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SNL: Katy Perry's Elmo Boob Shirt Clip (9/25)

SNL: Katy Perry's Elmo Boob Shirt Clip (9/25)

EMPIRE says...

Katy Perry please just go ahead and take your clothes off. You know it's only a matter of time until there's a sex tape, or some paparazzi takes a photograph on some secluded beach. You'd be doing yourself a favor.

Signed: Fans of Katy Perry's Boobs.

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

GeeSussFreeK says...

All lawyers, doctors, and business professionals know that dressing in clothing that appeals to basic animal desires doesn't help you garner respect or other such lofty ideals. While it is valid to point out that the body isn't something to put under lock and key, there is also something to be said for respecting the biological cravings of your fellow man. Waving a vanilla wafer in front of a man on a diet is just cruel. Waving your tits around (which is a human sexual display) might be slightly inappropriate for a kids show...even if they don't understand it.

With that said...time to google some Katy Perry!

Katy Perry Elmo skit on SNL 9/25/10

Katy Perry Elmo skit on SNL 9/25/10

Katy Perry Elmo skit on SNL 9/25/10

Katy Perry Elmo skit on SNL 9/25/10

mintbbb (Member Profile)

handmethekeysyou (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I think the really sad fucked up part in all this.

You would rather role models forgo showing kids what appropriate dress & behavior for their level of life experience is like..

then to "oppress all woman-kind" and ask a popular artist to cover the tops of her tits for two 2 mins.

If that amount of cleavage on sesame street is inconsequential..

then how is it all of sudden some outrageous, puritanical, Islamic fundamentalist idea for parents to request 8 more square inches of fabric?

Why is modesty a pejorative term for you?

>> ^handmethekeysyou:

I'm sorry, exactly what is wrong with that when you're dressing yourself?
Do you think there's something wrong with raising our children to accept the human body and human sexuality?
Fuck, The Scarlet Letter was written 160 years ago & was set 100 years prior. We haven't moved past Puritanical ideals yet? Really, really sad.

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

handmethekeysyou says...

I'm sorry, exactly what is wrong with that when you're dressing yourself?

Do you think there's something wrong with raising our children to accept the human body and human sexuality?

Fuck, The Scarlet Letter was written 160 years ago & was set 100 years prior. We haven't moved past Puritanical ideals yet? Really, really sad.>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

It's a good decision.
Kids don't notice that stuff consciously but if you saw women with half their cleavage exposed since as early as you can remember..
you're likely to think there's nothing wrong with that when you start dressing yourself. i.e. jessie slaughter
It's called Behavior modeling.
Not to mention I abhor popstars.

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

peggedbea says...

as a raging feminist and a mother,.... i gotta disagree.

my kids grew out of the sesame street days years ago, and now are mortified of viewing or duplicating anything remotely attached to sesame street.

are little girls over sexualized in/by pop culture? yes
is it because they saw a pop stars cleavage on sesame street one time when they were 2? probably not.

do i think the same sample of parents will let their little girls idolize vapid, packaged, subtly sexualized and marketed teenage pop stars later in their lives? yes.
and let their little boys form a skewed idea of women and sexuality built around pop culture iconography and too much internet porn? yes.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since June 23rd, 2010" class="profilelink">Stu
Your point is my point exactly! Our culture is constantly filled with scantily clad females.
As soon as you change the channel you'll find a girl in a bikini is selling you some crap.
So in our hypersexualized marketing culture it's not a cop out to suggest that we promote modest behavior and select role models for young kids who practice modesty.
By obstinately defending Perry's right to show the top of her tits..
You're all missing the point completely.
And essentially condoning someone like Kesha teaching 3 to 7 yr olds their numbers and alphabet by rewording her song about binge drinking and causal drunk sex.
Some of these kids are going to become attached to these shitty artists.
Worship their albums and outfits and success and likely associate being half naked with success and popularity.
They don't even have to be told that. They just see the behavior and emulate it.
My point is. If you show kids racy glamorous popstars they'll aspire to that.
Maybe if you showed a female scientist or olympic athlete or district court judge more female youth would aspire to those things.
...Am i seriously the only windbag on videosift that hold this point of view?

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

Sesame Street Pulls Controversial Katy Perry Duet with Elmo

GenjiKilpatrick says...

No one has a problem that women have cleavage.

We have a problem with the venue and audience the cleavage is on display for.

Riiight, cause if your 6 to 15 year old daughter came home begging to dress up like this for Halloween..

"OH sure honey, it's your body. Just don't be a slut, sweetie."

Humans are visual creatures and we learn the majority of our behavior from watching and imitating others.

Even if the majority of the 3 to 7 demographic doesn't take note of her huge knockers some portion will be influenced by and attempt to emulate her.

So yes, behavior modeling. As in every person needs a good "role model."

Why exactly are you guys okay with training other people's kids to admire crappy pop tunes and the talentless half naked tarts who peddle them anyway?

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