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Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

bobknight33 says...

Truly there should be a helping hand to bright students who can't get a scholarship, loans to to to higher education.

I was poor student , didnt care about it got low grades. -- A year of washing dishes made me think find a white collar job. Dad refused to pay / help. I ended up getting student loans.

Dads motto -
IF you want something bad enough you will find a way.

Dad was a HS grad and was writing quotes for Navy Nuclear and many other million $ bids. Smartest man I know.

Paid my way through Penn State, slept on the floor, no heat 1/2 year ---- but I did it . Paid back my student loans and I am a better person for it.

higher education should place a finical burden on you - You will work harder because you can't afford to fck around.

That being said college / universities are over charging and raping students more and more every year.

? do college charge more because they know that the student can get the loan? I think so.

I think If you drop the amount a student can get in loans I sure tuition will drop to that level --- Supply and demand.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Giving a Gopher a Helping Hand Digging, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 570 Badge!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mark Levin Provides Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower

newtboy says...

You claimed he provides proof....he did nothing of the sort, he just misrepresented other opinion articles.

Voted down because it's bullshit lies/propaganda with no evidence, much less proof, already publicly denied by the FBI, who would have been the ones doing the wire taping and are firmly in Trump's camp.
Fair and balanced means no lies allowed....that might preclude you ever posting again....don't push that idea, it doesn't help you.

There's plenty of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, mostly coming directly from Trump, but all admitted after the fact when the evidence became public (but lied about until that evidence was released, repeatedly). The continuing lies and distractions, like this one, are pretty good evidence too, and are proof that they are hiding something. Proof can only come from the FBI, and Trump is quickly making enemies of the director that helped hand him the presidency, so it may surface soon.

Edit: my mistake. The proof was when Trump publicly asked Putin to hack Clinton, and a week later she was hacked by Russians. Even if they hadn't done as he requested, the request itself is attempted collusion, irrefutable and undeniable.

No, releasing proof that the president colluded with a foreign power would absolutely not be subversive....neither was Manning or Snowden IMO. Whistleblowers are supposed to be exempt by law.

I agree, let's see it. That's up to Trump and his administration. They have the proof, pissed off congressmen and women don't.

False stories like this, now admitted lie, made up by a rabblerouser with zero evidence, just his own misinterpretation of other people's work, and spread knowingly by liars like you. When the left is presented with proof their suspicions are wrong, they tend to move on...but not the liars on the right.....birthers is all I need say, but it's FAR from the only example I can produce. Truth doesn't have a side, no matter how hard you wish it did, but lies and fantasy are the currency of this administration.

This is what's meant by "fake news". Totally made up bullshit designed to distract. Trump's ties to Russia are documented and admitted (sometimes...Trump can't keep his story straight). In 2014 he was bragging about his ongoing great personal friendship with Putin and their numerous recent personal he claims to barely know Putin and that they haven't spoken for over 10 years....which is it?

bobknight33 said:

I did nothing of the wort.

I posted what seems to be the author ( loosely used ) that started all this mess this weekend. All Mark did is pointed to 3 or 4 news articles. I was just documenting where this all started. No more no less. There press articles were all biased left and indicated that Obama is implicated. Why wold Left wing Obama fanboys new papers write such lies?

You and the other Leftest sifters voted this video off the site...Typical of your kind.. Can't listen to the other side... Oh Fuck no... Can't have fail and balance.

Then again this is about as much proof as the Democrats and main stream media has on any Trump / Russian collusion. Isn't it?

Granted NSA records everything. They even have Hillary's missing 33 thousand missing emails.

This does not give any government person the right to leak such data. That would be subversion.

You and the media have said that this Trump evidence/intelligence WAS gathered before Trump took office, lets see it. There are plenty of anti TRUMP on both sides for this to come out.

Government works so slowly there will never be proof. There are allies on both sides. Proof will never see the light of day.

Democrats just use false stories to keep Trump off balanced and hopes he falls. Trump just playing their game.

I Give My Money To Millionaires And Dont Give A Fuck About U

dannym3141 says...

Er this is way out of date, but i just came across this.

The Big Issue is sold by homeless people, and the idea is that they are classed as employed for the various benefits that bestows against anti-begging rules or social norms.

And it kind has a respectability to it so it gives confidence to people who believe the usual stigmata; this is a Big Issue seller so you're not going to get spat on, swore at, it's not stolen and your money won't go on booze, etc.

The previous description made it sound a bit like a career choice, when it's more like a helping hand when you don't have a career.

The Daily Show - Wack Flag

bobknight33 says...

I don't fear the black, yellow or other taking my job because of race? I don't freaking care. May the best candidate get the job. I have had many jobs in my life and would find another if I needed to.

Do you think I would hire a black? not in a million years? You would be wrong at that. I had 1 opportunity to hire 1 candidate. I picked the best educated person that would fit the job and he was a black man.

You think my wife and kids are Lilly white. You would be wrong at that also. My family is so mixed that I am the lone token white.

You have any other falsehoods you wish to inquire about? Go ahead I answer them too.

Bottom line I don't care what "you" are. All I care is that you are trying to get ahead in life and that you are a peaceful neighbor.

I have little sympathy for those who desire to stay at the bottom out of convenience, leaching off our tax dollars and blaming others for their misfortune. I not bitching about those given a shitty hand in life or those needing a helping hand. We all need a helping hand at times. But not decade after decade. The nation spends about 3% on social needs, Fine make it 5% or something. Just don't waste it on looses and government bureaucracy.

You would probably make a fine neighbor and work colleague.

You asked me once how old I was and I answer 53. So out of curiosity how old are you?

