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Obama Backs Mosque Near Ground Zero

Israeli Woman Finds Out BF Is Arabic, Sues Him For Rape

Lawdeedaw says...

So, I know I am going to have 500 people disagree, but here goes. An argument is not worth having if you are simply agreeing with everyone...

Rape by deception should be a crime if the lie morally cripples either party (I doubt it crippled the Jew-whore but then again, she is religious...)

Let's say something equally horrible happens to you as has happened to true victims of lies. Now, since religious people are bat-shit and some are very, very serious about their dedication to their particular lord's work (In some human-induced hypocritical bull-shit way,) we have to find a similarly bat-shit comparison. This, oh, having sex with an infidel, cannot be translated to our standards so here goes an unequal comparison.

You were adopted out, located your sister, and because you are a sicko you date her and have sex with her… Or your wife is having sex with your brother behind your back… Or, like the youtube video, your wife was a man or you're man was a wife… Or, your husband is a child molester and has molested your children and you don't know it…

Last unbalanced comparison I can make, you’re dancing with a woman you’re buying conspicuous amounts of alcohol and she passes out… You do the little dirty and... Why is that rape? She took the alcohol willingly. You did not lie about anything… Certainly she should have reasonably known and accepted the consequences of her intentional actions; like a drunk driver.

Lying about penis size, or lying about wealth that the other party is not entitled to anyway, or lying about how many children a person has, in the initial bangings, is not morally crippling. None of those lies stops each other from getting their rocks off and won’t affect their futures.

I won’t say a sexually transmitted disease is applicable, because that is brutal physical violence against another person without a disease. But then why should that be illegel if lying and sex should be seperate issues? I mean don't we all consent to sex and what "comes" with sex, the risks and all, regardless?

And to those who intentionally lie to their potential conquests, why? I tell the truth and if the woman I am about to grind with doesn't like it, so what? She can go for some loser who has to lie about everything... I’ll just do her better looking sister anyways.

See, I am jaded; my family lied all the time. All day, every day. And everyone else seems to find a lie just fine for nearly every circumstance...

Is it wrong to lie? Mostly. Is it a crime? In many, many circumstances.

Deceit-rape would have to be more harmful than doctor/nurse lies and be provable...

For example, the husband/child molester. Did his deceit rip a fabric in your world? Of course. Not just because he molested but because you were intimate with him…

Oh, and I love the shoe on the other foot comment. Would a Jewish man be raping a a Muslim woman... Well, we would never know because her head would be smashed open with a bunch of rocks before her argument was ever heard. Kind of like a tree falling in the forrest.

Afghanistan: We're f*#!ing losing this thing

gwiz665 says...

Well, in a straight up war I would tend to agree with you, but this is not a war. We are not at war with afghanistan or iraq or iran or basically anywhere in the middle east. It's a "war" against terrorists. There are terrorists inside the United States too, and you wouldn't destroy infrastructure there to get to them, would you?

Attacking the infrastructure in afghanistan is hardly putting a dent in the terrorists own infrastructure since they are no more than 10.000 people anyway, we're just fucking with a whole bunch of afghanis instead.

Afghanistan was the right place to hunt for Bin Laden.. in 2001. By now the wars are obsolete. If we started to catch the flies with honey instead of bombs, we would stop the supply of new terrorists or at least stem the tide. Which arguments do you think the terrorist leaders have for the newcomers? "We're getting back at the infidels who murdered your family" etc. Taking that away by not killing civilians and destroying their homes, would help security far more than powering through, unless, obviously, we really, really power through and nuke the shit out of it, and I don't think anyone wants that. To win this war, as you say, it will have to become bloody, very much more bloody than it already is; but we don't have to win it. It's a contrived war, like the war on drugs. There's no "losing face" when people's lives are at stake - I'd rather lose face than lose a limb. Pride has no place in a politician. The people who have already died or been injured have not died for nothing, even if we stop now, they died for whatever cause drove them to fight.

We shouldn't continue a bad thing, just because we've done it so far. "I've believed in this for years, I can't change my mind now!" Yes, you can.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

