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ant (Member Profile)

What Really Grinds My Gears: Winter -Real Life Peter Griffin

Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

bobknight33 says...

Lets have a story of " I herd that he said " xxx "When under oath for Jan 6 hearing.

Ok where is this quote? Or is this just I hope its true hearsay?

As far as FOX MSNBC CNN etc being a 24 hour NEWs outlet you way off.
23 hrs of slanted commentary and 30 min of news. ...

If you haven't figured this out yet then you just a gullible sheep.

Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

kir_mokum says...

FOX and GOP leaders never believed the election was stolen. they don't care about the war on xmas, who uses what bathroom, who got vaxxed, what suit a person wears, any of it. it's always been a grift for advertising/donator dollars and to aggregate power. the entirety of modern conservatism has been about this: money and power. all the pearl clutching and outrage and culture war is and has always been a theatrical performance.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So that’s a “no” to retracting your homophobic nonsense red herring slanderous lie, and a “yes” to you “being the biggest rancid douche bag possible at all times.” Noted. I’m aware it’s difficult for clinically insecure people to ever admit mistakes. Often that makes them be disgusting liars.

Here’s one of dozens I’ve read.
It’s well established based on his own videoed confession he’s a Q nut MAGgot insurrectionist election denier. He was there to kill her over Trump’s big lie, that he won an election (never happened, he only won one electoral college once). If she admitted the lie, he would only break her legs. He was a Trump fan boy like yourself, and a hard far righty. Self delusional, hypocritical, and nonsensical….just like most MAGgots. Like so many he was also a violent delusional criminal. He didn’t identify as a Republican, but was willing to give his life to fight for Trump.

What evidence do you have of anything you said, or that I’m wrong? OAN said so? Fox? Alex Jones? Just like the homophobic nonsensical red herring story you jumped on that it was a gay lover spat. More nothing from a nothing burger.

bobknight33 said:

MAGA ?????????????????????
What wracked out rag did you read ?

Damn you gullible,, ,Over and over.
Please just stop being fooled..

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

luxintenebris jokingly says...

but then...

- Jan. 6 investigations
- stolen state secrets
- nefarious voting legislation
- Oath Keepers membership list

...all of those are BIG stories too.

covering all the Republican corruption sprees, is a bit like trying to get through a russian novel in a week.

the moment the pre-release of the Planned Parenthood v. Casey judgement BOTH sides of the political spectrum questioned if it was a conservative judge that did it. made FAR more sense that it would come from the right than the left. (notice how the investigation has seemly gone the way of the term WMD?)


incredibly creditable.

(unless you're 'right' minded. then you can't believe a man of the cloth. but then, even Jesus* hung around w/a motley crew.)

we might be weeks away from Blotto Biff being found, drunk, in a fountain w/a staffer and/or Coat hanger Amy being photo'd in an S&M dungeon. (Jerry Farwell, Jr in the background) - then, maybe then - it being kinky af, Fox would have to cover it (they love slime, even if it's slime on THEIR slime).

'til then you did get 3 votes. bob must have voted twice. out of habit.

*the original 'WOKE' warrior

newtboy said:

Sad corruption of the highest court can’t get over 3 votes… *beg

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh. Fox guilty of “ spoliation”….intentionally destroying emails that had been subpoenaed….with malice and forethought.
This is going to cost them over and above the $1.6 billion they’re going to lose over slander and libel of Dominion.
It’s also caused a likely instruction from the judge that they intentionally destroyed evidence to hide their culpability.
That’s game over, once the judge orders they destroyed evidence to hide their guilt, that’s a finding they’re guilty.
Remember, this is not the only libel case against Fox. Murdoch testifies tomorrow.
Not a good time to be a righty. Everything that touched Trump is turning to garbage at an amazing rate.

The Deserved Downfall of CNN

newtboy says...

For once, Bob is right….CNN is losing viewers, now that it’s becoming another righty propaganda outlet under the new CEO Chris Licht to appease John Malone, a far right-leaning billionaire now on the board of Discovery who just purchased CNN, close friend of the Murdoch family, and key Warner Bros. Discovery board member who has made it well-known that he would like CNN to be more “centrist”—whatever that means, has taken a noticeable shift to the far right in recent months. Firing the most highly rated hosts, cancelling highly rated shows, simply because he didn’t like them personally and hated the fact checking of the right.
It’s reported that they only watch CNN through FOX news….so only the edited clips Fox shows with Fox commentary and editorializing.

Note, when Stelter was fired, Tucker Carlson and Daily Mail seemed to know about it a full day before even Stelter was told….because Malone couldn’t keep from bragging about it in celebration.

CNN is under attack from within by the destructive dishonest right, who is trying their utmost to kill it. Who in their right mind could believe they might attract righty viewers at the outlet they call “the Devil” “evil” “communist”..etc? No one. The changes were blatantly obviously intended to ruin and kill the network the right hates with a passion, not improve it.

Curb your "safe" crypto exchange

eric3579 says...

Here is the attorney on Fox regarding the suit.

