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U.S gov bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Asmo says...

Bwahahahaha, "free market".

"The current program, put in place in 1981"

Subsidies etc = a form of socialism, lending a helping hand to those in need. The guy in the video justifies the bail out of FM/FM by pointing out the horrible ramifications, both domestically and abroad... So, your taxpaying dollars are being spent to help not only fellow citizens but foreigners.. X )

The irony is just delightful. More seriously, your level of self delusion and denial is scary at times...

Secret film reveals how Mugabe stole an election

theaceofclubz says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
As someone who lived in that region. It makes me sad to see who keeps on happening there.
However am I totally not surprised that there is complete inability and unwillingness of behalf both the African and International community to actually do anything about it.
Remember Rwanda. Same shit. Different deal.

I would completely agree, who are we, some imperialist government from the other side of the world to intervene. Wouldn't the responsibility fall more on the governments of the region. Any helping hand that we reach out would be met with hate and killing.

US Navy shoots down Iranian passenger jet

jimnms says...

The following is from a Newsweek article read by Sen. Byrd (D, WV) during a congressional hearing on September 20, 2002:

The last time Donald Rumsfeld saw Saddam Hussein, he gave him a cordial handshake. The date was almost 20 years ago, Dec. 20, 1983; an official Iraqi television crew recorded the historic moment.

The once and future Defense secretary, at the time a private citizen, had been sent by President Ronald Reagan to Baghdad as a special envoy. Saddam Hussein, armed with a pistol on his hip, seemed "vigorous and confident," according to a now declassified State Department cable obtained by Newsweek. Rumsfeld "conveyed the President's greetings and expressed his pleasure at being in Baghdad," wrote the notetaker. Then the two men got down to business, talking about the need to improve relations between their two countries.

Like most foreign-policy insiders, Rumsfeld was aware that Saddam was a murderous thug who supported terrorists and was trying to build a nuclear weapon. (The Israelis had already bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor at Osirak.) But at the time, America's big worry was Iran, not Iraq. The Reagan administration feared that the Iranian revolutionaries who had overthrown the shah (and taken hostage American diplomats for 444 days in 1979-81) would overrun the Middle East and its vital oilfields. On the--theory that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, the Reaganites were seeking to support Iraq in a long and bloody war against Iran. The meeting between Rumsfeld and Saddam was consequential: for the next five years, until Iran finally capitulated, the United States backed Saddam's armies with military intelligence, economic aid and covert supplies of munitions...

The history of America's relations with Saddam is one of the sorrier tales in American foreign policy. Time and again, America turned a blind eye to Saddam's predations, saw him as the lesser evil or flinched at the chance to unseat him. No single policymaker or administration deserves blame for creating, or at least tolerating, a monster; many of their decisions seemed reasonable at the time. Even so, there are moments in this clumsy dance with the Devil that make one cringe. It is hard to believe that, during most of the 1980s, America knowingly permitted the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission to import bacterial cultures that might be used to build biological weapons...

The war against Iran was going badly by 1982. Iran's "human wave attacks" threatened to overrun Saddam's armies. Washington decided to give Iraq a helping hand.

After Rumsfeld's visit to Baghdad in 1983, U.S. intelligence began supplying the Iraqi dictator with satellite photos showing Iranian deployments. Official documents suggest that America may also have secretly arranged for tanks and other military hardware to be shipped to Iraq in a swap deal--American tanks to Egypt, Egyptian tanks to Iraq. Over the protest of some Pentagon skeptics, the Reagan administration began allowing the Iraqis to buy a wide variety of "dual use" equipment and materials from American suppliers. According to confidential Commerce Department export-control documents obtained by NEWSWEEK, the shopping list included a computerized database for Saddam's Interior Ministry (presumably to help keep track of political opponents); helicopters to transport Iraqi officials; television cameras for "video surveillance applications"; chemical-analysis equipment for the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC), and, most unsettling, numerous shipments of "bacteria/fungi/protozoa" to the IAEC. According to former officials, the bacterial cultures could be used to make biological weapons, including anthrax. The State Department also approved the shipment of 1.5 million atropine injectors, for use against the effects of chemical weapons, but the Pentagon blocked the sale. The helicopters, some American officials later surmised, were used to spray poison gas on the Kurds.

The United States almost certainly knew from its own satellite imagery that Saddam was using chemical weapons against Iranian troops. When Saddam bombed Kurdish rebels and civilians with a lethal cocktail of mustard gas, sarin, tabun and VX in 1988, the Reagan administration first blamed Iran, before acknowledging, under pressure from congressional Democrats, that the culprits were Saddam's own forces.