It isn't complicated...
1. The anti-war left is never happy when America engages in military action.
2. Obama and the Democrats heavily courted the extreme anti-war left to get elected on the premise that they were going to shut down Iraq, close Gitmo, and bring the troops home.
3. Obama and the Democrats heavily courted the pro-war right to get elected on the primise that Afghanistan was "the right war" and they would get it done properly.
4. As the actual CiC of the armed forces, Obama now realizes Bush wasn't just some neo-con crackpot and there were actually darn good reasons for following "The Bush Doctrine".
5. The pro-war right is dissappointed over Obama's failure to support the Afghan troops.
6. The anti-war left is dissappointed over Obama's failure to close Gitmo and escalating the Afghan fight.
I'm going to come right out and say it. The only way you win wars is to attack POPULATIONS and INFRASTRUCTURE. You don't win wars by killing soldiers, or taking out individual military commanders. You can certainly demoralize the enemy by killing soldiers & commanders, but if you never touch the population that produces the soliders or the infrastructure that supports them then you'll never win. It is impossible.
Yes, it is entirely possible to win in Afghanistan. But the way to do it would be so horrifying and bloody that the United States has no stomach for the process. If we aren't going to go in there to WIN this thing, then what's the point? McCrystal & the others sounded to me like soldiers who were frustrated at not being able to run a military action in a way that would be effective. That policy is being dictated to them by politicians who don't mind the bleeding of money and soldiers because that doesn't impact their approval ratings as much as would happen with a full-scale offensive or a whole-scale pullout.

Gunmen Attack Pakistan Mosques

TED: Inside A School For Suicide Bombers

hpqp says...

They distort the message of the Qur'an? I don't think so. The Qur'an has plenty about fighting and killing the infidels, and reward for holy war. It's the muslim moderates who distort the Qur'an to make it PC.

Dawkins to Imam: What is the penalty for leaving Islam?

Lawdeedaw says...

Side note-God, my response is long... I hate long posts and so hate my own post...

There was a time when I would have insulted you for such a... magical fairytale-type post. However, age has tempered my youthful arrogance and I will attempt to be more respectful.

You have an illusion that is polar opposite from the fanatics who propose that God is our savior and that if everyone follows his word we will all be saved… (Your argument is that the belief in God is our destroyer and that if everyone abandons his word we will all be striving for the betterment of humanity…) You assume that religion is not the excuse for war but the problem itself... If religion is truly the excuse, as I claim, there will be more wars even if religion is abolished and all the wars that have happened, not in the name and constant glorification of God, but for other reasons, will repeat themselves. If religion is the problem, as you state, then wars will dry up and poof, comfort for the world. The betterment of mankind… Um, I need to write a self-help booklet with a title like that…

Think of your ideal utopia... and now, make it real. No wars, no conflict (like trade wars, where entire areas starve out, etcetera,) on massive scales leading to the degradation of other countries. Nothing interesting for the news huh? Just a few murders and social discord now and again? Just near-utopia? No massive riots when corporations cause the subjugation and poverty of millions... No mass rape in Africa? Can someone say boring!

Sorry, I can only respect your opinion so much. I understand your opinion but think it a little wishful thinking. I wish you were right on the money and that religion was the cause, but the rose-colored glasses are not for me. You asked an A/B question and the answer is a mix of A and B-We certainly would invade another planet and try to reason with them. If our terms (The complete surrender of their finate resources and land) of reasoning failed, we would kill them all and take their resources.

Christianity was the excuse we used on the Indians not because we truly believed in god, but because A-It is a form of control and B-It makes us the savior instead of the animal. As I said before, we cannot slaughter because of greed... we need another reason. In other words, religion is a tool and if broken, we will make another one.

Let's look at some wars fought around the world and why... Vietnam? The expansion of communism (Because, we Americans could not abide our competitor actually advancing.) Iraq? Boredom and glory. Rome's barbarity? Conquest. Germany? Racial superiority. The American Civil War? Expansion of Federal powers. The hundreds of mini-conflicts between warring peoples due to poverty? Starvation. The crusades? Religion. Does religion win over in history as the leading cause? Yes. Has religion been involved in the aforementioned wars as a secondary motivator?-No, not even motivator, I mean excuse?-Yes. Germany was supported by the pope and hunted a religious people---for the resources. (Also, just because those nations I used as examples may have been supported by the religious or purported to be religious, they did not fight under the constant "support" or glorification of God. In other words, those wars were fought for religion as much as Iraq was fought because of weapons of mass destruction…)

Will there be something to replace religion on a massive scale if the excuse dies? Yes. Reminds me of the episode of South Park when the world fought a war simply because they could not agree on the name of their all-atheist nation...

We grow bored, we bomb Iraq. We need oil? We take it. We need other resources? Here we come. Government subjects massive amounts of people to poverty? We burn it down. By we, I mean humanity. Oh, Germany is certainly more reasonable than a few hundreds of years ago... cept that whole gassing incident... and I know Africa, a country that sold their own into slavery for the most part, is more reasonable... cept the whole raping and tribal fighting. You know one tribe fights another because they believe male-anal penetration is wrong? Yet male-oral is okay... and the other tribe thinks male-oral is fine, but anal is wrong… so naturally, they both have to kill each other…

So disagree, it’s your right. I just see a lot of "religious" stubbornness in your argument that is equal to the other side's arguments... You are basing your guesses of what might be; I am basing my estimations on what has been...

