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Report” Blames Biden Administration For Chaotic Withdrawal

newtboy says...

“The fundamental problem is we decided to leave Afghanistan precipitously without a plan to get people out.”


Who, exactly, @bobknight33, made that half assed plan with the Taliban in 2020 and didn’t involve the Afghan government (or our military it seems) in discussions? Who made that plan to be out 6 months earlier than we left, but by Jan 20 had made absolutely zero actions or plans to prepare for the withdrawal he planned to complete 6 weeks later? (He was far too busy trying to stage coups and perform frauds, whining, crying, and throwing tantrums to deal with the business of the presidency.) How was Trump’s (total lack of) plan and actions any better?

The Death Couloir - Mont Blanc

newtboy says...

Can we not try to make EVERYTHING “safe” please!?

I would bet half the climbers went for the risk and danger. There are plenty of hikes that are safe…if people want a safe climb, go to one.

Rate the daily danger level, sure, and allow adults to choose their acceptable risk level. Inform visitors that rescue workers will not put themselves in danger to save you, and even list the average cost of a rescue/recovery that you will be billed for. Require liability waivers.

Don’t lowest common denominator nature, you will fail even if you succeed.

I Crashed My Plane

StukaFox says...

The FAA is up there with the TSA, DHS and the NSA as far as TLAs you should NEVER piss-off.

I got pulled over by DHS while I was driving through North Cascades National Park a few years ago. They weren't even marked trucks. One pulled ahead of me, the second one was right on my rear bumper and the "PULL OVER NOW!" was like the voice of God.

I was going camping and they made me pull every fucking thing out of my Subie. Then they went through it all. They confiscated my two pre-rolls and my pipe ("you're on Federal land"), then they called "backup". I sat on the side of the road at Newhalem for about two hours while they dug through all my stuff like a half-dozen times and kept asking me the same stupid-ass questions ("why are you here", "do you know anyone in this area?", "have you ever been arrested for a crime in the US or abroad?") over and over. People where driving by and looking at me and my wife like we were the whitest ISIS fighters ever.

They gave me the ol' "You're free to go" and drove off.

Fuckers took my dope!!

Ashenkase said:

The FAA report will be out in a year. I hope this goes to criminal charges, a complete disregard for human safety (not his).

CNN Biden Failures

JiggaJonson says...

Separately, I'm really tired of people saying "democrat controlled congress"

Yeah but when two people
Claim to be democrats except they won't vote for literally any major democratic policy, it's not fair to put it that way.

Idk, the GOP has RINOs.
I'm calling DINO on Manchin and Cinema.

And it's not Bidens fault that a bunch of dumbasses won't get vaccinated and wear a mask and the other half of congress and local govs resist it ay every step.

Should read more like
DEMOCRATS CONTROLL CONGRESS except only 48 senate votes also the courts are reversing this and this and this because they believe a comedian who hosted Fear Factor over the world renowned scientist and doctor responsible for stamping out AIDS.

F1 Romain Grosjean crash "about 27 seconds in fire" 11/29/20

eric3579 says...

It's funny that Grosjean was a staunch critic of the Halo device that ended up saving him from likely being torn in half. He has since changed his mind

"I wasn’t for the halo some years ago, but I think it’s the greatest thing that we brought to Formula One, and without it I wouldn’t be able to speak to you today." - Grosjean

YouTuber tracking down guy who stole his stuff

newtboy says...

Edit: It’s sad that thieves caught red handed are allowed to get away with these blatantly false excuses and half apologies so often.

(Removed by request)

bobknight33 said:

I just don't understand people that steal.

Poor broke homeless is 1 thing but this no.

Jordan Klepper vs. Anti-Vaxxers in SoCal | The Daily Show

2021 Formula Off-road Best In Show

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

newtboy says...

No. We cannot.

5-10% on the left are radical and fucked in the head. >50% of the right are too. Qmorons are just one main batshit crazy portion. Edit: There’s also the anti science/anti education crowd, all on the right. And the xenophobic racist coward portion, all right wing. Then you’ve got the hyper Christians apoplectic at the idea we might help the poor, feed the starving, or treat others as they expect to be treated. Talk about delusional.

25% of the left are under educated gullible people who just accept what they see on the news without questioning it, 80% of the right are under educated gullible people who accept what they are told by foreign run propaganda channels that put “news” in their name because otherwise there would be absolutely zero news there.
The remaining 20% or less on the right are either struggling in their devil’s bargain, of selling their reputations, honesty, and sanity for temporary political or financial gains…or like my entire family, they’re walking away from lifetime Republican service that included running Bush sr’s Houston election office when he ran for governor.

