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Draw Muhammad Day (First Annual!)

gwiz665 says...

I'd like to see that, god yes. Major networks want to spark the controversy even more, it's good news, gives good ratings. I'd like to see muslims unite against muslim hatred, on the inter-web for instance. There's not censorship here other than what we make ourselves (and china and so on), but there's far less censorship than on any network.

Every muslim who says "oh that's only the fundamentalists, most of us aren't like that, so I'm just going to stay muslim and mind my own business" is in essence undermining the effort to destroy the fundamentalists and their stupid beliefs. Why don't they make "neo-islam" a thing akin to protestants breaking off from the crazier outliers of their religion, so we know more clearly who to hat and who not to? That would be a good start.

I'm speaking out against islam, christianity, mormonism etc. because I cannot just stand by while we devolve into the dark ages again. Why can't more people just voice their disdain, dislike, disgust or whatever they have for the fundamentalists, who more than anything else sullies their religion, their persons, their families?? Why aren't they OUTRAGED!?>> ^Farhad2000:

Oh come on show me one major media network that has ever been willing to put on the air a moderate muslim voice like Hamza Yusuf.
>> ^gwiz665:
I blame them all. If they want to be a religion of peace, they have to speak out against the violence. As long as they just go along with it, they are not much better themselves. I spit in their direction.
>> ^MrFisk:
Freedom of speech is the primary thread that the Bill of Rights, and thus, the U.S. Constitution dangles from. However, it is not absolute - e.g., I cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater.
Now, I hold free speech especially dear to my reasoning. I believe that John Milton's Areopagitica is essential - i.e., "Let [Truth] and Falsehood grapple." (That is the key to explain my Glenn Beck submissions.)
And don't get me wrong, I'm all for drawing Muhammad, but I downvote this because this guy is a moron and don't think that you should blame an entire religion for something a handful of douche bags espouse. The real shame is that these handful of douche bags has been given such a loud voice by the media it quivers others into submission.

Dems: "Over 10" threatened with violence re: Health Care

choggie says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^gwiz665:
Degenerating into the dark ages.

They did this in the dark ages?

Yeah,in the dark ages people were kept at a basic operating level of literacy and critical thinking was frowned upon....not unlike today, keeping the masses distracted by inconsequential bullshit like this, while behind the scenes, preparing for more consolidation of power, control, and empire.

Welcome to the double-aughts.

This is not news, it's fucking rhetoric associated with more distracting rhetoric, like why the fuck a health care bill is more important than the leaky southern borders, banks in collusion with the fed to maintain their ability to commit similar future economic smoke and mirrors, or anything else that would move society fast-forward towards consciousness and self-awareness.

Now that we have a new health care plan, I will continue doing my part to see that myself, and my children, and my children's children, understand how to treat their bodies so they won;t need to avail themselves of band-aids in the form of insulin, pig heart valves, or Bariatric surgery to correct years of self-abuse.

Dems: "Over 10" threatened with violence re: Health Care

Dems: "Over 10" threatened with violence re: Health Care

Dems: "Over 10" threatened with violence re: Health Care

Dems: "Over 10" threatened with violence re: Health Care

Tales Of Mere Existence: God

Gabe_b says...

I don't think He/She is disappointed in us. I think He/She is constantly amazed by us, especially over the last 200 odd years. If He/She exists I guess, any moments of shame would be directed inwards as a contemplation of the failing of His/Her creative ideal. If He/She exists at least. I hope it does. But if not I'm ready to pass into the darkness simply gracious of the great joy and pleasure I have experienced over the 84 years preceding my time.

The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

Ornthoron says...

When I first saw the name NeuralNoise, I was intrigued. What could this cryptic username mean? Was it referring to how the seemingly chaotic maelstrom of neurons firing in all directions gives rise to what we call thought? Or was it perhaps a commentary on the effects of today's information overflow on our psyche?