I wonder if having a stake in the company could have something to do with it. Also when it comes to financial investing the rules may be different having to do with responsibility. Will be interesting to see how it shakes out.

moonsammy said:

Wait, are people blaming the paid celebrity endorsers, as if they're at fault for some part of this? I suppose that wouldn't surprise me as I've met people, but goddamn that's dumb. They're actors! They were PAID to ACT in an AD!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Full of fact. I wonder what far right propagandists are saying.

It had time (2:30 am), place(Pelosi’s SF home), injuries (arm, hands, and skull fractured), weapon (hammer), identity(42 year old David Dipappi), and exactly what he did(broke in yelling where’s Nancy wielding a hammer, tried to tie up the husband and wait for her, husband called 911 and dropped phone, police came and stopped the murder in progress).
It’s nothing but facts. I think you didn’t watch it. It was short, but still too much fact for your little brain to accept. Such a baby. Do you think shoving your head farther up your ass makes you look strong? Smart? On the ball? It only makes you look scared and intentionally ignorant, buddy. Ask anyone not up there with you.

What isn’t there besides his long history of spouting the exact crazed far right lies you spout daily? Election fraud, COVID’s a fraud, Trump won, Jan 6 was by ANTIFA, Trumpists believe in law and order, Russia is our friend and ally, Lil Kim is a genius and benevolent leader, Democrats are in a pedophile vampire cabal where they take children to pizza parlors to eat their pineal glands and gain immortality….🤦‍♂️

I won’t post because this video can’t be posted off YouTube, you fuckwit. I didn’t bother looking for more, it had plenty to trigger you so served it’s purpose. This story is everywhere, even on Fox, people without cranial rectosis don’t need it spoon fed to them….but you do.

I guess you just need more MAGA terrorism, more violent attempted murder of the elderly, more hard core anti democracy, and more deadly anti American MAGots actions to be posted, although for the life of me I can’t fathom why….but ok, I’ll find something and post it just for you. Don’t say I never gave you anything.

Infinitely more fact and information than you EVER produce, buddy. You have been hiding from your enemy, reality, for at least 6 years now. It effects your family in ways that are severely detrimental to their mental and physical health. You have admitted this in the past, but can no longer admit reality so I’m certain you won’t admit it now. Please don’t murder your family like so many MAGots have…it wouldn’t be a bit surprising if you did.

bobknight33 said:

No facts just slanted fake news.
You are un able to see reality.

You dodnt have the ball to post because you know this is BS.
Provide FACTS.

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

luxintenebris says...

...and since am already here...

we don't know the details, yet. but seeing how this comes along with the Pelosi attack, it does make one wonder. what if? that, this and after Jan 6 - it'd make anyone gun-shy (wingnut-wise)

also, would contend that it makes little sense to start the comment w/logic and reason (am w/ya on 'let's wait') but then follow with phAWK noo-ze 🦜 nonsense...

...but the audaciously of complaining about anyone hiding in a basement...Cruz and the not-so-great too Goebbelesque to be believed.

getit 'tho. just following what they tell you. 🦊or want to believe.

Tangentially, makes a person wonder 'bout Lake's stability. as a newscaster, one would think she'd be interested in some level of journalistic integrity. if she is unable to discern fact from folly - she wasn't trustworthy at her former job. so why trust her a governorship?!! she's more of an actor than a producer.

bobknight33 said:

"It’s possible, but highly unlikely, that Carrie Lake or her campaign is not involved…it’s not possible that it’s not politically motivated."

Such biased speculation. Oh wait this is a fake news outlet

Hobbs is a failed canidate ,, Like Joe she hides in the basement

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

CRT is such a fake issue that FOX held a “concerned parent voter panel” to discuss what a problem it is in schools to the average parent, and every single “parent” on the panel was a hand picked MAGA extremist activist that’s been at the front of this issue since it was created out of thin air by the right a few years ago. They couldn’t find ANY actual parents with a real problem with CRT in schools, or who could even tell you what it is, only propagandists that have made careers out of selling the idea that it exists, some actually from the Trump administration itself.
Absolutely not one parent presented that supports schools or is willing to contradict the outright lies about what’s happening in schools, totally one sided pure propaganda as is all right wing media….I would be shocked if no one brought up the “kids identify as cats” stupidity you gullible morons believe.

That’s the level of grift you’re falling for. They couldn’t even find actual moron parents that had been duped into believing this twaddle that they would put on air, because they know exactly the type of parent that is and they don’t want to be associated with bat shit crazy Karen’s, they just want to create them and point them to the left.

They pulled that wool over your eyes, but they were firmly shut anyway, and deep in your colon. So lost and gullible are you, such a tool for the lying right…unAmerican, anti democracy, anti rights, anti freedom, anti fact, anti reality, pro police shooting anyone that looks at them cross eyed, totally incapable of thinking for yourself or researching facts.

Ashley Babbitt. Deserved what she got. Thanks for agreeing, finally.

bobknight33 said:

Once again you can not look yourself in the mirror.

You cant even except that CRT is real. Its a real concept.
So lost are you.

The List

cloudballoon says...

But Fox's cynical contempt is well founded. They are created For Idiots, By Idiots. But Fox do roll in the dough, unfortunately.

surfingyt said:

Just another example of the cynical contempt Fox News has for their audience's intelligence. Republicans are complete idiots.

Republican Election Official Arrested For Vote Fraud…Again

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