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Watch Nancy Pelosi Rip Up Copy Of Donald Trump’s Speech

newtboy says...

I expect nothing less from a [redacted] like yourself. Cranial rectosis is cureable, but you would miss the savory fecal flavor.

In the last 3 years Trump's mismanagement has added >$4 trillion to the debt during an inherited economic expansion, with a current deficit of well over $1 trillion per year and rising. Yes, the economy seems relatively strong, but my bank account would look great too if I put 1/3 of GDP on credit and didn't pay any off. America is turning around alright, problem is it was headed in the right direction before the turn. *facepalm

Hate to tell you, but Trump loses handily to all remaining candidates in polls, and not within the margin of error like with Clinton.

Great, yeah, they're still counting the lies, and the calculators are smoking from the effort. Presidential medal of freedom to an obese, racist, uncivil, uneducated, divisive drug abuser. Way to devalue our nation's highest honor to less than a happy meal prize. Only an America hater would call that great, Bobski.

bobknight33 said:

America is turning around and winning. Democrats are pissed that they are on the losing side.

Worse yet is all the candidates with no chance of winning against Trump.

What a Great SOTU speech last night.


newtboy says...

So, we're up to at a minimum of 4 impeachment investigations now.
1) publicly asking and privately extorting multiple foreign powers to investigate American citizens to help his campaign, with mountains of evidence, including direct quid quo pro that isn't a necessary component of the crimes but compounds them.
2) a second whistleblower report from the IRS accusing multiple appointees of interference in the audit of his taxes.
3) hostile foreign powers bribing him directly through his properties by booking and paying for hundreds of rooms at multiple properties without even staying in them, or violating the emoluments clause if they're found to not be bribes..
4) multiple unequivocal obstruction charges, born out by both his statements and the administration's flat refusal to comply with subpoenas.

These almost certainly aren't the only investigations into his increasing criminality, but any one is more than enough for removal and prison.

There's a new move to push for anonymous ballots if it gets to the Senate. Without fear of reprisals from Trump and his cultists, up to 35 Republican senators have already privately indicated they would impeach today, but they're terrified he would ruin their careers, which they put ahead of their nation, or that his zealous followers might try to murder them or their families.

But that doesn't matter because some of the 4%(+-2% margin of error) of support he has in the black community made a rap.

Edit: Oops! Another report this morning indicates Perry, along with Giuliani and multiple Trump officials and Trump himself were pushing Ukraine to install Trump's friends on the board of a huge Ukrainian natural gas company in an unsurprisingly strikingly similar fashion to what they falsely accuse the Bidens of doing (it is his MO to accuse his enemies of the crimes he's involved in). That makes impeachment path #5 to be exposed, and explains the missing 18 minutes of the transcript of Trump's extortion call with the president of Ukraine. This is why we need the full, word for word, unredacted transcript of the call that Trump, in his idiocy, has already admitted exists.
Sorry @bobknight33, it's looking bad for daddy Donny. He also lost his case trying to block New York from his taxes this morning by claiming absolute immunity from prosecution, and claiming even a private examination of his tax returns would do him irreparable harm. Wonder why that would be.

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

Internalized Hate is Killing Beautiful People

Mordhaus says...


"To act you’re white, to work white jobs, to worship white Gods and find your place in the white system. But this doesn’t work for anyone unless they are a white male!!!"

Are you kidding me? Destroy the 'white power system'? Can you tell me where the headquarters of said organization exists? I'd like to have a word with them.

Racism exists, but not at the level this slideshow video and comments is trying to portray. There is no racial power system.

There are two systems that are killing our country.

Rich corporations/people looking to maintain their profit margin
Organized Religion

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

bcglorf says...


"Every IPCC report has vastly underestimated their projections"

IPCC AR5 predictions we can go check out are here:

Surface temp is in Fig. 11.9 page 981. They only graph for their 'middle' 4.5 case, not the worst 8.5 case that you call wildly optimistic. You can see even at the time they graphed it, the instrumental record sat on the extreme cold end of their projections, almost threatening to leave the margins of error. If you take today's today for 2019 and check it out we are sitting about dead center on their projected path. Doesn't seem like current temperature data shows their 'middle' case scenario underestimating anything, let alone their worst case.