Alas, upon further inquiry we now find that the username is nothing more than a fratboy's flaunting of his favourite band and/or novel. You know the type; the one who is the only person in the world who Truly Understands these lyrical geniuses, and knows in his heart that everyone else are lesser human beings for not adoring his idols as much as he does. He feels that His Band is under-appreciated by the general public, but he secretly harbors a fear that they will someday actually become popular, since this would render him obsolete. After all, his mindless adulation is his only substitute for a lack of personality. Yeah, NeuralNoise is that guy. No wonder rasch "Dylan" 187 likes him.

This is symptomatic for the rest of NeuralNoise's sorry character. Oh, great, you managed to inseminate some woman. Now this is suddenly all your existence revolves around. You even have the audacity to blog about it. Well, congratulations. You have taken the essence of this narcissistic medium and turned it into a dark and frightening shadow of itself. Exploiting your daughter to feed your exaggerated sense of self-importance; I'm disgusted. Good luck living through your children for the rest of your life.

The shallow nature of NeuralNoise is also evident in his answers:

What is your favorite video on videosift?
Can´t remember anymore. But living in Brazil, I blame videosift on my addiction to Maher, Colbert and Stewart bits
Favorite comment on videosift?
confess you are asking these questions only to make fun of my alzheimer-ridden brain

Yeah right, blame your memory. Can it be so hard to look through the top-rated comments on the site and pick one of them? I rather think you only care about the videos and comments you yourself have posted, and your faux modesty prevents you from mentioning them. VideoSift is simply your arena for assertiveness. Let's hope this roast can rectify some of that.

father rapes and beats 8 day old daughter (not parody)

enoch says...

please understand i did not post this video to shock or titillate.
i have always felt that evil should be exposed for what it is.
now many times "evil" can be a relative term bantered about but in this case i do not believe that applies.
this is evil.
no empathy.
no compassion.
not even anger or rage.
just a complete void of emotion and pure wanton malice.
maybe i wanted to share this because watching it alone was too much.
it is part of my job to be see both sides to better understand the issue at hand,but i cant in this case.
there is no reason,nor logic.i cant even come up with a sociopathic or psychological reasoning.
this is pure desire to do harm,for harms sake alone.
this is evil.
maybe i am just being a coward making you all come into this dark room with me.
dressing it up as "shining a light on the face of evil" to make myself feel better.
because in truth,this video and the information within has upset me greatly.
i apologize to those who i have upset by posting this.
feel free to discard if you wish.
i just didnt want to be the only one.
even now i cant get my head around the reality of this situation..
it is...incomprehensible.

The Fed Under Fire

shuac says...

When my lefty friends ask me, since I'm also left of center, why am I so critical of our new President? Why am I not waving banners the same way they are? Well, this is one of the things I respond with. Giving more power to the institution that helped create the problem is insane.

There's a great Bill Hicks joke about the men behind the curtain who, after each new President is sworn into office, take the Prez into a dark, smoky room and show him a filmclip of the JFK assassination from an angle no one has ever seen before. "Any questions?" they ask. The President happily replies, "just what my agenda is."

Mazzy Star - Fade Into You (LIVE)

MrFisk says...

I want to hold the hand inside you
I want to take a breath that's true
I look to you and I see nothing
I look to you to see the truth
You live your life
You go in shadows
You'll come apart and you'll go black
Some kind of night into your darkness
Colors your eyes with what's not there.

Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think its strange you never knew

A strangers light comes on slowly
A strangers heart without a home

You put your hands into your head
And then smiles cover your heart

Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think its strange you never knew

Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think its strange you never knew
I think its strange you never knew

Dragging Some Fun Back To The Sift, Kickin' and Bitchin'! (History Talk Post)

RhesusMonk says...

