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Francis is Upset over Diablo III

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

Chaucer says...

It'll have a single mode play mode. This will allow somebody to figure out how to play the single player mode without the DRM. When that version comes out, i'll pick up a copy. I wont be able to go online and play but I wont shed any tears over that.

>> ^Zyrxil:

>> ^Chaucer:
Blizzard, I think I'll get a "copy" that doesnt have the DRM. TYVM.

Getting it without DRM doesn't mean you'll be able to play without a server. It will literally lack the ability to choose an offline playing mode.

Also, parody

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

Bhruic says...

Don't be stupid. He didn't say "he" would, he said everyone saying this is a problem would still buy the game because it's not a real problem. Which is just patently untrue. There are numerous people for whom this is a significant problem, who almost certainly won't be buying the game.

>> ^sme4r:

First off, who is this directed at? ponceleon?
Secondly, shut up, as it is totally true that he is "online" constantly, and he will buy the game regardless of it's Internet based requirements.
Lastly, don't question magic 8-balls.>> ^Bhruic:
Just because your magic 8-ball told you that doesn't make it true. Believe it or not, for some people, requiring an internet connection is a deal-breaker. Some people are often in situations where they don't have a reliable internet connection. But don't let reality stop you from claiming to know what other people will do.

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

Zyrxil says...

>> ^Chaucer:

Blizzard, I think I'll get a "copy" that doesnt have the DRM. TYVM.

Getting it without DRM doesn't mean you'll be able to play without a server. It will literally lack the ability to choose an offline playing mode.

Also, *parody

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

sme4r says...

First off, who is this directed at? ponceleon?

Secondly, shut up, as it is totally true that he is "online" constantly, and he will buy the game regardless of it's Internet based requirements.

Lastly, don't question magic 8-balls.>> ^Bhruic:

Just because your magic 8-ball told you that doesn't make it true. Believe it or not, for some people, requiring an internet connection is a deal-breaker. Some people are often in situations where they don't have a reliable internet connection. But don't let reality stop you from claiming to know what other people will do.

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

sme4r says...

Any design changes to a pez container will benefit him, as they would most likely be easier to get out.>> ^zeoverlord:

1. that guy is still gonna buy and play the game, and so will you
2. i don't think he will be able to play it on his net book
3. he will probably also buy and sell items for real money
4. always on drm, he is not gonna notice it, like everybody else
5. in about a week he is gonna forget about it and rage about something else equally unimportant, like design changes to pez dispensers.

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

ghark says...

>> ^cito:

I understand the anger, I feel it also
the new diablo 3 you can't play it unless you are connected to the internet 24/7, not even in single player mode.

That's why I will not be paying for that game and supporting that shit. or
thankfully all draconian drm's have been broken for example Assassin's creed 2 had the same drm requiring 24/7 internet to play, but it was broken in less than 1 week.
So I know me and thousands will be turning to piracy to play the game without draconian drm. Only the pirates get to play the fun game, while legit players get punished.

Hrm it's a bit of a shock to hear this, and I also agree that this anger is legitimate. If people really enjoy the game they'll play online on BNet, Blizzard needs to just focus on making the game attractive enough so that people will want to play with others instead of forcing people into it. Also, money for items, very sad day indeed.

Fox not happy about a non-white Spiderman

Sagemind says...

I have nothing against Black, yellow, green, blue or red super heroes - it's all the same to me. But why "Convert" already established characters? This totally kills off the entire stigma and mysticism which created them and made them famous. Peter Parker is a white male. lets deal with that.

Now, let's create some real Black (or other nationality) (Shi) super heroes. Albert Francis "Al" Simmons is black and what a great series that is/was. Why are the great and almighty comic Gods, DC & Marvel, so afraid of creating new super hero lines? Why do they just keep recycling the old ones? I've got nothing against bringing back old forgotten-about characters but why trash the already established?

Classic Coke anyone? Or was it better when they recycled it and changed the recipe?

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

New York Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage!

shinyblurry says...

