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rembar (Member Profile)

Buzz Lightyear trains for NASA mission

RhesusMonk (Member Profile)

rembar says...

Glad the poem's helping you out so much. Rives is a medic for the soul. Cheers!

In reply to this comment by RhesusMonk:
Just want you to know that I've watched this at least once a day since I found it on eric3579's slam poetry playlist a few weeks ago. I'm in a 1200 mile long-distance thing with my lady, and this poem helps us a lot. This man is a hero. Thanks for the post; even a year later, it still echoes...

In reply to this comment by rembar:
I still love this, but I'll be back.


GreatBird (Member Profile)

rembar says...

Thanks for the fix, sorry it took so long - I've been terribly busy. I guess I'll have to keep looking for the second bit....

In reply to this comment by GreatBird:
I noticed that your Douglas Adams video is dead.

I found a new embed for you if you want to fix it.

It's not the whole thing though and I didn't see a second part.

oxdottir (Member Profile)

rembar says...

Love it. It stays. I dropped a comment here on the sift, too.

Thanks for the heads-up. Research has been so busy I haven't been on VS in months....

In reply to this comment by oxdottir:
I submitted a video that is hot, and my inclusion of the science channel, very much on purpose, is controversial. I said I would like the determination to be made by you and not random star-invocations. Here is the video:

And here are some comments :

>> ^MarineGunrock:
nochannel happy femme comedy
How the hell is this science? And what part of this discusses engineering or demonstrates it?

>> ^oxdottir:

Geeze, MG. She's using matched linear forces to provide a rotational spin, and the escalator gadget is being used emmergently. I'm slapping those channels back on, and if the science channel guy wants to eject it, let him. But as the engineering channel guidance counselor, THAT one stays!

>> ^xxovercastxx:
By that standard we could mark probably every video on the sift as science and/or engineering. Show me a video that doesn't feature gravitational forces in action. Show me a video that doesn't feature a lever, wheel & axle, or an inclined plane somewhere.
Science is usually rigorously enforced, thankfully. A number of the other channels are becoming catch-alls or the channel owner's favorites list. The frickin woohoo channel even says "anything else that we find suitable.." right in its description.

>> ^oxdottir:
Specious argument. Yes, many videos have gravity in them, no those videos don't usually show the existence of gravity producing a novel or surprising result. Should the Science Channel owner disagree, I would not complain.
I created the engineering channel partly out of frustration that there was no appropriate venue for cool gadgets, cool use of technology, and discussions of same. This is smack dab in the intended area, and I would know that better than anyone. Which doesn't of course, keep you from being snippy, but that's the interwebs.

>> ^rottenseed:
oh and this is nature too because humans are part of nature.
and sexuality because those tight jeans make her look sexy to me

>> ^oxdottir:
I removed those channels. If their owners really wanted them in, I wouldn't complain.
I am clearly from a different planet from some of you. To extend the metaphore above, a video that contained gravity as part of the world is not worthy of a science tag. A video taken of two disparate sized objects that were dropped off the tower of Pisa and which landed at the same time would be, even if no words were spoken. Rembar, whatever you want is fine with me.

rembar (Member Profile)

oxdottir says...

I submitted a video that is hot, and my inclusion of the science channel, very much on purpose, is controversial. I said I would like the determination to be made by you and not random star-invocations. Here is the video:

And here are some comments :

>> ^MarineGunrock:
nochannel happy femme comedy
How the hell is this science? And what part of this discusses engineering or demonstrates it?

>> ^oxdottir:

Geeze, MG. She's using matched linear forces to provide a rotational spin, and the escalator gadget is being used emmergently. I'm slapping those channels back on, and if the science channel guy wants to eject it, let him. But as the engineering channel guidance counselor, THAT one stays!

