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PTSD incident.

dannym3141 says...

This has a lot of information on it. It states that the two in the car were too traumatised (also uses the word terrified) to comment. It also says that the guy cut them off and brake checked them a few times before they finally collided on the 5th attempt.

Also, isn't it a bit dangerous to let people like that loose in society? I'm worried enough already that some lunatic will get 'roid rage and randomly attack me without provocation (there are so many young lads on steroids right now) without having to worry about trained killers doing it. With the greatest of respect to anyone that has fought for a moral cause, i didn't necessarily ask them to do it in my name, nor should that be cause to expose people to the danger he poses.

PTSD incident.

bareboards2 says...

This happened in April 2013. Here is an interview with the driver, after the fact:

In September, the military issued new guidelines to help control road rage. The "rules" sound completely insipid -- until you realize that they leave out an important phrase -- do you suffer from PTSD from your time in a military zone? Then, to me, these guidelines are calming and non-blaming.

Swedish Marines Parody Grease Lightning in Afghanistan

bareboards2 says...

According to my favorite blog at The Stranger, this video showed up on all the gay blogs recently. I can see why -- yum!

Swedish Marines. I didn't even know they existed.

Bill Nye the Science Guy Dispels Poverty Myths

bcglorf says...

I don't think anyone is calling them unstoppable. There is just, as you point out, an unwillingness to do so. Internally to each warlord's zone, there is the inability to do so. Across the African Union, well, the majority dislike the precedent of unseating dictators for war crimes, so they are unwilling to help. The rest of the world is sitting far away, and comfortable. Our war hawks out here refuse to go in because there is nothing in it for them. Our peacniks refuse to go in because war is bad, end of conversation.

The sad truth is there are very few people in the world who both care about the plight of such people AND are willing to endorse intervention.

Look no further than Somalia. The world powers decide to use military escorts to distribute aid to the country fairly. A few US marines get killed, and immediately EVERY world power pulls out and leaves things alone. To this day standard warlord manuals clearly state that in the case of UN peacekeepers or foreign intervention, shoot 2-3 of them and wait a week for them all to go home.

poolcleaner said:

I think these so-called unstoppable warlords that siphon off our aid is an even bigger myth. The United States of America defeated the British Empire, invaded Nazi Europe, dropped a nuclear fucking bomb on Axis Japan, sacrificed thousands of lives in Vietnam, stood head to head against the USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis, landed on the moon, funded Nicaraguan revolutionaries using money from arms sales to Iran, assassinated Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, lied about weapons of mass destruction and invaded Iraq, fight the Taliban in Afghanistan, and yet we can't deal with warlords and civil wars in Africa where (at least with Rwandan civil war) weaponry is in the form of crate after crate of machetes made in China?

If all of those things are possible for the biggest super power in the world, how is it not possible to stop these warlords from siphoning our aid?


We don't care so nothing of real consequence happens. All of those above events have one thing in common: our own goddamn self interest.

Everything sucks. May god have mercy on everyone's soul.

Police Brutality: Cops Taser Senior Citizen In Own Home

ant (Member Profile)

Dutch Navy Marines storms a German cargo ship.

chingalera says...

Dunno man, dint' look like there were too many scared-shitless defenders on that boat-All happened in seconds from the looks of things....Those marines most-likely had intel prior to the take-down...easy-peasy.

CrushBug said:

That must have taken forever to clear the whole ship.

Remote control Spy Turtle watches dolphin pods

mindbrain says...

"The Spy Creatures were designed to infiltrate the dolphins’ hidden lives by looking like the marine creatures a dolphin might encounter in their everyday lives. The intention wasn’t to fool them, they’re far too clever for that! These novel devices tweaked the curiosity of the dolphin pods, encouraging the dolphins to let them into their lives, allowing them to capture behaviour that has never been seen before."

Exploding Whale

Amazing Speech by War Veteran

Drunk off-duty deputy tries to arrest female soldier at bar

chingalera says...

He's a person who became a marine (a shitty one), then a cop (gang member) to abuse power and illicit control over others. His character screams it, his words, his body language. A broken human in need of serious therapy.

I read now where officer Bell has been suspended without pay as a result of the incident. He'll be back on the street in no-time, harassing more innocents and abusing women with a badge and a gun soon, residents of South Carolina who don't want his shit on the streets should demand his accountability in this matter. But they won't, they are too busy being programmed by the television and officer dickbag will be back on the street in no time.
Welcome to America. YOUR AMERICA

Porksandwich said:

If she wasn't a soldier, a member of a large institution that would have probably looked into it themselves, I doubt it would have backfired on the cop as much as it did. In my opinion of course. I just don't see a common college student getting that fast of a turnaround on this guy getting canned, etc...where there would be a lot more "doubt" (read doubt as: chance to cover up because the college probably isn't going to look too hard) as to what happened. Even with a video.

The Marines -- [PBS documentary]

McCain & U.S. Government Called Treasonous at Townhall

longde says...

A mis-informed nutcase giving an angry, incoherent diatribe? Yes, that happened alot 5 years ago. Youtube is full of birther and truther videos. This video saddens me; it's not encouraging at all. Ignorant uninformed meathead spewing illogical anger to no end. Meatheads like this are a statist's wetdream; if this marine is representative, the powers that be have nothing to worry about.

blankfist said:

People are coming around. Slowly, but they're coming around. Could you imagine this happening at a townhall meeting five years ago in the U.S.?

McCain & U.S. Government Called Treasonous at Townhall

Marine to McCain: I would have you arrested for treason

arekin says...

"i would have you arrested for treason, despite the fact i done know the constitutionally defined grounds for treason. But I was a marine, so Merica!"

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