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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It never sinks in, so here’s a second helping for today, maybe something will stick with you for once

301 Benjamin Sparks, NV GOP Consultant, WI GOP spokesman, Romney campaign spokesman, enslaved and battered his fiancee.

302 GOP Farmington CT Town Council member Jon Landry carried on an extramarital affair for years with a young woman he met online as a girl of 12 and began having sex with after she turned 16

303 Michael Kelsey, NY state GOP representative, convicted of sexually abusing two boys.

304 NY state GOP Rep Joe Incoronato was censured for saying women bring assault and harassment on themselves by their behavior. He is in new trouble for writing on behalf of his son-in-law, convicted of spying on women with a camera

305 NC Congressional Candidate Steve Von Loor - domestic violence

306 Republican state Rep. James DeCesare of Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim and did not run for re-election.

307 Republican state Rep. Michael Meredith of Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim, but is running for reelection and trying to block the release of information.

308 Brian Linder, Republican state representative in Kentucky settled a sexual harassment claim and is trying to block the details from being released.

309 MN Republican Rep. Jason Lewis mocked women who said they were assaulted.

310 Republican Congressional candidate Anthony Pappas - domestic violence

311 David W. Coderre, Connecticut State Senate Republican nominee - domestic violence

312 Baltimore City Council candidate Republican Ryan Nawrocki, alleged domestic violence. Police reported evidence of violence, now denied

313 California Republican Assemblyman Devon Mathis accused of sexual assault, running for re-election. The accusation was on social media but backed up by the resignation letter of one of his staff
314 Scott Paul Beierle, a member of FSU Republicans and We Are Conservatives, has been arrested twice for groping women before killing two and wounding several more in a mass shooting

315 Patriot Prayer videographer Matthew "Deme" Cooper was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy on a victim under age 13

316 Doomsday Preppers actor and child-sex-offender Tyler Smith joined Patriot Prayer at an NYC hate rally in 2017
317 Proud Boy Graham Jorgensen - domestic violence and cyber-stalking, targeting a former intimate partner
318 NH Republican candidate for state house Frank Sapareto - assault in dispute during a porn film he was producing and acting in
319 Steve Watkins, Republican Congressional candidate in Kansas was accused of sexual misconduct including unwanted sexual advances in late October.
320 Michel Moates, conservative news-blogger, accused of sending inappropriate messages to underage girls
321 Conservative journalist Mark Halperin accused of sexual harassment

322 Nick Sauer, Republican state rep in Illinois, resigned after his ex-girlfriend accused him of posting revenge porn

323 Ed Crane, co-founder of the libertarian Cato Institute, sexual harassment

324 Conservative Evangelical pastor Andy Savage - sexual abuse of a minor

325 Chris Conlee protected Andy Savage at Memphis Church, more here.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s bond is totally junk.
The bond company submitted more (improper) paperwork, including the signature page from the E G Carroll bond from a completely different company. They do not have the liquidity to post a bond 1/10 the size they have posted. Be ready for Donny to go to prison.

He also violated the gag order repeatedly and a motion for criminal contempt has been filed, and will likely be granted.

And again, Sleepy Don couldn’t stay awake at his own criminal trial to protect himself, do you really think he can stay awake to protect America, who in his mind is second seat to him at best?

Meanwhile, the MAGA Kansas AG is outraged that Biden is funding the program and paying for them to remove lead pipes because blanket poisoning citizens and giving children brain damage is a state rights issue to Trumpists.

Meanwhile Huckabee Sanders has been referred for prosecution for stealing $20k for a Paris vacation and lying about where the money went and creating fake government records to hide the theft.
Her response to being referred for prosecution on multiple felonies:a video stating “come and take it” using stolen copy-written music already under a cease and decist order. The criminality is no longer hidden or disputed, it’s celebrated.

How’s your Trump Media stock doing? Might hit 20 today! Did you go “all in”!? 😂

Still waiting.

Bonus- OAN has admitted they lied about the 2020 election and Smartmatic and settled the lawsuit over the big lie. Another big “L” for team Traitor.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Yes. What’s your point? You seem to agree with me, except you go back to the 20’s instead of early 30’s. I’m not a Palestine scholar, sorry if I get details or dates slightly wrong, sources vary on many points. It doesn’t change my point, that under British rule European Jews were allowed to immigrate in huge numbers despite opposition from the native population that was being overwhelmed by increasing unwanted forced immigration. At first it was accepted even encouraged by the empathetic natives, but quickly became an overwhelming unwanted invasion of people intent on taking over, not some moderate number of refugees looking for temporary refuge.

Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invade was? Palestinians weren’t responsible for their plight, but still stood ready to help until invaded and subjugated harshly by the invaders.
Should Venezuelans be allowed to take over Pennsylvania because they want out of Venezuela for good reason? Or Chinese? Or any African? Or Central American? Certainly Haitians have it bad enough to make it ok to take a state for themselves! Yes, Europe was dangerous…for anyone. That’s not an excuse to invade, murder another person and steal their land and subjugate their descendants for decades, but that’s what they did…and what you’re attempting to excuse.

Well, that explains it then. You think because the Jews had it worse once, it excuses being the Nazis today. I do not, I believe it gives them more reason to never be anything like the Nazis, not emulate them. The Palestinian plight is worse than many Jews in Europe besides Poland or Germany. They’re already in the ghetto, not free to travel and maybe get out. They’re already oppressed, subjugated, starved, dehydrated, often without power or communications, and 100% under the thumb and control of their oppressors. Sounds pretty shitty to me. Your family murdered at a whim with no repercussions sounds pretty bad. Your ancestral home taken by force and family shot for existing sounds fairly bad. I’m not sure how you think it’s OK because someone else maybe had it worse once.

When they “arrived in Palestine”, it was as an illegal unwanted invasion intent on taking over and expelling or eradicating the native population. They deserved violence 100%. The population was doing more than their share accepting refugees, then for their humanity was invaded and dehumanized in their own country. No excuse can make that acceptable unless it had happened in Germany post war.

Yes, Jews were the bad guys, invading a land they had and have no right to. You got it! They didn’t even have a right to refugee status there, it was a gift, they absolutely had no right to take control and possession by force, nor to become the inhuman monsters they were fleeing in Northern Europe.

Absolutely not. What even was his plan, I ask you. It wasn’t securing the borders.

I support the plan to FUND border parol and immigration courts to not only secure the border but repair the immigration process that does not function today. With a functioning immigration process, most would use it, making stopping illegal entry much easier.

I support refugee camps in the East Texas desert, not open release before processing.

I absolutely do not support actual open borders, nor allowing other countries to just send plane and train and boatloads of unvetted people in in numbers that would make natives the minority in quick fashion, nor do I support returning Texas (including Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico) to the Mexicans even though they are fleeing near the same level of fear, oppression and death from narco gangs and have some hereditary claims (which European Jews did not, they were mostly not Semitic genetically). I disagree the circumstances were much more desperate in the 30’s outside of Germany, and I disagree that the choices are Trumpism or no-border free-for-alls.

bcglorf said:

"welcomed a relatively small number of European Jewish refugees in the 30’s while under British rule"
The Jewish population in Palestine approximately doubled from 84k in 1922 to 175k in 1931, and tensions already started pretty heavily then in 1931. The Arab narrative is pretty emphatic that the invasion start in the 1920s(and unspoken, the resistance and tension internally between Jew and Arab too).

"Then in the 40’s the Jewish minority, America, and England ignored their pleas to minimize immigration, ignored immigration laws, and invited a major invasion, so many European Jews came illegally..."

Come now, don't play dumb, you left out any reason why European Jews might do this outside of 'launching an invasion'. What other motive might 1940's Jewish Europeans have had to ignore immigration laws to migrate out of Europe????

That's where your narrative and mine clash irrevocably. I count the refugee flight from 1940s Europe to be even more desperate than the plight the Palestinians in Gaza face today. I can not accept your POV where upon arriving in Palestine and facing violence and discrimination there too, that it's just plain and simply obvious that the Jewish people's are invaders and bad guys with no right to an existence in the land they fled to.

You know, unless you want to credit Trump's MAGA approach to the southern border as valid cause it's awful similar, save that the Jewish people were facing much more desperate circumstances

New York Nuclear PSA what to do in case of an attack

SFOGuy says...

I immediately wondered that; a low yield dirty bomb, at say, the UN on the Upper East Side would be a different EMP profile, I presume, from a higher yielded ship born bomb inside, say, a container which had cleared customs in Pakistan, and that would be different from a high altitude air burst, right? So, and the physics seems calculable if annoyingly in my past--you should be able to calculate a range of EMP from various yields?

The "Quora" answers are: a ground-based (ship based?) lower yield weapon has EMP effects of note to the 3 mile range.

An airburst would be a different issue. "Starfish Prime”. In this high altitude nuclear test, carried out in 1962, a 1.44 Mt warhead was detonated at a height of 400 km. Electrical damage, including burning out hundreds of street lamps was caused in Hawaii - about 1500 km from the point of detonation.

By contrast there was no direct blast damage at all at that range.

