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Michael Che Hilarious "Black Lives Matters"

moonsammy says...

No, BLM did that with the Minneapolis / St Paul Pride parade in Minnesota last year as well. I've had to stop and have some real thinks about some of the tactics employed by BLM over the last few years, as frequently my gut reaction has been "well that seems excessively antagonistic towards people who likely already support them." Things like blocking a pride parade, or shutting down sections of highways and such. Ultimately, these actions aren't aimed at the people who are immediately affected by them, they're done to generate publicity for the group when they might otherwise have difficulty getting any sort of media attention paid to their message from more typical, "polite" protests.

Civil rights organizers have had over 60 years of experience in determining how to effectively protest, or longer if you look at examples like women's suffrage. At this point I think they have a pretty good idea of what forms of protest are useful vs counter-productive. I support what BLM is trying to accomplish, and as someone who to date has not personally helped that cause in any direct manner, I'm opting to trust that they have an idea what they're doing and that if I'm reacting negatively to their approach I should probably question / sit with that reaction before saying something foolish.

bcglorf said:

I hope the Canadian, and specifically Toronto, chapter of BLM is disparate from the American one, because this incident wasn't isolated.

Something fell out of the sky

Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control

newtboy says...

What about where there aren't police? Where I live, we only have highway patrol, and they can take 15-30 minutes if none are near, longer if they're busy. If I catch my meth head neighbor breaking into my house (and my neighbors have), I'm not waiting to see if he chooses fight or flight before grabbing my 12 gauge. Even here in Humboldt we have home invasions...meth is a hell of a drug, and it's everywhere these days.
I'm not living in constant fear of home invasion, but I do think it's enough of a possibility, and the possible consequences of being unprepared so dire that it's prudent to be able to protect yourself and not just expect a timely rescue.

...but i am in America, and you did say no CIVILIZED country, so maybe I'm exempt? ;-)

ChaosEngine said:

Most importantly, no civilised country thinks you need a gun for self-defence. A) we have police for that and b) most of us just aren't afraid that someone is coming to kill us... because they aren't.

Rocket In The Sky Plus Accident

spawnflagger says...

at first I thought, "why don't they do these test launches late at night when fewer people are out on the roads?" then I saw the timestamp at the bottom was ~1:30am.

Accident was here: Google Maps
Highway 10, between LA and Phoenix.

The Fast and The Furious...Not

Is It Dangerous To Talk To A Camera While Driving?

When you miss the exit in Toronto

When you miss the exit in Toronto

When you miss the exit in Toronto

nanrod says...

And here I came back to give you a scathing reply along the lines of what kind of major city has highway exits 50 miles apart. If you're not familiar with Toronto this the Gardiner Expressway and Rogers Centre where the Bluejays play and the CN Tower are immediately to the left in this view. The next exit is 3k. I didn't pick up that she said 50 miles, she must be American

ForgedReality said:

Five minutes to go 50 miles and back? Just how fast are you suggesting they drive?

edit - actually nevermind. I didn't pick up on her sarcasm the first time I watched.

Art of Police Cover Up - Recorded Hiding Evidence

newtboy says...

Your comment is confusing, considering the institutions being discussed.

Total financial bankruptcy of the institution is impossible, the institution is the government. No judgement will ever be so large that it bankrupts the government. Maybe it could bankrupt a small, local government/police force temporarily, but at best that just moves another less-local police force in (highway patrol, state police, etc.), which is never better and doesn't really fulfill that objective.

For police and most public servants, there is blanket immunity from personal financial responsibility for their actions while on duty.
That means in the cases where personal bankruptcy is the objective, it's doomed to fail miserably.

C-note said:

The goal is not to seek justice in america because there is no such thing. The objective is to win a large enough monetary judgment as to result in the financial bankruptcy of the institution and individuals involved.

Near Miss

blutruth says...

OK, a few things.

60 km/h is about 37 mph and although I don't know the exact speed limit on that street, it's not unreasonable to assume it's 50 or 60 km/h.

In the video, the light turns yellow approximately 1.5 seconds before he enters the intersection. He is going 54 km/h at that time. This means he is approximately 23 m from the intersection when the light turns yellow.

According to, the safe stopping distance for an average driver at 35 mph is 136 ft or around 41 m.

From the Ontario Highway Traffic Act: Every driver approaching a traffic control signal showing a circular amber indication and facing the indication shall stop his or her vehicle if he or she can do so safely, otherwise he or she may proceed with caution. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (15).

Also from the Ontario Highway Act: No driver or operator of a vehicle in an intersection shall turn left across the path of a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction unless he or she has afforded a reasonable opportunity to the driver or operator of the approaching vehicle to avoid a collision. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 141 (5).

Drachen_Jager said:

Or when you're on a motorcycle actually follow the rules of the damn road?

Yellow means stop if it's safe. He had tons of room to stop and decided to hit the gas instead. LOS doesn't matter, he was the one breaking the law, yellow light is the left turner's chance to turn.

Guy was being a prick and then complains about the other guy's driving.

There's a reason the majority of organ donations come from motorcyclists.

Also, missed this the first time round. He's in an urban area doing 60. So on top of running the light, he's speeding!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Hiker Followed By Bears

newtboy says...

I'm happy that I have run into bears here. It makes me feel like our area isn't as devoid of wildlife as many places are.
We have all those listed, plus skunks, possums, gophers, salamanders, elk, and yes, bears. Once I even saw a porcupine walking down the highway.
Twice I've had bears cross a river less than 50 ft from me while I was fishing just blocks from home, and before I built my fence they ravaged my apple trees every year with the elk and deer.
It's still a possibility that a bear is what paralyzed our puppy in our yard last June. We never found out what happened to her, and she's not talking, but she is up and walking.

ant said:

I hope I never run into bears in my rural area! I only had seen birds, coyotes, dogs, humans, snakes, butterflies, (w/rabbit)s, horses, bun(nie)s, cat (just one), squirrels, raccoon, etc.

Oxygen Delivery Truck - A Delivery Gone Very Wrong

Baby Raccoons toy with angler

Ashenkase says...

"so they were likely not orphans"

Likely doesn't mean 100% certainty.

Hate to say it, but my instinct is that Momma is a pancake on the highway.

newtboy said:

Thanks Debbie Downer....but he addressed that in the description.

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