In June of '07, I went down to Ecuador to train at an archaeological field school. I was an Anthro minor and intended to pursue a career in Biological Anthropology, specializing in molecular clocking (deducing rates of evolution through DNA base pair variation), and wanted some kind of field experience before finishing undergrad. I just googled archae field schools and picked one. It was run by a university in Florida to which I had no connection whatsoever. It was run by two profs and had two separate classes: one in archaeology (digging) and one in ethnography (meeting people and writing about them). I ended up in the archaeological field school.

Upon arriving, I met the rest of the participants. Many of them knew each other, and I was somewhat of a novelty. The first night, I managed to take the smart but prudish girl back to my room for some "Hey, I just met you, why don't we fool around" action. Little did I know what I was getting into.

She turned out to be crazy. Like top-notch, grade A, never-been-kissed, "I'll give you $100 to take my virginity" crazy. It didn't take me long to make it clear that I was not that in need of cash, and that I was not falling in love. This did not go over well, and for the first two weeks of the six week program, I had to apologize to every fucking person in the camp for subjecting them to the tears of this crazy, immature, raving girl.

However, (this is where it gets interesting) during those first two weeks, I was spending all day in the field away from Crazy, who was studying ethnography in the coastal village where we were camped about 6km away. All day, I was troweling dirt and plotting pits next to one of the hottest and most engaged-to-be-married 20 year old girls I've ever met. At first, her neutrality as a "spoken for" woman was a good haven from the rest of the crowd, who were still kind of up-in-arms about my bagging and bouncing Ms. Crazy. And so, my pit partner and I got along swimmingly, spending the grueling but relieved-from-social-antagonism days talking about this and that. Now, I gotta tell ya, I'm a strapping lad (about 2m ((that's 6'6")) and 115kg ((250 lbs))) and I was very good at the field work. There is very little that impresses women, especially 20 year old engaged-to-be-married women, like being physically excellent at something right in front of them.

Around the end of week two, I started to notice that my pit partner and I were getting all electric and stuff around each other, making eyes and whispering sweet nothings as we toiled away in our dirt hole. Things got spicier and spicier, especially when I found out that the fiance was a wannabe prize fighter who couldn't hold a job, had cheated on her, and held his crotch rocket in about as much esteem as his wife-to-be (also, he bought her a $20k ring and made her mother make the payments on it). As I clearly could not give a flying cockroach's penis about this douche, I let myself really fall for this girl.

At the end of week three, we had four days off to travel wherever we chose. As I tend to be a loner if I don't find a very, very like-minded crony, I was planning to head south to Cuenca for a long weekend of solo traveling. But, as luck/fate/coincidence would have it, I met the soon-to-be-married lady and her traveling group at the bus stop just outside the village, also planning to go to Cuenca. Their group was minus a strong leader and without much Spanish, so I hooked up with them, "and it has made all the difference."

In Cuena, the girl and I fell in love. We didn't touch each other that weekend, but luck/fate/coincidence left us alone together too many times for there not to have been meaning in it. We talked by glowing midnight fountains, got lost on a house party dancefloor, drank too much shitty beer, and stared at the stars from the rooftop we had to crawl out a hotel window to sit on. Neither of us mentioned it out loud, but only used strong suggestion and innuendo. We both knew what was happening, but weren't sure if it was going to work. As I have failed to mention, but the astute reader might already suspect, my former liason Ms. Crazy considered herself to be Soon-to-Be-Married's best friend in Ecuador. She was right there in Cuenca with us the whole time, in complete denial of what was right in her face.

We returned from Cuenca on a Sunday, and I spent Monday and Tuesday white knuckled and sweating as I worked right next to a woman I could have ripped the perfect breast concealing oversized sweatshirt off and really gotten dirty. As she was engaged and about as virtuous as they come these days, no one suspected a thing. We were headed right straight towards Affair City on our pheromone and hormone fueled freight train, and no one else even had a whiff of it.

