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Hillary Clinton Is LYING About Bernie Sanders

newtboy says...

"Clinton’s debating performance is formidable because it combines her intelligence with a sincerity and level of conviction that often seem absent in other forums."

Sweet Zombie Jesus. SINCERITY!?!? I had to turn the debate off 1/2 way through because people bold faced lying to me really pisses me off, and it's all she did, lie about Sanders, his record, and his plans. She looked incredibly desperate and quite Trump like to me....willing to make up or twist anything to attack any 'threat'. That's not a character trait I want in a president.

Her position that if one doesn't vote against anything and everything the NRA is in favor of, one is an NRA shill, is disgustingly disingenuous. He voted against a bill that would make the entire industry culpable for any misuse of their product....meaning they could prosecute the manufacturer and gun store if someone uses a gun for anything illegal....and I'm damn glad he did. That's a TERRIBLE way to try to curtail gun violence, and was an irrational and obvious slap at the gun industry, and would set a disastrous precedent...imagine if the auto industry had to defend itself against charges every time someone had an accident, and had to pay every time someone is found to be guilty of any extend that to every industry. Sanders saw the implications of that kind of over reach and didn't vote for it. Boo hoo.
Her constant misrepresentation of his national medical plan, actually stating that he'll make tens of thousands of people LOSE their insurance and cost $15 trillion while knowing that his plan gets EVERYONE 'insured' for 1/2 the cost by removing the insurance industry that supplies nothing is just plain insulting to anyone able to follow along. If you can understand that simple set of facts, you should be pissed at Hillary for lying to your face, because you KNOW she understands it...she's not dumb.
I certainly didn't see her 'crushing' Sanders on any single point...maybe I need to watch the rest of it, did it turn around 180deg at the end? (I doubt it).

enoch said:

did anybody catch how slate called it for hillary?despite the obvious crushing that sanders delivered?

hey slate,you have something dripping from your may want to wipe that off,you pandering,slutty whore.

Baby's reaction to avocados

newtboy says...

Maybe it's a good thing I don't have kids, because that looked slightly abusive to me.
It reminded me of my mother repeatedly lying to me as a kid and telling me I LOVE spaghetti squash, I just don't remember, and forcing me to have some. I HATE spaghetti squash, and now I also don't trust my mother so much.

Conservative Christian mom attempts to disprove evolution

newtboy says...

Sounds like a lie to paraphrase how I see it going.....

God -Abraham, I now require you to sacrifice your son to me if you are to be granted my favor and receive salvation.
Abraham -Weren't my servants, and flocks, and crops enough, Damn it?
God -You dare question my wishes, do as I say or be damned for eternity.
Abraham -OK, fine...I'll do it.
God -Just kidding, it was only a test and you passed. Sorry for the whole 'destroying your entire life' thing.
Abraham -Great. Thanks loads, god. You're a true friend for not making me destroy the single last thing you had left me in life and only making me believe I had to.

Since he did not HAVE to sacrifice his son, god lied to him, tricked him, and ultimately totally fucked him. When ever I discuss this with religious people, they insist you not look at it from Abraham's viewpoint, and ignore the apparent hatred and distain god showed this pious man. I refuse.

shinyblurry said:

Hey Newtboy,

God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Issac; later, when it was clear that Abraham would obey Him, He rescinded the command. I don't know if you've ever read about this, but God was revealing a deeper truth here as to what He would do when He sent Jesus to the cross to die for our sins. Often in the Old Testament you can find what are called "types". There is a whole study of the scripture called "typeology", where certain events happened in the Old Testament which were foreshadowing events in the New Testament.

Issac then, in this context, is a type of Jesus. Issac, like Jesus, voluntarily submitted himself to be sacrificed. He was a young man whereas Abraham was close to 100 years old; he could have easily overpowered Abraham. This is a picture of Jesus voluntarily going to the cross by His own volition. There is also a similarity in that Issac, like Jesus, carried the wood for his own sacrifice. The biggest difference is, God the Father didn't ask Abraham to do what He ultimately would do, which is to give His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for sins. Here is some more information about typeology:

German Language Compared to other Languages

newtboy (Member Profile)

Trancecoach says...

> "Sorry, once again you're completely wrong and making shit up."

No, you are wrong and making things up.

> "I never said any of that at all."

You never said any of what you wrote?

> "I challenge you to prove me wrong"

Yes, you are wrong.

> "D'OH!"

What's that all about? Homer Simpson or something?

> "I came back for more because you bold faced lied about me in a public
> thread"

Did not.