The maximal electric fields induced in the Starfish Prime EMP in Hawaii were estimated at 6 kV/m. At high latitudes the value could easily be ten times higher.

For electrical equipment to be damaged by an EMP from a nuclear detonation, the detonation point must be above the visual horizon.

A large yield weapon detonated 400 km above Kansas would have an EMP that extended across the entire continental US, but the ground intensity pattern of that EMP would be peaked towards the South of ground zero, it would not be symmetrical."

newtboy said:

Sad that the article and @StukaFox both forgot the emp, that kills all electronics, making your car your tomb if it was made after 1980.
A car is only a decent shelter if it’s at the bottom of an underground parking structure that doesn’t collapse in the blast.
Cars are not escape vehicles in this scenario. There won’t be many erratic drivers, like the article claimed, because any car with a computer chip will be dead.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...

Not if you excuse the invasion and takeover because they were DUE reparations, or even because they were fleeing the Nazis. I think reparations were due….by Germany, not Palestine.
Palestine paid them…and continues to pay them today.
It’s not feasible today, but it was directly after WW2, and that’s what we should have supported, even enforced.

Do you deny a massive influx of Jewish illegal immigrants invited by those who had been generously granted asylum? Do you deny they had the intent to take the land by force for a Jewish state? Do you deny most came after the war ended so weren’t fleeing war or Nazis? If not, where’s the disagreement? If so, citations please.

If they came illegally, absolutely, I object. If they came secretly intending to take the land of their benefactors by force, absolutely, I object. It was mostly in the later 40’s btw, largely AFTER the war ended. They weren’t fleeing Nazi persecution then.
Yes, when you come against the wishes of the local government intending to depose it, install your own, and expel the natives, that’s called invasion. That’s their history.

If I invite a refugee to live in my yard, and they invite their family, neighbors, and groups of armed militants who steal my house, land, and property and put me on skid roe, and the police turn a blind eye, even supporting the squatters because they’ve had it hard lately, do you think I have a right to get my friends to try to remove them, even if I wasn’t prepared to fight to the death unarmed and alone against their mob? If I do, do you still call me the aggressor? Come on. Don’t ignore the primary original crime that precipitated 70 years of atrocities.

Israel declared war by becoming a state by stealing one. I find it bullshit to blame the Palestinians neighbors for supporting their neighbor against a massive invasion and land grab by foreigners. Again, like Mexicans taking Texas back and you complaining if we tried to keep it, especially if we asked our Allie’s for help. Utter nonsense.

The Jewish people had already invaded and expelled the natives, removing all rights from any remaining. The two state solution = just go ahead and keep Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah because there’s already illegal immigrants there, in a few years you can have Kansas and Nevada, then keep expanding….those people are currently in Texas at this time. Again, you ignore the invasion, land theft, and expulsion to pretend Israel was already there…nonsense again.

Yes, it took more force to keep it from the armies of the allies of Palestine than it did to steal it from the recently liberated colony of Palestine that had no military. Duh.

What I see differently is I don’t ignore or forget the violent forced invasion by the Jewish zionists, nor the expulsion, theft from, and dehumanization of the natives, I don’t blame the natives for attempting to regain their ancestral home or properties that the Jewish state outright stole, nor do I ignore the horrific conditions those same people and their descendants have lived under for 70 years, constantly invaded further, no travel allowed, no imports, no water, no medicine, no weapons but treated like the aggressors and the criminal invaders for attempting to fight for THEIR OWN LAND, kept in shrinking ghettos, treated as sub humans to be exterminated, exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews but on a national level.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

Hard to find complete data on that timeframe….

There have actually been 212 so far just 5 months into this year alone with 251 deaths…if you extrapolate from this year’s rates, that’s 6000 dead in the last decade from mass shootings…but I think it’s less because mass shootings are on the rise since 2016.

And here’s a list of over 10 years narrowed to incidents of 4 or more deaths that adds up to 601 in the last decade…so extremely conservatively at least double that if you account for the vast majority of mass shootings that end with <4 deaths, likely triple or more.

No matter how you count, it’s more than Chicago over one year (including police shootings? Suicides?)
Apples to oranges anyway.

Wonder why you chose Chicago….hmmmmm….why could it be?….

St. Louis, MO (69.4 murders per 100000 residents)
Baltimore, MD (51.1)
Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
Kansas City, MO (31.2)
Memphis, TN (27.1)
Chicago, IL (24)

bobknight33 said:

Add all the mass shootings over last decade and then compare that number to Chicago's 2021 murder rate Of nearly 800 killing s

C-note (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

Trucker Life - Springfield, Missouri Underground

BSR says...