The United States was much more concerned with protecting Iraqi oil from attacks by Iran as it was shipped through the Persian Gulf. In 1987, an Iraqi Exocet missile hit an American destroyer, the USS Stark, in the Persian Gulf, killing 37 crewmen. Incredibly, the United States excused Iraq for making an unintentional mistake and instead used the incident to accuse Iran of escalating the war in the gulf. The American tilt to Iraq became more pronounced. U.S. commandos began blowing up Iranian oil platforms and attacking Iranian patrol boats. In 1988, an American warship in the gulf accidentally shot down an Iranian Airbus, killing 290 civilians. Within a few weeks, Iran, exhausted and fearing American intervention, gave up its war with Iraq.

Saddam was feeling cocky. With the support of the West, he had defeated the Islamic revolutionaries in Iran. America favored him as a regional pillar; European and American corporations were vying for contracts with Iraq. He was visited by congressional delegations led by Sens. Bob Dole of Kansas and Alan Simpson of Wyoming, who were eager to promote American farm and business interests. But Saddam's megalomania was on the rise, and he overplayed his hand. In 1990, a U.S. Customs sting operation snared several Iraqi agents who were trying to buy electronic equipment used to make triggers for nuclear bombs. Not long after, Saddam gained the world's attention by threatening "to burn Israel to the ground." At the Pentagon, analysts began to warn that Saddam was a growing menace, especially after he tried to buy some American-made high-tech furnaces useful for making nuclear-bomb parts. Yet other officials in Congress and in the Bush administration continued to see him as a useful, if distasteful, regional strongman. The State Department was equivocating with Saddam right up to the moment he invaded Kuwait in August 1990.

From the beginning of Sen. Byrd's statement:
Mr. President, I referred to this Newsweek article yesterday at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Specifically, during the hearing, I asked Secretary Rumsfeld:

"Mr. Secretary, to your knowledge, did the United States help Iraq to acquire the building blocks of biological weapons during the Iran-Iraq war? Are we in fact now facing the possibility of reaping what we have sewn?"

The Secretary quickly and flatly denied any knowledge but said he would review Pentagon records.

I suggest that the administration speed up that review. My concerns and the concerns of others have grown.

A letter from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, which I shall submit for the Record, shows very clearly that the United States is, in fact, preparing to reap what it has sewn. A letter written in 1995 by former CDC Director David Satcher to former Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr., points out that the U.S. Government provided nearly two dozen viral and bacterial samples to Iraqi scientists in 1985--samples that included the plague, botulism, and anthrax, among other deadly diseases.

According to the letter from Dr. Satcher to former Senator Donald Riegle, many of the materials were hand carried by an Iraqi scientist to Iraq after he had spent 3 months training in the CDC laboratory.

The Armed Services Committee is requesting information from the Departments of Commerce, State, and Defense on the history of the United States, providing the building blocks for weapons of mass destruction to Iraq. I recommend that the Department of Health and Human Services also be included in that request.

The American people do not need obfuscation and denial. The American people need the truth. The American people need to know whether the United States is in large part responsible for the very Iraqi weapons of mass destruction which the administration now seeks to destroy.

We may very well have created the monster that we seek to eliminate. The Senate deserves to know the whole story. The American people deserve answers to the whole story.

The full transcript of the Congressional Record can be read here:

I Am A Scientologist

JTZ says...

Thank God! That some one else noticed that man saying "where ever there's NATURAL DISASTERS, like 911!!!!!" they are there to help...
Handing out 20 pounds of rations of ICE!


Apparently being a scientologist is like going to the movies and being young! Sign me up, I do love the theatres.

And that guy is awesome, he made this video watchable.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

antnhec says...

H8i, really like your choices so far... noticed you left a commetn on blinbking ballet, a while back... there's a follow up, which I think is better, you might like. called the trolley dance... think the over 50s need a helping hand

anyone else get bugged by this? (Sift Talk Post)

fissionchips says...

I'm not too bothered, as long as videos are tagged and searchable. Well known bands have name recognition, while others need a helping hand to get noticed.

I think you can sympathize that "Yuki intro" isn't the most attention-grabbing headline.

Hold My Beer

Kathy Griffin, Red Headed Oprah

Fletch says...

"Everybody needs a helping hand"

Doesn't that sound condescending to anybody else? Assuming, and approaching people as if they are "in need" just may offend some. I don't think the camera and the fact it was an extremely white girl helped any, either.

"The Real Problem With Alexa" (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Mr. Taco is absolutely right - on all counts.

However, for a smaller (non-slashdot size) community, we can leverage the flaws of Alexa to our advantage. Advertisers do use it as a metric - and as we are about to punch through 4K in Alexa - we have received an uptick in our advertising revenue!

