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Star Wars Kylo Ren Goes "Undercover Boss" - SNL

poolcleaner says...

Kylo Ren as Napoleon Dynamite? Ligers are bred for their skills in magic, so hypothetically he'd need that sweet lightsaber and force powers in case of liger attacks.

Batman vs. Darth Vader

poolcleaner says...

Cool video. But, as a Batman fan I downvote this on principle alone. Detective Comics, FEATURING Batman. Not, Batman sometimes -- Batman ALL of the time. You just don't ki... -- SPOILER ALERT --

Batman is a detective above all other things. This is Hollywood brute force shallow understanding Batman. He has the intuition to study his enemies physical weapon, yet not to understand the power of the dark side? Not the Batman I know. He would likely have not placed himself in that situation in the first place, or would have hunted down a relic or a friend with powers to combat Vadar's force powers.

Also, no reference to "fear" leading to anger... Batman's use of fear has even made him a candidate for Sinestro Corps' yellow power ring. Batman IS fear. If this series is against Batman's frequent use of other heroes, he would have gone out of his way to study the force himself, embrace the dark side for which he already serves, and THEN fucking force crush Vadar into submission. Pitiful.

Good video, poor writing based on an inferior understanding of the Batman. This is a video supposedly based on nerd cred, so wtf I have to put my nerd rage somewhere.

I shudder at the future of Batman. Ben Affleck, nooooooooooo... Daredevil... Batman... WHAT NEXT! And, yes, I despise all of the movie Batmen. None are the equal of the actual Batman.

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

Trancecoach says...

Surely, one of the best sources of news in the US if not the world.

Robert Downey Jr. has some of the best strategy advice, for libertarians and everyone else: (to paraphrase) "Agree, smile, and do whatever the fuck you were going to do anyway."

newtboy said:

You are correct, I did not go to your link. In the past they have consistently been un-scientific right wing propaganda sites masquerading as science or news, so I don't bother anymore.
As has been pointed out, May to October IS winter in the south. What's ignored is that the reason the ice MAY have not melted as fast last summer in the North is that the heat that normally sits on the pole moved south and cause our heat waves all summer (well, yours, it stayed 70deg here). What was ignored was that it also didn't freeze as fast this winter because the cold that normally sits there was also moved south, causing our harsh winter. If you counted the entire year, it it has for the last 20+ years.
One tiny incomplete data set is not climate. One season in one place is not a full data set. In the last decade, the trend has been for polar ice to melt FAR faster than it re-freezes, to the point of allowing a North West Passage and a lack of pack ice that's eroding the northern tundra.
It's way easier to have a significant increase AFTER there was a larger significant decrease in ice. It's no where near normal levels, even if your link is correct that this one season it increased (and I think it's likely either wrong or you misinterpreted it).
Science has said for decades that the polar ice will melt, and it is doing so. Your contention that it's increasing it asinine in my view, and flies in the face of over 100 articles I've read that said the exact opposite.
I did the most important thing a person can do to slow the rate of increase of climate change, I didn't have children. (you are correct, your ilk has denied the issue long enough that no one can stop climate change, it's happening now and will get worse for the next 100+ years even if we stopped adding CO2 today) That means as long as the food lasts another 40 years, I'm good and screw the rest of you. I also see the futility of petitioning the government or populace to get off their ass and stop screwing up the planet, that time came and went in the 70-80's, it's FAR too late to fix the problem, and some like you still sit back and say 'there's no issue to fix'. I only hope you have children that will blame you when they can't eat or drink anymore because of lack of food and water.

For some, everything is a 'debate' about 'state control' because that's all they think about.
You are wrong, most climate scientists are clearly in the 'climate change is happening and it's man made' camp, I've never met one that wasn't, and I know hundreds of scientists. The right wing has you by the brain banana and you would rather believe your party than science, because science wont' just tell you what you want to hear. To me that's sad and dangerous.
4%! Whoever told you that was a bold faced liar.

Wrestler uses the force

punisher says...

Sorry, no. Regular force push doesn't produce lightning and is used by dark side users. He is obviously alight side user.
Not quite sure what force power "hold person down with 2 fingers" is though. I gues it could be a weird force hold.

Payback said:


No lightning generated.

Vijay Singh: Off the water and in the hole!!

R2D2 Budgie

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Incredible Opening Cinematic

Xaielao says...