Oh, okay, so you believe everything you read. That's not very intelligent, or at least it's not very SMART. The bible was written hundreds of years ago, and has since been translated and re-translated to and from dozens of different languages. Individuals and groups in power throughout different points in history have taken it upon themselves to modify the bible, adding and omitting pieces here and there to suit their agenda. They knew that gullible sheep, unable to think for themselves, are easily swayed by religion, and what better way to control a populace than by attacking their very basis for the way they live their lives?

God pre-exists everything. We know God exists because He lets us know, and He would let you know that if you sought Him out. The New Testament was written 2000 years ago. The Old Testament is at least 1000 years older than that. We have copies of the early manuscripts so we know what the original bibles looked like. So the translations today are accurate, and this idea that they are corrupt is just outright false. Yes, man has used the bible for evil ends, but this is no different from anything else man does. The very reason that Jesus Christ came to Earth is because man is so desperately wicked and needs Gods redemption.

Additionally, if one is intelligent, and they believe in ancient myths, obviously they're going to be some of the greatest minds the world has ever known, right? That's why all the geniuses of the world are devout Christians or whatever religion you want to name, right? WRONG.

NASA is not run by rocket scientists who go to church on Sunday. Great inventors and genius-level individuals such as Stephen Hawking are not religious specifically BECAUSE they are intelligent. They are able to think for themselves, not be told what to think.

Some of the greatest minds in history were devout Christians..and some of the greatest scientists:

Francis Bacon - Originated the scientific method
Johannes Kepler - Laws of Planetary motion
Galileo Galilei - Father of modern astronomy
Nicolaus Copernicus - Heliocentric Universe
James Clerk Maxwell - Electromagnetic field
Neils Bohr - the Atom
Louis Pasteur - germ theory of disease
Rene Descartes - Philosopher and mathematician
Issac Newton - Invented classical mechanics
Max Planck - Founder of quantum mechanics

A lot of modern science is built on the backs of Christian thinkers, as you can see, and that is just a short list. Today, around 10 percent of scientists believe in God. At least 50 nobel laureates believe in God. Now, if you want to talk about great thinkers, how about Albert Einstein? He believed in God. Although not a Christian, here is what he had to say about Jesus:

"To what extent are you influenced by Christianity?"
"As a child I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene."
"Have you read Emil Ludwig’s book on Jesus?"
"Emil Ludwig’s Jesus is shallow. Jesus is too colossal for the pen of phrasemongers, however artful. No man can dispose of Christianity with a bon mot!"
"You accept the historical existence of Jesus?"
"Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life."7

Of course, religion and science are completely unrelated topics, and one does not have to be non-secular in order to be a scientist, but typically, the two mindsets would conflict, as religionists base their beliefs off of emotion and other irrational concepts. Scientists use a thought process, experimentation, and ruling out possibilities in order to come to conclusions and figure out FACTS about the universe around us. There are scientists who believe in the possibility of a god, but it takes a different form than that of some all-seeing being that created everything. I'll never try to explain that to you, though, as you're too blinded by foolish nonsense that has been force-fed to you since childhood.

I will leave you with this though: Adam and Eve. Here's some fruit. I'm going to tempt you with it, and then create a snake to TALK to you and tell you you should eat some of it, and THEN I'm gunna come back and be all "OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK?! I SMITE THEE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!" just to fuck with humanity. Wow. You worship a pretty evil, and vindictive force. Why would you want to do that? The fucker's up there just fucking with us like a little kid with a magnifying glass over an ant hill. Jesus christ, you must really enjoy misery. I'll take the reality of humanity surviving on our own acquiescence and compassion over that bullshit any day!

I base my belief off of personal revelation. I was an agnostic my entire life and raised without religion, and I was a secular humanist and a strict materialist who didn't see any evidence for God or spirit. God woke me up to the truth and let me know He is real. If you want science facts, you only have to examine the first page of the bible:

In the beginning (TIME) God created the heavens (SPACE) and the earth (MATTER)

And God said, “Let there be light (ENERGY),” and there was light.