GenjiKilpatrick said:

You DO have Aggrieved White Man Syndrome/White Fragility.

Tho figured you'd understand it better if you heard it from another white man.

Just food for thought. You know, meditation material.

Critically thinking curriculum.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Why can't white people stop the violence?

kevingrr says...

Bad behavior is bad behavior no matter if it is white, black, citizen, or police officer.

What is sad is that even though only a minority of protesters and police engage in bad behavior we and the media spend our time focusing on these individuals and nitpicking about the reasons instead of finding common ground and working together.

Certain communities and groups in this country need help more than others. We need less finger pointing and more helping hands.

The white people in that video? Thugs. The protesters who turned violent? Thugs. Police officers breaking the laws they are sworn to protect? Thugs. The definition of thug is "a violent criminal."

Trying to incite a flameware like @GenjiKilpatrick did above is not helpful and falls just short of an ad hominem attack. Do you think @bobknight33 and you really disagree about a bunch of white hoodlums knocking over portapottys or bankers stealing millions? If you take a step back you probably agree on more than you might think.

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

nock (Member Profile)

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

...some worthy words offered six years ago by a wise man....

I hope you do not mind me posting them here for others, wise or...



by D. Ault

I owe you no apologies,
Nor will I accept those apologies made for me by others.

If you dislike me - you dislike me not for what I am,
But what you are not.
By my own sweat, I have created a lifestyle which I desire for all men.

To the world, I have shared my wealth and given my blood,
Not because of obligation- but of my free will.
I have fed the hungry of the world.
Many have bit my hand; I used the other hand.

I defeated my enemies in battle,
Then pulled them up from the ashes of defeat.
Once strong, they again attacked,
I turned the other cheek.

Though I am strong,
I have never used my strength to rule others.
But do not misjudge me,
I will not allow the fear of my own strength
To become my weakness.

If you wish to rise, I will give you a helping hand.
But by the grace of God,
And I'll first be dammed,
If I'll let you drag me down
So that we may be equal.

Why cant non probationary, non gem, members *dead/dupe/rel (Wtf Talk Post)

jonny says...

I think a review of the star powers and number of sifted videos required for each level is definitely in order. A few points...

The star level at which the different invocations become available was decided and set when the number of videos to reach those star levels was much lower (bronze used to be only 10, silver 25, gold 50, etc.). When that change was made there was concern about star point inflation, but I never did understand why a 10 star level was not kept.

Some probationary users just don't care to submit videos for whatever reason, and prefer to interact solely through comments. Some of the non-P, non-starred members also take this route. Others don't really interact at all (no submissions, no comments, no votes even) which makes no sense to me. Why bother creating an account and logging in if you're not going to do anything?

For a few reasons, there are some users that dominate the sift submissions, especially the front page. First, charter (i.e., paying) members get to submit twice as many videos as everyone else (and crown members get another one on top of that). Second, some users have all of their posts immediately upvoted by one or more other users the instant they're submitted, boosting hotness and visibility. This does make it difficult for everyone else's posts to get noticed as the default setting for the frontpage is hotness. Third, some folks spend a lot of time sifting videos. The result is that several sources of videos are also dominated by certain members due to availability of slots and time spent posting.

Every user can call dupeof on their own posts (even probies I think), but no one can call a dupeof on a video that duplicates one of their own.

I do agree with you and the others about users having more control over their own submissions. It is pretty silly not to be able to use dead, notdead, backup, and findthumb on one's own videos. Many of the other invocations, though, are essentially available by editing your own video (blocked, nsfw, etc.).

Lastly, getting videos sifted does seem more difficult now than it was when I first joined, especially for non-P and non-starred members. (Probies actually have a little bit of an advantage here by being more likely to get a helping hand from starred members.) I think this is partly do to the changed nature of the community and some of the reasons noted above about dominance. But broadly speaking, we've all been there. It seemed to take quite a while for me to get to a bronze star (when it was 10 videos) and I was submitting videos as fast as the system would allow.

Broked down car and assholes (Talks Talk Post)

Kreegath says...

I would never allow a stranger into my car, and while it's terrible that a situation can arise where you can't lend a helping hand to a stranger in need in fear for your own safety, that's the reality for most of us. If someone had their car break down and asked me for help, the least (and incidentally the most) I would do is help arrange for a tow truck. If you did stop, offer a lift and get robbed, everyone would say that you have nobody to blame but yourself, that it's common sense not to pick up strangers on the road at night. Hitchhiker criminals have ruined it for everyone.

Caintime Live! with Mike Tyson

Cafferty File: Obama on deepening national financial crisis

bobknight33 says...

Your link is pointless.
Each person in the world practices Capitalism each and every day. So why do you dog it so much?

Your link is about the various causes of homeless.
The lack of Affordable housing is not the fault of capitalism. Capitalism does not raise costs but reduces costs through competition. Government rules and regulations add costs. Go blame them.

Another on that list is "Government policy - Child support enforcement keeping drivers licenses from citizens and other civil rights violations." Once again Government messing with people from enjoying their freedom which costs them more money. Go fight the government, not Capitalism.

Lastly another item on you list is low wages. Low wage is not meant to live on but a stepping stone as one advances in their career. The only people who live on low wages are those who decided not to pay attention in school and got left behind. That's their fault. If they really want a better wage then they will make the necessary adjustments and turn themselves around towards the part of prosperity.

Granted some are born with low IQ or such and would not ever be much more than a burger flipper. That is sad and the local community should be the helping hand in times of need, not Government.

>> ^Peroxide:

>> ^bobknight33:
Capitalism it the best. It serves all people equally.

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