You do see it over gun deaths because they are sensationalized far beyond the level of anything else, part of which is the reason I think we are having more mass shootings. If you want to go out in a blaze of glory, get your 15 minutes of fame, then shooting people is a guaranteed method.

I do believe we need additional controls on weapons; one that I think would help greatly is ACS ( I am also not an NRA member and don't agree with a lot of the methods they use. I DO believe wholeheartedly in my right to own semi automatic handguns and rifles. If you still have a problem with me over that, I can't help it. But if you continue to be confrontational, then I don't think we have anything further to talk about.

robdot said:

they dont, he is just repeating the same tired old bullshit,,,

you cant ban guns in america, the supreme court has already ruled on all this,,,

Guns with History

Mordhaus says...

"A gun-control movement worthy of the name would insist that President Clinton move beyond his proposals for controls ... and immediately call on Congress to pass far-reaching industry regulation like the Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act ... [which] would give the Treasury Department health and safety authority over the gun industry, and any rational regulator with that authority would ban handguns."
- Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center

“If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly regulated, the rest would be confiscated.”
– Nancy Pelosi, US Congresswoman

“US Senator, If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!”
– Diane Feinstein, US Senator

"My view of guns is simple. I hate guns and I cannot imagine why anyone would want to own one. If I had my way, guns for sport would be registered, and all other guns would be banned."
- Deborah Prothrow-Stith, Dean of Harvard School of Public Health

"I don't care if you want to hunt, I don't care if you think it's your right. I say 'Sorry.' it's 1999. We have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a gun, and if you do own a gun I think you should go to prison."
- Rosie O'Donnell, Actress

“I don’t believe people should to be able to own guns.”
- Barack Obama (during conversation with economist and author John Lott Jr. at the University of Chicago Law School in the 1990s)

“We must get rid of all the guns.”
- Sarah Brady, Widow of James Brady

“I believe for example when Washington, D.C., passed a law that nobody could have a gun except law enforcement and it was struck down by the United States Supreme Court, that we should overrule the Supreme Court with a Constitutional amendment. I don’t believe that in our society that we should have guns.”
- Ed Koch, former NYC Mayor

“Confiscation could be an option…mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”
- Andrew Cuomo, NY Governor

“an assault weapons ban is just the beginning...a complete ban on handguns could be possible through state and local action.”
- Jan Schakowsky, llinois Congresswoman

“governments should start confiscating semi-automatic rifles and other firearms
- Dan Muhlbauer, Iowa state Rep.

Now, this was with a quick search on Google. I am sure there are more, but I just thought I would give a sample. Additionally, the really rabid activists have learned to rephrase statements to avoid the term ban. They aren't stupid, they know that they have to soften the phrasing to make it more palatable to the everyday citizen.

eric3579 said:

IMO and life experience

I don't think anyone wants guns completely banned. I never have heard that. Id be interested to see where you get that information(all guns should be banned). Sounds like something the NRA or gun makers would say to scare gun owners.

Same people that want no gun regulation are the same that shout they want to take all our guns.

Gun manufactures and gun businesses/NRA love to scare people into thinking that they are coming to get all your guns. That's idiotic, but many fall for it constantly.

I'll put a hole right through your head!

Pring4 says...

As a resident of a neighboring town, this has gotten a ton of local and national coverage. The Medford mayor said something along the lines of "decisive action will be taken."

KUNG FURY - Official Movie

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

bobknight33 says...


Answer this Why is Baltimore such a shit hole in treating inner city poor folks like dogs?

Like many failed cities, Detroit comes to mind, and every city besieged recently by rioting, Democrats and their union pals have had carte blanche to inflict their ideas and policies on Baltimore since 1967, the last time there was a Republican Mayor. In 2012, after four years of his own failed policies, President Obama won a whopping 87.4% of the Baltimore city vote. Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force. Since 1969, there have only been only been two Republican governors of the State of Maryland. Elijah Cummings has represented Baltimore in the U.S. Congress for more than thirty years.”
..."the Democrat-infested mainstream media is treating the Democrat like a local folk hero, not the obvious and glaring failure he really is. Every single member of the Baltimore city council is a Democrat. Liberalism and all the toxic government dependence and cronyism and union corruption and failed schools that comes along with it, has run amok in Baltimore for a half-century, and that is Baltimore’s problem. It is the free people of Baltimore who elect and then re-elect those who institute policies that have so spectacularly failed that once-great city. It is the free people of Baltimore who elected Mayor “Space-to-Destroy”. From a recent Allen West post

Not to mention the $1.5Million /year federal dollars for education. Total 18.3 Million from 2001 and today..

plus the 1.8 Billion from Obama's Stimulus.

Peace/ love sharing and caring. Yep a Democrat Utopia.