To this day, not one of the 20 or so other students has any idea that on that Tuesday after Cuenca, as we sat on the porch of my cabin--me playing guitar and her studying for the GRE--this girl and I began one of the world's greatest love affairs. That night, we finally put into words the feelings and fears, and each one assured the other that it would be safe as long as no one knew. At a peak moment in the conversation, I must have asked something like "Well, what's next, then?" The words she answered still echo in my mind whenever I have trouble sleeping. Sultry, slow and with head tilted, she said, "You wanna test the waters?" and glided across the porch and into my lightless room. I sat thinking Oh my god. She just fucking went into my cabin. Holy fuck, I'm gonna. Fuck. Shit. Wow. Wait a sec, she's in my cabin. STFU and get in there! She had to open the door to check if I was coming before the dazzle faded from my mind. I pushed her back into the darkness.

That was nearly two years ago now, and as I write, I am putting this princess to bed in our apartment in Taipei. We carried on an illicit affair, with trysts on 1 a.m. beaches, in shower stalls and in my Pacific breeze filled cabin for a month in Ecuador, and it has lasted to this day, across four continents and literally around the world. I have never written this story down before, and I just thank AC for giving me the forum.

thepinky (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

The one with the rabbits. I used that song to get my girlfriend into DCFC, and it has a really special meaning for me about my relationship with her. I'm a hopeless romantic, lol. I haven't seen all of the videos on Directions yet, because I don't have the DVD (I plan to get it eventually), so I haven't seen the Different Names for the Same Thing video yet. Every song off of Plans and Transatlanticism is pure gold to me though. I would probably put one of those two as one of my favorite ten albums of all time. Amazing, amazing music. Gibbard has the voice of an angel, lol.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Yeah. I love Directions. My brother owns the DVD and it has some great special features. Which music video for I Will Follow You Into the Dark are you talking about? The one with Ben Gibbard and the gaping hole in the floor, or the one off of Directions with the animated bunnies? Both of them are cool. None of the Directions videos have any of the band members in them.

I love all of the Directions videos, but I especially love "Different Names for the Same Thing." Have you seen that one? The director went to a middle school band and asked them to perform the song. A little girl sang the vocals and they recorded the kids doing it, then they dubbed Death Cab's performance over it. It's perfectly in sync and just a great video. I got very nostalgic when I watched it.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Directions, right? I've seen some of the videos off of it, but haven't gotten around to picking it up. Fantastic stuff. I absolutely LOVE the video for I Will Follow You into the Dark.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Have you guys seen all of the videos that Death Cab contracted people to make for their album "Plans?" GREAT stuff. I love those music videos. I hadn't seen this one and I really like it. Thanks.

JAPR (Member Profile)

thepinky says...

Yeah. I love Directions. My brother owns the DVD and it has some great special features. Which music video for I Will Follow You Into the Dark are you talking about? The one with Ben Gibbard and the gaping hole in the floor, or the one off of Directions with the animated bunnies? Both of them are cool. None of the Directions videos have any of the band members in them.

I love all of the Directions videos, but I especially love "Different Names for the Same Thing." Have you seen that one? The director went to a middle school band and asked them to perform the song. A little girl sang the vocals and they recorded the kids doing it, then they dubbed Death Cab's performance over it. It's perfectly in sync and just a great video. I got very nostalgic when I watched it.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Directions, right? I've seen some of the videos off of it, but haven't gotten around to picking it up. Fantastic stuff. I absolutely LOVE the video for I Will Follow You into the Dark.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Have you guys seen all of the videos that Death Cab contracted people to make for their album "Plans?" GREAT stuff. I love those music videos. I hadn't seen this one and I really like it. Thanks.

thepinky (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Directions, right? I've seen some of the videos off of it, but haven't gotten around to picking it up. Fantastic stuff. I absolutely LOVE the video for I Will Follow You into the Dark.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Have you guys seen all of the videos that Death Cab contracted people to make for their album "Plans?" GREAT stuff. I love those music videos. I hadn't seen this one and I really like it. Thanks.

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