It took mankind 3000 years to catch up and figure out the Universes foundation is based on these principles. There is also no better description which uniquely fits the big bang theory. Creation ex-nihilio, which is creation from nothing.

The serpent you're referring to was Satan. God put the tree there because He gave mankind free will to follow His commands or not. He also warned them of the consequences if they ate of the fruit. Adam and Eve decided to disobey God and believe the lie because Satan promised them they would have Gods power if they did it. So, instead of trusting God, they lusted after His power and betrayed Him. That's why they were kicked out of the garden. Their sin brought death into the world.

No, God didn't damn us for eternity. It's the very reason God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross, to save us from this fate we created and redeem mankind. So we could have eternal life with God again in the Kingdom of Heaven. We are sinners, and the wages of sin is death. Gods gift of salvation is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Questioning Evolution: Irreducible complexity

shinyblurry says...

Thank you for your good will here, I genuinely appreciate it. It's one of the few acts of sincerity I've received on this board. Because of that, you've inspired me to present my defense. I will attempt to show that evolution is every bit as metaphysical as a belief in God. I will also attempt to answer the question you posed about compartmentalization. I should get to it later today. Thank you again.

>> ^shuac:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I had a little rant here..ive erased it for civilities sake..if you want to address me in civilized manner instead of attacking my intellect, which I will assure you is doing just fine, let me know..

You mistake me, sir, for a common internet thug. My comment takes no such attitude. There exist very learned scientists who are among the most pious Christians ever. People like William Jennings Bryan, Freeman Dyson, and the head of the genome sequencing project, Francis Collins.
The younger Behe's answer about compartmentalization would probably, in my estimation, apply to all of them. That's not an attack on their intellect, sir. At least, I don't see it as one and I certainly don't mean it as one. In fact, a very decent argument could be made that such a sophisticated partitioning would require a degree of sophistication beyond that of normal needs.
For instance, I have very achievable compartmentalization requirements when I carry two opposing thoughts in my head. Typically, they are thoughts like "I hate 80s hair metal but I love that one song by Warrant" or the like. That kind of partitioning doesn't require a lot of mental horsepower but then, my needs are modest. You see what I mean?
As far as the second quote by Behe the Younger goes...well, I believe that sums up the entire ID stance and is similarly in no way an attack on your (or anyone else's) intellect. Hey, I get it: creationists feels strongly about this stuff and I'm not surprised they're trying to get around the rules.
Just understand that we also feel strongly.

Questioning Evolution: Irreducible complexity

shuac says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I had a little rant here..ive erased it for civilities sake..if you want to address me in civilized manner instead of attacking my intellect, which I will assure you is doing just fine, let me know..

You mistake me, sir, for a common internet thug. My comment takes no such attitude. There exist very learned scientists who are among the most pious Christians ever. People like William Jennings Bryan, Freeman Dyson, and the head of the genome sequencing project, Francis Collins.

The younger Behe's answer about compartmentalization would probably, in my estimation, apply to all of them. That's not an attack on their intellect, sir. At least, I don't see it as one and I certainly don't mean it as one. In fact, a very decent argument could be made that such a sophisticated partitioning would require a degree of sophistication beyond that of normal needs.

For instance, I have very achievable compartmentalization requirements when I carry two opposing thoughts in my head. Typically, they are thoughts like "I hate 80s hair metal but I love that one song by Warrant" or the like. That kind of partitioning doesn't require a lot of mental horsepower but then, my needs are modest. You see what I mean?

As far as the second quote by Behe the Younger goes...well, I believe that sums up the entire ID stance and is similarly in no way an attack on your (or anyone else's) intellect. Hey, I get it: creationists feel strongly about this stuff and I'm not surprised they're trying to get around the rules.

Just understand that we also feel strongly.

35 years Backwards thru Time with Sam Klemke (Time Lapse)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Don't forget his Ron Jeremy phase in the mid-90s. I love this so much! *promote
>> ^Kofi:

He goes from looking like Francis Ford Coppola to Peter Jackson to Allen Ginsberg to a fat Kevin Dillon to a Star Wars era George Lucas

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