>> ^xxovercastxx:
By that standard we could mark probably every video on the sift as science and/or engineering. Show me a video that doesn't feature gravitational forces in action. Show me a video that doesn't feature a lever, wheel & axle, or an inclined plane somewhere.
Science is usually rigorously enforced, thankfully. A number of the other channels are becoming catch-alls or the channel owner's favorites list. The frickin woohoo channel even says "anything else that we find suitable.." right in its description.

>> ^oxdottir:
Specious argument. Yes, many videos have gravity in them, no those videos don't usually show the existence of gravity producing a novel or surprising result. Should the Science Channel owner disagree, I would not complain.
I created the engineering channel partly out of frustration that there was no appropriate venue for cool gadgets, cool use of technology, and discussions of same. This is smack dab in the intended area, and I would know that better than anyone. Which doesn't of course, keep you from being snippy, but that's the interwebs.

>> ^rottenseed:
oh and this is nature too because humans are part of nature.
and sexuality because those tight jeans make her look sexy to me

>> ^oxdottir:
I removed those channels. If their owners really wanted them in, I wouldn't complain.
I am clearly from a different planet from some of you. To extend the metaphore above, a video that contained gravity as part of the world is not worthy of a science tag. A video taken of two disparate sized objects that were dropped off the tower of Pisa and which landed at the same time would be, even if no words were spoken. Rembar, whatever you want is fine with me.

Girl spins on escalator

oxdottir says...

I removed those channels. If their owners really wanted them in, I wouldn't complain.

I am clearly from a different planet from some of you. To extend the metaphore above, a video that contained gravity as part of the world is not worthy of a science tag. A video taken of two disparate sized objects that were dropped off the tower of Pisa and which landed at the same time would be, even if no words were spoken. Rembar, whatever you want is fine with me.

Fundamentals of physics--cruise ship pool

my15minutes says...


oh, come on you pansies! last one in's a rotten egg!

cannonbaaaaaaaaaohh fuck!

psst. mg's right. not gonna' learn a fuckin' thing about physics from this.
waves in a moving pool are intuitively obvious.
it's only the degree to which they're on display that's interesting.
but hey, that's up to rembar, who is notoriously, and often rightfully, stingy. cheers!

Autism, Thimerosal, Vaccines, David Kirby "Evidence of Harm"

10835 says...

Hum, not sure rembar would like this "it must be reasonably scientifically accurate and in keeping with scientific thought" *nochannel
It is very much *fear and *politics, I will refrain from putting it in * lies.

Corrupt Banking System - Money is Debt

eric3579 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Thank you. I was in a groove.

In reply to this comment by eric3579:
That was the BOMB!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

Budzos may be a troll, yet he still has a soul.
Blankfist's a dick, but we all know his shtick.
Dag's an emotional Hitler-kind, and we don't even mind.
Rembar's called a facist git, but fluoridation still isn't science yet, dammit!

Zifnab is yahtzee, we all know that well
(he should be banned for self-linking and sent straight to hell)
Guessandcheck's attempt at *quality makes him worry;
but invocations can't be called by guessandcheck because he's is not privileged - sorry.
maatc don't know his front from his rear
he's constantly shouting "wtf's going on here!?"

Even swampgirl, who's normally a sweet little thing
lashes out once in a while with a vicious sting
Over ten thousand comments, Choggie's got
and the point of which no one's yet caught.
Farhad2000 don't want to whitewash reality
but that's only till he's been in the states and had some police brutality.

Sarzy's a sociopathic monkey,
nowadays more common than the average junkie.
Which brings me to issy and critttter too,
'cause the two's been conjoined at the hip since critttter's debut
Some three moths ago, the biologically unfunny thing came
and ever since that nothing has been the same

Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

I could go on like this for a few days more
So many people are not referenced in this little score
I think it's been fun performing and I hope you won't ignore
(but that's just because I'm a big old whore

I think I'll leave room for a sequel here in the end
because the point of this song you may wish to contend
You're all the worst assholes and dickheads I ever knew
So go right ahead and fuck yourselves too!

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

That was the BOMB!

