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"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

newtboy says...

Once again, I need to see that notarized release from my wife before I make out with anyone! ;-)
Progress is good, but needs to continue.
Yes, scripture is political propaganda, not fact. It will NEVER convince me of anything other than of a person's faith in stories that have been proven to be fables at BEST. (If they were read that way by more people, as fables, there would be less trouble with 'religion' and it's followers IMO).
EDIT: I only wish 'Christians' could see that non-Christians give the bible as much credence as we give dianetic's-the Scientologist bible, and stop trying to use it to convince those who don't believe in it.

Now that I've hijacked another thread, I'm taking this one to New Zealand....I fear it's the only way I'll ever get to go there again.

enoch said:

@newtboy @shinyblurry
are you guys going to make out?
because if you are,let me grab my camera!

do not confuse faith with religion,they are not synonymous,though they can be in the context of someone who bases their faith on scripture.which is where shiny is coming from.

i will admit to a certain joy in seeing the progression of shiny from years ago where all he would do is copy/paste scripture with little understanding,but as somehow being a rebuttal argument.

now when he posts scripture it is always accompanied with HIS understanding of that very scripture.i am not saying he is right,i am just admiring his continued progress in his seeking to understand and formulating his arguments from HIS understandings,not just words.

so..bravo to you shiny.

but here is a hint:no way scripture is going to convince newt of..well..anything.

so,i got the camera.lets get to that making out!

*side note* has anybody ever seen a thread so derailed?
i think this one takes the gold.

MacBook vs Yoga Dance-Off

Sagemind says...

I just spent the entire weekend fighting with my daughter's Windows 8 laptop.
The microsoft account pretty much hijacked the entire computer. We got locked out of the MS account and it kept prompting us to enter a "Code" to unlock it. It wouldn't send us a code.
Tried to contact MS but Apparently, the only way Microsoft will talk with us, is through our MS account -- their site specifically says, "and if you can't access your account, you need to create a second MS account in order to talk to us."

We ended up just abandoning the entire MS Account and creating a new one, and of course, that locked her out of all the Apps on her laptop. She basically had to make new accounts for everything. All because Windows 8 acts just like those viruses that lock you out of your computer, till you give them your credit card number!!

She can't even use her computer without logging into the MS Account.

Despising Windows 8!

TYT Republicans destroy and have no solutions

VoodooV says...

I think I can explain the democrat hate: pure romanticism

Lincoln was a Republican, arguably our best president in history. I think people still try to attach to that and ignore the fact that the parties basically flipped because of the Southern Strategy after the Civil Rights Act. That and Republicans weren't always hijacked by the crazies. I think too many people don't want to admit their party has changed. It's also indoctrination. I've met plenty of people that agree with me point by point, yet they still manage to do these crazy mental gymnastics to rationalize to themselves that they HAVE to vote Republican. It's how they were brought up. Hell it almost happened to me, as a kid, long before I had any political identity. I always assumed I was Republican simply because I believed what everyone told me "Republicans are good with money, Democrats waste it" It wasn't until much later that I realized how untrue that was. Hell, even my first presidential vote in 2000, I listened too much to a Republican friend of mine ( one of the people I mentioned before that agreed with me on most everything, but still voted Republican) and because of his influence, I did vote for Bush in 2000 (so so sorry...not that it mattered in my red non-swing state)

One of my best friends is like this. he doesn't vote purely along party lines, and we agree on most political points, yet he still identifies as a Republican when in my opinion, he's an Independent like me. I think it's mainly because he was brought up by a military family and he was brought up to believe that the dems were the devil...despite how much he tends to agree with them.

its totally dysfunctional.

Its also part of the human condition IMO. There is a human need to have an enemy. Back in WWII we were pretty much united because we had to defeat the Axis. In the Cold War we were mostly united because we had to defeat the Russkies. America kinda stands alone now. No other military on earth can really challenge us. Sure the Taliban and ISIS are a source of terrorism, but they're still not a real threat, they could never invade or occupy us.

So there just aren't any real big threats out there...and when that happens...that's when infighting begins. People need an enemy, and when you can't find one without, you find one within.

newtboy said:

Absolutely...he's not rich though, so that doesn't explain it. Racism might explain the Obama hate, but not the Democratic hate.

Movie trailer- Official

Sagemind says...

This post seems shady to me.
Hijacked content which leads to a Youtube page offering a free download of the movie - (A link I wouldn't touch in a million years)

The Youtube video was posted and then minutes later it's posted here on the Sift by someone who just made their account and has never watched or commented or posted before.

