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Worms inside a persons face!

bamdrew says...

They way they act towards it the viewers seem to think that the worms are coming out, but it makes more sense as a ruse by the person applying the warms then knocking them off. We have plenty of parasites, but these are pretty big.

Aren't there a few bot fly larvae posts on the sift?

Rock n Roll Animals - Trailer

bot fly removal

bot fly removal

choggie says...

Dude??? How many bot fly viddies does one need on a site?? Ewwww! Grooooss! Iccccky! Bleeeeegh!

Find the mite nest in that guys ear canal, or the tapeworm coming out of the other gorper, cracker-ass, dead-head....... gettin' theys' passports fulla stamps cause they wanna be hip!! PSHAW!! Probly' from Cali, Oregon, or Vermont...plenty of Nay-shaver's from those teeming shores....Please, drink more of the water!!!

Westboro Cult Child Abuse

gorillaman says...

Teaching a child religion of any sort is not just child abuse, it's murder. The theist lays its eggs in the mind of a beautiful human child, the eggs hatch into monster larvae, which eventually consume the mind and use the body to murder more children. Theists have nothing in common with human beings.

Maggots in the head

The video we all wish were real... Alien Autopsy!

choggie says... is as real as YOU want it to be, not all.....personally, opening those Anunaki or reptillian motherfuckers from stem to stern is more up the alley of getback....those bastards will pay one day, if it takes all out risking of anihilation, or inhalation, which comes first....IS UP TO YOU!

oh yeah, thanks for the transisiters ya poncy slime pod-cocksuckers!!!.....(this pisses all alien races off, they have no emotions, hence, cann'ot bust balls....but they perceive it as hostile and put their larvae in your dogs.....)

Fair and Balanced Autopsy

GROSS - Coke on Raw Pork Causes Worms to Surface

arrendek says...

So, what I've been able to dig up is that two types of worms can exist in pork, the trichinosis one and the pork tapeworm. Some people end up with pork tapeworms inside of them and you'd do yourself a grossness (you know, if you want) if you type pork tapeworm into google image search. Clearly they exist and are involved with pork.

However, two things showed up with what I've read:
The eggs/larvae (not full sized worms) are what give you the wormy problems with undercooked pork, and it's rare (although that's hard to say 'cause all the hard facts I found come from the pork industry, clearly an unbiased source).
Second, if you were to buy fresh pork from an unclean butcher type place, you could indeed have maggots (from flies in the place), or if the pig was just killed, worms could still be in the flesh (more common when you're buying a "pig" rather than a porkchop at the grocer's).

Last point, there's enough of an issue to this that the pork industry talks about it, but Salmonella apprently is their number one illness problem, go figure.

All this said, I have NO IDEA if Coke would really make any of these creepy crawlies come out, if they were even there. Maybe we should do a sift-wide test to determine the accuracy of the claim and (possibly) the relative cleanness of our local grocers.

GROSS - Coke on Raw Pork Causes Worms to Surface

mitirapa says...

"What is trichinellosis?

Trichinellosis, also called trichinosis, is caused by eating raw or undercooked meat of animals infected with the larvae of a species of worm called Trichinella. Infection occurs commonly in certain wild carnivorous (meat-eating) animals but may also occur in domestic pigs."

Bot fly larvae in some poor guys back.(disgusting)(4:36)

choggie says...

Order at Helminthe's Restaurant:

"I'll have the bot larvae , with whipworm-egg sauce, some chiggers and a cup of the beef tapeworm stew!"

"What would like to drink, maam?"
"The chicken blood sounds wonderful, 2 sweet n lows', Thanks."

Bot fly larvae in some poor guys back.(disgusting)(4:36)

Mnemonics ... A Much Easier Method for Memorization!

♪Light My Fire ♫ The Doors

♪Light My Fire ♫ The Doors

1997's Award for Best Animated Short Movie goes to .....

ant says...

Fireflies like grains, seeds, and sugar granules?

Wikiepdia says: "The larvae of most species are specialized predators and feed on other larvae, terrestrial snails, and slugs. Some are so specialized that they have grooved mandibles, which deliver digestive fluids directly to their prey. The diet of adults is variable. It has been reported that some are predatory and some feed on plant pollen or nectar." Of course, you're not a larva.

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Beggar's Canyon