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

Budzos may be a troll, yet he still has a soul.
Blankfist's a dick, but we all know his shtick.
Dag's an emotional Hitler-kind, and we don't even mind.
Rembar's called a facist git, but fluoridation still isn't science yet, dammit!

Zifnab is yahtzee, we all know that well
(he should be banned for self-linking and sent straight to hell)
Guessandcheck's attempt at *quality makes him worry;
but invocations can't be called by guessandcheck because he's is not privileged - sorry.
maatc don't know his front from his rear
he's constantly shouting "wtf's going on here!?"

Even swampgirl, who's normally a sweet little thing
lashes out once in a while with a vicious sting
Over ten thousand comments, Choggie's got
and the point of which no one's yet caught.
Farhad2000 don't want to whitewash reality
but that's only till he's been in the states and had some police brutality.

Sarzy's a sociopathic monkey,
nowadays more common than the average junkie.
Which brings me to issy and critttter too,
'cause the two's been conjoined at the hip since critttter's debut
Some three moths ago, the biologically unfunny thing came
and ever since that nothing has been the same

Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

I could go on like this for a few days more
So many people are not referenced in this little score
I think it's been fun performing and I hope you won't ignore
(but that's just because I'm a big old whore

I think I'll leave room for a sequel here in the end
because the point of this song you may wish to contend
You're all the worst assholes and dickheads I ever knew
So go right ahead and fuck yourselves too!

Has Videosift become aggressive? (Wtf Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

Budzos may be a troll, yet he still has a soul.
Blankfist's a dick, but we all know his shtick.
Dag's an emotional Hitler-kind, and we don't even mind.
Rembar's called a facist git, but fluoridation still isn't science yet, dammit!

Zifnab is yahtzee, we all know that well
(he should be banned for self-linking and sent straight to hell)
Guessandcheck's attempt at *quality makes him worry;
but invocations can't be called by guessandcheck because he's is not privileged - sorry.
maatc don't know his front from his rear
he's constantly shouting "wtf's going on here!?"

Even swampgirl, who's normally a sweet little thing
lashes out once in a while with a vicious sting
Over ten thousand comments, Choggie's got
and the point of which no one's yet caught.
Farhad2000 don't want to whitewash reality
but that's only till he's been in the states and had some police brutality.

Sarzy's a sociopathic monkey,
nowadays more common than the average junkie.
Which brings me to issy and critttter too,
'cause the two's been conjoined at the hip since critttter's debut
Some three moths ago, the biologically unfunny thing came
and ever since that nothing has been the same

Why can't we all be friends and play nice?
We could dance and sing, won't you take my advice?
You know, we don't have to fight.
Just take my hand and sing this song tonight.

I could go on like this for a few days more
So many people are not referenced in this little score
I think it's been fun performing and I hope you won't ignore
(but that's just because I'm a big old whore

I think I'll leave room for a sequel here in the end
because the point of this song you may wish to contend
You're all the worst assholes and dickheads I ever knew
So go right ahead and fuck yourselves too!

Mk 110 - The U.S. Navys most advanced gun

Ryjkyj says...

To quote Rembar: "Although people are often loathe to see them this way, gun combat is far more common than any other type of combat in today's world, and is by far the most commonly practiced martial discipline."

I don't want to get in to an argument over the educational value of this video but I don't think that there's anything wrong with taking a healthy interest in it. This thing can shoot freaking missles out of the freaking sky. Like Zonbie said, that's pretty impressive from an engineering standpoint alone.

I agree that the progress we've made as a society on things like curing cancer and ending hunger is despicable, but that kind of progress can only be made through peace.

rembar (Member Profile)

RhesusMonk says...

Just want you to know that I've watched this at least once a day since I found it on eric3579's slam poetry playlist a few weeks ago. I'm in a 1200 mile long-distance thing with my lady, and this poem helps us a lot. This man is a hero. Thanks for the post; even a year later, it still echoes...

In reply to this comment by rembar:
I still love this, but I'll be back.


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