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VICE covers Charlottesville. Excellent

enoch says...

the alt right are a vile,vulgar and grotesque display of racist ignorance all gussied up as "patriots",as "white nationalists" whose only concern is the safety and prosperity of america.

pffffft../fart noise.

so would you PLEASE for the love of fucking CHRIST allow these nimrods to hold their little rallies,their little marches.let them speak and speak and speak.....

because,like anything..bad ideas have a way of falling into the shitter when those ideas are shoved into the open.

there is a REASON why we haven't heard from these shitbags for almost 35 years,and it ain't because somebody threw a punch,sprayed some mace,or drowned out their voice.

it is simply because we gave them a mic.
that's it..we let them talk,let them march,let them hand out their literature.

this ain't rocket science people.

Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic Talk Nirvana on Jimmy Fallon

poolcleaner says...

More! We need to hear moooooooooaaaerrrr!

Jimmy shoulda cancelled EVERYTHING and just let them talk... and then play music... and then talk. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccck.

More stories please.

Daily Show: GOP admits to racism and voter suppression

VoodooV says...

I suspect, bob, that you probably couldn't even convert 3/5 to decimal, so I hope you'll forgive me if I choose not take your advice on the 3/5ths compromise. I'm sure you didn't even know it was a compromise and not just some liberal hoax.

Yeah, if you're going to accuse someone of being dumb, you might want to check yourself first that you've got the whole basic spelling thing down.

"Your <sic> just pissed".... you sure you're not just projecting? We've seen before how your spelling and grammar get even worse than usual when you're upset.

Back to actual issues since you seem intent on bathing in distractions and logical fallacies. Yet again, I notice that you fail to even talk about the whole voter fraud issue. Once again, you seem to focus on the whole lazy aspect, just like your buddy in the video here. It seems a bigot's weakness is just to let them talk and they admit to their desires of disenfranchising citizens.

Keep it up with that GOP strategy of including people by accusing them of laziness. I see you're taking notes from Romney on that. Got any other comments on the 47% that he forgot about? I'm sure that strategy is working out for you so well in the elections.

Thanks for proving the Daily Show's point. Really saves time

bobknight33 said:

You need to read what 3/5 mean.

Your just pissed that this law does nothing wrong except puts 1 extra step in voting by having to have an ID.

And if you are too lazy to get an Id then you probably don't have a clue on whats going on and should not vote anyway.

Lazy dumb Democrats. Any you want to stand for them.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

bmacs27 says...

@Duncan And yet this is the commonly suggested course of action for those overweight. Eat 1000-1200 calories a day, and exercise. That's a recipe for disaster. Further, your claim that if you intake fewer calories than you expend you will lose weight. This is not necessarily true. Your body is not a bunsen burner. That's why we have terms like "metabolism" as in so and so has a high metabolism or a low metabolism. In other words, some people can eat and eat and eat, and their body will simply convert the excess energy into heat. For others, that energy is stored as fat. My claim is that there are people for whom prolonged caloric restriction will not result in continued weight loss. Instead the body will continue to store the energy it receives as fat and your brain will be deprived of the energy it needs to allow activity levels necessary to burn anything off. Even with continued restriction. There are cases (e.g. with OCD patients) that prolonged weight loss can be achieved, but often it's simply impossible.

With regards to "life-style change," I agree. It's necessary. However, losing weight isn't. Much more success has been reported encouraging an active lifestyle. Eat until you are sated. That's okay (assuming you don't have a broken sensory system in that regard). People that pursue this approach will usually not lose weight, but they will become healthy. All of their bio-markers (e.g. cholesterol) often come into check. They are active, happy, and healthy. Yet still, people would somehow feel justified sending them a letter telling fatty to get off their ass.

I'll give an example. I watched my girl eat 1200 calories a day for six months. She's 5'2" at 180. The first month of this brought her down to 165/170, but the following five brought her no further. I watched her. She measured every meal with a measuring cup. She's also a geneticist, so she knows a thing or two about the relevant biochem. She was depressed as hell, and her activity level dropped. She was miserable and didn't even really lose substantial weight.