Bonus Video - The Hidden Metropolis Beneath Kansas City

One-hundred-fifty feet below Kansas City, in a 270-million-year-old limestone deposit, more than 1600 people work in the world’s largest business labyrinth. They basically work in the Batcave, and it's probably more interesting than your office.

Pilot Threatens To Land Flight Of Trump Supporters In Kansas

Mordhaus (Member Profile)


newtboy says...

Agreed, even if the claims were true, Trump abused his power by calling for a boycott of an American company for personal reasons.
It's a fake, not a Goodyear official policy or slide. Jesus is a liar. (See above)

"Trump’s tweet followed a report from WIBW-TV in Topeka, Kansas, based on an anonymous Goodyear employee’s screenshot that listed Black Lives Matter and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride messages as acceptable while politically affiliated slogans and material, including “MAGA Attire” and “Blue Lives Matter,” in support of police, were listed as unacceptable. The screenshot was described in the report as part of the company’s diversity training.
Kramer wrote that the visual was created by an employee at the company’s Topeka factory and “was not approved or distributed by Goodyear corporate or anyone outside of that facility.
Kramer reiterated Thursday that Goodyear has “a longstanding corporate policy that asks associates to refrain from workplace expressions in support of any candidate or political party.”

There's no room for debate.
The article linked showed that Goodyear clarified that Blue Lives Matter clothing was specifically allowed so there would be no confusion, they didn't change their policy, yet here we are with people claiming they were not allowed beforehand, but there's zero evidence any Blue Lives Matter clothing was ever considered a violation besides the fake screenshot/policy.

messenger said:

I think there's room for debate about whether the policy was unevenly applied, but either way, it's an abuse of power. Goodyear should even be able to openly advocate for Biden without fearing the President would start a boycott.

The room for debate part:
Obviously MAGA hats are campaigning, and so is By/Bye Don 2020 clothing, and both should be disallowed according to the Goodyear policy.

The Black Lives Matter organization has policies for the defunding of police and other things that aren't directly opposing racism. So, however political Blue Lives Matter is, it's as political as Black Lives Matter in that regard, and either both should be allowed or both disallowed. Yet the image that jesus linked to above shows Blue Lives Matter as "Unacceptable".

How it Starts

Drachen_Jager says...

They're already a step ahead.

Even though they've ALL voted by mail at some point, they now claim it's too open to fraud (never mind that most of those caught were on the Republican side). They know vote by mail will be big in the fall, so he'll use it as an excuse to claim victory anyhow and refuse to relinquish the office.

BTW, did you see the black woman who through genuine accident voted twice argued with a judge's sentence and so he doubled it?

Meanwhile, President Trump registered to vote in Florida, using Mar a Lago as his "home address" in Florida in September 2019.

Dude.... I think even @bobknight33 knows enough to realize there's an issue there.

Also, a Republican Congressman representing Kansas registered himself to a Kansas apartment he rented for a few months while claiming the benefits of being an Alaska resident and later changed his home address to a UPS store to cast a vote in a specific district for the municipal election. Want to bet whether he'll get shown leniency because he just made an "honest" mistake. (Honest here meaning, 'I agree with you politically, so won't punish you for cheating'.)

newtboy said:

I won't be a bit surprised, nor will I be surprised when the Bobites gloat about how brilliant it was of him to throw the nation and economy into turmoil so he could subvert democracy.

That's why EVERYONE needs to register to vote by mail, and cite CDC guidelines if a reason is required in your state. They have already said in person voting should be avoided whenever possible.

And don't be fooled, while Republicans are parroting the "vote by mail fraud" fraud, they're also signing up themselves in droves.

How Do 90% of Americans Have Jobs? - Daniel Tosh

wraith says...

Pretty funny and mostly on the point but when he proclaimd to have been famous for 20 Years I had to wonder.....why is this the first time in my life that I have heard from him?
Maybe he is world-famous ..... in Kansas.

What Happens When Liberals Run Your State?

Drachen_Jager says...

Hmm, happiest and most productive countries in the world are "socialist states" in comparison to the US. Scandinavian countries, Canada, most of Europe.

Meanwhile, the US with its ultra-right government has some of the poorest health outcomes, educational outcomes, life expectancy, infant mortality, crime rates, murder rates, social unrest, happiness indicators, etc. etc. etc. of all developed nations.

Nobody believes you @bobknight33 you are full of crap.

Meanwhile, Hawaii, New York, California, Maryland continue to do very well for themselves while Kansas goes right down the tubes.

Sucks when theory and reality don't match, eh Bob? I guess you'll just go and throw out reality again (obviously it's flawed).

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