Nice CG but I don't like the saber fights or force powers. Every since Ep 1 the saber fights have been a flurry of flashing lights, cool leaps and overpowered force powers where guys can throw around objects weighting many tuns as if they were throwing a toy.

I mean am I the only one who thought the old battles were better. The sword play was slower and more deliberate (and more realistic). The fights were battles of will as well as sabers. Throwing an object around took serious concentration and it was a rather cumbersome ability in the first place. Only the most powerful of jedi and sith had abilities like force lightning or the ability to throw around objects. It's almost as bad as that last superman movie with the superman who could live a continent made of kryptonite out of the ocean lol.

Ok rant over hehe. Cool CG, to bad the actual gameplay and saber duels look 'nothing' like that.

gwiz665 covers Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis

kceaton1 says...

Is this because of the blizzard and stocking up on needed food and goods beforehand?

/You could do a re-mix with Mario & Luigi, because they've got most of the problems here (or could have; maybe even a Airplane! version). For the friends in jail just use Bowser and Wario as they both are friend'lier, but still find time to get the next Nintendo title out the door.

//Good cover though and once again I'm forced to up vote gwiz665, who spent all of his levels up in force powers in upvotes for anything Internet(z). So far the range seems to be slightly off of the California coast, but extends farther over land--there are a shitload of video upvotes from Juárez, Mexico and Omaha, Nebraska--go figure.

Robot Chicken the Force Unleashed Ad

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Xaielao:

Lol quite funny. To bad the game sucks just as bad as the original did.

The game is definitely worth a playthrough if you like Star Wars in any fashion. It's basically, Star Wars *with the force powers over the top), a well written story and plot that fits into the mythos (except for the powers, but that's part of the fun).

It's more of an action-RPG for those wondering if they should play it. You level up (decide what powers/ attack combos/ and passive skills to put up), get to find hidden accessories for your lightsaber (let you deal more damage with force powers, more damage with your lightsaber, conserve "force stamina", etc...), and it has two endings going for it.

The story is better than the prequels... Even though it's straightforward and simplistic at times, it will make you play enough to get to the next story outro/intro. It sold a LOT of copies and was highly reviewed. But, I would listen to the gamers on this one as it's a platinum seller just on the XBox-360.

P.S.- I'm talking purely about the first "Unleashed". But, considering what I saw in the demo for the second, I'd guess that I'll be expecting the same quality/stuff plus the story is continued... The combat seemed far more "cleaner" in the "TFU:2" demo as well.

-- People have different tastes and expectations. Just turn the difficulty all the way up (it'll force you to learn good tactics and combo usage). I'd take "The Force Unleashed" anytime compared to: Halo:Anything, Gears of War: 2, Final Fantasy VIII-XIV, any EA Sports game, MoH 2-x^n, etc...

-- I'm not trying to be dismissive @Xaielao, but I thought I should do the very least of posting my completely different viewpoint. I also, got the game for ten dollars. So that helps.

Drill baby, drill: An erotic fantasy of Glenn Beck's

Can you sail downwind faster than the wind?

Drachen_Jager says...

"The tricycle is a completely inappropriate analogy because the tricycle does not have its own means of propulsion in the scenario you suggest."

Neither does the "propeller car" a means of propulsion means a motive force, POWER! It has none.

Simple question.

At 10 mph in a 10 mph tailwind, where does the power come from?

That's the only question you need to ask. What force is present to allow the car to accelerate beyond the speed of the tailwind?

What if Obi-Wan had used Force Speed? (19 sec)

HaricotVert says...

I always wondered why we never see some of the Force Powers in cinema (or sometimes the books even) that for whatever reason are available in the video games, which are still part of the canon.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

ah, I've always been curious about that too! But what i was really asking was what was the secret to that "a href" thing that allows you to make hyperlink embedded in text. I unintentionally typed in < before and > after and it turned into one and somehow assigned a link to my profile page. That's the danger of messing with force powers you don't understand.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Pull up a land speeder, son, and I'll tell you the short, boring story:

You already know I'm a Pink Floyd fan, correct? Well one of their earliest recorded songs has these lyrics:

Lime and limpid green, a second scene
A fight between the blue you once knew.
Floating down, the sound resounds
Around the icy waters underground.
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania.
Neptune, Titan, Stars can frighten.