Now, she bikes at least 10-12 hilly miles a day, swims a couple miles three times a week, and does yoga. She eats when she's hungry and stops when she's full. She eats healthily for the most part, but rewards herself with a sweet now and again. Every measure known to correlate with health shows that she is healthy despite her weight. People call her fat all the time. There's just no need. Her doctor doesn't, because many doctors these days know BMI is a bullshit measure. She's not a weird case. I mentioned by buddy the pullup champ in a previous post. The dude was vegetarian in boot camp. He doesn't have an ounce of fat on him, and can do effectively perpetual pushups. He's technically "obese." For a medical term, it's about as useful as "idiot."

The fact is evidence is mounting that your disposition towards retaining fat probably has more to do with what was eaten by your mother during pregnancy than anything you do in your lifetime (other than maybe early childhood). Your body has a weight it would like to keep, and it will succeed in keeping it. If people would just change the societal pressure towards becoming healthy rather than losing weight people doomed to carry extra pounds wouldn't have to feel like outcasts, and would probably be more likely to pursue the correct goal. Instead, most people here seem to think it's okay to berate strangers about their weight. Let them talk to their doctor. If their doctor is good with it, you probably should be too.

@scannex Dude... are you really citing a marketing campaign for weight loss pushers? I bet you I could find data that shows the effectiveness of penis enhancement pills too. If you took a few you might find you like 'em thick ;-). Try some primary literature, and I'll respond in kind.

Try to refute this claim: "Overweight or mildly obese individuals with otherwise normal bio-markers show no decrease in life expectancy from normal."

If you can't, then tell me why it is okay to berate someone about their weight knowing nothing about their health overall?

How To Introduce Two Cats

PlayhousePals says...

>> ^Chaucer:

When I got my Siberian, I let them talk thru the door for a couple of days, then the 3rd day I let the kitten peak out. In the meantime I would brush the kitten and put the fur in various parts of the house. Days 4 - 5 I would bring the kitten out to play. Day 6, I let the kitten roam the house and I also put their kitty litters next to each other. Day 7, I let him out unsupervised.

Purrfect! It really pays off when you do things right =o)

How To Introduce Two Cats

Chaucer says...

When I got my Siberian, I let them talk thru the door for a couple of days, then the 3rd day I let the kitten peak out. In the meantime I would brush the kitten and put the fur in various parts of the house. Days 4 - 5 I would bring the kitten out to play. Day 6, I let the kitten roam the house and I also put their kitty litters next to each other. Day 7, I let him out unsupervised.

Hugh Laurie performs songs from his debut album

Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning'

Porksandwich says...

My brother acted a lot like him. Drug use and bipolar disorder. They can answer a question and it might sound like they actually believe it or mean it. As the conversation continues, their viewpoint/excuse/answer will change to similar questions and when you point it out to them you don't understand. But if you just let them talk and don't show any kind of opinion or show any kind of agenda or direction in your questions, they will just keep on answering your questions with what you might think is a smartass response until you look at them all and see the insanity and at best circular logic if any logic can be applied.

And the drug use switch on/ brother totally did that. Also claimed he wasn't addicted, even though he talks about marijuana and how good it is for you even now. If you listen to him, most diseases would be cured by it, car accidents would never happen, you think more clearly, it doesn't have any negative side effects on your lungs or health, you can't die from it or do something that could cause your death while under the effects of it, people would never lace it with anything, etc etc. Basically your standard miracle cure all, never suffer from anything ever if you had it whether it be food shortage or money issues. Never mind the fact that the stuff pretty much fucked his world sideways on multiple occasions because he couldn't moderate his usage. It was all in all the time, or never touch the stuff.....until he couldn't stand it anymore and back into all in. Oh and it's not a gateway drug ever for anyone, despite the fact that he moved into other "stuff" every single time.

