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Katy Perry Puppet Sex (Teenage Dream Parody)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^ForgedReality:
>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^spoco2:
I don't know who Deanna Russo is, but I like her
That was another bloody gold video from College Humor, dang them and their ways of shooting a video well, and producing it really professionally... damn them all... we all still remember them when they were wet behind the ears, and look what they've done for us... hey? Nothing, that's what, they have left us while they've gone and got all big and famous and think they're better than....
Yeah, that was a good video...

Honestly, no trolling or generic insults, but when i see the college humour thing pop up with the music starting, i go "ugh" and immediately close the video. I think i could pinpoint 2 i ever liked, like the we didn't start the flame war one.

Hi, I'm a closed-minded individual, and I'd like to tell you how negative I am! All my friends say I'm a downer because I never want to have any fun. I never like anything so I don't even try anymore! My mommy tells me I'm only hurting myself in the long run, but I think the fact that I don't have a girlfriend is a GOOD thing because then I don't have to pretend I like something.

Whilst we're being creative, i'll throw in this for you:
Oh how annoying it must be,
To have my bullshit thrown back at me.
Hi, i'm a close minded individual, and i'd like to tell you that you're a closed minded individual! All my friends say i'm open minded because we like the exact same things and have fun doing the same things. Only my opinion counts so everyone else is being close minded if they disagree! My mummy tells me i'm being close minded myself but she's just being close-minded, so i think that my girlfriend is REALLY open minded because we both like the exact same things!
<insert insult about virginity/married status because the highground is giving me vertigo>

Touche! Jolly good show, olde chappe!
In the time it took you to write that, however, you could have actually watched the video and had a decent chuckle. Perhaps.

Gave it a minute, didn't draw me in with a laugh

Katy Perry Puppet Sex (Teenage Dream Parody)

ForgedReality says...

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^ForgedReality:
>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^spoco2:
I don't know who Deanna Russo is, but I like her
That was another bloody gold video from College Humor, dang them and their ways of shooting a video well, and producing it really professionally... damn them all... we all still remember them when they were wet behind the ears, and look what they've done for us... hey? Nothing, that's what, they have left us while they've gone and got all big and famous and think they're better than....
Yeah, that was a good video...

Honestly, no trolling or generic insults, but when i see the college humour thing pop up with the music starting, i go "ugh" and immediately close the video. I think i could pinpoint 2 i ever liked, like the we didn't start the flame war one.

Hi, I'm a closed-minded individual, and I'd like to tell you how negative I am! All my friends say I'm a downer because I never want to have any fun. I never like anything so I don't even try anymore! My mommy tells me I'm only hurting myself in the long run, but I think the fact that I don't have a girlfriend is a GOOD thing because then I don't have to pretend I like something.

Whilst we're being creative, i'll throw in this for you:
Oh how annoying it must be,
To have my bullshit thrown back at me.
Hi, i'm a close minded individual, and i'd like to tell you that you're a closed minded individual! All my friends say i'm open minded because we like the exact same things and have fun doing the same things. Only my opinion counts so everyone else is being close minded if they disagree! My mummy tells me i'm being close minded myself but she's just being close-minded, so i think that my girlfriend is REALLY open minded because we both like the exact same things!
<insert insult about virginity/married status because the highground is giving me vertigo>

Touche! Jolly good show, olde chappe!

In the time it took you to write that, however, you could have actually watched the video and had a decent chuckle. Perhaps.

Katy Perry Puppet Sex (Teenage Dream Parody)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^spoco2:
I don't know who Deanna Russo is, but I like her
That was another bloody gold video from College Humor, dang them and their ways of shooting a video well, and producing it really professionally... damn them all... we all still remember them when they were wet behind the ears, and look what they've done for us... hey? Nothing, that's what, they have left us while they've gone and got all big and famous and think they're better than....
Yeah, that was a good video...

