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How to respond when a girl says she has a boyfriend

How to respond when a girl says she has a boyfriend

Carlos Mencia Steals Jokes

What's behind your avatar? (Sift Talk Post)

Emporer Bomb: The largest, most powerful nuclear explosive ever detonated

The Office - The IT Guy, Tim, and Gareth

United States Border Patrol

persephone says...

Driving through N.M. last hols, felt like we were visiting a police state. Thought the Border patrol guy said "Ja vol, your papers please..." but musta misheard.

All of us having dark brown hair, brown eyes and olive skin means they always stop our car to ask if we're American citizens, rather than wave the car through.

Nice place to visit....

Joe Rogan Vs. Heckler

AnimalsForCrackers says...

Imo, the Man Show was nothing special to begin with but certainly much worse without Corola + Kimmel. Also, people like Dane Cook are deserving of such scathing scrutiny...being a joke-thief hack and all. He has a rep for stealing material. Not in the free-form borrowing of ideas that's commonly accepted among most comedians but direct, almost word for word plagiarism. I liked him until I did some research, now, ehh not so much. Rogan loves to put joke-thieves on the spot. Another famous target of his is Carlos Mencia, aka Ned (wtf?) Holness. Great vid. =)

New Logo Submissions (Sift Talk Post)

ren says...

Woooh back from my short hols and there have been some really nice logo submissions.

I got a bit sick so had to cancel my evening plans, and in my boredom I made these extra logos for consideration as my old ones are starting to annoy me.

I also made a 3d model of a flour sifter with the videosift name on it if anyone wants to use or play with it it's here

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