So thanks everyone for
helping out the community in this way, cheesy as it may be - it is helping to finance the new server.

Polyandry in the Himalayas

persephone says...

O.k. so maybe this system is a bit weird for Western culture, but maybe if this practice had been more widespread in the world, we wouldn't have such a huge population problem today, or a 50% divorce rate.

Families and their children wouldn't lack for support and a helping hand. The children would feel so loved, with all those daddies!

choggie (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Thanks for the Mars sift. I needed the peace and quiet.

some words


by D. Ault

I owe you no apologies,
Nor will I accept those apologies made for me by others.

If you dislike me - you dislike me not for what I am,
But what you are not.
By my own sweat, I have created a lifestyle which I desire for all men.

To the world, I have shared my wealth and given my blood,
Not because of obligation- but of my free will.
I have fed the hungry of the world.
Many have bit my hand; I used the other hand.

I defeated my enemies in battle,
Then pulled them up from the ashes of defeat.
Once strong, they again attacked,
I turned the other cheek.

Though I am strong,
I have never used my strength to rule others.
But do not misjudge me,
I will not allow the fear of my own strength
To become my weakness.

If you wish to rise, I will give you a helping hand.
But by the grace of God,
And I'll first be dammed,
If I'll let you drag me down
So that we may be equal.

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

BlueGeorgeWashington says...

Hey Guys-Good Morning to You!

First: detlev409 --- Mr. "Farhad" was the one who first brought up "GITMO" which I responded to. Don't you ever check the sequential line of comments? I believe you have good intentions but they are misguided. Your compassion for merciless jihadists is a grave error in perception and you may well wind up in the grave after you give them a helping hand. Jihadists are programmed to murder as many innocents as possible. They do not care about your good will and are completely dehumanized. They are non-thinking robotic killing machines that exist for the most evil moment when they press that button that explodes the innocent lives of anyone on this planet. It is truly a psychological cancer that is occuring on our planet. Depending on how deeply programmed they are-most are dehumanized forever. You have become a "softy" for jihadists that have lost there connection with humanity--and that is extremely dangerous.

I have noticed that you and farhad have have blurred the issue of "civil rights" to "human rights and "illegal immigrants" to "immigrants" which has become the deceptive strategy of this Illegal Immigrants Rights Movement which is probably one of the biggest misnomers in American history since by definition illegal immigrants have no "civil rights". Ben Franklin (and the other Founding Fathers) would be aghast at the American Government EVEN CONSIDERIING giving citizenship rights to a foreign country's people (Mexico) who illegally broke into and invaded America. If you want to hand over your country (if America is your country) to Mexico --SHAME ON YOU TRAITORS! I'm appalled by your mushy unclear thinking. I am friends with many decent+legal Mexican people--they don't like what the illegal Mexicans are doing because they have the brains to know what is right and wrong. It will put a blight on the Mexican community forever.

Hey Mr. Joe Dirt!---I do not know what planet you live on or what country your in ( you have a "colorful" language) but last time I checked every major news outlet or program the facts show that the MAJORITY of illegal immigrants are Mexican in origin and the conservative estimate is 12 million. One of the other deceptive tactics the illegals use to blur the issue of their illegal acts is racism. I'm not racist. I'm against manipulative dishonest unfair lawbreakers who usually are racist these days since it's so convenient to use "racism" to skirt the issue of one's wrongdoing. People see through you. What you think you know is wrong Mr. Dirt Dirt. You are another one who wants to hand over your counrty. Get your head out of the DIRT.

I knew when I decided to state my views on illegal immigration I would be talking myself blue in the face-hence the name BlueGeorgeWashington --but also because if President Washington were alive today to see what is happening to his country he would be very Blue because of this sad and fractured condition America is in. UNDERHANDED B......turds! Your day of reckoning will come .

Dog gets rejected, then pleases himself

If Americans Knew

quantumushroom says...

"Prior to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, no serious movement existed for a Palestinian homeland.

Palestine never existed as a nation-state and has never been ruled by Arabs.

There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture and there has never been a land governed by Palestinians.

When the kingdom of Jordan ruled Palestine, the "Palestinians" never accused Jordan of "occupying" Palestinian land. Where were the Palestinians when Jordan occupied the entire West Bank, including Jerusalem? Why didn't they make claims of wanting their own state then?

Arabs who live in Israel are treated better and have more political, religious and economic freedoms than most Arab citizens in any of the other 22 Arab states, all of which are varying degrees of police states."

So pray tell, why must the democratic oasis of Israel be compromised and destroyed? To what end?

Could Palestinians be the Middle Eastern counterparts of those in America who blame "Whitey" for all their ills while ignoring the helping hands at the ends of their own arms???


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