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It's a Critter Christmas

Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies Are a Fundraising Scam

luxintenebris says...

Federal, State, & Local officials all say there were no problems.

None. Notta. Nix. Nil. Zero. Zilch. Zip.

These accusations are as empty as the former 45th president's scrotum, head, or campaign's remittance envelopes.

Like most of the previous president's life, he always mucks it up. The only par he ever shoots.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

greatgooglymoogly says...

Elections are overseen locally, so if it's run by Democrats then that's who has the power for fraud, and same with Republicans. The 1960 election was widely seen as possibly fraudulent and court cases went into December. Nixon privately believed he was robbed but didn't make his case publicly. One result was overturned(Hawaii, in favor of Kennedy)

cloudballoon said:

Since when it's the opposition/challenger that got the means to rig the system and NOT the incumbent in power?

If there's cheating, you can bet your house it's Trump & the Republican that's cheating in this election.

Trump's been saying the system's rigged since 2015. Yeah, in HIS (and the Republican's favor) due to the decades long gerrymandering of the districts. A true leader, when he/she sees something wrong (Covid-19, voting system, etc.) they'll try to fix it. What did Trump do to "fix" this? He only accuses & blames with no basis of proof and he made it harder for people to vote because voter suppression works in the Republicans' and his favor. Duh.

All the vote rigging and they still lost. Sore, sore incompetent loser cry babies.


newtboy says...

His personal lack of planning, lack of concern, and total ineptitude caused it. Because he isn't a leader, he shirks responsibility, but the responsibility is his, personally.

And he did it again, 17 more of you chumps were hospitalized for heat stroke/exhaustion after another super spreader rally yesterday. When fire trucks and paramedics showed up to help the people collapsed on the ground, Trump actually suggested they might be the enemy attacking his crowd, saying "lets find out if they're friend or foe, and if they're foe let's take care of this", telling the crowd to attack the first responders who were trying to save their lives if they suspect they might be non cultists... he's so incredibly clueless and irresponsible, and he doesn't care if you die as long as you vote for him first.

How many have had to be hospitalized after Biden rallies? ZERO.

At this point, it's a certainty that his Petri dish events have killed at least hundreds by infecting thousands, in every state he visits there's a corresponding massive spike in cases and deaths a week or so later, contact traced back to his rallies every time. This is forcing new lockdowns and has already overrun the medical system in many areas.

Side note, he's socialistically dumping the problems on the first responders in the areas too, having made no plans or contingencies for these foreseeable fiascos, costing the local towns tens of thousands to millions in unrecoverable tax dollars to clean up his messes, and he still hasn't even paid for his rallies from 2016 in most cases, costing dozens of cities millions each for events he put on with the agreement to pay for them, agreements he consistently welches on.

As for his idiotic herd immunity plan guaranteed to kill at least 8 million Americans and likely to kill more like 50-75 million thanks to a total overrun of the medical system causing a lack of treatment for most, virologists have determined the immunity it might give the population wouldn't last one year before the virus mutates enough to reinfect everyone, starting the pandemic cycle over.

But you fell for the idea because you a low IQ tool.

And this is you guy you voting for?


bobknight33 said:

Like Trump personally left them there.

BS news and you fell for it because you a low IQ tool.

And this is you guy you voting for ?

The best golfer, probably ever.

vil says...

From my golfing experience I am pretty sure which golfer type Trump is. The type that uses every obscure local rule to gain an advantage, is willing to ignore any rule to help himself, puts down opponents at any opportunity and is ungracious in defeat. The type you never want to play against. Put down money to play him? Why?

Peyton Manning enjoys being on the winning team. Good for him.

Dana Quigley confirms the POTUS can actually hit a ball which does not surprise me as I wrote in the description. I am not saying Trump cant play, I just believe he has the self-discipline (and education) of a six-year-old.

John Daly says Bill Clinton is worse? How does that make Trump not awful? Vote for Trump, he cheats less than Bill Clinton!