Honestly, no trolling or generic insults, but when i see the college humour thing pop up with the music starting, i go "ugh" and immediately close the video. I think i could pinpoint 2 i ever liked, like the we didn't start the flame war one.

Hi, I'm a closed-minded individual, and I'd like to tell you how negative I am! All my friends say I'm a downer because I never want to have any fun. I never like anything so I don't even try anymore! My mommy tells me I'm only hurting myself in the long run, but I think the fact that I don't have a girlfriend is a GOOD thing because then I don't have to pretend I like something.

Whilst we're being creative, i'll throw in this for you:
Oh how annoying it must be,
To have my bullshit thrown back at me.

Hi, i'm a close minded individual, and i'd like to tell you that you're a closed minded individual! All my friends say i'm open minded because we like the exact same things and have fun doing the same things. Only my opinion counts so everyone else is being close minded if they disagree! My mummy tells me i'm being close minded myself but she's just being close-minded, so i think that my girlfriend is REALLY open minded because we both like the exact same things!

<insert insult about virginity/married status because the highground is giving me vertigo>

Katy Perry Puppet Sex (Teenage Dream Parody)

Katy Perry Puppet Sex (Teenage Dream Parody)

ForgedReality says...

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^spoco2:
I don't know who Deanna Russo is, but I like her
That was another bloody gold video from College Humor, dang them and their ways of shooting a video well, and producing it really professionally... damn them all... we all still remember them when they were wet behind the ears, and look what they've done for us... hey? Nothing, that's what, they have left us while they've gone and got all big and famous and think they're better than....
Yeah, that was a good video...

Honestly, no trolling or generic insults, but when i see the college humour thing pop up with the music starting, i go "ugh" and immediately close the video. I think i could pinpoint 2 i ever liked, like the we didn't start the flame war one.

Hi, I'm a closed-minded individual, and I'd like to tell you how negative I am! All my friends say I'm a downer because I never want to have any fun. I never like anything so I don't even try anymore! My mommy tells me I'm only hurting myself in the long run, but I think the fact that I don't have a girlfriend is a GOOD thing because then I don't have to pretend I like something.

Katy Perry Puppet Sex (Teenage Dream Parody)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^spoco2:

I don't know who Deanna Russo is, but I like her
That was another bloody gold video from College Humor, dang them and their ways of shooting a video well, and producing it really professionally... damn them all... we all still remember them when they were wet behind the ears, and look what they've done for us... hey? Nothing, that's what, they have left us while they've gone and got all big and famous and think they're better than....
Yeah, that was a good video...


Honestly, no trolling or generic insults, but when i see the college humour thing pop up with the music starting, i go "ugh" and immediately close the video. I think i could pinpoint 2 i ever liked, like the we didn't start the flame war one.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

Chat Roulette: Katy Perry "impersonator" struts his stuff

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Sagemind:

I wondering if those guys on there laying in bed half naked had other things on their mind when they logged on?
I also wonder if they realize they can be recorded?
To further that, I wonder what they would think if they realized that the video of them laying in bed, ready to "get serious on-line" was going viral?

One of those dudes was me -- I'm so ashamed!

Chat Roulette: Katy Perry "impersonator" struts his stuff

oxdottir (Member Profile)

Chat Roulette: Katy Perry "impersonator" struts his stuff

spoco2 (Member Profile)

SNL: Katy Perry's Elmo Boob Shirt Clip (9/25)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

yet. yeeet... 50 upvotes.

Majority rule fails once again =/

>> ^harry:

There's no point to the sound. I think the writers themselves never got past "it's about her boobs". The other two literally do not say ANYTHING that makes any sense. It's not very clever, really.

SNL: Katy Perry's Elmo Boob Shirt Clip (9/25)

harry says...

>> ^brycewi19:

Happened to watch this with the sound off. Point got across the same - Katy Perry has big bouncy bewbs. Yup.

There's no point to the sound. I think the writers themselves never got past "it's about her boobs". The other two literally do not say ANYTHING that makes any sense. It's not very clever, really.

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