> "Why have you continued to come back for more time and time again after at
> least 3 times stating you were 'bored'"

Because you are entertaining. You do get boring here and there, true, but stuff like the "move to Somalia" that's entertaining.

> "you didn't read most of my posts"

I read some of your replies, even if I don't take them seriously.

> "'done with this thread'"

Did I say that? (to paraphrase that cop, if Obama can say we are out of Iraq and then come back, why can't I?)

> "(proving you a liar)"

No, you're the liar.

> "I think most of those following this thread have seen which of us is wrong,
> angry, and frustrated, and it ain't me buddy."

I don't know who is or isn't following the thread, and I don't really care or know if anyone following cares. You obviously do, attention seeker that you are.

> "I feel the need to ask, did you get a number of good temporary tattoos
> before you got that 'diploma'? (It sure is seeming more and more like you got
> it from a Cracker Jack box, your complete lack of reading comprehension
> makes it seem unlikely you could have 'earned' one)"

This is the kind of ridiculous statement that makes you "funny." Keep it up.

Paul Ekman - Evolution and the Inescapability of Emotions

Gay Server Who Claimed Tip Discrimination is a Fraud

bareboards2 says...

My best friend in 9th grade was a compulsive liar -- my mom tried to warn me but it wasn't until she told a lie that was easily proven false that I confronted her. Why would you lie to me, I asked. "I just wanted to say something interesting."

This woman seems to have that same pathological problem, and found a way to profit from it, too. When I first saw this story, I thought it was false -- something about it didn't ring true. Too copycat, with the whole Wounded Warrior veneer to boot.

I suspect she is perfectly okay with being exposed -- because if she wants to be "interesting", even at the expense of interpersonal relationships, man, has she ever reached her goal.

The Road to World War 3

dannym3141 says...

Firstly, i consider your comment quite overly dramatic in itself; so it's a bit rich that you're invoking histrionics.

Secondly, your comment is without substance - which parts of history does this video lie about? If you think it's wrong, prove it so; according to him, many things in the public domain are set up to fool us, so it should be easy for you to show exactly where he's wrong, and i will not do you the injustice of donning a tinfoil hat and calling all sources propaganda. I will listen to you just as i listened to him.

Finally, at least this person cares enough to be passionate and speak about something he is emotionally invested in. He has not asked me to vote for anyone, he has not asked me to send him any money, he has not asked me to break any laws. He has simply asked me to try and spread information to as many people as possible that our governments are lying to us.

And on top of that - i don't need anyone else to tell me that, because i have been alive and aware of politics for over 10 years. My government has lied to me more times than i can count. They do so each time the elections come around when they make promise after promise that they renege on.

StukaFox said:

Oh, brother . . . someone failed history and economics, but got an A in histrionics.

Why Traveling in Space will Completely Suck

Creationist Senator Can E. Coli Turn Into a Person?

RFlagg says...

I think as a former Creationist (old earth creationist, the idiocy of young earth creationist stunned me, for the Earth to be 6,000-10,000 years old would require God purposely setup evidence to prove it wasn't that old, which some dismiss as "God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise") I can speak to the problem here is that Christian and right wing media reinforce certain key thoughts that keep a Christian from understanding or accepting even the basics of the theory. You can get them to understand evolution is why you need a new flu shot each year, or why pesticides stop working after a time, but they think that is a different type of evolution. The image painted in the mind of a creationist is that one day in the African plains an ape or monkey was having a baby, and rather than be an ape or monkey it was a human... and that somewhere nearby another ape/monkey had to have another human for them to mate and continue offspring... there is no understanding of the scale and time involved to get from A to Z... they think that the A to Z is the same as A to B and ignore B to Y in the evolutionary timeline. They also misuse the word evolution to apply to the big bang and abiogenesis ("see they use the biblical word Genesis too") as that is what is reinforced again and again. They are reinforced to misunderstand the word "theory" to think it is just a random guess... and make no mistake, the fact that the word theory doesn't mean a guess/idea and that evolution doesn't go from A to Z without going through B-Y first has been made clear to those who teach creationism, but they don't care, there is money to be made in deluding the church goers into holding onto the old ignorance, rather than embrace the truth... of course then you run the risk of some of them learning the truth and then going "I wonder what the hell else they lied to me about..." but most never will open their minds to the concept that even if God is real, perhaps the creation account and great flood are not literal events, but parables intended to teach a lesson...

You have the right to remain silent - full version

Yogi says...