TX 'Ballot Chaser' Illegally Pressures Voters To Change Vote

spawnflagger says...

TX attorney general is now investigating her.

The above news story links to scribd document from Raquel Rodriguez where she said she was playing along with suspicious people (turned out to be Project Veritas). Seems kinda dumb to "play along" and incriminate yourself multiple times saying "this is illegal".

Given Veritas' track record, they aren't credible source, but if this lady did half the things claimed in the video, she's going to jail.

Trump: Biden Will "listen to the scientists"

StukaFox says...

Dude, have you BEEN to Carson City? Due to familial attachments, I find myself in that berg about once a year. The people are nice enough, but this ain't exactly Mensa's fishing grounds. I needed a computer fixed, so I go to the address of the local computer repair guy. I get there and it's actually a pool hall lined with Hombres' bikes. I thought, "I don't give a shit if this is a Cray, I'm not going in there."

That fucking computer is STILL broken and I haven't been back since Covid hit.

BSR said:

I'm not sure if he is insulting the intelligence of his crowd or not. Probably not.

Independent dive team solves missing person case, cops upset

bobknight33 says...

Mostly its Unions that protect bad cops. That needs to change.

These cops, like any organization run things their way.

EX. In my Co. that I work for If you need a CD burner I have to charge you $700 ( if you not under a contract). What I want to say but can not, is that you can buy one locally for $20.

Additionally, The customer because of their rules, they find it extremely hard to get one locally due to their purchasing system.

DuoJet said:

Cops are compensated and protected from accountability whether they do their jobs well or not. Unless there's an incentive to perform, why bother?

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

bcglorf says...

-Including race as a determining factor in your admission score
as a 'liberal' ideal
This IS happening broadly, link to how and arguments for why it is 'good'

-Enforcement of a race based "day of absence" where based on your race you were to be 'kicked off' campus for the day
Specifically the day of absence was at evergreen:
Similarly reverse racist attitudes though are common enough, like chasing out a student journalist here for simply covering an event:

-"deplatforming" people for having dissenting opinions
Jordan Peterson is the biggest example, but my local uni has also banned pro-life student clubs too, so maybe I'm a little Canada biased on this?

-The entire circle-jerk of intersectionalism:
---"whiteness" needs to be defined as something inherently negative
Here's the Standford course on it if you or your parents wanna enrol:

---"Racism" needs to redefined as not simply racial prejudice, but racial prejudice PLUS power(you know, so only white people can be racist under the new definition)
Likewise offered at Stanford, unless this is the lone critical race theory course that doesn't champion the above prejudice+power definition.

---"systemic racism" getting defined as anything with unequal outcomes, so if asian students do too well in math it must mean the system is favouring them and we need to step in

And I'm out of time,

but seriously I'm a little baffled this was remotely controversial? Identity politics is a game the left has been playing at HARD for at minimum the decades since Affirmative Action was launched. The notion that the idea would eventually get national level push back should have been easy to see coming.

Smoke From Forest Fire in Oregon Reduces Visibility

newtboy says...

Aaaaaaahahaha! Good one Bob. The pot calling the glass vase black, I think.

It's a multi state fire, NPR is an appropriate source that actually investigates and had published an article on the exact topic with interviews and quotes from local officials. You made baseless claims about Oregon in your question about California, so local news sources wouldn't be a good source, and they also don't indicate any local forest fires are arson.

Archived from when and where? You know I'm not using your links, you have linked to virus hosts more than once. As a likely Russian operative, no one should trust any link you post. I certainly won't. Bobski #3,5,6,7,12,14,17, and 21 have been told this, you guys need to talk to each other.

We're talking about fires that started in the last month, not over decades. You don't need archived articles for that, so I'll assume these are years or decades of news story/records, the only date listed is 2014 in Ferguson, so massive propaganda FAIL Bob.


bobknight33 said:

NPR is blinded to reality.

While yo look to NPR what about local news? How many arsonist are mentioned?

Archived news articles:


Smoke From Forest Fire in Oregon Reduces Visibility

bobknight33 says...