>> ^Shepppard:
Disagree completely.
If you abolish religion then you have one goal - The betterment of humanity. If everybody is on that same page and not thinking about how their lord and savior will take care of everybody in the afterlife, they'll realize that we need to fix how things are now.
Think about it, no more wars in the name of gods, no people getting killed for changing their beliefs.
Oh sure, there would still be killings of sorts, people come home and find another man with their wife and they snap. But that's never going to change.
As for the Natives of the Americas, I got news for you. They were enslaved and sent to Boarding Schools where they were forced to learn... Christianity.
I'm not exactly done with that either. Truly, you think that the people a few hundred years ago were as reasonable as we are now? Picture this, we master space travel. We find a new world inhabited by Aliens. Do you think Earth would A) Kill them all, and declare it Earth II, or B) Try to trade and reason with them?
I'm pretty sure most of us would vote option B. With time we've gained knowledge. Almost everywhere has drifted away from "They're different then us, so we need to not trust them and/or kill them and claim it as ours."
Muslims are a large exception to this, and that's why it has to change.
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
What I believe most atheists do not comprehend is this—we, the human race, are a species that must believe. It is that simple. Yes, individuals can unlearn belief in the odd and stupid things we think are real, but as a whole we must believe. We believed long before God and Jesus existed, and we will believe long after. We believe in odd and crazy things when we are children because our minds are fascinated by the unknown and this spurs experimentation.
Everyone who acts as though the destruction of religion would sooth the woes of the world is silly. Instead of religion, humanity will/has find/found other ways to reclassify themselves into groups and kill/enslave everyone not in their class. Examples include are but not limited to race, gender, ethnic background, eye color, hair color, wealth, etcetera. This would not decrease with a lack of belief and the reason is simple—because we love to classify. It is a natural survival instinct that is there for the allocation of finite resources. It is easy to kill an infidel in the name of God, however, it is hard to kill the guy next to you because you are bored and/or need his resources. Indians ring a bell? Sadly, the Indians were pagan, but, more importantly, they held our land! Had to die…
See, religion is the crutch that atheists use. I am atheist myself and find that behind the gun, behind the religion, behind the boredom that leads to mania, there is always an insecure killer.

Dawkins to Imam: What is the penalty for leaving Islam?

Shepppard says...

Disagree completely.

If you abolish religion then you have one goal - The betterment of humanity. If everybody is on that same page and not thinking about how their lord and savior will take care of everybody in the afterlife, they'll realize that we need to fix how things are now.

Think about it, no more wars in the name of gods, no people getting killed for changing their beliefs.

Oh sure, there would still be killings of sorts, people come home and find another man with their wife and they snap. But that's never going to change.

As for the Natives of the Americas, I got news for you. They were enslaved and sent to Boarding Schools where they were forced to learn... Christianity.

I'm not exactly done with that either. Truly, you think that the people a few hundred years ago were as reasonable as we are now? Picture this, we master space travel. We find a new world inhabited by Aliens. Do you think Earth would A) Kill them all, and declare it Earth II, or B) Try to trade and reason with them?

I'm pretty sure most of us would vote option B. With time we've gained knowledge. Almost everywhere has drifted away from "They're different then us, so we need to not trust them and/or kill them and claim it as ours."

Muslims are a large exception to this, and that's why it has to change.

>> ^Lawdeedaw:

What I believe most atheists do not comprehend is this—we, the human race, are a species that must believe. It is that simple. Yes, individuals can unlearn belief in the odd and stupid things we think are real, but as a whole we must believe. We believed long before God and Jesus existed, and we will believe long after. We believe in odd and crazy things when we are children because our minds are fascinated by the unknown and this spurs experimentation.
Everyone who acts as though the destruction of religion would sooth the woes of the world is silly. Instead of religion, humanity will/has find/found other ways to reclassify themselves into groups and kill/enslave everyone not in their class. Examples include are but not limited to race, gender, ethnic background, eye color, hair color, wealth, etcetera. This would not decrease with a lack of belief and the reason is simple—because we love to classify. It is a natural survival instinct that is there for the allocation of finite resources. It is easy to kill an infidel in the name of God, however, it is hard to kill the guy next to you because you are bored and/or need his resources. Indians ring a bell? Sadly, the Indians were pagan, but, more importantly, they held our land! Had to die…
See, religion is the crutch that atheists use. I am atheist myself and find that behind the gun, behind the religion, behind the boredom that leads to mania, there is always an insecure killer.

