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RSA Animate: Crises of Capitalism

Asmo says...

>> ^RedSky:

Well, at this point you're simply arguing against free trade.
Would I be infuriated to lose a job because a firm has chosen to use cheaper labour from overseas? Sure. I go about preventing this from happening by studying about and working in an area that requires technical knowledge that cannot be easily substituted. As a comparison, would you be for sticking to old technologies purely because there are workers only trained in them? Should be have avoided embracing computation simply because previous generations were unfamiliar with them and stuck to letters and typewriters? Obviously given that these factors are mostly out of people's control, specific and unemployment assistance should be and is provided in most highly developed countries. The countries which don't have generous unemployment benefits are usually the ones that simply can't afford them. Typically though, they're the biggest relative beneficiaries of free trade though.
The better question should be, are willing up to give up the drastically lower prices, product variety and willing to scare of businesses who bring employment? Because you can bet that if you restrict companies from laying off workers in favor of cheaper employment overseas, they'll move overseas in droves to countries which do not and you'll have created a self fulfilling prophecy.
Free trade works two ways as well, which people seem to blissfully forget. Where do you think developing countries go to get their technical expertise?
Free trade leads to lower prices not higher profits. When all firms lower their wage costs, this creates the incentive to lower prices and capture more market share. Once one company in an industry does that, everyone follows suit. If that doesn't happen, it's a failure of competition policy and anti-trust and has nothing to do with free trade.
No offence, but I honestly think you should take Economics 101, or at least Wikipedia the basic concepts.

None taken, but you've become so impressed with your own rhetoric (and wandered off in to free trade) that you've ignored the key element...

Exploitation. Foreign outsourcing was an example of 'free' trade (rather than 'fair' trade). But exploitation wears many coats. Usury rates on credit cards combined with stagnant wages, for example. Or sub prime mortgages for another. Destroying the environment to squeeze the last few drops of resources out.

And this is the core of the penultimate capitalist ideal (as opposed to individual flavours). Accumulate wealth. The more corners you cut, the faster you can accumulate wealth. Then you die and someone else get's it. Yay, you win.

Regulation, fair trade, competition laws etc are all ideals forced upon capitalists because people generally recognise that capitalism without checks = a disaster (BP + gulf, Union Carbide/Bhopal disaster etc). There is nothing wrong with working and expecting fair recompense for your labours but too often these labours aren't honest. They game the system and exploit (there's that word again) not only the workers but the customers as well so the man in the middle can make as much cash as possible.

ps. For the record, I don't have an issue with fair trade and the commensurate rise in prices if quality rises with it. That's the whole point of fair trade, not increasing wages for sweatshop quality.

An EVO 4G Salesman Confronts an iPhone 4 Shopper

handmethekeysyou says...

You're in a 7/11, you're 18 years old, you don't know shit about shit, and pull up your pants!>> ^Croccydile:

You should see how its like trying to by a normal phone these days. It is like Dennis Leary trying to get coffee flavoured coffee.
"Yeah can I get this $50 phone?"
"What about this HTC Hero?!!?!?"
"Uhh no thanks I just want this one..."
"BUT I HEARD YOU LIEK MUDKIPS... How about this Verizon Droid?!?!"
"I just want to make phone calls..."
"BUT YOU MUST SPEND LOTS OF MONEY ON THIS IPHONE 4G!!! It also comes with extra salsa"
"Can I just take the pre-paid phone instead?"
"Uhhh... I think ill be going now"

An EVO 4G Salesman Confronts an iPhone 4 Shopper

Croccydile says...

You should see how its like trying to by a normal phone these days. It is like Dennis Leary trying to get coffee flavoured coffee.

"Yeah can I get this $50 phone?"
"What about this HTC Hero?!!?!?"
"Uhh no thanks I just want this one..."
"BUT I HEARD YOU LIEK MUDKIPS... How about this Verizon Droid?!?!"
"I just want to make phone calls..."
"BUT YOU MUST SPEND LOTS OF MONEY ON THIS IPHONE 4G!!! It also comes with extra salsa"
"Can I just take the pre-paid phone instead?"
"Uhhh... I think ill be going now"

Suburban Housewife - Weekend Rap

Throbbin says...

'Flavour' (with a 'U') in that while I keep the grass cut and the hedges trimmed, I occasionally host large, loud BBQ's that go way past midnight, I listen to loud music when I'm home alone and cleaning up, and I drive a big obnxious car with loud obnoxious music blasting from the stereo when I come home every day.>> ^rougy:

^ Flavor in the hybrid "sense" of the word?
Flavor in the ethnic edible goodies sense of the word?
Flavor in the doe-eyed love ya honey sense of the word?
I'm on pins and needles here!
1) I'd do her.
2) The tragedy of suburbia is that they can only envy finer neighborhoods while stealing (musically here) from lesser 'hoods.
3) The safer the neighborhood, the more boring the neighborhood.
4) The grass is always greener somewhere in my ass.

