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Parking Karma Served Cold

Briguy1960 says...

Dick move by the jerks in the red car.
I hate bad or selfish parking myself with a passion but in this case she just may have over compensated for the railing and judging by how empty the lot looks it probably didn't seem like a big deal to her at the time.
Either way it's not like she parked in the center of 2 spots which is the one that gets me.

A handy guide to what actually constitutes sexual harassment

It's Mueller Time! Trump Administration Season Ending

Drachen_Jager says...


Yes, they all deserve to go to prison, but...

President Pence?

President Ryan?

Isn't it better to have an incompetent jerk who wants to take from everyone else and give to the rich over a barely competent jerk who wants to take from everyone else, give to the rich, and take basic human rights away from women?

And don't give me any of that "Ryan's a policy wonk" bullshit. He only looks smart in a room filled with his Republican colleagues.

The Game that is pissing off the Alt Right

eric3579 says...

I came and wanted to see the Alt RIght being pissed off (because that's the title) and got nothing. I mean, unless the 3 twitter messages, from random nobody's, which was on screen for three seconds was all the outrage. Video seems more National Enquirer then Vice "news". We all hate Nazis is hardly news. More like a circle jerk imo. Anyway, call me disappointed

newtboy (Member Profile)

Jinx says...

I think it's an ugly necessity.

Equality isn't about treating everybody the same. I mean, I wish we could do that, but then I wish people wouldn't decide if they are going to hire somebody from their very first glance. But that's what we do. We do nothing and we simply allow our unconscious bias to rule our decision making which, in most cases, would be great for somebody like me.

I mean, I don't like it. I can understand entirely why people feel they have been cheated when somebody gets a job or promotion ahead of them just for the sake of ticking a diversity checkbox. Maybe you're right, maybe it is just adding energy to that pendulum, but then a pendulum without resistance swings forever. I hope conscious decisions to readdress imbalanced caused by unconscious bias works more as a dampening effect, as resistance.

Back to semantics. Like the woman in the video, I probably had quite a knee-jerk response to men's rights. Sometimes probably warranted, but then some feminists have some pretty dumb things to say as well. Anyway, the person that helped changed by mind about it was a woman and a feminist. Don't define a group by it's most extreme edges because I think it just leads you to make uncharitable judgements about people that identify as part of that group before you've even really listened to them.

newtboy said:

If you would ever advocate for a man's rights or against a woman's privilege, no, you would fail the feminist purity test, imo.

Absolutely, the label we use is less important than the actions we perform, but it's not meaningless.
Feminism is exactly as sexist as masculinism....but point taken.

Please note that affirmative action absolutely is racist, though. It divides people into races then treats the different races differently...the very definition of racism. I don't see how denying that fact accomplishes anything, it just sets up a future problem that mirrors the one you're working to solve. Ignoring that means you likely won't stop the pendulum swing at the center and we'll be right back where we started eventually.

Why We Constantly Avoid Talking About Gun Control

newtboy says...

Knee jerk?! As if this wasn't beyond the 500th mass shooting in under 2 years, 1516 in 1735 days.
That's a total bullshit position, along with "this isn't the time" arguments. When mass shootings happen daily, pretending we must wait for a shooting free month, season, year before we can rationally tackle the issue is asinine. We can't make it 1/2 week without 3.
I agree, all those things you mention factor into the issue, but the easiest, simplest, most effective tool, proven effective in multiple cases, is gun control, and it is the best return for your investment, as it's by far the cheapest. (I own guns).
People intent on mass murder may not be deterred, but they are absolutely, unequivocally hindered by regulations from causing exponentially more damage. It's just retarded that some people don't grasp that fact and instead continue to advocate for fewer if he wouldn't have purchased a Vulcan cannon if he could have.

CaptainObvious said:

My post was in the context of mass murder and gun regulation. Blaming the gun, fearing the tool and having a knee jerk response to do 'something' to avoid something like this - I think leads to initiatives that just will not have any true effect unless we examine everything at play here. People get very frustrated and want solutions right away. Gun regulation is an easy out. But in the end, what really needs to be looked at is mental health issues, poverty issues, resource access issues, venue security and education for more returns on your investment. People intent on mass murder are just not going to be deterred or hindered by regulations.