Baltimore Riots - Raw Video - Multiple Angles

Shep Smith of Fox News keeps it real on Baltimore protests

newtboy says...

Certainly you understand that a mayor (or anyone, really) can request that the governor send them in. I didn't see or hear about any of that. It doesn't have to be done in front of a camera, but if it happened it would have been reported that the mayor had requested that the governor send them least that's how it usually happens.

Have they been deployed now? They had not been last night, the last I saw. I can't understand how the city on fire, cops on the run and injured, and thousands of destructive looters on the streets doesn't meet the requirements, that happened early on. Instead of doing something, they announced a curfew for the next (5?) days and basically let the rioters do their thing on day one. Anyone injured is going to have a good case against the police/city/state for not taking action to stop it.
EDIT: I see now, they sent in 160 national guard members this morning (Tuesday) with more to on Monday or Monday night/Tuesday early morning.

When it's obvious that local law enforcement is outnumbered 10 to 1 or worse, and the "protestors" have become violent rioters attacking police, citizens, cars, and businesses, and lighting buildings and cars on fire, it's time. That was 3pm, and came with plenty of warnings online. There was pretty good indication that there would be exactly that problem, they should have had serious backup at the ready, they did not.

I can't fathom why there wasn't a curfew last night, there was plenty of time to see it was needed. I also can't fathom why the national guard wasn't requested (yes, I'm sticking with that being proper and normal, but not necessary) by the mayor, or why it wasn't sent in by the governor or the fed without being requested.

It really seemed the authorities could have foreseen there would be severe problems (they've been claiming they have serious credible death threats against the entire police force by numerous factions...that's enough right there to call/send in the National Guard yesterday, before the funeral). Waiting for the problems to happen, then allowing it to continue over night is shirking their duty because they're scared, IMO.

Protests over Mr. Gray’s death had been largely peaceful until Saturday, when pockets of violence led to 35 arrests and caused minor injuries to six police officers.
Mr. Batts, the police commissioner, said late Monday that 250 to 300 officers assembled in West Baltimore after a social-media message called on high-school students Monday to stage a “purge”—an anarchic protest based on a film called “The Purge” that includes a period of lawlessness—at 3 p.m. starting at the Mondawmin Mall and ending downtown.
Baltimore police also said they received a threat that city gangs would join together to “take down” law-enforcement officers.

aaronfr said:

I'm not sure on what you mean by being "asked for". The national guard is under the command of the governor in each state. It is up to him/her to order the deployment. In general, it is good practice to see if local law enforcement can handle a situation before you begin deploying soldiers. That probably means that the governor was meeting with law enforcement and city officials to monitor the situation and make a determination of the capacity to restore peace through civilian instead of military means. Once they decided it was not possible, the governor ordered the deployment. Anyone that was in front of the media "asking" for the national guard to be deployed were probably not a part of that decision-making structure which was operating concurrently.

Thug Life: Groundhog Bites Mayor

Thug Life: Groundhog Bites Mayor

Thug Life: Groundhog Bites Mayor

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers

bobknight33 says...

Slavery is irrelevant to the plight of the black man today.

All people have equal chance at freedom for the last 50 years.

Most poor folks would rather take government handouts than lift themselves out of poverty. If I was in that position I suppose I would also take the handout.

Democratic policies and Democratic control of major cities have destroyed the black community

Out of the 10 poorest cities
Five cities have been led by Democrats for more than 45 years.
Two other cities, Miami, El Paso, have never had Republican mayors. Not ever.

Rank City Democrat
1 Detroit, MI 1961
2 Buffalo, NY 1954
3 Cincinnati, OH 1984
4 Cleveland, OH 1989
5 Miami, FL forever
6 St. Lewis, MO 1949
7 El Paso, TX forever
8 Milwaukee, WI 1908
9 Philadelphia, PA 1952
10 Newark, NJ 1907

Democratic policies and Democratic control of major cities have destroyed the black community.

If you want to help end racism and help black communities turn around then stop voting democrat.

"I think the best way of doing good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty but leading them or driving them out of it."
... Ben Franklin

dannym3141 said:

If black americans really do have any kind of tendency towards being poorly educated or poorly civilised, is it because they have only very recently been allowed to have any education or any part in civilisation. And i'm not necessarily willing to accept that premise, because there similarly plenty of white americans who are also extremely poorly educated and poorly civilised. I know that because i caught honey boo-boo on TV once. It doesn't help that your legal system is inherently racist as evidenced by the shocking prison statistics for black americans; whitey made sure that 'black people' crime is highly punishable and 'white people' crime isn't. Just listen to what this man has to tell you.

