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Burden of Proof | Chilling One-Take about an Abusive Ex

newtboy says...

I assumed the heavy breathing, jacket removal, and camera movement were all the woman returning to her apartment with a second recording device in her pocket and camera in her window.
I guess, with the constant surveillance from multiple angles that’s the norm in most developed countries anywhere in public, and the overlooking camera angle, I never considered the idea that it wasn’t being recorded from multiple devices, so I might have missed the point.
I was only surprised she didn’t retrieve the thing he threw in the creek. The device may be destroyed, but the recording isn’t…not that there was a clear confession on it.

cloudballoon said:

Maybe the dialogue between the Exes is not the "wait for the end" surprise. Rather it's the movement of the camera & the heavy breathing at the last seconds. Meaning somebody else video-recorded the whole thing at a high vantage point and THAT can be used as evidence?

Burden of Proof | Chilling One-Take about an Abusive Ex

cloudballoon says...

Maybe the dialogue between the Exes is not the "wait for the end" surprise. Rather it's the movement of the camera & the heavy breathing at the last seconds. Meaning somebody else video-recorded the whole thing at a high vantage point and THAT can be used as evidence?

Wingsuit flight down the East Ridge of the Eiger

Breathtaking Eagle POV Flying Over The Alps

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

For your edification….disgraced Kari Lake was referred to the AZ AG for prosecution on 16 felony counts of copying and publicly posting signatures of 16 voters, in clear undeniable violation of election laws. (Also a form of doxing). A crime she has admitted on camera already….each one a class 6 felony. AZ 16-168 F

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s returns out.
He CLAIMS he lost money 4/6 years. Paid no taxes those years. None. Including 2016 when he made tens of millions from his campaign that he did not fund.
Paid zero taxes 2020 but definitely “made” money (hundreds of millions in donations used for personal expenses).
Claimed tens of millions in exemptions for donations he claimed to have made with zero receipts or evidence, not investigated.
Trump hid his taxes claiming he was under audit and couldn’t. 1st, being under audit in no way stops a person from releasing his taxes and 2nd, he was not actually under audit….not even the mandatory audit every president is subjected to by law. It was 100% lies, no audit ever happened.

The entire “I’m under audit” claim was another lie.

He had an obligation to be audited, but he knew for certain he had stopped that process and no audit was happening.
The IRS NEVER audited his returns, despite the legal requirement to do so since 1977 and claims they were being audited. IRS refused to turn them over to congress as required by law. Now we know why, they prove he’s a massive tax cheat and horrific business man so he installed criminal lackeys to protect his image. They now claim they didn’t know there was any obligation to audit him (with absolutely no explanation why they lied) despite being told on camera dozens of times and claiming on camera dozens of times they were auditing his taxes.
More MAGA fraud and criminality from the top. More subversion for personal gain. Always from MAGA. It’s all MAGA is, crime and lies, treason and sedition, hate and fear. Absolutely zero redeeming qualities in the party at all, not a one.

Tesla driver loses control as car speeds down street

newtboy says...

It absolutely looked like auto pilot taking control to me, I’ve never heard of someone mistaking the gas pedal for the brakes for 1/10 that timeframe, it’s usually under 1 second before they crash.

Hate to tell you but Tesla has denied fault every time auto pilot has failed. For instance, last year autopilot was involved in 273 crashes but only 35 had been reported since 2016, so clearly Tesla under reports. NTSB found that Tesla automatically turned off auto pilot just before it was going to crash to hide auto pilot involvement. New rules force reporting if auto pilot was in use 30 seconds before any crash, and cases increased exponentially overnight.

70% of all driver assistance involved crashes were Tesla.
5/6 fatalities were in Teslas, and the vast majority of serious injuries. (Now 7/8)

There’s a reason Tesla is under congressional investigation for killing people.

China does not trust Tesla to read the data without erasing or manipulating it. Reports I read said they were using a third party to go over the data because they believe Tesla will cover it up….as they believe Tesla has done before.

If you want to believe Musk when he again says “not my fault”, that’s your prerogative, but it’s not your prerogative not to tell others that’s the truth. Autopilot malfunctions are a documented issue….but occur far less often than driver malfunctions, it’s true. This is not the first reported runaway Tesla, just the first caught entirely on external cameras.

Wait for the third party report to be sure, but all indications are this was an auto pilot malfunction, and Tesla doesn’t know more than we do right now because China isn’t giving them the car back.

bcglorf said:

And, not sure of the reliability of the site, but at least at link below is being reported Tesla's China branch is reporting exactly that:

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Immediately explained because there is no question whatsoever that’s what it was.

You have all this fake information…but from where? I know you won’t answer because it’s embarrassing….because the answer is Twitter.
None of it resembles the official reports from police, not one detail is close to correct. It’s pure unadulterated lies you bought hook line and sinker because you want to, or that you made up yourself, not because you have a scintilla of evidence, and it’s all 100% opposed by the reality that an armed MAGgot drove to Pelosi’s house with weapons and zip ties, broke in, and beat an 82 year old man he pulled out of bed with the hammer in front of police, fully dressed, screaming “where’s Nancy”.

I think you people took the fact that he’s a nudist and pretended he was nude at the failed assassination….no, that’s almost rational, I now see Musk just made it up, tweeted it out to millions, then quietly retracted it once he planted the seed of insanity in your fertile skulls, and it grew like a weed in the manure you keep there. Every accusation you make is an admission.