And now that he's more like an actual human being, he talks about how the drugs that bring him back to human status make him feel bad. Because when you're bipolar, you go from feeling super amped can accomplish anything in 2 hours or less to feeling like doing anything at all is a major task and will probably kill you. I mean you could see him flip from one to the other, and even now on script drugs still see it.

The problem with the disease in general is that only the naturally violent ones actually get treatment forced on them. Unless you do something or say something that would indicate you might harm others police typically don't do anything, and when it comes to yourself..they only seem to act if you say you're going to kill yourself. And often times even if they do act and put you on a medical hold, the doctors at the facilities can hold you for 72 hours and release you at any time unless they find cause to show you might be off the deep end, no possible way you could function in society kind of insane.

What? No Maple Syrup?

Chris Matthews Lays Into Tea Party Co-Founder & Bachmann

xxovercastxx says...

Matthews drives me nuts when he does this; he'll ask a tough question, give his guest "enough rope" as it were, and then interrupt them before they can hang themselves with it.

If he wants them to look bad, he'd do much better to let them talk and show that they can't answer the question. This just makes him look like a bully.

Anderson Cooper Slams Birther Army Officer Terry Lakin

MilkmanDan says...

I would somewhat criticize Anderson Cooper here for frequently interrupting and talking over the guy's slimeball lawyer. Not because I'm offended on his behalf, but because the best way to make this crap subject to the level of derision and dismissal that it deserves is to just let them talk and witness the level of batshit crazy that they spout.

Although, I can't be too hard on Cooper, because that crazy came shining through anyway.

Chris Mathews Destroys GOP With Evolution Question

Raaagh says...

Mathers has this rare ability to exchange dialogue for a while, then simply say "Ok heres the thing/problem..."
Then he lets his prey talk for as long as they want! it doesnt matter if they jump in, if they interrupt. He just lets them talk.

Then, at his leisure, he rips them apart.

Its great sport, and its great to watch.

Skewed News (News Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Oh wow, that ended up being a novel.....

But a good one, and it pretty well sums up a lot of what I think about media bias.

To build on your point, I think at this stage much of the media is based on laziness. Rather than try to do real research about a story, they're content to haul in an "expert" who's on the payroll of one party or the other, give them 2-4 minutes to bleat their talking points, then maybe grab an "expert" from the other party, let them talk for 2-4 minutes, and then spend the rest of the time picking apart the talking points with idle speculation.

These days I don't really know where to go for unbiased coverage. PBS is pretty good, but even they are degenerating into the "let's get a red shirt and a blue shirt, and let 'em duke it out" style of "journalism". The Real News is pretty good, but they also seem fairly inconsistent, and I'm not sure how credible they are.

These days I see bias in essentially every reporter, to the point where I wish they'd just put (R) or (D) after their name so I don't have to try to guess (not that it's hard in most cases).

The whole trend often has me very worried about the future cohesiveness of the country -- I talk with Republicans, and I read RedState from time to time, and they don't just have a different theory of government, they have a different take on the facts, on history, on morality, on what issues the country faces, on what the causes are, and what issues take priority. In short, "liberals" and "conservatives" are getting close to becoming different cultures.

I used to think the Internet would help combat that effect, but it seems to just be worsening it instead -- people can now totally self-filter information so they only see things that reinforce their viewpoint (and I'll freely admit, I'm pretty bad about that myself).

The fact that there's any kind of close race going on in this election is proof of that in my mind. How people could be supporting the Republican party, no matter what sock puppet candidate they nominated, is beyond me -- and yet there's apparently a good solid 45% of people out there who disagree with me.

There are plenty of people who see Obama as some sort of demon who'll eat your children, and I can't fathom why.

I guess it's just people's own bias, reinforced by a partisan press.

Too bad the press gave up on trying to report the truth because the reality has a well-known liberal bias.

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