Dawkins to Imam: What is the penalty for leaving Islam?

Lawdeedaw says...

What I believe most atheists do not comprehend is this—we, the human race, are a species that must believe. It is that simple. Yes, individuals can unlearn belief in the odd and stupid things we think are real, but as a whole we must believe. We believed long before God and Jesus existed, and we will believe long after. We believe in odd and crazy things when we are children because our minds are fascinated by the unknown and this spurs experimentation.
Everyone who acts as though the destruction of religion would sooth the woes of the world is silly. Instead of religion, humanity will/has find/found other ways to reclassify themselves into groups and kill/enslave everyone not in their class. Examples include are but not limited to race, gender, ethnic background, eye color, hair color, wealth, etcetera. This would not decrease with a lack of belief and the reason is simple—because we love to classify. It is a natural survival instinct that is there for the allocation of finite resources. It is easy to kill an infidel in the name of God, however, it is hard to kill the guy next to you because you are bored and/or need his resources. Indians ring a bell? Sadly, the Indians were pagan, but, more importantly, they held our land! Had to die…
See, religion is the crutch that atheists use. I am atheist myself and find that behind the gun, behind the religion, behind the boredom that leads to mania, there is always an insecure killer.

Dawkins to Imam: What is the penalty for leaving Islam?

bcglorf says...

dawkins made his point. but i'd like to hear his answer to the response question: "what's the relevance of what happens in an islamic nation and great britain?"

Surely he doesn't need one. I normally find Dawkins to be possessed by an irritatingly superiority and smugness, but on this point he is entirely justified in having it.

Let's repeat what was said. By Sharia law, in any Islamic country, converting from Islam is to be punished by death. Can anybody in favor of religious freedoms honestly say they have no problem with this? If your religious views consider it ok to murder people for converting away from your faith, I'd call that a valid point of criticism of your faith, no matter which country you are in.

Here in the Western world, we the ignorant infidels don't tolerate that kind of backwards garbage.

Mohammed in Southpark

Mohammed in Southpark

Max Blumenthal at a Pro-Israel Rally in New York

Bristol Palin On Oprah "I'm not Having Sex Until..."

gwiz665 says...

More power to ya, my friend, but then God says a lot of things..
>> ^ant:
>> ^Truckchase:
gt; ^ant:
I am not having sex until I get married either and I am a Christian.

That's what my high school girlfriend said.
On a serious note, sex is one of the most beautiful things one can experience if appreciated and not scorned. It's nothing to be afraid of; it's natural and part of our existence.
I am of the opinion (i.e. I can't back this up with fact) that "waiting" until one gets married to try sex would more likely lead to potential marital infidelity upon the realization that you missed out on part of life when you hit that mid-life crisis stage. When one's looks start to go your viewpoints will change quickly.
Please experience life while you can. Don't let a bunch of old men make up rules for you to follow that they themselves cannot obey. Please embrace humanity for it is, not what for you're trying to make it.

No can do. God says no sex before marriage.

Bristol Palin On Oprah "I'm not Having Sex Until..."

ant says...

>> ^Truckchase:
>> ^ant:
I am not having sex until I get married either and I am a Christian.

That's what my high school girlfriend said.
On a serious note, sex is one of the most beautiful things one can experience if appreciated and not scorned. It's nothing to be afraid of; it's natural and part of our existence.
I am of the opinion (i.e. I can't back this up with fact) that "waiting" until one gets married to try sex would more likely lead to potential marital infidelity upon the realization that you missed out on part of life when you hit that mid-life crisis stage. When one's looks start to go your viewpoints will change quickly.
Please experience life while you can. Don't let a bunch of old men make up rules for you to follow that they themselves cannot obey. Please embrace humanity for it is, not what for you're trying to make it.

No can do. God says no sex before marriage.

Bristol Palin On Oprah "I'm not Having Sex Until..."

Truckchase says...

>> ^ant:
I am not having sex until I get married either and I am a Christian.

That's what my high school girlfriend said.

On a serious note, sex is one of the most beautiful things one can experience if appreciated and not scorned. It's nothing to be afraid of; it's natural and part of our existence.

I am of the opinion (i.e. I can't back this up with fact) that "waiting" until one gets married to try sex would more likely lead to potential marital infidelity upon the realization that you missed out on part of life when you hit that mid-life crisis stage. When one's looks start to go your viewpoints will change quickly.

Please experience life while you can. Don't let a bunch of old men make up rules for you to follow that they themselves cannot obey. Please embrace humanity for it is, not what for you're trying to make it.

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