NPR is blinded to reality.

While yo look to NPR what about local news? How many arsonist are mentioned?

Archived news articles:
Jedidiah Fulton, 39 []
Alberto Vincent Acosta []
Kevin Carle, 37 []
Ivan Geronimo Gomez, 30 []
Guadalupe Molina-Pacheco []
Julian Draper []
Demarco Covey, 24 []
Wesley James Bergman, 37 []
Elias Pendergrass, 44 []
Unknown []
Anita Esquivel, 37 []
Vanya Hummel, 24 []
Unknown []
John Davies, 55 []
Unknown []
Unknown []
Christine Comello, 36 []
Alexander Bradford Smith, 26 []
Unknown []
Unknown []
Jesse Peterson, 30 []
Jeffrey Accord, 36 []
Facebook stream mirror; [ (embed)]
2014 Ferguson Arrest; []
Info roundup; []
Unknown []
Unknown []
Unknown []
Milton Loice Moran, 48 []
Anthony Travis Bodda, 21 []
Alexander Jones, 36
Unknown []
Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41 []
Jonathan Maas, 44 [" target="_new" title="archive" id="archive_today">]

newtboy said:

So I'll tell you again, no, and it's not arsonists in Oregon either, antifa or not, maybe a few, but not a statistically significant number. It's lighting and wind and accidents in California and Oregon and Washington. A massive lightning storm hit the west in mid August sparking fires everywhere, and unprecedented dryness and high temperatures has kept those and other fires alive since.
The newest right wing claim is that climate change has nothing to do with the fires, they're all antifa arson. Of course I assumed that's what you were referencing when you erroneously claimed many of the Oregon fires were arson.

Read it this time, the answers are there...

Doc Rivers

Mordhaus says...

I would go hunting for the videos, but Biden has already stated that he fully plans to empower Beto to be his gun control 'czar'. Beto has already said that he absolutely is coming for "our" guns. He plans a forced turn in or buyback of all assault style weapons, presumably those also covered by laws that allow them under federal tax stamps (full auto).

In addition, Biden lists the following on his website as his plans:

1. Hold gun manufacturers accountable. In 2005, then-Senator Biden voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, but gun manufacturers successfully lobbied Congress to secure its passage. This law protects these manufacturers from being held civilly liable for their products – a protection granted to no other industry. Biden will prioritize repealing this protection. (Only this is misleading. Do shoe manufacturers get sued if you kick someone in the face? Do knife manufacturers get sued if you stab someone? Do car manufacturers get sued when you get into an accident? No and neither do most other manufacturers. Putting this in place means that any time a gun is used in a crime, they can try to sue the manufacturer of that gun into non-existence. It doesn't even have to be an 'assault' weapon, any gun manufacturer is at risk. The only thing that wouldn't count is blackpowder guns since they aren't classed as firearms.)

2. Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children. It’s wrong. Joe Biden will enact legislation to once again ban assault weapons. This time, the bans will be designed based on lessons learned from the 1994 bans. For example, the ban on assault weapons will be designed to prevent manufacturers from circumventing the law by making minor changes that don’t limit the weapon’s lethality. While working to pass this legislation, Biden will also use his executive authority to ban the importation of assault weapons. (So this would be a perma ban on assault weapons and would also anticipate changes to circumvent the law. This would be the assault ban of 1994 on steroids.)

3. Regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act. Currently, the National Firearms Act requires individuals possessing machine-guns, silencers, and short-barreled rifles to undergo a background check and register those weapons with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Due to these requirements, such weapons are rarely used in crimes. As president, Biden will pursue legislation to regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act. (So even if he doesn't get Beto to push through a buy back, he can force owners of assault rifles to be subject to the EXTREMELY restrictive NFA. Not only that, but it's expensive and would be a tax on gun owners yearly.)

4. Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities. Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act. (Covered this already. But if this does go through, you likely won't be seeing me on here anymore as it will be a cold day in hell before I surrender my guns or pay the government to be allowed to own them.)