From Youtube:
Published on Sep 23, 2014
Download the full movie from the link below and enjoy it! (*Link edited to be inoperable)

I'm going to Suggest a *Ban for possible Self Post.
Anyone who wants to second this ban can do so.

@davidon We welcome new members to the Sift, but it seems you are Spamming. If you feel unjustly accused, let us know. Thanks

Crazy Guy Runs Into Outback Tornado To Take Selfie

shveddy says...

Not sure about how I feel about this newfangled form of advertising.

They're trying to hijack the fact that authentic joy and excitement caught on tape can become popular on Youtube and make millions a little happier for watching it. Instead of just making you happy, however, their goal is to just sell you Jack Links beef jerky.

Don't fall for this and let the greedy corporate bastards corrupt another beautiful form of human expression; punish them by buying a different brand of beef jerky next time you go to the grocery store and watch these videos instead:

Double Rainbow:
Cheese Doodle:

Insane police chase of drunk semi truck driver

artician says...

Too many assumptions in this thread.

You have no idea what was going on in the semi's cab. We only know he was drunk after the fact. Guy could have had a seizure or stroke, been fighting a hijacker, or simply had multiple, innocent people as passengers. The only reason you can condemn him for bad judgement is because you, the viewer, knew the verdict before you even clicked the link.

I was surprised that they elevated the situation to trying to shoot the tires out.

I laughed at the fact that the passenger of the cop car looks like he's playing a video-game for the first 1/3rd of the clip (probably prepping his gun).

I was tickled that Russian highway patrol has mauve-colored seats.

Anyway, I agree with force-when-necessary, and corporal punishment as a last resort, but if you don't exhaust all other options first: Fuck you, your government, and whatever laws you think support that.

Henry Rollins Rant - Freedom & the Internet Are Under Attack

chingalera says...

Streaming and teeming, and rampant with pranksters
Meaning and dreaming, hijacked by gangsters

The internet, just a way for them to find you
The safest bet, check yer six (yo, that's behind you)

(y'all feel-free to add to the free-style in keeping with the thematic impetus..)

Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

chingalera says...

Me neither artician-The point of promoting this programmed tripe here on the videosift was for yet another robotic putty to poke fun at imbecilic news rants from goons whose only program is to build their microcosmic personal empires and make self-deluded sophistic dreamers a bit more satisfied that their particular take on how the world works is far superior to the next imbecile's damaged world-view.

There's only one real cure for the terminal U.S. government and its hijacking by oligarchs, financial criminals, and cocksuckers...Tear it the fuck down. The first step, stop watching these pricks, all of them.

Pilot loses patience after terror-threat delay @ JFK Airport

Pilot loses patience after terror-threat delay @ JFK Airport

Pilot loses patience after terror-threat delay @ JFK Airport

The "Throw Like a Girl" Myth | MythBusters

andyboy23 says...

Yeah, it's too bad MRA is a total joke. Unfortunately, like ChaosEngine said, any attempt such a movement will probably be hijacked/confused by those idiots.

Imagine for a moment if this guy didn't have video evidence to back him up:

He says so himself -- "The police approached me very aggressively, believing her full story, and before anything else was said I brought up something that she missed… The fact that the cell phone in my hand has a camera…that was recording."

Hooo boy.

The "Throw Like a Girl" Myth | MythBusters

ChaosEngine says...

I agree with pretty much everything else you've said. The problem is that any kind of mens "liberation" movement has been hijacked by the idiotic "mens rights" groups. It's not that there isn't some inequality against men that needs to be addressed (specifically around things like child custody), but more often these groups have confused not getting their way 100% of the time with being oppressed.

Regarding assault (sexual or otherwise), I think the overwhelming point there is that we should view from a gender blind perspective. It's feels ridiculous to even have to say this, but assault is bad, mmm'kay? The gender of those involved is irrelevant.

But there are some fairly deeply ingrained societal attitudes that will have to change. Picture the following scenarios:

Bob says something misogynistic to Alice. She slaps him.

Dave the evil kidnapper is finally caught and sent to jail. Someone makes a remark about not dropping the soap.

Both of those are stock standard fictional comedy tropes. The first is that when a man gets hit by a woman, he deserves it. The second is that male prison rape is implicitly funny, because the guy in prison deserves it. Can you imagine the outcry if a writer reversed those roles?

bareboards2 said:

Men have needed their own "liberation" movement, too -- to be free from the need to hide their "weakness."

Teenage (2013)

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

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