Your advice to someone who lives in bad area is "Buy a house in a nice area?" OMFG I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS!!! Why don't starving people in third world countries just move house? Why don't people who live in warzones move? Why don't the Palestinians just move? Why don't isolated, terrified old ladies move out of dangerous apartment blocks and council estates? Why don't abused women just leave their husbands? Why don't abused children just run away and tell a policeman? Why don't .... you just shut the fuck up? Honestly, better to keep silent and have people think you're stupid and racist than to share your blindingly idiotic comments and remove all doubt.

They are born there, they can't afford to move, they are supporting family who live there (and can't afford to move), they can't get a job anywhere else, they can't go to school anywhere else, there's no one particularly educated amongst them to help them out? Any of the above and millions more reasons (that i don't know because i never experienced it, nor did you)?

Black people were treated like sub-humans, murdered in the street without comment and for no particular reason, beaten, tortured, forced to work, forced to fight, bred for strength and most of all.... kept in the fucking dark about everything, because stupid slaves are easier to control.

Generation after generation of being bred for work traits; intelligence systematically discouraged. So anyone who's around now was raised by people who were raised by people with no education, property or hope through no fault of their own. Add to that inherent racism as explained CLEARLY to you by this video. So the black people today are a product of their environment. And in a way, that excuses you for being a disgusting, poorly-educated, ignorant racist because the apple never falls far from the tree... and you're not worth any more of my time.

Anti-Michael Brown Song By Retired Fed. Investigator

newtboy says...

I was only thinking of the actual cops that all turned their backs on the mayor when he came to pay his respects/check on the ambushed officers families. Union members, probably yes, but also actual people being blatant disrespectful dicks over little to nothing. I don't listen to the interviews with/rantings of the union leader any more than I do Trump.

Lawdeedaw said:

Don't confuse the Unions that attack the Mayor with actual people.

Anti-Michael Brown Song By Retired Fed. Investigator

Lawdeedaw says...

Don't confuse the Unions that attack the Mayor with actual people. The Unions are dicks that are a business just like Sharpton (Making them millions) and Wal-Mart. Of course they spout of shit like Donald Trump or Obama on any given day.

Down here many cops state that Brown was a thug who threw around a store clerk in a potentially deadly robbery. There is a reason criminals can be charged for murder if an officer dies on his way to a crime like that. Or if someone gets shot by a store clerk on accident. The inherent nature of violence that Brown brought to the store alone was potentially deadly.

This video is the same as the censored Kim Jung Un video, or half the Epic Rap Battles. I remember my wife crying when they mentioned Merlin Monroe having miscarriages because she had four. But never once did she bemoan the Battles.

And yes, it annoyed me that you made mention that this video was NOT racist but the above sifter not-to-be-named ignored that...shows how much he listens.

newtboy said:

Dude...can you read? Please try again. I did not say it was racist. I said things do not have to be racist to be disgusting. Just wow. Talk about low reading comprehension.

If you only believe the cop testimony, perhaps. Since the DA threw the grand jury case, we'll never know, because it will never see a court room. That's not the series of events reports say the other 38 witnesses testified to seeing.

Songs laughing about killing unarmed people, and comparing them to road kill is only entertainment for disgusting people. Odd that all the cops found it entertaining...or perhaps it's not.
They should be upset because making fun of killing other people is disgusting, especially in the current climate where cops are trying to look human and humane, this shows their true colors when they think no one is watching, they laugh at killing unarmed people and take pleasure in it while dehumanizing the dead victims and their families. That's why any thinking person with a conscience would be upset. Duh.

I brought up the NY mayor because you brought up the NYPD cops. The way the cops are treating the mayor, who is not anti cop, but is simply not 100% behind every cop action, is infantile and disgusting. It shows how they can't accept any criticism without completely over-reacting in the worst ways, like big babies with guns. EDIT: NYPD also illustrates how the cops react if someone says something about police that shoot and beat to death unarmed men of color far more often than 'whites'. Imagine how they would react if this WERE a song making fun of the two slain officers.

Oh Bob. You might want to back off on the attempted insults and stick to the topic. (It just so happens that I'm fixed, not neutered, learn the difference, Neutered males do not 'grow a pair' back, fixed males still have their testicles.) Your attempt at insult failed miserably on all fronts, but I'll still give you 'credit' for trying to be smarmy and clever.
It seems you're going the way of Chingalera here...and we all know what happened when he put the Newt in his mouthy parts. (it's the same thing that happens to anything that tries to bite a Newt, we just come crawling back out of your dead mouth unharmed!) He thought he was a big man too, with his smarmy insulting nastiness...didn't work out too well for him.

Considering how you see 'reality', I sure hope I look to be on the wrong side to you. I would hate to think I'm somehow in step with you or @Trancecoach. Many thinking people here do not have the highest opinions of your ilk.

EDIT: If Bill Burr told this story, he would not have talked about Michael Brown in those disgusting, degrading, dehumanizing ways. Bill is not an asshole. He might have found a way to make it funny, but not degrading or dehumanizing. This guy is no Bill Burr.