5. Reduce stockpiling of weapons. In order to reduce the stockpiling of firearms, Biden supports legislation restricting the number of firearms an individual may purchase per month to one. (Once you get this through, it is far easier to get legislation passed to cap how many guns a person can own total. Fuck that.)

6. Require background checks for all gun sales. Today, an estimated 1 in 5 firearms are sold or transferred without a background check. Biden will enact universal background check legislation, requiring a background check for all gun sales with very limited exceptions, such as gifts between close family members. This will close the so-called “gun show and online sales loophole” that the Obama-Biden Administration narrowed, but which cannot be fully closed by executive action alone. (I can deal with this, just means you need to go through an FFL.)

7. Reinstate the Obama-Biden policy to keep guns out of the hands of certain people unable to manage their affairs for mental reasons, which President Trump reversed. (Not 100% on this one, but it isn't a deal breaker)

8. Enact legislation prohibiting an individual “who has been convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime, or received an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor because of hate or bias in its commission” from purchasing or possessing a firearm. (Felony yes, but that already exists. Misdemeanor, fuck no.)

9. Close the “Charleston loophole.” (yeah, no problem with this one)

10. End the online sale of firearms and ammunitions. Biden will enact legislation to prohibit all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts. (So if I want to build another AR15 I can't? Fuck that. You still have to get the primary receiver through or shipped to an FFL. Which means a background check every single time.)

11. Create an effective program to ensure individuals who become prohibited from possessing firearms relinquish their weapons. (I would be for this if it wasn't for the fact that it is one step away from the government outlawing guns. Once this mechanism is in place at a federal level, all that means is you are one vote away from having your guns seized.)

12. Incentivize state “extreme risk” laws. Extreme risk laws, also called “red flag” laws, enable family members or law enforcement officials to temporarily remove an individual’s access to firearms when that individual is in crisis and poses a danger to themselves or others. (Sounds good, but nobody is willing to state the guidelines that the family or LEO will have to follow. That means that it is completely up to family members and LEO's to decide what constitutes a 'crisis'. Bet you a lot of LEO's in protest states would red flag most protesters immediately if this law existed now in all states.)

13. Give states incentives to set up gun licensing programs. (This is above and beyond the federal checks. This would mean any gun owner or potential owner would have to maintain and pay for a separate gun license. Also, it allows states and locales to decide what constitutes the requirements for the gun license. There are already some states doing this and you have to get permission to even own a gun from the sheriff or other official. Fuck that.)

14. Put America on the path to ensuring that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns. (Are you fucking kidding me? What if the battery runs out, what if it gets hacked, or what if the government decides to flip a switch and shut them all down? I'll never agree to this.)

15. Require gun owners to safely store their weapons. Biden will pass legislation requiring firearm owners to store weapons safely in their homes. (IE, locked in a safe or partially disassembled, possibly a combination of both. Why bother having a gun for home defense if it can't be used without spending 5-10 minutes to make it available/functional?)

16. Stop “ghost guns.” (This is just stupid. 3d printed guns might be able to fire a few shots before reaching a critical failure. You can't 3d print a lower or upper receiver that matches a stock one. Yes, they made lowers for the original m-16s, but they swapped from those because they were shit. They broke constantly. And those weren't printed, they were molded from a tougher plastic. A 3d printed one is not nearly as strong. Either way, I don't care too much about this because it is a buzzword for non-gun people. Just like bumpstocks. You can still bump-fire a regular ar-15, the bumpstocks were just training wheels for idiots.)

Now he has a shitload more laws he wants to pass, but most of them I don't care too much about. I won't bother covering all of them. In any case, he is going to go after guns on a scale unseen to this point. If the dems get control of both houses, he will get these laws passed. Then the only hope is that SCOTUS votes them down as unconstitutional.

I won't vote for Trump, but I will be doing my part to maintain a split congress. Which means straight republican ticket other than Trump.

newtboy said:

What anti gun legislation do you mean? All I know of is closing a few loopholes that allow people legally banned from gun ownership to obtain them anyway without background checks. I disagree that that is anti gun legislation, and across the board background checks are something a vast majority think is proper.

