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Alien Swarm : New, kick ass free game from Valve

Alien Swarm : New, kick ass free game from Valve

Croccydile says...

I only buy games on Steam that are on sale. If I buy something new it is the good old fashioned way. Steam will probably be a better outlet for older games but I do not have good faith in new games on it yet. The prices are rarely compeditive for new games compared to just walking to a store and buying the damn thing and I get a physical copy of the game. I realize the whole point of Steam is to install games anywhere which is nice, but you still have to wait a few hours (or more) when downloading a 5-10GB game!

The sales are indeed nice, but I sometimes dislike the OMG 1 DAY SALE TOO LATE IF YOU MISSED IT LOL!!!1 I missed out on the EA racer package in July since I was on vacation

Now if only they gave the amount of attention they have been giving $20 Team Fortress 2 (ALOT) to stuff like $50 Left 4 Dead... Oh yeah and where is HL2 Ep. 3 This kind of lop-sided support is a bit odd but I cannot complain as they are still better than most game companies

The only real complaint I can see about Steam (and why I don't buy anything new as such a small investment into it) is that if you lose your account or it gets deactivated for whatever reason you lose ALL your games and there is NO recourse thanks to the EULA. Maybe Valve will be nice when Steam eventually falls under and allow you to unlock what you have... but what if someone buys out Valve

spoco2 (Member Profile)

Kevlar says...

Heya Spoco,
There are actually 9 videos, one for each class, on the PC Gamer blog post.

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
"If you’re not giggling by the time you get to the Spy, you’re not quite human" Erm... what spy? And I did not giggle, so I'm not human apparently.

I really hate it when people say things like that.. "If you don't think this puppy falling over is the cutest thing in the world, you rape babies."

The animation was quite nice though.

spoco2 (Member Profile)

Shepppard says...

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
"If you’re not giggling by the time you get to the Spy, you’re not quite human" Erm... what spy? And I did not giggle, so I'm not human apparently.

I really hate it when people say things like that.. "If you don't think this puppy falling over is the cutest thing in the world, you rape babies."

The animation was quite nice though.

Ah, the link to here is where that quote is from. It shows other dances on that page aswell, including a sniper, pyro, demo and spy (ending with the heavy/medic)

Most are fairly well done, but I wouldn't say "giggle worthy"

Happy 154th birthday, Nikola Tesla!

Kevlar (Member Profile)

Team Fortress 2: The Heavy/Medic Tango

Shepppard (Member Profile)

The Daily Grind: When TF2 Achievement Maps Attack

Croccydile (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Portal in a Nutshell. (MAJOR SPOILERS - you'd be better off just playing the thing yourself - it's a perfect game IMO)

Created by Valve, makers of Half-Life, Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress, Portal is at it's heart an ingeneous puzzle game that focuses around a Portal gun. This gun is basically a wormhole gun that allows you to project entry/exit points onto walls, ceilings and floors which you can then travel through. The physics in the game are perfect and momentum figures into the puzzles in a very satisfying way. The increasingly more challenging levels are all based around getting from the beginning of the level to the end, and some of the later ones take some real brain power to figure out.

Beyond this, they've crafted a fairly brilliant story, narrated by the only speaking character in the game, GLaDOS, who is the insane computer in charge of the research facility that you are trapped in. The dialog is very witty and the rapidly decreasing mental state of GLaDOS's AI, and adds a lot of tension to the game. You slowly realize that there are major problems with this facility, and things unfold in an interesting way.

At one point, you are tasked with caring for a 'companion cube'. Later you are asked to 'kill' the cube by dropping it into an incinerator. Later in the game GLaDOS reprimands you for doing this.

As a reward for completing all of the research challenges, you are promised a tasty slice of cake. As inevitably escape research maze, you find notes from others who have presumably escaped too. You find things on the wall that say 'The Cake Is A Lie'.

Great boss battle at the end, and just when you think the fun is over, GLaDOS herself sings this amazing hilarious song by Johnathan Coultan.

In reply to this comment by Croccydile:
Am I the last gamer on Earth to not know what the deal is with this game? The limit of my knowledge involves overplayed jokes about some cake or something.

Team Fortress 2 for Mac Trailer

mxxcon says...

>> ^Shepppard:

hah, they're at an apple farm. Pause at 7 seconds, and you can see it's "Jobbs Orchard"

Look at the engineers shotgun at the end of the trailer, looks like we gots a preview of a new weapon!
did you count the number of bullets on heavy's belt? *hint hint*

Team Fortress 2 for Mac Trailer

Team Fortress 2 for Mac Trailer

Team Fortress 2 for Mac Trailer

ant (Member Profile)

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