If you look at the same for sea level rise in AR5 here:

You can look for fig 13.11 on page 1181. Again, it shows projections approx 100mm sea level rise from 2000-2020, which more or less matches the instrumental record as we approach 2020 to verify. Again, not grossly underestimating.

The sea level rise is especially important to your alarms over Greenland being grossly underestimated by the IPCC. If they did grossly underestimate Greenland, it seems likely they also grossly overestimated something else if they more or less are on track with the overall sea level projections.

Again, if you just cherry pick a couple results and declare everything the IPCC did has been proven to over/under estimate things so they must be ignored, you aren't helping.

Jim Says Christian Leaders Will Be Murdered If Trump Loses

newtboy says...

I'm so sick of this "polls were all wrong" lie. The polls all said he could be elected, it was within the margin of error, and if you count votes not the electoral college, they were dead on correct....Clinton won.

Now, since Christian preachers all now stump far right hate politics directly from the pulpit., can we remove their tax exemption and let Cesar have what belongs to Cesar?

Side note....he seems to be describing the rapture, Christians suddenly dying world wide and going to heaven....and he seems terrified about it. I can't imagine why.

Upvote for exposing what Christian preachers are telling their flock, inciting murder as preemptive self defense....not because I agree with his insanity.

Hail Satan?-Trailer

bcglorf says...

That mission/purpose is clear enough, the miscommunication is in calling that 'Satanism'. To repeat myself, "Satanism" has been well understood to mean the worship of the Abrahamic center of all evil Satan. Calling your movement 'Satanism', and then clarifying that you neither believe in nor worship that Satan and your movement is an entirely separate and distinct secular one is deliberate bad communication.

It's like going around calling my group a antivaxxers, but then clarifying we don't actually oppose vaccinations, we are just against the high profit margins of pharma corps.

When words already have strong definitions deliberately failing to use them and choosing your own new definition isn't clever, it's just bad communication.

newtboy said:

There's no confusion or miscommunication.
They are using the lax rules designed to promote Judeo Christian religions against them to expose religion's hypocrisy and intolerance publicly, much like Pastafarians but with better organization and iconography.
Were they not clear?

Full Frontal - The Green New Deal

wtfcaniuse says...

Don't remember China pulling out of the Paris accord because of the economic impact. They didn't put a tariff on PV imports either.

China has far less need to cheat than the US, they have the largest renewable energy production in the world by a big margin and it's growing quicker than most countries.

Mordhaus said:

especially when one considers that China/Russia will cheat their fucking asses off to prevent meeting the goals due to the enormous economic hit

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

enoch says...

while I am absolutely delighted to watch both the democratic and republican parties LOSE their minds over AOC,and watch them bumble and stumble all over themselves to discredit this 29yr old Latina spitfire.

the political establishment continues to miss the plot,because they live in their own tiny,elitist bubbles.

every time they attempt to marginalize her,attack her outright,shame her,belittle her...
her numbers go up.
the republicans try to attack her by exposing her ideas as laughable,but what they are really doing is campaigning for her.
she literally gets more popular every time FOX news has ben shapiro on to "expose" AOC as the "loony left".

and the democrats may actually be MORE afraid of AOC than the republicans!
they are trying to primary her out of her seat,which he has only been in a few weeks.
which has seen AOC's war chest boom with private,small amount,donations.

they (meaning the establishment,corporate lackeys in congress) along with their corporate media stooges.

are doing their best to paint AOC as a "kook" as a "crazy" as somehow not being an actual representative of what normal folk want in a representative.

just like they did with nader,paul,sanders..

but it looks like the American people are finally on to the games of the kleptocrats.

and AOC has become the youngest and most popular congresswoman..ever.

because AOC Is not a kook,or a crazy.

she is whip smart and politically savvy.

and in five minutes she lays out the ease of corruption in our government.

suck a dick trumpters!