Why We Constantly Avoid Talking About Gun Control

CaptainObvious says...

My post was in the context of mass murder and gun regulation. Blaming the gun, fearing the tool and having a knee jerk response to do 'something' to avoid something like this - I think leads to initiatives that just will not have any true effect unless we examine everything at play here. People get very frustrated and want solutions right away. Gun regulation is an easy out. But in the end, what really needs to be looked at is mental health issues, poverty issues, resource access issues, venue security and education for more returns on your investment. People intent on mass murder are just not going to be deterred or hindered by regulations.

newtboy said:

Yep. Not allowing people to buy missiles, bombs, high explosives, and weaponized machines has no effect either. Of course not, it's ridiculous to blame the tool that makes mass murder simple and easy.
Good plan. No single simple solution could completely solve the problem, so it's better to do nothing at all. That's how we deal with all dangerous products, right?

Man has a lot in common with his dog

Shannon Sharpe on Trump, NFL and Protest

newtboy says...

So..which is it? The company dictates the rules (in which case stop your bullshit whining because the owners all stand with the protest) or some new draconian theory where freedom of speech only exists at home in your own yard (unless the president likes your message, then violent protest is patriotic anywhere)?

Trump is only pointing out how uppity these negros got under the darky president, and he's going to make America great again by fixing that.

You really...REALLY need a civics class, Bob. It's obvious that, if you've ever taken one, the information didn't stick.
Are you even aware that the "tradition" of teams standing at attention is 8 years old and a paid for marketing ploy for the military's recruitment where players are encouraged, but not required, to stand facing the flag at attention.

Trump's claim that this is about lack of gratitude is just one more in an endless string of lies and misdirection. I would think you would be sick of being jerked around like that, but clearly not yet. That's just as true as his claim shortly afterwards that the repeal and replace bill had passed....(it didn't even get a vote), or his claim that his new tax plan won't benefit him (but using his last available taxes as a true representation of his finances, it would save him around $1 BILLION and raise the rates on the poorest by at least 20%).
The peaceful protest is about racial inequality...which Trump highlights quite well, even as he denies it's existence.

NFL product and ticket sales, and total viewers are reportedly up. ESPN is only one network of dozens.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing to do about racism just good old American patriotism..

I can't go around wearing a Trump or Obama hat while on the job as I meet customers.... Company dictate rules of conduct. Politics do not belong in the work environment.

Trump is only properly pointing out how ungrateful some are by disrespect the very unity of America activity of standing for the National Anthem..

Sales of NFL tickets and clothing and ESPN ratings will dictate the true direction of this .

The Current War (Trailer) - Edison/Westinghouse/Tesla

eric3579 says...
oblio70 said:

I am also concerned how Westinghouse is protrayed. He is widely considered a Workers' hero from that era.

Counter Protest Attacked In Charlottesville, Va

enoch says...


dude..seriously..are we related?

i reject both as well.

and since WHEN is it considered brave and courageous to condemn and denounce nazis?

i am seeing this stupidity all over the social sites,as if bashing nazis is now some blow for justice.

jesus,how can some people be so fucking dim to the gigantic circle jerk they are engaging in....fucking pathetic.

how about take a stand on a more nuanced subject and then get back to me.otherwise you're just smelling your own farts and calling it febreeze...

/drops mic

Ring a random Swede

newtboy says...

I think that's right. Just calling random people out of the blue probably wouldn't work anywhere.
Most of us (Americans) are decent, friendly people, but we have far more than our share of jerks too....people who's only pleasure is ruining other people's good time. They would sign up for this in droves, and just like chat roulette you would have to sift through all the dicks to find a decent participant I think.
Of course, I could just be jaded.

ChaosEngine said:

From the sound of it, you actually sign up to be part of it?

If that's the case, I imagine it would work well in any country.

And just for the record in my limited time in the US (a few holidays amounting to about a month) I have found Americans to be generally very friendly.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Man Shoots Out AT&T Truck Tires

The Dock

artician jokingly says...

I would like to express the deepest, most heartfelt "fuuuuuck yyoooouuuu" to all the jerks who get to experience this fucking luxury of human ingenuity, you lazy, nontraditional, spoiled pieces of shit.

Gods, I wish that existed when I lived near the water.

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