Anti-Michael Brown Song By Retired Fed. Investigator

newtboy says...

Dude...can you read? Please try again. I did not say it was racist. I said things do not have to be racist to be disgusting. Just wow. Talk about low reading comprehension.

If you only believe the cop testimony, perhaps. Since the DA threw the grand jury case, we'll never know, because it will never see a court room. That's not the series of events reports say the other 38 witnesses testified to seeing.

Songs laughing about killing unarmed people, and comparing them to road kill is only entertainment for disgusting people. Odd that all the cops found it entertaining...or perhaps it's not.
They should be upset because making fun of killing other people is disgusting, especially in the current climate where cops are trying to look human and humane, this shows their true colors when they think no one is watching, they laugh at killing unarmed people and take pleasure in it while dehumanizing the dead victims and their families. That's why any thinking person with a conscience would be upset. Duh.

I brought up the NY mayor because you brought up the NYPD cops. The way the cops are treating the mayor, who is not anti cop, but is simply not 100% behind every cop action, is infantile and disgusting. It shows how they can't accept any criticism without completely over-reacting in the worst ways, like big babies with guns.

Oh Bob. You might want to back off on the attempted insults and stick to the topic. (It just so happens that I'm fixed, not neutered, please learn the difference. Neutered males do not 'grow a pair' back, fixed males still have their testicles.) Your attempt at insult failed miserably on all fronts, but I'll still give you 'credit' for trying to be smarmy and clever.
It seems you're going the way of Chingalera here...and we all know what happened when he put the Newt in his mouthy parts. (it's the same thing that happens to anything that tries to bite a Newt, we just come crawling back out of your dead mouth unharmed!) He thought he was a big man too, with his smarmy insulting nastiness...didn't work out too well for him.

Considering how you see 'reality', I sure hope I look to be on the wrong side to you. I would hate to think I'm somehow in step with you or @Trancecoach. Many thinking people here do not have the highest opinions of your ilk.

EDIT: If Bill Burr told this story, he would not have talked about Michael Brown in those disgusting, degrading, dehumanizing ways. Bill is not an asshole. He might have found a way to make it funny, but not degrading or dehumanizing. This guy is no Bill Burr.

bobknight33 said:

Your not Newtboy you neutered boy. Time for you to grow up and grow a pair.

No it is not Racist not one bit racist. Bad taste maybe but not racist.

Michael Brown was a thug that struggled with a cop for his gun and it went off. The gentle giant then ran 30 ft got shot then charged back towards then cop and received some corrective measures for failing to stop charging the cop that lead to to his justified death.

The song, depending which side of the fence you are on can be disgusting or funny entertainment.

Like Ding Dong the witch is dead. is not appealing to witches but fun for all others to sing.
If Bill Burr told this story like the song you would be laughing you ass off.

Bill Burr - Helicopter Rides

AS for the room fool of cops not dissenting. How dumb can you be. Why on earth should they be upset?

Why bring up the NY mayor? He is an anti cop fool, elected by fools.

Man up Neutered Boy. Your on the loosing side of reality.

Anti-Michael Brown Song By Retired Fed. Investigator

bobknight33 says...

Your not Newtboy you neutered boy. Time for you to grow up and grow a pair.

No it is not Racist not one bit racist. Bad taste maybe but not racist.

Michael Brown was a thug that struggled with a cop for his gun and it went off. The gentle giant then ran 30 ft got shot then charged back towards then cop and received some corrective measures for failing to stop charging the cop that lead to to his justified death.

The song, depending which side of the fence you are on can be disgusting or funny entertainment.

Like Ding Dong the witch is dead. is not appealing to witches but fun for all others to sing.
If Bill Burr told this story like the song you would be laughing you ass off.

Bill Burr - Helicopter Rides

AS for the room fool of cops not dissenting. How dumb can you be. Why on earth should they be upset?

Why bring up the NY mayor? He is an anti cop fool, elected by fools.

Man up Neutered Boy. Your on the loosing side of reality.

newtboy said:

So if it's not blatantly Racist (why the capital R?), any disgusting, disrespectful, inflammatory thing someone wants to say is fine? I disagree.

Think about how the NYPD reacts to the mayor being honest by saying that he told his black son to be careful around officers and not scare cops into (over)reacting. They've acted as if he shot the officers himself, or actively supported such actions, just because he didn't stand firmly in 100% full support for all police actions.
"My group" won't be making any praise songs for killing anyone that's not a convicted (or well known) mass murderer. I won't speak for any other groups, and mine is a group of one. ;-)
The issue is more the reaction of the room full of cops over the disgusting act of one ex fed. I didn't hear one boo, and not one person left. I somehow feel the reaction would be far stronger against a song in support of Obama in that room...that might get violent.

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