Blinding signs flap,
Flicker, flicker, flicker blam. Pow, pow.
Stairway scare Dan dare who's there?
Lime and limpid green, the sounds surronds
The icy waters under
Lime and limpid green, the sounds surronds
The icy waters underground.

So way back in the mid '90s, back when this whole crazy World Wide Web thing was just getting off the ground, I chose neptunetitan as my handle everywhere I went. My very first internet email address was And Neptune saw that it was good.

But the internet, being itself, saw that even the faintest glimmer of originality had to punished, because within six months of neptunetitan's genesis, there were 800 gajillion copycat neptunetitans all over the damn place. I couldn't create a new account anywhere with it, because some halfwit had already stolen it from me. So I had to devise something new.

Enter kronosposeidon. Poseidon = Neptune, and Kronos = Ruler of the titans. Now I considered Poseidonkronos at first just to keep the order intact, but that didn't sound as good as kronosposeidon, IMHO. Also if you use it as a replacement in "Astronomy Domine's" lyrics:

Kronos, Poseidon, Stars can frighten almost works, poetically speaking. Astronomically and mythologically speaking, it's a little more of a problem. Hey, I never said I was a genius. I just sell fucking boxes. But on the bright side, kronosposeidon has proven so clunky as a handle that no one but my dumb ass uses it. Believe me, I have accounts all over the intarwebs with kronosposeidon, and I have always had it approved on the first try. Thus my half-assed knowledge of a dead Greek religion has proven useful once in my life. God bless America.

Okay, you can wake up now.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
You know what I've always wanted to ask you Okiwan Penobie? What's the secret recipe to that mumbojumbo?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
That's right, padawan. Come on son, join the winning team, or the registrar will be forced to pull your scholarship at the Jedi academy.

AND they'll take away your Photoshop.

[Your response]

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Hahahaaaa. Your Gimp powers grow stronger, master. I have no excuse. Such a freekin' freeloader, huh?



Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

9364 says...

Yea I knew the game was going to turn out to be a gimick with the force powers that could throw shit around like the back end of a jet engine and absolutely and completely break continuity and 'cannon' as he puts it in doing so. Add in an unhealthy dash of console button click-fest 'hit a, now up, now c, now down.. you died.. start over.. keep going till you get it right or get so frustrated you kick in your console.'

So I avoided any version with a 10' pole. LS hasnt' put out anything but shit in a long time and even before that it was just mildly smelly poop. There was a time when their games were amongst the best it feels like that was decades ago, and it practically was.

This is why I hope and pray that Bioware doesn't let LS get to involved in making their KotOR MMOG. Because even LS admits they make shitty games based on a license alone and because they don't have an innovative or interesting bone left.. and they said this days before this game came out, which meant they were virtually holding up a sign that read

'Force Unleash sucks.. sorry if you all had your hopes up. Fair warning and all that.'

Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

davidraine says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
Nice review as usual, but I really wish he'd done the PS3 and Xbox360 version. The game royally sucks. It is an incredibly difficult button-masher, where all the bosses have to be invulnerable to 7/8ths of your attacks because you're so overpowered. And when an enemy knocks you down, which is often, you are unable to move and vulnerable for several seconds. Talk about frustrating.

Yeah, the PS3 version is not that great. I haven't finished it yet, largely because Disgaea DS came out, but I am constantly irritated by the massive delay in between when Starkiller gets knocked over and when he can move again. He has to fall on his ass, rest for a moment, get back up, dust himself off (almost literally; there's a short gap in between when he's standing and when you can move him again), and then he's good to go. Naturally, the enemy AI (at least on Hard) knows exactly how long it takes Starkiller to get up, and just about every action has a delay before it actually executes, so there's a 50% chance that you will be seriously injured or killed after any random enemy manages to knock you down.

So it's not altogether horrible, but it's just a little disappointing. Yes, Starkiller has crazy force powers that can throw Tie Fighters around like popcorn, destroy reinforced titanium doors, and electrocute everything within a fifty foot radius. However, it's really annoying that he neglected more utilitarian force powers like force jump or at the very least force get-your-ass-up-off-the-floor. And having the lightsaber be about as useful as a letter opener is just insulting. The thing does crap for damage, leaves you wide open to attack, and makes you wish after a few minutes that Starkiller would just say "to hell with all this Jedi crap" and pick up a damn blaster.

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