Arnold Schwarzenegger New Blunt Message For Donald Trump

Drachen_Jager says...

If it's the forces of capitalism that should run the market, then why encourage government interference? That's the opposite of free-market capitalism.

An independent study published in Nature Energy estimated that half of all US oil production would be unprofitable if not for government subsidies. By your reasoning, shouldn't those ventures be allowed to die a natural death? All Arnold is saying is we shouldn't be INCREASING the subsidies to a dirty industry that's killing people.

In other words, your response is a non sequitur. It literally does not follow.

Aside from all that. IT'S KILLING PEOPLE! Do you really care about profit margins and the forces of capitalism more than human lives? What are profits for if not to improve the lives of people? Money, and the economy have to serve a purpose or they're just numbers.

bobknight33 said:

Giving up coal is not feasible at this point in time.

There are not better / cheaper alternatives-- otherwise the forces of capitalism would put the death nail into coal.

How do you embed Instagram's videos? (Geek Talk Post)

ant says...

@lucky760 & @dag -- So, there's no way to post embed code into VS like from

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="9" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(
TY0L8fxCxfCBbhWrsYYAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a rel="nofollow" href="" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">Dumme mops

Nut Milking EXPOSED!

JiggaJonson says...

I think it's fair for the dairy industry to lobby for this. It's an argument of definition.

You make almond milk basically by taking almonds and blending them up with water then straining.

They could call it "milk-substitute" perhaps. Point being, it's not the same thing as milk from a cow.

Peanut butter went through a similar episode in history when Jif added a bunch of crap that wasn't peanuts to its mix.

"Jif, in an effort to overtake Skippy and Peter Pan, added sweeteners and reduced their actual peanut content to improve the flavor and increase the profit margin. According to a lab study (granted, by a lab run by Skippy’s parent company, Best Foods), Jif peanut butter contained 25 percent hydrogenated oil and only 75 percent actual peanuts. This greatly concerned the FDA and other consumer groups."

Today, you can't call a product "peanut butter" unless it's made of at least 90 percent ground up peanuts. Otherwise it has to be labeled "peanut-spread."

See also: Pringles are not "chips" they are "potato-crisps"

Mean Tweets – Avengers Edition

Payback says...

Nah, I just think you're a closed-minded douche.

The comment I was replying to was about "racism" towards whites. Not sure where non-white on non-white racism comes into this. I just don't believe making fun of, or critisizing, or generalization of whites can be considered racism. We're on top. If someone marginalized by whites marginalizes someone else further down the oppression scale, that would certainly be racism.

As for the Nazi reference, I'm sure you're one of the good ones Trump told us were at Charlottesville.

NaMeCaF said:

PS: I love how it took you only two posts to devolve straight into Godwin's law. That must be a record.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

Payback says...

There isn't one single statement in this post that I don't support 1000%. Period.

It's just nothing to do with the point I'm making.

Rape is a crime. A violent assault.

Groping is a crime. Less violent, but still assault.

Patting someone on the butt is wrong, but is unlikely to be pathological behaviour like the above. It's condescending. It's disturbing to the person being marginalized. It creates embarrassment mostly when yes, there should be outrage. I just feel it's a lack of knowledge that should be informed, not a power-based assault requiring punishment.

My personal view is, how would I react to a specific action being used on my mom, sister, girlfriend or wife. If I'd kick the guy's ass so hard he'd have to undo his collar to take a shit, I don't do it. Hell, if I found it mildly irksome I'd avoid it too.

bareboards2 said:

Listen to Sam Bee again. There are things to learn. Or read what Chaos said. Wise human being. A gender free label, that. Wise. @00Scud00.

This is the same ole, same ole.

Nothing is perfect. Nobody can control everyone's every utterance. I'm sure that there some Men's Rights folks out there who make you cringe.

As many women have written -- we know the difference between rape and a grope.

Both need to be knocked the hell off. No groping. Get it? Don't grope.

A lot of women don't talk about punishment for the gropers. They talk about KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF.

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