Depapi is pure, undeniably MAGA. You have no evidence otherwise. Police have tons to back that up.
He is far right politically, not all over the place. There were no guards, no dogs, no cameras, no alarm, no third person, no tall wall, no attacker in his underwear. Every bit of that is made up by far right liars like yourself to try to hide from the fact that he’s absolutely one of you, just like you, a splitting image of yourself, believing every crazy conspiracy theory you believe. No evidence he’s a “doper” although that would mean nothing, most republicans are dopers, rush Limbaugh was the biggest heroin addict in recent history, Trump likes speed.
Mr Pelosi called him “friend” to calm him down, not because he was his friend you tool.
Was a failed political assasination by the far right, with prodding from politicians for years up to the “fire Pelosi with a rifle” add on the day before the failed assassination.
Funny, every place your alternative facts were put up is down, not those my info came from. Derp

You just don’t like who you are and seeing yourself in the mirror disgusts you, so you came up with a story from your own life when your gay lover beat you up. It’s so incredibly stupid, and shows you are not a bit serious, just ranting and blaming anyone but terrorist maggots.

Only the completely insane like you believe everything in the universe is on their side at all times…. all truth, all facts, all ideas, all goodness, even god….but somehow you just keep losing constantly, bigly. Maybe it’s just you!

But to recap, you don’t get to ask questions until you answer one….and you can’t.

bobknight33 said:

This bizarre story was immediately explained in the liberal media as being MAGA attack:

Bla bla bla- I can’t answer questions, and don’t listen to answers, now let me waste your time with more nonsense I made up because

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

bobknight33 says...

This bizarre story was immediately explained in the liberal media as being MAGA attack:

But to recap:
So let's get this straight, a man in his underwear manages to elude security cameras, Scale a wall & elude security guards and dogs,breaks into a home without setting an alarm off but is somehow captured with a hammer because of a wellness check at 2am. Also were both in their underwear, and a 3rd “unknown person” answered the door.
Fishy Pelosi Story Right?

DePape is not a right wing MAGA guy, he's a crazy doper who is all over the place on politics.
Paul knew his name & called him a friend in 911 call
Was NOT a political attack.

But by leftest standards... If 2 guys in their undwear get into a hammer fight at 2 am its Trumps fault.

What web links are you looking at? The fake ones created on Friday and now are gone?

newtboy said:

Fake news….your evidence?
Posted at your request, dumbshit. Do you think you just pulled a fast one or something? Did you really just ask me to post a video just so you could parrot “fake news”? Yes … yes you did.

My evidence….His Facebook, twitter, and truth social accounts, likely others. His voice heard by 911 operators, police, emts, etc. Also the weapon and zip ties he brought to the home invasion. Did you not listen to the video? Was it not OAN so no fact could penetrate your anal shield to your ears?

Funny, it’s the police saying all these things. Not reporters, police spokesmen. Are you saying they make up stories about innocent people so regularly that they would do it in this public of a case? Evidence? Of course not. Just more baseless denial of reality.

Glass breaks in and out when you break it. It also breaks out during struggles inside, or when you rip a glass door open violently. Are you seriously suggesting this is staged, some false flag attack, and Pelosi’s husband is so committed to this lie he smashed his own skull in?
It’s clear from photos and videos that the vast majority of broken glass, and the wood/vinyl cross member are inside the house.

Um….now onto baseless silly gay slurs and accusations because you have no information, no way to contradict the FACT that he’s a MAGgot moron that believes every conspiracy theory you do and worships the same ochre ogre.

I never knew you were into eating men’s asses, but if you say so, you must be.
I never knew that’s what MEGA meant, no wonder you sissies changed it but wouldn’t explain!
Be careful, lots of diseases you can get from eating shit, but it’s clear that’s what you’re into, you’ve been doing it here for over a decade, you probably know all the pitfalls well by now. Then again, your mantra is

Edit: thinking about it, this is your last question until you can answer just one. You never can, you just ignore them every time.
Since I know you’re incapable of answering questions, that means you’re done asking me any. Until then, the answer to any question you pose is “Ashley Babbitt”….it should be “what charges came down for Clinton”, another claim you refused to back up. I haven’t forgotten many questions you dodged.

Hurricane Ian Storm Surge Timelapse - Ft Meyers

NASA DART spacecraft moment of impact

BSR says...

The camera view from the Dart spacecraft

NASA’s DART spacecraft is destined for a head-on collision with an asteroid in the very first test of our planetary defence system.

David Blaine Freaks Jimmy Out

noims says...

I didn't follow the cuts precisely, but I suspect he just knew the order of the last 5 cards in everyone's deck. So long as their cut isn't in those last 5 he can force them. Everyone then picks the fourth, and they've all got the same card. (edit to note that even if a couple of them didn't follow the instructions properly, they might not hold up the card or it might not be noticeable on camera for one of a few reasons).

As for the nails, he 'drools' almost all the nails that go in his mouth, and he can probably conceal a few in there, say between the cheeks and the back teeth, that won't show if he simply opens his mouth. I'd guess the two out the nose is real, unless he slips them in there while 'eating' them.

That's all just guessing, of course.

spawnflagger said:

ok, I get the frog thing (other magicians have done that). and the whole box of nails were trick nails (Jimmy didn't have a magnet or pour water in the bowl), but I don't understand how they got the entire audience to end up with the same card?
at least 1 would have not followed the instructions correctly...
could be the whole deck was activated by body heat (to change to 5 of hearts), hence the pocket or sitting on it?
Notice Jimmy put in his outer jacket pocket and didn't have it on the whole time - maybe that's why David didn't ask him to look at it at the end?

The Secret Optical Tool that Let you Draw like a Photo

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