There's plenty of misinformation on this topic floating about. Is there other actual legislation in the works, or just rumors of other legislation the left will enact....and only according to the right?

Crysis Remastered - Official 8K Tech Trailer

ant says...

*animation *scifi *commercials *music *geeks

A new meme: Can your PC play Crysis' 8K video? My decade old PC choked playing its file locally after youtube-dling it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Also this non anonymous whistleblower report today....

A senior Department of Homeland Security official alleges that he was told to stop providing intelligence analysis on the threat of Russian interference in the 2020 election, in part because it “made the President look bad,” an instruction he believed would jeopardize national security.

The official, Brian Murphy, who until recently was in charge of intelligence and analysis at DHS, said in a whistleblower complaint that on two occasions he was told to stand down on reporting about the Russian threat.

On July 8, Murphy said, acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf told him that an “intelligence notification” regarding Russian disinformation efforts should be “held” because it was unflattering to Trump, who has long derided Russian interference as a “hoax” that was concocted by his opponents to delegitimize his victory in 2016.

It’s not clear who would have seen the notification, but DHS’s intelligence reports are routinely shared with the FBI, other federal law enforcement agencies and state and local governments.

Murphy objected to Wolf’s instruction, “stating that it was improper to hold a vetted intelligence product for reasons [of] political embarrassment,” according to a copy of his whistleblower complaint that was obtained by The Washington Post.

Murphy also alleges that two months earlier, Wolf told him to stop producing intelligence assessments on Russia and shift the focus on election interference to China and Iran. He said Wolf told him “that these instructions specifically originated from White House National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien.”

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And today it was revealed that by February 7, on tape, privately Trump was telling people, including Bob Woodward, that Coronavirus was terrifyingly deadly, incredibly more dangerous than the worst flu and airborne, while telling you publicly don't worry, it's barely a cold and not a bit deadly, gone in a few weeks.
He's also on tape discussing how it's NOT just old people dying, "it's young people, plenty of young people", that was mid March, but you still insist it's only elderly and safe for young people because that's the lie he told YOU.
Weeks later he told Woodward he always wanted to play it down, which led to his lack of response and 90% of American deaths and severe permanent disabilities.
Has he not lied to you enough yet for you to question his veracity?

Also, finally Moscow Mitch revealed his Covid recovery moratorium on evictions (so get ready for the homeless population to explode), no money for citizens, counties, or states (so be prepared for a drastic cut in local services, including police because REPUBLICANS are defunding them) but plenty for the coal industry.
WTF?! Somehow socialistic subsidizing of coal is going to help the economy recover and minimize the harm done to citizens? Not likely.

Also, more videos released today of right wing gangs, proud boys, violently chasing and beating a small group of peaceful BLM protesters, beating them with weapons to the ground, jumping on them and punching them in the head over and over and over and over and over and over and over, then pepper spraying entire canisters in the face of the near unconscious victims...on top of videos of the asshole prayer pussy who was shot in Portland with HIS armed gang shooting pepper balls from his truck at crowds and rushing at and bear macing the guy who shot him back in self defense. Sure is one hell of a lot of right wing violence at these left wing peaceful protests....the lions share.

Also, today Barr turned the DOJ into Trump's personal law firm by attempting to substitute the federal government for Trump in personal lawsuits against him, which means you get to pay off his mistresses and rape victims while he walks away muttering "sucker" at you under his breath. The government does not exist to take care of one man at the expense of everyone else, talk about wealth transfer, that's handing Trump hundreds of millions of tax dollars and a stack of get out of court judgements free cards. No complaints when tables turn.

And yes, I know you don't believe it, tapes or no tapes, video or no video, court filings or no court filings, but you have to admit it's getting harder to believe the lies with more undeniable proof coming out by the hour, and you have only one source left to believe, Trump himself, the rest are just repeating his lies so aren't sources.

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