Suburban Housewife - Weekend Rap

Hilarious Japanese Dough Pounding

Sir Patrick Stewart clashes with James Corden at awards show

Deano says...

James Corden is a ridiculously overrated "comedian". I find him annoyingly unfunny and I'm surprised more people aren't embarrassed on his behalf.

Thing is, alot of tv people seem to love him and maybe as someone who's a bit older now, I simply don't have the capacity to appreciate his brilliance. Still you compare him to genuine talents like Jimmy Carr, Bill Bailey, David Mitchell etc and I think you'll find him out of his depth.

It's interesting that despite being flavour of the month he has only secured the inevitable panel show on Sky and not the BBC or ITV. Maybe even they saw that he's not everything they thought he was.

And yes, Stewart is acting strangely here or at least that's what the clip suggests.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Full Trailer

randomize says...

>> ^dannym3141:

Looks rubbish to me. A cross between <cookie cutter teen romance crap> and my super ex girlfriend mixed with flavour-of-the-month kickass. Dunno why you three are so excited.

If you haven't read the series, I highly suggest you do. The whole point of the books (which do pre-date the Michael Cera-starring teen movie genre you complain about) was to subvert the whole genre (that being said, subsequently casting Michael Cera may have shot that point in the face a bit). They really are well written and play with the dynamic between Scott and Ramona very effectively. If you wanna change your mind about something, look them up.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Full Trailer

dannym3141 says...

>> ^thinker247:

Mr. Ebert, I presume?>> ^dannym3141:
Looks rubbish to me. A cross between <cookie cutter teen romance crap> and my super ex girlfriend mixed with flavour-of-the-month kickass. Dunno why you three are so excited.

If we're not allowed to review things unless we're professional reviewers, you better say the same to the other people who commented before me.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Full Trailer

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - Full Trailer

dannym3141 says...

Looks rubbish to me. A cross between <cookie cutter teen romance crap> and my super ex girlfriend mixed with flavour-of-the-month kickass. Dunno why you three are so excited.

Shepppard (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

"Banned Doritos Commercial" is the title that he put on the video here. No one changed that title (just look at the URL). But, if you pause the video and look on the top left, or if you go to the video at youtube, you can see the actual title of the video. Anyway, sorry you don't agree, it's clearly a self link to me, and like I said in that post, he was admin banned. I'm all for second chances, he can create a new account. Hopefully one where he'll read the huge pop-up that warns you before submitting not to self link.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
That's not a lot to really go on for deciding a self link. The guy may have just named himself that because he thought it was funny, we've got users named Marinara and Direpickle, both could also be used as names for chip flavours. The "Thanks for your support" could have been from him thanking people for voting for his first video.

However, by the time I had got there, the name of the video was changed to "Banned doritos commercial" so I didn't know the name was the same. Although, that's still not really grounds for a self link.

The spam in his description however is a more suitable reason for banning.

Sorry, but I'm just a bit touchy on the subject right now, because a few weeks ago someone posted a self link without reading the guidelines, and enough of us downvoted the video so it would be discarded and he wouldn't get banned. An hour or two later, I sent him the quote about posting guidelines, and he sent me a private message back appologising and asking "So, I can post videos about other things not submitted by me, things I like, right?"

and before I could message him back, he was banned by someone, which is unfortunate because there's people like ponce and kulpims that got a second chance, but for whatever reason they weren't given one.

Not blaming you, its just that since then I've been a bit.. touchy, on the issue.
In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
It's a doritos contest submission where the title of the video is the same as the username here. How is it anything other than a self link. The fuck? Look, I take banning pretty seriously, I didn't call out a self link ban because it "may or may not be one". It's a self link.

Frankie Knuckles- The Whistle song

Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect 2

BoneyD says...

I've so far found the renegade playthrough in ME2 to have a bit of a different flavour. It seems like it's less of just playing the dickhead and more the sinister malcontent. You can do some really anus things at times... like if you actually give the evidence at Tali's trial (i.e. the non-paragon/renegade option). Of course, there are downsides to picking that, but it's still a valid 'evil character' option as it most-assuredly sends the Quarians to war.

I know that's a cherry picked example and I although I do still side with Yahtzee, the game is very well written for a mainstream title. Certainly better than 94.2% of Hollywood movies, IMHO. It just probably shouldn't be cast in to that 'RPG mould', since it - like ME1 definitely aspired to be also - is more of a RP-Shooter.

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This kitty has great table manners!

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