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Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

Eklek says...

(updated July 4 2008)

After some thinking I created this (2b further tweaked) categorization based on joedirt's post. Most channels could fall into one (sub)category yet some were more vague in their description or channel name, which creates categorization problems which need to be attended. Here we go:


80s: dag, active
future: jwray, active
vintage: swampgirl, active


asia: Lucky760, active
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active


philosophy: bluecliff, MIA
science: rembar, active

religion: jimnms, active
--> islam: Gwaan, MIA
cult: therealblankman, active

(natural world)
nature: Arvana, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
geek: gorgonheap, active
military: darksun, MIA
spacy: lunkwill, active

(social world)
history: rickegee, MIA
humanitarian: bl968, MIA
politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active


catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
drugs: rottenseed, active
geek: gorgonheap, active
kids: James Roe, active
sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open
travel: silvercord, ?

Arts and Entertainment

art: plastiquemonkey, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
cinema: pigeon, ?
cooking: djsunkid, active
music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz/blues/soul: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active
shortfilms: Sarzy, active
sports: michie, MIA
videogames: Oatmeal, active

(a&e genres)
actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active
drugs: rottenseed, active
grindhouse: dw117, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
scifi: Firefly, active
spacy: lunkwill, active
wild west show: Open


1sttube: Grimm, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
commercial: Looris, MIA
documentaries: Fedquip, active
howto: maudlin, MIA
latenight: eric3579, active
meme: MarineGunrock, active
shortfilms: Sarzy, active
viral: Open


cute: Open
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
eia (stupid): karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
happy: Issykitty, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
obscure (underground): Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

Mentioned twice:
-bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
-drugs: rottenseed, active
-geek: gorgonheap, active
-spacy: lunkwill, active

Creation "Science" Made Easy

choggie says...

Awww I don't know, the benevolent omni-being has to have some reason for making all these assholes....maybe a sense of humor, all I know is as soon as Herr rembar shows, this leaves the science channel inna big bang-

We really need an, Atheism channel, so all these frustrated monkeys can play in one room together.....

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

80s: dag, active
asia: Lucky760, active
bravo (italian): Deano, MIA
british: Zifnab, active
canada: Calvados, active
downunder: maatc, active
kids: James Roe, active
geek: gorgonheap, active

1sttube: Grimm, active
vintage: swampgirl, active
animation: thesnipe, active
--> woo hoo: Krupo, active
latenight: eric3579, active

commercial: Looris, MIA
viral: Open
--> meme: MarineGunrock, active

comedy: Open
--> stand up: winkler1, active
--> parody: dotdude, active

music: Open
--> hiphop: benjee, MIA
--> jazz: choggie, active
--> rocknroll: MLX, ?
--> livemusic: deathcow, active

cinema: pigeon, ?
--> shortfilms: Sarzy, active
--> grindhouse: dw117, active

actionpack: wildmanbill, MIA
dark: dystopianfututretoday, active
horror show: pyrex, MIA
mystery: grspec, MIA
wild west show: Open
scifi: Firefly, active

documentaries: Fedquip, active

sports: michie, MIA

videogames: Oatmeal, active

art: plastiquemonkey, active
books: kronosposeidon, active
science: rembar, active
engineering: oxdottir, active
nature: Arvana, active
catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
cooking: djsunkid, active
history: rickegee, MIA
military: darksun, MIA
spacey: lunkwill, active
travel: silvercord, ?
howto: maudlin, MIA

politics: Open
--> election 08: joedirt, active
--> war on terror: raven, MIA
--> world affairs: histnerd, active

religion: LadyBug, MIA
--> cult: therealblankman, active
--> islam: Gwann, MIA

humanitarian: bl968, MIA
philosophy: bluecliff, MIA

sexuality: persephone, active
--> femme: intangiblemeg, MIA
--> gay: Open

cute: Open
--> happy: Issykitty, active
obscure: Farhad2000, active
terrible: sometimes, active
eia: karaidl, MIA
fear: blankfist, active
lies: Fjnbk, active
wtf: Spiff, ?

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Here, let me help you with this. Some of these channels are managed, but for whatever reason their overlords are too busy to respond*. The ones I've marked "active": I've seen them around here recently, either posting videos, or commenting, or voting, or all of the above. The ones I marked "AWOL": I've seen neither hide nor hair of them in ages. The ones I marked "?": Unsure.

If I marked any of you "AWOL" and I'm wrong, now is the time to open your piehole. Same goes for those I marked "?"

*They probably also don't like you. Around the water cooler I hear some of them call you "gorgoncreep". Better you hear this from me than through the grapevine.