The Q people….are the right. Don’t 1/2 or more of you believe that nonsense…that Democrats eat babies for eternal youth and magic power, Covid is a sham, vaccines are mind control, Jewish space lasers start wildfires because climate change is a massive worldwide hoax, school shootings are all faked, dead Democrats endorse Trump for king. Yes, wow….that’s half or more of your party…including many of your representatives. Totally certifiable nut jobs.

Wayne Brady biatch!

bobknight33 said:


So can we generally agree that:

10% of the Left/Right are radical and way too fucked in the head.

45% of the Left / Right are just gullible people who except what they see on the news, etc.- The Q people waiting for JFK. wow

The remaining actually spend some time and thought into issues at hand.

Dave Chapel is 1 of the greatest comics of our time.

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

cloudballoon says...

That's a gem in this segment of the show.

Of all the things I don't agree with Maher (recently of the Mask Mandate, sooooooooo misinformed and/or self-centered, he's part of the prolonged problem), I must say, his fixation on not cancelling anyone and while urging people not being snowflakes are right stands for me. As much as a "political opposite" some people are to me, I'm actually far more interested in the reasons behind why they take those stands, whether they care to explain themselves or not (because, come on, we KNOW American culture breeds goats and they can only parrot what their political/religious/news/social media overlords tell them without understanding the ulterior motives behind their words & actions). I've long given up expecting one half of the population to be able to articulate thoughts.

His shows are still able (willing?) to invite "both sides" to the table. For that, his shows are worth watching.

newtboy said:

All’s well that’s Orwell.

5SF: Sheet Ghost

BSR says...

The sheet slipped its corner under the crack in the door, inching through with a mind of its own. She froze staring at it, her leg half out the window. Max stopped screaming. They just watched as the fabric kept pooling inside, about to take human shape again.

Calmly, Max turned to her and spoke deeper than he ever had before, somehow knowing it was the end. As the sheet rose behind him, he intoned to her: “Why couldn’t you save me, Mom?”

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Half what it was under the last one. Biden isn’t being bribed by China to look the other way, Trump definitely was, his secret bank account they used to bribe him was discovered years ago, and the tens of millions handed to his children by China are public records, not internet rumors like the ludicrous charges against Hunter of being a multi billionaire from Chinese bribes despite the fact that he never had billions.

bobknight33 said:


What % do yo think China will invade Taiwan under this administration?

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

cloudballoon says...

Why can't the victim/PD/city sue the officers individually? "You do the crime, you do the time." Make the punishment just and personally reponsible & I bet these "bad apples" blue gangs occurences would be slashed by a half. Guess these "police union" criminal organizations holds too much power.

Qualified Immunity is such BS, such blanket protection/corruption shouldn't exist in the first place.

bobknight33 said:

Well looks like they blue shirts did get away with it but this is still clearly wrong.
They should have been charged with crimes. But they got a pass.

All that is left is a cash settlement for their fuck up. And yes tax payers will pick up the tab. Thats fucked too. Pay out should be taken from the PD budget.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh -roe!

Trump’s all encompassing NDAs are invalid. As usual, he overreached, tried to control everything his subordinates said forever. It forced them to, using the judges words, “never say anything negative about Trump, his family, his businesses, or his administration for life”. The judge called it unenforceable, and since he made them all sign the same NDA, they’re all void. He can still sue any who talk, assuming he can find a lawyer dumb enough to work for him, but he’ll lose.

Expect tons of new revelations about how he operates, none good. Of course, he’ll attack any who does as a piece of shit, just like over half of his “best people” he had working for him….running the government while he watched tv. Crazy how many of them he now says are horrible, inept, self centered, disloyal morons who couldn’t do their jobs….almost like he’s projecting his estimation of himself on any ex employee.

Wasn’t his claim to fame that he hires only the best people? Doesn’t that make him an abject failure at the one thing he seemed to do well…hiring competent people to run his affairs?

Expect another round of massive lawsuits to come shortly, lawsuits he can’t defend against because no lawyer will go near him, they like to be paid for their work and Trump is famous for stiffing everyone but especially lawyers.

Edit: Also, he’s off the Forbes 400….not that he ever belonged there. They originally took his worthless word for how much he was worth….a number exponentially larger than the one he gave the IRS, btw. Now even he can’t lie enough to appear to be in the richest 400 people in America. Better, if he had divested from his properties instead of using his office to illicitly steer business to them (business that stopped after Jan 20 when there was no longer a reason for foreign powers to bribe him by, say, renting out floors in Trump tower that went unused for 4 years, or villas at his golf clubs)….if he had taken his money and invested in S&P 500 he would have made billions instead of losing billions. He’s a horrific businessman.

Honest Trailers | Dune

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