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Transformers in 1-D

moodonia (Member Profile)

geo321 (Member Profile)

geo321 (Member Profile)

Hugh Laurie Sings His Blues

Shepppard says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^Shepppard:
I absolutely adore this man.
The original unfortunately was taken down ages ago for copyright blah blah blah.
Through tubedubber, you can finally see the original again without it being sped up, flipped, or slowed down. Huzzah!

Super Cool! Is tubedubber embeddable? I don't see it available.

Nope, or else I'd have that back on here in a heartbeat.

but, at least it's able to be viewed again.

Hugh Laurie Sings His Blues

Hugh Laurie Sings His Blues

HEAVY METAL PARKING LOT-scene from the 1986 cult classic

Fade says...

Don't forget: Europe - The Final Countdown>> ^poolcleaner:

Let's see -- 1986 -- what did the metal gods deliver us in this year? Queensryche came out with a decent album, Candlemass released their very first album, Metallica's greatest work, Master of the Puppets came out; Iron Maiden had an alright album (not really in any of my top ten lists, but it's Maiden so it counts for something), Tony Iommi's solo album with Glenn Hughes of Deep Purple, Stryper's To Hell with the Devil (Haha, I kid), Dio's Intermission, Slayer's Reign in Blood, Fates Warning's Awaken the Guardian, Megadeth's Peace Sells But Who's Buying, and Judas Priest's Turbo.
It really isn't their fault that they're all so wasted, this year was a powder keg of pure metal madness!

Fox News: Trusting Science May Offend Millions

Late Late Show: Interview with Hugh Laurie

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'short film, parking, self worth, world peace, dmv in a bar, smile, happy, hugh, newman' to 'short film, parking, self worth, world peace, dmv in a bar, smile, happy, hugh newman' - edited by xxovercastxx

The Daily Show - Have No Fear, England's Here

HaricotVert says...

And thus was born Grant's Law.

From wikipedia:

'In the 2006 CBS TV series Love Monkey, the character called Shooter (Larenz Tate) explained the phenomenon of male discontent as "Grant's Law." Referring to Hugh Grant, he said that the star: "had the hottest, sexiest and most beautiful woman waiting for him at home. And what does Hugh do? He picks up a cut-rate whore on Hollywood Boulevard." This, he believed, showed that "We, as men, can never be satisfied."'

>> ^Lithic:

Well, arguably a lot, especially since he was married at the time. >> ^hpqp:
What's morally wrong with getting car-head from a prostitute?

News of the World "journalist" clearly imploding

marbles says...

I call shenanigans. There's more to this story than what is being reported. The whole scenario with Hugh Grant recording him seems fishy. And the press tour this dude has been on makes no fuckin sense either.

Hugh Grant Owns Journalist - Exposes Media Phone Hacking

poolcleaner says...

>> ^vaire2ube:

this is an issue in its own right... im more concerned that putting someone on ignore means you still receive quote notifications with that persons text in ones email. fix?
>> ^poolcleaner:
>> ^vaire2ube:
8 )
tastes so good

Meanwhile, untold tragedies occur in Liberia where no stories reach the media. How dare you enjoy first world justice!

Working as intended. Also, in case you forgot, I ignored you first and for good reason, so don't act as if you're the entitled one here. Your comment on the video of the kid giving the motivational speech was in poor taste. I felt like you abused your right to post by touting the torturous death of an innocent on a video of a living, happy child. While the cause you supported is righteous, the location of the post was not. Sorry if I wasn't explicit at the time. Now I'm posting in poor taste but at least it's not on a happy video.

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Beggar's Canyon