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Kronosposeidon dared me to post this.

schmawy says...

"...The National Acronym Monitoring Board of Linguistic Anomalies or NAMBLA has begun to crack down on "False Lolling" which is a class G felony punishable by permanent IP banning and in rare cases death by pwnage..."


Kronosposeidon dared me to post this.

Kronosposeidon dared me to post this.

Kronosposeidon dared me to post this.

The Shining: Bathroom Scene Re-Cut

Very Cool Site (Blog Entry by winkler1)

Arsenault185 says...

^pretty cool stuff. I was looking at it just trying to figure out wtf was going on when it started. I had no idea why you would send me to a non English shopping page filled with random objects. Loi

Superman II - The recut ending (1:14)

Superman II - The recut ending (1:14)

choggie says...

In the next Superman movie, Superman will come out to the planet, Lois will turn to women, and Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boatride will take them allll away to Bizzarro universe, where Mr. Mtzlplk is gonna throw them alllll a party-

Stewie acting like a REAL toddler

Guess the Dictator or Sitcom TV Character Game (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Superman vs. Doomsday

Family guy: American elections, undecided voters & politics

Christian activists disrupt Hindu Senate invocation

Man Molesting a Piñata Caught on Security Camera

gwiz665 says...

Reminds me of Peter Griffins "Fat'o'phelia" from that one episode of Family Guy, where Lois gets fat and they extract a whole bunch of it from here, and he's in the next room with the fat, and with his pants down, when the others open the door... "uhm... it's exactly what it looks like."

Kevin Smith on Conan: The Homoerotic X-Men

choggie says...

Conan kinda creeps ya' out, huh?? That's the curse of the red-headed man....(red headed men know what i'm talkin' about).

Oh and yes, that poofter Singer fucked Superman all up with his homo-centric world view....worse 9 bucks spent that year, and pathetic to see the man of steely dan and his mannish girlfriend, who he knocked-up, then flew away from(she's a vapid broad in that flick,too), perhaps he should have just let Superman say,"Sorry Lois, I'm gay." (He probl'y wanted too but DC Comics told him to stuff-it!).
Here, don't believe it??? Looky looky-

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