-1sttube: Grimm, active
-cooking: djsunkid, active
*happy: Issykitty, active
-music: doesn't have an overlord
-sports: michie, AWOL
-80s: dag, active
-cult: therealblankman, active
-hiphop: benjee, AWOL
-mystery: grspec, AWOL
-standup: winkler1, ?
-actionpack: wildmanBill, AWOL
-cute: doesn't have an overlord
-history: rickegee, ?
*nature: Arvana, active
-terrible: sometimes, active
-animation: thesnipe, ?
-dark: dystopianfuturetoday, active
-horror show: pyrex, AWOL
-obscure: Farhad2000, active
-travel: silvercord, ?
-art: plastiquemonkey, AWOL
-documentaries: Fedquip, active
-howto: maudlin, AWOL
*parody: dotdude, active
-videogames: Oatmeal, active
-asia: lucky760, active
-downunder: maatc, active
-humanitarian: bl968, AWOL
-philosophy: bluecliff, AWOL
*vintage: swampgirl, active
*books: kronosposeidon, active
-eia: karaidl, AWOL
-islam: gwaan, AWOL
-politics: doesn't have an overlord
-viral: doesn't have an overlord
-bravo: Deano, AWOL
-election08; joedirt, active
-jazz: choggie, active
-religion: LadyBug, AWOL
-waronterror: raven, AWOL
-british: Zifnab, active
-engineering: oxdottir, active
-kids: James Roe, active
-rocknroll: mlx, ?
-wildwestshow: doesn't have an overlord
-canada: calvados, active
-fear: blankfist, active
-latenight: eric3579, active
-science: rembar, active
-woohoo: Krupo, active
-catsanddogs: youdiejoe, active
-femme: intangiblemeg, ?
*lies: Fjnbk, active
*scifi: Firefly, active
-worldaffairs: histnerd, ?
-cinema: pigeon, ?
-gay: doesn't have an overlord
-livemusic: deathcow, active
-sexuality: persephone, ?
-wtf: Spiff, active
-comedy: doesn't have an overlord
*geek: gorgonheap, active
-meme: MarineGunrock, active
-shortfilms: Sarzy, active
-commercial: looris, ?
-grindhouse: dw1117, active
-military: darksun, AWOL
-spacy: lunkwill, active

Channel Roll Call (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

>> ^arvana:
Nature channel is here.  I'm not really sure if this roll call is going to be useful though unless there is admin buy-in on cleaning up the unattended channels...

Fact: if you question me again I will severely punish you.
Actually I'm doing this more in hopes that an admin will reassign channels that have been abandon. we may not all be as vigilant as rembar with his science channel but I think that each channel needs someone to actively watch over it.

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

rottenseed says...

Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe
Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe
Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe
Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe
Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe
Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe
Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe!


How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

jwray says...

rembar: That's what I infer from your prior pattern of removing all videos critical of dental amalgam from the science channel (1 2 3) while drive-by linking to outdated pro-amalgam papers that say things like "no credible scientific evidence exists that indicates that exposure to mercury from dental amalgam poses a serious health risk in humans" and "No illness has ever been associated with amalgam use in patients, except for rare instances of allergies." Also, after removing the BBC documentary from the science channel you linked in that thread a denial that any european country had ever banned amalgam, contrary to the interview with the Swedish MP in said documentary, and contrary to the official government websites of Norway and Sweden, which would give anybody a reasonable suspicion that you hadn't watched the video before kicking it, which is a sign of dogmatism.

So I exaggerated with "absolutely safe", sorry. How about "rembar was very confident that amalgam is safe for almost everybody" and "rembar removed the video as soon as he saw the title"? Fair enough?


BBC Panorama: Poison in the Mouth

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

qruel says...

Hilarious. Rembar ad homs me and compared peered reviewed scientific studies on fluoride to that of intelligent design and yet he wants an apology. Thin skin ? Looks like he can't take what he shovels out. All the same points here about mercury apply to the fluoride videos that are backed by scientific studies.

Also, I like how rembar lets in a video on fluoride (from a different user) that had the same information I've presented to him before.

way to be consistent remmy.

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

rembar says...

This video is not the one I intended to remove, I removed it because I scanned the posters in the Science Channel and assumed another video ("The Truth about Fluoride") I had removed earlier by this same poster was this video. I should have taken the extra time and checked the title, and for that I apologize.

It's FL Lorscheider, btw, not Lorsheider. Bamdrew, I very much agree, Lorscheider's work is "focused", to be sure, and that is a concern, but I saw nothing in this video specifically that I took issue with.

Jwray, seriously, lol. "Rembar thinks mercury alloy is absolutely safe". Really? I said that? Quote me. Please. Either that, or you owe me an apology for putting words in my mouth for no other reason than building up a strawman to attack. That's low and outright dishonest, and I expect an apology. I'm serious. I'll accept that apology in email and comment form, thanks.


How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

Artist Bill Shannon challenges notions of disability

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

bamdrew says...

Looks like Fritz Lorsheider's lab ((former?) Professor Emeritus, U of Calgary) has been cranking these studies out since '85 (jump on, search 'lorsheider fl')

I think the problem that Rembar has with this lab's work is that much of it is directed at kicking out findings that support solely the anti-Silver amalgam filling groups, made more obvious by their fairly leading discussion and use of experimental designs that give results that smack of publishing bias (only submit data supporting the anti-amalgam claims). For example this study, and the 1997 study referenced, use elemental Mercury, then lead the reader to assume that a Silver/Zinc/Tin/Mercury/etc. amalgam should act just the same, which is a pretty big assumption that needs to be discussed.

In other words, I'm on the fence here; its a lab publishing decent research in peer reviewed journals, BUT they appear to be glossing over things like silver amalgams versus near-pure mercury vapors for the sake of an agenda.

I really just up-voted because I like seeing neurons.

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

choggie says... long does notarobot's post have to sit here with the clock ticking unable to garner any more votes?....'cause, rembar is taking his time and this vid wants votes-why not wait till it's published and then discuss it??? The above arguments are solid, jurys' not out on exactly what mercury does, and you can be certain no one is gonna be making fillings out of it anymore-

copyright 2001-gotta be some hard science by now

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