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Squatter Comes At TV News Crew With Ax

Joe Rogan - "Alex Jones Is Right About A Lot Of Stuff"

newtboy says...

I agree with you in general, but there's no need to single out sifters for personal derision like that. Better to keep comments like that generalized.

I have family members who listen to his ilk who graduated college, read daily, and eat like kings from their gardens/farms, but for some reason switch off the critical thinking portions of their brains when a right wing mouthpiece starts flapping. It's inexplicable.

Yeah, gotta love the fish people....even better than his #1 hit, gay frogs.

Drachen_Jager said:

The CIA doesn't have to do much to make him look crazy. He has, at various points said, there are "Humanoids that are 80 percent gorilla, 80 percent pig," Michelle Obama is actually a man and she murdered Joan Rivers, and my personal favourite, in England, "They had tanks, people with gills, and there were little babies, and they were in there just gulping, clawing at the sides. You see a turtle at the zoo that wants out and you feel for it? They got humanoids crossed with fish and stuff. I mean... we are screwed people, you understand that?"

I mean... fish people? Nevermind the math on the gorilla/pig hybrids, but fish people? He's like the Weekly World News. I honestly feel sorry for anyone who believes that stuff. Poor people like @Sagemind and @bobknight33 a lack of proper education, perhaps parents who didn't keep enough books in the house... poor nutrition? I honestly don't know what deprivations a human mind has to go through to become that incapable of discriminating the obvious lies people like AJ tell.

Black Panther — Creating an Empathetic Villain

LiquidDrift says...

Don't get why this movie was so popular, it had so many problems! The main one being they have a futuristic afro society (awesome!), but it's a monarchy (oh), and one that is determined by single combat (what?). It's not even fair single combat, the panther tribe gets to take performance enhancing drugs. Then the king loses and there is a coup because they don't like the new guy. Are they not smart enough to have a modern democracy? Did they learn their lesson after the coup? Nope!

Let's put aside that vibranium makes no sense and just say they have super technology - flying cars, lasers, etc. Yet they are running around with swords, spears and war rhinos! They put a lot of lip service towards helping people world-wide yet their own people are still living in huts! Why do they have a segregated military, when is that ever good?

Killmonger was a decent villain though, I'll give them that, mostly because most superhero villains are one dimensional mindlessly evil fools.

Now Available - Mind Your Own F king Business!

RFlagg (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Even lions have embarrassing moments

Hank Hill listens to The Smiths

Ozzy Man Reviews Best Gymnastics Routine

SUV Repeatedly Rams Car In Sacramento

Meet Norway’s Modern-Day Vikings

Police Choke & Body Slam Man After Prom

newtboy says...

God damn, I wish that guy had kicked that fat fucker right in the balls so hard he has to quit the job permanently. He absolutely doesn't belong in a position of authority if he feels the need and right to choke out kids (edit: ok, turns out he's 22) 1/3 his size and body slam them into cement by the neck for being disrespectful....he needs to be in anger management classes after prison.

This was over a purely verbal argument. There was zero need for physical contact or arrest.

It's hard to fathom why crowds don't turn on police more often and do to them what they were doing to the kids they abuse. It's not hard at all to understand why the police are the enemy to so many people, deserving no respect, when so many abuse their power this way.

Waffle house is now facing a boycott being called for by Bernice King.

nanrod (Member Profile)

Solo Sabotage Trailer

cloudballoon says...

This trailer is crap. It's all SFX, not a single plot point to convey. Haven't we all seen enough SFX for a life time of visual "EXICITEMENT!!!"? As awesomely executed as these SFX shots are, I still think plot is king and these trailers/teasers do nothing for me, no mystery, no intrigue, no world-building.

Crisis in the UK

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