Ok I've got something to put here. Because Cops are allowed to lie to me, and because them and cut throat lawyers are just out to get me, I will no longer tell cops anything. I will not tell one when I've witnessed a murder, I won't tell one when I find a lost child, I won't yell at one who's about to get hit by a car. You wanted it this way, you've got it, you're no longer people because you put yourself so far above me and look to crush me at every junction. This is what you've driven us to.

Are Police Allowed to Lie to Me?

Charlie Brooker's 2011 Wipe (1/4)

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

shinyblurry says...

No they didn't. Almost everything you have said here is wrong. For instance, the earliest version of the New Testament that could be considered "canonized" consisted of ten of pauls epistles and a version of the gospel of Luke. It was only around 200 AD that the 27 books of the NT were decided to be the likely candidates for being wholly inspired works, which became agreed upon by the whole church by the middle of the 3rd century. There were 3 other books which were included in 397 as reading material, but they were not thought to be inspired. The catholic church included 11 more books in the 1500s, but no one else considered them inspired, including the jewish people who wrote them. They were finally taken out of bibles around the end of the 1800s, as you said.

These uninspired works were known as the apocrypha, and none of them ever belonged there in the first place. The fact is, the bible today matches what the early church had decided upon as inspired as early as 200 AD. Which brings us to the mormons, who claim that they have a special revelation from Jesus Christ, that He came and visted America and the indians, etc. The problem is, not excepting that there is no evidence for the claims it makes, or any precedent or prophecy that predicts it, that the claims of the book of mormon fundementally alters the truth of the gospels. It preaches a much different Jesus, as does Islam. Paul said this:

Galatians 1:8

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.

Both the mormons and the muslims received their revelations from angels. Scripture also says this:

2 Corinthians 11:14

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Scripture rejects it, and that is why they are considered a cult and not Christian.

>> ^joedirt:
Wow are you the dumbest person spouting religious crap I've seen on this website.
from 100 AD until 1885 the Christians all had version of a Bible with 80 books in it. You are an ignorant person running around telling people what a Christian is and then you say the Bible is just the OT & NT. So clueless. Would it blow your mind to know that Islam and Mormonism all have the same Jesus in their sacred books? They both believe in the same Jesus, so by your definition that makes them Christians also.
If you consider Mormons a cult because they added a book, then guess what, you are also a follower of a cult by removing 14 books of the word of the Lord.
>> ^shinyblurry:
How can I trust YOUR holy book isn't lying to me?
Do you use a Baptist holey book? An Episcopalian wholly book?

Christians use the bible, which is the Old Testament and the New Testament in one volume. Mormons have added another book to that, which is the reason why it is a cult and not Christianity.

Regarding the founding fathers, you could also say they were white, therefore this should be a country for white people. Most founders of this country though religion was an abomination when it comes to matters of the state, and they feared ignorant people running around trying to declare nonsense like it should eb a nation of Chirstians.
>>>Congress should not establish a religion and enforce the legal observation of it by law, nor compel men to worship God in any manner contary to their conscience, or that one sect might obtain a pre-eminence, or two combined together, and establish a religion to which they would compel others to conform. -- James Madison (Annals of Congress, Sat Aug 15th, 1789 pages 730 - 731).

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

joedirt says...

Wow are you the dumbest person spouting religious crap I've seen on this website. from 100 AD until 1885 the Christians all had version of a Bible with 80 books in it!! You are an ignorant person running around telling people what a Christian is and then you say the Bible is just the OT & NT.

If you consider Mormons a cult because they added a book, then guess what, you are also a follower of a cult by removing 14 books of the word of the Lord.

So clueless. Would it blow your mind to know that Islam and Mormonism all have the same Jesus in their sacred books? They both believe in the same Jesus, so by your definition that makes them Christians also.

>> ^shinyblurry:

How can I trust YOUR holy book isn't lying to me?
Do you use a Baptist holey book? An Episcopalian wholly book?

Christians use the bible, which is the Old Testament and the New Testament in one volume. Mormons have added another book to that, which is the reason why it is a cult and not Christianity.

Regarding the founding fathers, you could also say they were white, therefore this should be a country for white people. Most founders of this country thought religion was an abomination when it comes to matters of the state, and they feared ignorant people running around trying to declare nonsense like it should be a nation of Chirstians.

>>>Congress should not establish a religion and enforce the legal observation of it by law, nor compel men to worship God in any manner contary to their conscience, or that one sect might obtain a pre-eminence, or two combined together, and establish a religion to which they would compel others to conform. -- James Madison (Annals of Congress, Sat Aug 15th, 1789 pages 730 - 731).

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